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Mental Prognosis

Re: Mental Prognosis

Oh no, I really overdid it there, Tamonten thought with a sense of fear that she had actually hurt the elf. Enigma would have been incredibly dangerous if she had been left alone, but still... The swordswoman didn't have too much time to think about it before tendrils grabbed her though. The nature of the arena had stayed the same overall, though. The rules had probably remained the same, too, which meant she had one last unfortunate task to handle, reversing the grab on the naga.

(Submission hold. 62 + 36 = 98 modifier).
Re: Mental Prognosis

Stats, start of round
Tamonten: HP = HP = 71/81, PP = 57, EP = 38/62, Status = Fell Might 12, Grappled
Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 106/109, Status = Out Cold
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 57/66, Status = Transformation 9, Grappled
X = 2

Initiative: Tamonten = 8, Auralice, 10

Auralice uses Charm!

6 +31 vs 2 + 34 = PASS!

But Tamonten resists!

Tamonten takes 12 HP and EP damage, but puts Auralice in an submission hold!

Auralice loses 7 EP.

Both Auralice and Tamonten (Natural 20 and a 19...) pass their resistances against the arena.

Stats, end of round
Tamonten: HP = HP = 59/81, PP = 57, EP = 26/62, Status = Fell Might 12, Sub mission Holding
Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 106/109, Status = Out Cold, Laughing Softly at the enroaching doom...
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 40/66, Status = Transformation 9, Submission Held
X = 3
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Re: Mental Prognosis

"Look! Calm down!" The swordswoman tried to soothe the frenzied naga. Although on second thought, raising her voice in the other woman's face while holding her to the ground probably wasn't the best way to go about that. She eased up, just a little. "This arena gets more dangerous as the lights dim. I don't want to fight you, I just want to get out of here sane! If we..," she cleared her throat, blushing a little as she remembered her previous experience in the arena. "We can call it a draw and keep each other company to try and weather it. Maybe if we have some connection to reality, the images won't be so difficult." Tamonten wasn't really sure what she was suggesting but she was mounted on a naga in a room that would begin molesting her at any moment, it probably wasn't good.

((Do nothing this round besides maintain the hold.))
Re: Mental Prognosis

Auralice's attempt at seducing Tamonten missed just barely as she's put into submission. Effortlessly trying to struggle loose as Tamonten's words fall upon mad ears.
Her unstable mind recalling what became of the last visit to this forsaken place as her mind comes to a slight ease, knowing she'd rather not go through that experience again. Seizing her struggling she nods at Tamonten's suggestion.
Auralice would cancel her transformation and oblige to anything Tamonten suggests following her release.

(Accept draw, later cancel transformation)
Re: Mental Prognosis

Stats start of Round
Tamonten: HP = HP = 59/81, PP = 57, EP = 26/62, Status = Fell Might 12, Sub mission Holding
Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 106/109, Status = Out Cold, Laughing Softly at the enroaching doom...
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 40/66, Status = Transformation 9, Submission Held
X = 3

Resistance: Tamonten passes!
Resistance: Auralice passes!

Tamonten: HP = HP = 47/81, PP = 57, EP = 14/62, Status = Fell Might 12, Sub mission Holding
Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 106/109, Status = Out Cold, Laughing Softly at the enroaching doom...
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 33/66, Status = Transformation 9, Submission Held
X = 3
Re: Mental Prognosis

"This is going to be a little unconventional, I'll admit." This is the least credible plan I've ever had and it's never going to work, this place must have driven me insane to even consider it. Well, maybe it'll at least be fun until I snap for good. Tamonten rose up off the naga for a moment and sprinted to grab Enigma, or what she thought was Enigma, and carry her back. She sighed as she returned to Auralice's side, vaguely remembering the last time that situation had come up. Gently laying the elf on the ground, she stared at the woman for a second, reconsidering the plan and her choice to involve the necromancer in it.

