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[Complete - Full] [QRoss] Re: A Week in the Countryside ~Kissing Cousins~ (RJ204007)


Feb 24, 2018
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Couldn't find a thread for it.

Here is my fifth translation, done with the help of kanji reader and online dictionaries, done on RPGMakerTrans. I cannot guarantee this translation in 100% correct. But just to make it clear, this is a manual translation not an MTL.

I'm sure this is a bit surprising to people, but don't worry because the EKS first release will come later today. This is actually a game I had been translating on and off for a while, and it was already really close to completion when Eclipse Knight Saga dropped, so I've been translating them in parallel (I actually did the same thing for Trick or Treat and Lady Knight Saga).

Patch is in the attached files.

Patch instructions:
0 - If you don't have a Data folder, you'll need to start by decrypting the game's files, as taught by other tutorials.
1 - Extract the files.
2 - Use RPGMakerTrans, targeting the RPGMKTRANSPATCH.
3 - Afterwards, copy the file on the Post-Patch Files folder to the translated game's Data folder. Overwrite.

And here is the part where I complain a lot about the game. Don't get me wrong, I actually like it a lot, but when I said Forest and Elf and Friendship was lacking in polish, I didn't expect the next non-Tsukinomizu game I would translate to be much worse, to the point I'd even call it badly programmed. Most of it is things that normal players wouldn't see, but could you believe there are 7 entire textboxes I didn't translate because there's no way to actually see them in game since the authors put them as below characters priority (meaning you'd have to be on top of the events to interact with them, but those events are inside solid objects)? There's also at least one point where Haruka is at two different places at once, and another point where you enter a map that has Haruka, get an auto-event that ends with her leaving the map, but if you leave and reenter her sprite will be there again, but unable to be interacted with.

And the major thing, one particular quest where the first step is outright skipped (because the author forgot they had already used self-switch A). That's the thing I'm the most baffled about it never having been fixed, considering how obvious it was that something went wrong and how easy it was to fix. But given how many games QRoss churns out, I guess they didn't have any spare time for bugfixes. This is the only bug I actually decided to fix, which is one of the two post-patch files, the other one being the common events file to have their names translated in the gallery, as usual for this particular gallery type.

And then there was also some issues of writing during H-scenes, with characters often saying things followed immediately by the narration essentially giving the exact same information with maybe one slight added detail. I tried my best to reduce the repetition as much as I could in this patch, though.

Well, I guess this is sufficient whining. I still need to make the post for EKS, so I'll leave things here. Hope you enjoy this game.


  • Countryside Cousin patch.zip
    526.1 KB · Views: 46
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Oh yeah, there were other things I wanted to complain about that I completely forgot. There was a ton of interface errors, such as missing brackets and mistyped text codes. There were too many to count, and I'm sure I didn't manage to catch all of them. And then there was also this:
Countryside Error.png
Yeah, that's a little bit of text which should have been in the previous textbox (which is missing this particular bit at the end). And would you believe that this same error actually occurs twice in the same H-scene?
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