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Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, MBS)

Akana looked down at the hand on her shoulder, she didn't really expect such an enthused response from one who previously was so... Composed, and smiled when she was called a "Forest Lover"

"Uh, I suppose you could say that... But it's not just the forest, but everything... Life itself is precious, from the tree to the insects living within..."

Listening to the Dryad's explainiation Akana took a closer look at the tree at the mention of the failed water spell, gulping down the rising lump that came from nearing the recently departed's mangled remains... And found that the tree wasn't "Burned" as she had thought before, but blackened though other, less obvious means... Then looking back almost puzzled as she mentioned it increasing the pain upon the tree... And how she can sense this pain...

Akana makes her way from the scene as she begins.

"Well, may Gaia's favor be with us then. I have had some training in the magus arts, but... I've never seen anything quite like this before... Well? Light up the darkness..."

Akana stood beside the Dryad and was abut to begin when one of the Faefolk... Now the last remaining in the area... Began introducing herself... And asked if there was anything she could do...

"Hello Alariel, you may call me Akana. And if you wish to asisst, feel free to do so, we are planning on using magics of the Light Arcanum to attempt to save this tree... Are you familiar with the Light Arcanum?"

After Alariels answer Akana begins her encantation, the rather mundane looking wand remains placid, and ordinary, whereas a golden runic scrawl unfurls along Akana's limbs, wrapping themselves around her, leading themselves towards the wand held arm, the lines of Runescript converging at wandpoint... Focusing itself into a blinding light ball that swells up and bursts open. The Runescript coving her body fades quickly afterward leaving only a soft afterglow upon the intermidiary wand and the sweet scent of magic in the air...

{Akana casts: Restore WP in tandem with "Dryad" on Corrupted Tree}
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Head shaken sadly at the line of inquiry.

"First.. I must assure you.. that your Goddess must still live. The thing I defeated on your behalf, while powerful.. could not have defeated a Goddess. Perhaps she remains as yet unaware of this imposter, perhaps she slumbers in some watery grotto, some hidden grove. It falls to you, those that knew her best, to seek her out. Perhaps she has gone the way of most deities.. and chosen to cast off her mortal form, remaining among you in spirit only. I have no doubt, though... that she will lend you her strength for the battle to come."

A deep breath, and golden eyes blink closed, head bowed,

"I.. regret not being able to do more, but there is so much before me. Thank you, kind people, for your generosity. If you would, though, the chains..? The creature may wake at any moment."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

((Battle Map:

As with last time, the light grey squares are difficult terrain, due to the rubble. Movement there costs 1 AP for 1 square rather than the usual. You can still get 1 free square of movement. The dark grey is impassible.
              HP      WP     SP   Effects
Satuma      24/24   16/16   6/6
Azalia	    28/28   17/17   8/8
Soren       28/28   17/17   8/8
Turn Order:
28 - Satuma
21 - Soren
18 - Azalia
14 - Nath
14 - Jontus?


As the group race towards the noise, a crash of thunder from overhead reveals that a storm had suddenly manifested, dark swirling clouds overhead seemed to converge over the keep itself in a circular pattern, not a good sign at all. But they didn't have time to ponder such things, as a third and final scream echoed out, the voice trailing off in such a manner that gave away the one who had cried out was no longer concious.

Lead towards a back corner of the keep, the group rounded a corner to see a disturbing image. Laying in the centre of a large magic circle, pulsating with a sinister violet light, was Goron, pierced multiple times by long thin shafts of dark energy which seemed to have erupted from the circle. A quick glance was all it took to know, he was dead.

Standing behind him was another figure, serpentine but no longer Lamian; the upper body had turned mostly reptilian, leaving only a pair of arms and a disturbingly familiar face. The creature that seemed to be Jontus inhaled a deep breath, and a faint mist was sucked from his dead pupil, gulped down into his mouth followed by a dark chuckle. "This fool's body is mine and now I am free once more," he declared, turning to the group. "Swear fealty to me and you will live, for I could use servants. Power beyond reckoning could be yours, I know that's what your kind like," it offers enticingly and on a deep, primal level it did strike a certain chord in Lamian psychology, but this alone was not enough. Maybe in ages past, but their race had for the most part evolved beyond such blind lust for power. Certainly one look at Nath's body language as he stood before them betrayed his choice, for he was about to strike at this foul creature.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren nearly retched when he saw Goron's body and tears pricked his eyes, though he did not know the other man as well as he could have. His rage at his fellow student's death overwhelmed him. For a moment it took all of his willpower to keep from lashing out at what had once been his professor. Drawing himself up, back stiff as a rod, he shouted words of defiance at what had to be an Accursed One. He was, he had to admit later, caught up in a bit of melodrama when he started yelling. "Vile puppetmaster," his voice came out strong, "seek not to ensnare us with promises of power. We are not all as weak as the body you have stolen." I've been reading too many adventure books lately. he thought ruefully and blasted the thing with two hits from his wand.

