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Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Well with the buildup in suspense rah rah.

I figured the url was all that was necessary and thought that making my album private would disallow access TO my album but would leave it's images intact, sort of like how photobucket works, but turns out making my album private meant the linked images could only be seen by me and my contacts
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

I made that mistake the first time I tried to post images - thought that 'private' meant only people logged in could see the images, but nope. In any case, if you're hosting the image on ulmf, only logged-in users can see it.
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Yeah, I was aware of that mistake a while ago when I tried to send people funny images but didn't want to give them the full context of things, then they tell me the page is blank
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

I give your sig a seven, a custom is pretty cool, a little bulky, but that coming from me who needs to slam spoiler tags over my huge sig is abit hypocritical.
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

I like your .avi
It's funny, clean, ad appropriate to his forum.

I don't like your .sig
It's just a big plop from a web comic. A good web comic, but still just one big pic that's always unrelated.
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Avatar: 10/10, it's just plain friggin' awesome.
Sig: 5/10, NEVAH FORGET, always good. Self advertising? Meh. I still need to get round to reading all the rules for Mirafar >_>
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Avatar: 10/10
- Crash is always appropriate :p

Sig: 5/10
- Not much there to rate :\
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Avatar: 9/10. Pretty cool.

Sig: 3/10 I don't like .gifs in sigs.
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

av- 10/10 Can't beat jumping spiders and me.....hmmm maybe I should mate with one so my offspring would be indestructible!

Sig -7/10 I wouldn't like self-ads, but sigs would be the place to put them and I like poetry, though I'm not too up on the dragon things.
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

avatar 10/10 I've actually personified you as whatever the fuck your avatar is supposed to be. I shit myself when you changed avatars.

sig 390247092314/10 fucking HANDCUFFS so edgy and cool
Re: Rate the above user's signature/avatar

Avatar 7.4/10 - It's amusing because rather than having multiple chins from being over-weight, the person in your avatar lacks one all together, and rather has a small outline of a jaw as the only indication that the face is beginning and the neck is ending. Also, Christmas hat is nice.

Sig 8.5/10
I found the toying of Youtube personalities and quotes especially entertaining.

The link to your bloggish thing that hasn't been updated is sort of unnecessary, due to it not being updated anymore.

The quotes from Ulmf were mostly funny, not too special for the most part.

The warning about over-sized signatures is fairly useful to those who don't know better.