Well, what goes around comes around, I suppose. Anyway, who knows what could happen to her while unconscious without some sort of help? Tamonten decided to explain her insane plan. "I figure, we can either try to resist the visions, maybe together it will be easier. Or," The swordswoman's hand went to the clone's leg, "we can try to ignore the visions in a way more suited to the contest." The pale-skinned woman was obviously uncertain. By her own opinion anything seemed better than needing to face the visions alone again.

Should probably just roll the final rounds if Aurani agrees!

If Auralice goes for plan B: Tamonten will join in by shifting her clothes aside to mount one of the naga penises for the remaining rounds. She will "assist" the unconscious Enigma clone onto the other. Penetration damage for everyone! I'm not going to lie, this is all just a really convoluted reason to mess around with a non-canon meido/snake cultist Tamonten for a while.


Sort-of-Victory Smut. Because why not?
Tamonten swallowed hard after consent had been given, though the fact that consent had been given seemed strange considering the nature of the competition. It was also strange knowing that she had suggested the act she was about to take part in. Stranger still realizing that she was bringing an immobilized elf into it. Well, strange summed up most of the competition. Besides, anything seemed better than risking the darkened arena alone again. That was coming quickly, too. Besides the obvious sign of the light dimming, she could already feel the touch of the spirits that seemed to dwell in the arena. Roving hands fondled her breasts, brushed at her skin, and teased her womanhood. It wasn't any less alarming than the first time it had happened, but the disembodied hands excelled at their task, arousing the lithe swordswoman. It was then or never, she guessed. The possessed girl removed the elf's robe, deciding that whether it was necessary or not, Enigma was joining them. After all, the necromancer had gotten them into their situation, in a way.

Tamonten allowed the naga to get her own clothing out of the way. The swordswoman took both of her hands to Auralice's strange appendages when they were revealed, clearly quite surprised that her partner had two penises. Almost out of idle curiosity, both hands moved to stroke the unusual cocks. Her hands ran up and down the lengths of both lightly, playing with them. There was no real time for foreplay though, once they had stiffened she halted her task and picked up the weakened elf instead. Somehow, it felt a little less than heroic maneuvering a weakened elf to impale herself on someone's manhood. So, it was another strange twist of the competition that, in a way, her spreading of the elf's legs and slowly lowering her onto one of the waiting appendages was intended for the best. But maybe Tamonten wasn't entirely above a little bit of petty revenge.

The pale swordswoman had a case of cold feet when it came time to join the necromancer. Or she did, until she could feel spectral lips at her crotch, sending tingles up her spine. Auralice's tentacles had already entered in on the act when the swordswoman prepared to join the two. Tendrils molested the necromancer's nude body, doing so freely since she was too weak to resist, even as the possessed woman took her own position over the snake-tailed woman. She aligned herself parallel to Enigma, pressing into the elf's flesh with her own as she lowered herself onto the waiting cock. It was a little strange for the swordswoman at first, as she placed her hands on her opposite's hips to help bring her up and down Auralice's length, starting to rotate her own hips on the second rod. If she were to be honest with herself, guiding a weakened Enigma up and down on the naga was kind of exciting. Auralice's hands had joined in the groping as well, feeling at anything she could reach of the two mounting her. The more contact with the real, the better, the milky white-haired woman decided, perhaps a little too eagerly, trying to dispel the concerns from her head.

It was for the best, too, as the images were beginning to grow more vivid. Tamonten wasn't sure what the other two saw but her own visions were difficult to ignore. A few women from a not so recent past, one curvy and green-skinned with matching hair and breasts that made the swordswoman envious, a member of the fey, approached from one side. Even as the other distracting presence came closer, that familiar fox-eared woman approached the possessed girl on the other. To the over-aroused human, they seemed real as they joined in the activity. They licked at her body and rubbed at her breasts, their fingers danced down her stomach to her painfully hard clit and rubbed at it, ssending sparks up her spine. It was hard to want it not to be real. It was all Tamonten could do to convince herself that they didn't exist in that arena. Her hands wrapped around Enigma's waist, simply because she wasn't sure what to do with them. With the swordswoman no longer guiding the bouncing elf, the naga took up the task of guiding her hips by wrapping her with tentacles. Between the phantasmic touch and her own increasingly rapid bouncing on Auralice's cock, the swordswoman came. She convulsed on the woman's manhood, causing the naga to climax into her shortly after. The pale-skinned human could feel the snake-like creature's seed inside her, yet found that after her orgasm she could only feel indebted to Auralice, somehow.

