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Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread - Old Version

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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While the overall setting concept hasn't changed, there are a few differences.

Somewhere in the future, humanity began exploring space. They encountered a sentient race known as the Drow, and that first contact was rocky, due to the interference of certain power-hungry politicians and some of the military commanders on the human side.

The war averted, however, and in the years since, relations with the Drow have reached the point of founding a joint colony on a habitable planet. The colony became known as Pathos, with the largest city on the planet named Orchrios. After some time, a small estate was purchased just outside of the city, by an aging human known as Kioke Shiraishi. The estate was eventually called Avarras. Soon, an apparent acquaintance of Shiraishi's moved to Orchrios, a young would-be musician named Anthony Cross.

However, trouble had begun on Pathos, even before the arrival of Shiraishi. Rumors of a mysterious entity, one that would grant any wish, began circulating. According to rumor, if one performed what was called the "Joker Charm", done by calling your own number, they could summon the entity. After a string of mysterious changes, and disappearances, more trouble arose. A strange cult-like group calling itself "The Masquerade" began appearing in rumors.

These people, eerily referring to themselves as the "Slaver Lords", claimed to serve the mysterious entity...

The players will, of course, be trying to get to the bottom of what's going on. For those who were in the first attempt, you'll be able to edit your characters if you wish, or just make a new one. Any new players, obviously, will be making new characters.

Relationships between characters will be allowed, however there's going to be a few ground rules about those. First off, when players choose to pursue such, alter me as to the involved parties, and I'll make a separate thread for just for those interactions. Second, those threads will be used for the purposes of a series of interactions that will have to occur before the characters start getting into the sleeping together part of a relationship. You will have to ask me before you attempt that step. I am adding this restriction to try to encourage character development in the RP. Also, for the purposes of keeping such things monitored: The characters will have to agree to meet somewhere in one of the main threads, then shift to the "private" thread.

NOTE: This "Relationship Rule" will only apply for (eventually) physical relationships, or if the player wishes to improve their character's background in game. Basic friendships can just be handled in the main threads.

Also, I don't want this to be dominated by large chunks of just two players constantly posting back and forth. It will be allowed under some circumstances, but you'll have to get permission first. Only the "private" threads are exempt from this, for obvious reasons. EDIT: Should a player decide to create an extended background for their character, PM it to me, and I'll add it to the Information thread.

Obviously, there is a sci-fi element to this. However, I will be trying to downplay it.

Now that all of that is out of the way, here's the character information:

Gender: (Male or Female)
Species: (Human or Drow)
Physical Description:
Personality Description: (Need at least a starting description. This will have an affect on your character's 'Persona'.)
Other Background Notes: (Optional.)

Name: Anthony Cross
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical Description: Roughly 6'3" and about 185 lbs. Shorter cut dark brown hair, brown eyes. Light complexion. Prefers to wear tan colors, particularly a tan long-sleeved shirt, brown jeans, riding-style boots, and has a brown "gunslinger" style overcoat. Sometimes has a black eyepatch covering his left eye, even though he's been seen without it, and both eyes work normally. Appears at times to have a vertical scar running across that eye, as well. Known to have several long cut scars, as well as a handful of puncture scars.
Personality Description: Anthony is often described as easy-going and has a willingness to talk to new people. He's also known to have skill with several musical instruments, including guitars and his own voice. Oddly enough, he seems to get somewhat edgy when rumors are mentioned.
Other Background Notes: Has apparently done some manner of work either with or for Shiraishi before. Anthony is about 25 years of age.

NPC Sheet
Name: Koike Shiraishi
Notes: Is believed to be in his 50s. Spends most of his time in Avarras.
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Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

I'll bring Jack back here along with his sword I guess.

Name: Angus "Jack" O'Neill

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Physical Description: 6'8" weighs 260 pounds, built like a linebacker.

Personality Description: "Jack" is both physically and mentally tough. Most of this comes from his football playing days, though some question if he also has had any kind of professional training from other sources. He's a rather nice person until you piss him off, at which point your best bet is to simply back off. The few who have directly challenged him to a fight will swear up and down Jack has a 'demonic' side to him, his strength and quickness unmatched by anyone thus far.

Other Background Notes: Played high school football as Tight End, is quite strong as is indicated by his size. He is extremely brilliant, to the level of being able to create items from virtually nothing. He also prefers to go by his middle name Jack when spoken to, rarely, if ever using his real first name.

Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Knew I was forgetting something :)

Name: Senra "Bell" Belladonna
Gender: Female
Species: Drow

Physical Description: 5'7", lighter skin and white hair. Wears glasses for reading, computer work, and such. Hates wearing uniforms of any sort, usually wearing outfits in purples and blacks that don't leave a lot to the imagination.

Personality Description: Outgoing and a fair bit of a tease, Bell is all about having a good time, even at work. She'll sing along to music while she's working, sometimes driving others nearby to distraction, though she sings quite well. Always friendly, she often drags people she just met out for parties on the weekend. She loves attention, and hates when she has to compete for it.

Other Background Notes: An expert with computers, she runs her own small business, contracting her skills out to various companies and even the military on occasion. She has spent the past 6 or 7 months familiarizing herself with Human computers, hoping to expand into that area as well.
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Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Something I just remembered that I was going to do on this...

I would ask that those in this RP not use the quote function. I intend to be using it myself for elements that all players, including those who join after it starts, will have knowledge of.
Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Double-post, but...

This is now open. For those in the original, treat the first Orchrios post as me saying, "It's morning, what are you doing?" Housing for the characters is going to be apartment-like.

For anyone thinking of joining: Post a character concept. Once approved, you will either receive clearance to start posting, or be asked to wait for a bit. The latter will likely happen if a major battle is underway. Either way, once you receive clearance, treat your first post as if I had told you "What are you doing?"

In both cases, the "you" means "your character".

EDIT: Unless prior GM authorization is given, the player characters have not yet met.
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Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Relationships between characters will be allowed, however there's going to be a few ground rules about those. First off, when players choose to pursue such, alter me as to the involved parties, and I'll make a separate thread for just for those interactions. Second, those threads will be used for the purposes of a series of interactions that will have to occur before the characters start getting into the sleeping together part of a relationship. You will have to ask me before you attempt that step. I am adding this restriction to try to encourage character development in the RP. Also, for the purposes of keeping such things monitored: The characters will have to agree to meet somewhere in one of the main threads, then shift to the "private" thread.

NOTE: This "Relationship Rule" will only apply for (eventually) physical relationships, or if the player wishes to improve their character's background in game. Basic friendships can just be handled in the main threads.

Also, I don't want this to be dominated by large chunks of just two players constantly posting back and forth. It will be allowed under some circumstances, but you'll have to get permission first. Only the "private" threads are exempt from this, for obvious reasons.

Okay, given how things stand right now...I'm making some changes to this.

Unless more people join, the rule about back-and-forth posting has been rescinded. Obviously. Kind of hard to hold to that with only two players and the GM.

Also, relationships between characters can be dealt with in the normal threads. However, don't complain to me if things get interrupted. Physical relationships must still be approved by the GM. If this is ignored...Consequences must be faced.
Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Aha! Finally got my scanner working, her is Bell's weapon:


and yes, my drawing skills are somewhat short of par, but I don't care, my scanner is working :p this is the left hand one, with the handle down and the elbow being somewhere just below even with the point at the top of the pic. Any questions?
Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Re: Reformatted Pathos Investigation OOC/Character Sheets Thread

Shiny :)
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