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SIM [Radical Contrast] 退廃少女エンディングノート (RJ353672)


Jungle Girl
Jul 9, 2011
Reputation score
Radical Contrast.jpg

This is a good game, I certainly liked it and the developer has another which is pretty good. Maybe we can get a translation here, there isn't a lot of text, just a few menus. If not, then at least get him some attention.

DLSite Description:
This world was affected by a mysterious disease.
"Shinmetsu-byo" is a mysterious disease in which the mind gradually disappears, causing the body to stop functioning.

What I can do to save my benefactor's grandson who has suffered from such a disease.
It's her... develop her sensitivity and save her.
Sensitivity upbringing touch simulation.

Perpetia (nickname: Peru)
A girl who has suffered from “heart failure”.
She used to be kind and gentle, but due to her illness, her emotional expression is poor.

・A maid with
Alperpetia .
She manages items and skills. 〇 Game system It is a game that develops Perpetia's body while managing her physical strength and energy. At first, her reaction is weak and her sensitivity does not rise easily, but she will gradually show her reaction by facing her patiently. You can collect points by touching, develop skills, and unlock albums.

Its all mouse controlled. You earn points by engaging in foreplay, which you spent on upgrading your technique, getting more stamina, or buying items such as food or drink that you need to keep her healthy. You also buy different positions and modes with these points.
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