The possessed woman's orgasm didn't sate her though, not with the machinations of the arena becoming more and more powerful. Whether Auralice was ready or not, Tamonten continued to ride her. A pale hand darted to the necromancer's flower as she began to grope the elf's breasts with her blackened hand. Her hand continued its efforts until the unusual-haired elf found her own climax and continued even after, trying to draw her opposite's pleasure out. Before long, the swordswoman had reached her peak a second time, shuddering and continuing to erratically thrust her hips against her snake-like partner to fully feel the woman's cock. The feel of the two women reaching orgasm on top of her was enough to coax Auralice into cumming again. Lewd noises filled the arena as Tamonten rode the naga with abandon, trying to become more caught up in her lust than the things around her. At some point in it all, though, the arena became truly dark...
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Re: Mental Prognosis

Yet as the darkness approached, the eyes of the "unconscious" Enigma would seem to flicker open, if only for a moment... momentarily illuminating the darkness with a set of glowing red lights...only for them to fade as the real nightmares came...though perhaps lacking in their previous intensity, due to their "anchors" to reality.

Tamonten's Intended Nightmare (WARNING, CONTAINS INSECTS)
Tamonten, already filled by the girth of Auralice's cock, would find what felt like slightly "wooden" plant like tendrils wrapping around her body...slowly encircling it altogether as she began to feel the sensations of "things" crawling on her...thousands of them... tens of thousands of tiny legs brushing against her heated skin...seeming to roam towards her maidenhood, her rear...and her mouth, as if seeking entrance. Perhaps she would opt to clench her teeth shut, perhaps she would attempt to ignore it altogether... Though it truly mattered not, as soon after she would feel more of those tendrils manuever themselves so as to yank her mouth open...and keep it that way as she began to feel the miniscule creatures move their way into it, choosing to crawl from her lip to her tongue, and down her throat... Yet that was not all, in additional to the creatures of countless legs, the warrior would feel yet another tendril being forced down her throat, one that seemed more like a root with "hairs" and extensions that would cause her to gag...yet be unable to rid herself of as it seemed to continue to extend to her for almost an eternity without stop. The way it wriggled...one could swear it was almost alive. And all the while through the voice of a haunting foe, one responsible for corrupting much of the world, would seem to speak to her, taunt her even...

"You shall not escape again...I shall see to it...this time...my will shall be done..."

All of this while continuing to ride the naga's cock...

On the other hand, Auralice's nightmare is comparatively light...that being of a mere recontinuation of her previous one...though she is quite sure at least that the half demon girl is with her still...her cries seemed to indicate such. This time however, upon being forced into a kiss yet again...she too would feel something being forced down into her body without end...a sensation that would only stop when the visions ended...


Eventually however, light would return to the arena yet again, and although perhaps...shaken, the two found find themselves able to hobble out of the arena together...the "Enigma" that had been with them seeming to have vanished altogether. Yet, even as they leave the cursed arena and find themselves back on the beach the last sensation of something being forced into them seems to remain...strong still, as if the feeling of having that sort of thing moved into their bodies simply refused to fade away for one reason or another. That however, would perhaps become a distant thought as the voice of the one likely responsible for their ordeal is heard, ringing out from nearby.

"Have you had your fill of lasciviousness dear? I really do hope it was satisfactory..."

And this one, indeed had an eye of purple to go with that other eye of red...