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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

As she had figured out, Bell was hearing everyone's heartbeats, and Anthony's was faint, yet stable. She would also realize that the wetness on the side of his head was blood.
Re: Orchrios

Bell checked the bump on his head, and the cut on the tip of it, surprised that je was bleeding so little from a head wound. She chalked it up to his slow heartbeat, and looked up at Jack. "He should be fine, we need to get him somewhere safe. Help me take him back to Avarras." She asks, moving around to grab his legs, not nearly strong enough to take the heavier end.
Re: Orchrios

Jack nods, then starts to help her...Before a surprised look crosses his face, and he shifts slightly, taking Anthony's entire weight from her with little trouble.

As they start to leave, Bell would notice something sitting off to one side...A familiar box, as well as a pair of handguns.
Re: Orchrios

"Our stuff!" She calls out, jogging over and reaching down, opening her box and confirming that her blades were indeed inside. She quickly scooped it up along with both of the guns and hurried back to Jack. "I have no idea what those were doing there, but let's not question it too much." She says, leading them back the way they came.
Re: Orchrios

Jack and Bell make their way back to the town, heading for her apartment. She might be able to tell something was bothering Jack, even though he wasn't saying anything. She might even consider asking him what was wrong.
Re: Orchrios

Sighing slowly, Bell looks over to him. "You look like I feel, what's wrong?"
Re: Orchrios

Jack was silent for a bit, and Bell might begin to think he wasn't going to answer her at first. Finally he spoke. "I had a feeling we were walking into a trap there. I SHOULD have seen that coming, should have been me, not Anthony that took that hit."

He tells her what he had told Shirashi earlier at the residence, finishing with, "and this brought me right back to then, knowing I should have been faster."

((If you don't remember it you'll have to re-read I guess?))
Re: Orchrios

Something interrupts the conversation. The ringing of a large bell, coming from the direction of Museum District, to be precise. A total of twelve rings could be heard.

Should Bell check her bracelet, it'd show the time as being midnight.

((The only importance of this is that I'm setting up a much later scenario for when things get closer to the 'endgame'.))
Re: Orchrios

"I see..." Bell says slowly, unsure of what to say. She opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by the bell ringing. Glancing at the time, she puts it down to some clock ringing midnight and let's it pass without a second thought. After it finishes, she speaks up again. "I... Don't really know what to say Jack. I hate having to be protected like this, I feel so... Useless..."
Re: Orchrios

"Your not useless. Hell, I feel that way for not moving fast enough, and I damn well knew something was up. If anyone should be blamed for being useless its me, not you. I have a feeling your going to come into your own and when you do, it's going to really be something."
Re: Orchrios

Bell just shook her head sadly. "Ever since this started, all I've done is get people hurt. You, following me after that guy took my necklace. Anthony, protecting me from that guy on the roof. Even Atlaend, turned into some monster because of me..."
Re: Orchrios

Jack suddenly grabbed her in a semi hug, looking right into her eyes. "Bell, you can't change what people will do around you. Anthony, myself, we could have chosen not to follow you. We did because it is in our nature to protect others, regardless of if they can fend for themselves or not. Don't you forget that. What happened to Anthony was NOT your fault, my getting clubbed upside the head was NOT your fault. As for Atlaend, well I don't know who he is, but I sincerely doubt you had anything to do with his conversion. Honestly, none of this is your fault. There are forces here working that we have no control over, that are beyond our ability to comprehend right now. It's our job to try to make sense and understand them, and do what we can to help those afflicted by it, ok?"
Re: Orchrios

Bell just hugged him back, staying like that for a moment before she let go and started walking again. "Yeah..." She said slowly. "Yeah, I know. Thanks."
Re: Orchrios

He nodded, letting her go when she started to break away. "Your welcome. Now, let's get you home and safely inside, then I'll head back to my shop. I do have to open up tomorrow after all. Your welcome to swing by any time you want, you do know that right?"
Re: Orchrios

Bell nods, then let's out a little laugh. "Yeah, I know. It's funny, before all this started, I was looking forward to a vacation." She says as they turn the last corner to her apartment building.
Re: Orchrios

"Oh, your out here only on vacation?"

He seemed a bit surprised by this. "Thinking vacation is a bad idea now hmm?"
Re: Orchrios

Bell shakes her head, her usual smile returning. "No, I've lived here in Orchrios for almost thirty years. I do contract work, building, repairing, and securing computer systems, but I don't have another contract lined up yet, so I was planning on taking it easy for a while. That's what I meant by vacation." She explains. They walk into her building and head for the stairs. "I'm on the third floor."
Re: Orchrios

"Ah, ok that makes more sense."

He walks up the stairs with her, letting her show him where the apartment door is. "You going to be alright tonight? Here...."

He hands her a slip of paper with a number on it, obviously a phone number. "If need be, give me a call and I'll head over here, ok?"
Re: Orchrios

Bell nodded as she unlocked her door, turning around to face him after it was open a bit. Looking inside, the place looked like a madhouse, stuff everywhere. "Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks." She says, taking the note and reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "You're a dear. See you tomorrow." She smiles at him kindly before turning back around and going in, closing the door behind her.
Re: Orchrios

"Your welcome, and yup, see you tomorrow."

He waited a few seconds after she had shut the door, then turned, descended the stairs, and headed for home.

Unless something drew his attention he would return home, shaking his head the entire way, wondering what was up with him suddenly.
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