(((EDIT because I am a doofus: Two light blasts at the thing that was Jontus)))
Last edited:
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia was much less restrained than Soren. She didn't share his penchant at melodrama either. The moment she saw Goron's body, she was frozen in place. She didn't spend too much time with him, but seeing him dead was enough to set a whole torrent of emotions in motion. At first, it was mostly sadness and despair, which turned into pure rage as soon as she heard the... Thing speak. One look at her face as she turned to glare at the monster would tell everyone what she felt. "You son of a bitch." She ground out. It's all his fault. It's all HIS fault. IT'S ALL HIS FAULT.

"DROP! DEAD!" With a roar, the mage raised her wand, hand trembling with anger, and sent two bolts of light magic at the monster. She had little doubt it'd hurt it more than anything else, and she wanted that thing to suffer and die painfully.

((Light magic, attack Jontus twice))
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Searching through the battered body of one of the fallen harpies, Flowers did manage to find a few small trinkets that might aid in tracking down where they're from, although she herself couldn't recognise them. The spear itself was lying a small distance from the creature, having fallen first but didn't seem particularly remarkable, just a worn and now damaged spear of standard quality.

As the group wing their way back to the nest, they find the fire dealt with by the time they return, and the survivors bundled up and tended to, although the community remains in an uproar. As they approach, one of the elders of the settlement wings out to them. "What did you find out?" he almost demands, blood still running hot over the attack.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The fisherman looks up and scowls slightly as the group approaches, but soon goes back to working on his net. The militia presence here seems just as dense as when they had questioned the watchmen, apparently they were just as aware that this could easily turn out badly. "Heard some of you folk were in town asking questions. Heard someone shot at one of yas," the elf says bitterly without looking up. "Frankly, how things are right now, I say pity they missed."

Off to a flying start, apparently.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

The one who promises the chains scurries off as the rest of the crowd absorb her words. "She's never before not shown up to the festival..." seemed to be the most common utterance, but they seemed to be ready to go and search for her. Before long, the elf came running back, holding some sturdy looking chains, clearly not designed for binding individuals and more for utility purposes, but if anything that just made them better suited for the purpose, heavy to inhibit the dancer's movement and thick and tough to break.

Back inside, under Celine's care, the creature was beginning to stir more, it seemed like she wouldn't be out much longer.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Lovely, the nekomata thinks to himself. He debates letting Nae speak her piece, but given the way the man opens the conversation, that likely won't be a good idea. He also keeps to himself the comments that flit to the forefront of his thoughts about escalating the tension between the two groups.

"Oh? Keti here has caused you problems before, has he?" He arches his brows as he asks the question.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

There was a noticeable increase in tension, many of the watch around the area bringing hands to weapons. "You're damn right he has, him and every last one of that treacherous lot. Heard plenty of stories about the rotting bunch, lure you in with charm and beauty and then drown the lot of you, they do," he declares angrily. "Even now you're under their spell, swaying to their tune. Pah!" he spits at his feet and goes back to tending to his net.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Flow stepped forward to the elder, holding up some of the trinkets she'd taken from the body in her talons. "They sent a distraction force to slow us while the rest of them scattered. They were obviously afraid of a counter-attack, which shows their numbers are likely inferior to yours. The one I managed to knock from the sky threw himself to the ground rather than letting himself be captured. He had these on him."

Flow was about to hand the stuff over when she hesitated for a moment, drawing it back, "Before you make any hasty decisions... these could have been planted..." she added with a grim tone. "I want to know which tribe these belong to, and I want to scout them out and find out for sure it was them before we retaliate foolishly... if this is a con from a larger tribe to have us wipe ourselves out, I'd rather not play into their game."

Flow looked the elder carefully in the eye before handing the trinkets over finally, "There was something about the way he threw himself to the ground that felt off... and their scattering... the size of their group... everything about it was off in some small way..." she added as the small trinkets changed hands (so to speak).
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

At that outburst, Atair shook his head, glancing to the two sirens and arching a skeptical brow. There were a few responses already forming on his tongue, but none of them would diffuse the situation, and so he kept them in check. His question had meant to see if the fisherman had a problem with Keti specifically, but instead, it was a blind response. Any siren could be standing with him and he'd likely get the same reaction. This conversation was going to turn southward faster than the one with the militia and that thought showed plain in his expression.

Putting himself closer to the merfolk, he quietly asked, "Worth it?" He'd continue questioning the man, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be.

Knowing, too, that Nae wanted to apologize, he was mindful of her addressing the fisherman. If she tries, he'll gently cut her off. "Save your words for one that will hear them. Or at least won't immediately hear treachery in your voice." The last thing they needed was the man screaming to the heavens that she was trying to bewitch him.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

"And you've never before been invaded by a creature of darkness. She might have sensed its presence and stayed away. I bid you the best of luck with your search.. and.. ah! Could you help me..?"

This last directed to the elf carrying the chains, and without waiting for an answer, she turns back to the doors of the town hall... or whatever that building truly was.

"Any curious as to the face of the enemy may enter... but do not touch her, nor speak to her. She may yet enthrall you. Come.."

This last, aimed to the chain-bearer as the Oracle returns to her captive, calling out to her newest friend.

"The villagers will feed us, send us on our way... and have kindly brought chains. Would you help us..?"

And despite her inexperience, Alazais assists in placing the chains on their captive.. wrists and ankles alike, to restrict movement, but allow her to walk under her own power.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma hardly knew Goron at all, but she felt bad for the poor fellow. Still there was nothing to be done now except avenge him. It was likely that Jontus too was dead, his lust for knowledge clearly having blinded him to the dangers of this place. No doubt he had unwittingly freed this accursed one by tampering with something better left alone. Well, now he had paid the ultimate price as well.

Her soldiering instincts kicked in and Satuma crouched low to the ground, as she moved to get a clear line of fire, then swept her hand cannon onto her target, took aim, and lit the extremely short fuse with a fire magic cantrip, as creating a spark of fire was child's play to her, and it freed her hands to maintain accuracy.

As soon as the shot was fired, Satuma raced to reload her weapon.

((Move to F6, fire handcannon at possessed Jontus, reload it.))
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Drago kept himself close to Kriia the whole flight, breaking away when the group was approached by the elder. "It's as Flowers says. They could be from a rival clan, or the evidence could be planted. I don't much care who did it as long as we make them pay. Dearly." he says, his voice taking on an angry tone as he looks towards the village. "Please tell me Zunih is safe, elder. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to her while I was away." he states, fretting about the only thing that really mattered to him. He always worried about her whenever he left the village, and this time was no exception.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae shifts a little at the fisherman's response. It wasn't unexpected, but the venom behind the words still pained her. She was sure that questioning the man wouldn't lead them to anything useful in the slightest. The first hint of an allegation might well cause a fight to break out. She would shake her head in response to Altair's question, though she wasn't about to be deterred from doing what she felt she needed to do.

"The fishermen suffer the most from the disagreement between our people. They are the ones that need to hear what I have to say the most, even if they don't believe a word of it." She explains to Altair softly after he cuts off her initial attempt. She moves out past him a little, crossing her hands in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she does her best to calm her nerves.

"I'm sorry that our people are on such bad terms, especially for those of you that brave the waters for fish. It pains me to think about all the suffering that this feud has caused, so I can't blame you for wishing harm upon us. I know my words mean little to you, but I wanted you to know that I'll do all I can to right the situation. I don't want to see anyone suffer." She lowered her head a little as she finished, knowing that an angry response was probably going to follow. She had at least said her part and she would be pleading with the school to seek a better way to resolve this dispute. One which wouldn't risk lives.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti grimaced. He'd been right about his disposition towards them, at least. He didn't need to understand what he said to know it - the vitriol dripped from his voice.

The sirens tamed the tide and kept it rich with fish, and in return the elves merely took only what they needed and let the sirens come to sing to them from time to time; that was their arrangement. And yet, they'd started taking more and more, the sirens finding the reefs more empty with each passing year. Some forty years now, they'd been packing them in salt or drying them with smoke, hanging their preserved carcasses around the village to sell. Had these people completely forgotten about the agreement?

While Nae spoke, Keti used the opportunity to 'say' something to Atair, hoping the fisherman would be too distracted by his friend. Moving slightly to interpose the cat-man between himself and the fisherman, Keti looked Atair in the eyes to catch his attention, and then twirled two fingers in front of his mouth, fingers moving away from his lips over and over. He then took the Nekomata's arm in hand, and traced something across it rapidly, with a finger, hoping he'd be able to understand the "angry, maybe slip" he hurriedly tried to draw on his skin.

He knew he was grasping at straws... but what else could he do?
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae likely doesn't see it, but there's a bit of a wince pinching Atair's eyes shut briefly as she speaks to the fisherman. Hopefully he'd only just be angry and not give the militia cause to intervene.

Watching Keti, he reflexively starts to pull away, twitching at the tickle of his finger brushing over skin before he relaxes enough to realize what it was that the siren was doing. His ears twitch a little and it's a heartbeat or so before the other male sees him nod slightly, understanding what it was he was getting at, or at least what Keti wanted him to get at.

"I'll try," he breathes out quietly, putting his attention back on the irate elf.
A Quiet Note

Long story short, Fuck you guys.

Peace out.

So.. unless someone else wants to step in and fill the GM shoes, this game is closed until further notice. My apologies.
