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Roll Chart Gaems


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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ITT: We roll on charts and write something. Or not, the rolling's fun too.

Chart 1: 5d67
To do this one, you go to the bottom roller, where it has the textbox instead of a dice picture. Put the 67 in the furthest left, 5 in the next one over, hit roll and look at the list of five in the box on the right.

The thread I took this from was writing settings, but it'd be just as easy to use it to cast an orgy or whatever, I'm sure.

Chart 2: 1d100

Geared toward conventional story writing, I suppose. Some notes: a Solar's basically God Mode Guy Gal - they're from Exalted, and I'm not that familiar with 'em. Sisters of Battle are from Warhammer 40K, and they're basically super-zealot nuns in power armor with flamethrowers. A Harrowed is basically a cowboy zombie. More specifically, they're the zombie of any guy who was so badass that after they died they got the fuck back up, still dead. From Deadlands, a Cowboy game in DEMON-HAUNTED WILD WEST.

I got Pixies (64), Sahaugin (46), Pandorans (41), Alrau Sproutlings (42), and Salamanders (30).

Hmm... okay. The Salamanders are huge and on fire constantly, so it stands to reason that they're pretty good at fucking other people's shit up. Therefore, the Salamanders in this setting are sweeping across the world, conquering everything in a Mongol-like hoard; they breed quickly, so they need more and more land to support their populations each year. They also know how to work metal and make equipment and stuff, though it isn't frequent - metal's hard to find, hard to dig out, and heavy.

The world is very heavy with plantlife, jungles everywhere. Except where Salamanders habitat, due to fire - areas they settle in tend towards harsher climates. The Sproutlings (who are henceforth renamed... uh... Virde or something, as "Sproutling" makes me thing of ) inhabit all the jungled/non-crispy areas. They are plantpeople, and so are effectively immobile, but co-exist with pixies, who thrive on their energy or whatever.

A Virde can leave the flower it lives in, but this is an irreversible process and leaves it changed. When attached to the flower, it is part of a root-based network connecting all local plantlife (oh God I am writing Avatar), and [/quote], and can exert powerful plant and growth magic on the local flora. When it leaves the flower, it gains mobility in the form of a naga-like tail like the Salamander's, but loses it's connection (suddenly individuality!), and it's planty powers are severely diminished. They're pretty tough and have a fair amount of strength in their mobile form, but it can't compare to the Salamander's, who are still bigger and still on fire - not good for the flammable Virde - and they're really sluggish. Their plant-powers, while not particularly effective in battle against the Salamanders, are fairly useful utility wise; raising shelters (in planted areas), alerting the Virde to happenings (in planted areas), etc., and they can stimulate regrowth, which is necessary I guess.

Pixies are, as usual, fast and flight-capable, but fragile and weak. They're able to use the more magic-y magic that you usually think of - more miraculous law-of-existence-breaking stuff like barriers and magic missile and stuff. Their anti-fire magic is quite developed, and they can enchant wood to be actually usable against the salamanders for Virde that so choose. This is hard, though, so they typically sling spells. Usually flit about their territory on patrol.

Sahaugin live in the water, most typically along the coast of the sea. They can use water magic Water-Bending style, which is effective against the Salamanders, but requires a source. They're pretty scattered, and tend to fight amongst themselves. They can shape coral and bone and shit, and tend to arm themselves much more than the topsiders. They're amphibious, but prefer the water - agile in the water, clumsy out of it. Not very involved in the topside's warring.

The Pandorans, I'm not really sure what to do with. My current idea is that they watch these shenanigans from their home in dimension 2, like it was reality TV. They engineered this whole thing, and reset it every couple eons or so. When they do so, they open up crazy portals, run in and raze the world, then set the germination of the jungles and races and shit. Ancient watcher race, I guess, except mental and fratboy-like.

Their other-dimensiony-home has a huge crystal ball thing I guess, that they can watch crap in the other world with. It'd be several stories in diameter. It would be the other dimension's core; breaking it would be bad. Probably there're other, smaller viewing globes, for other Pandorans to watch their favorites/deadpool participants with.

They may be immortal, materializing back in the Frat-mension's magic crystal ball thing, which would like hold their souls or something.

I imagine them having all sorts of crazy shit. Lightsabers, wave motion guns, tesla coils, teleporter packs (with telefrag capability), hell, probably some of them would run into the fray with ladders . This, along with fratty insanity would be justified by their being immortal - I mean, if you've lived long enough to have a world reset 7381471284379490124738901247389012 times, wouldn't you go nuts with it? Also, you could leave them around as artifacts for non-Pandorans to find in their campaigns. Go on a quest for the

Plot hooks:
- Pandoran invasion! The other four races must work together to repel them, or be wiped out and have the cycle repeat.
- Pandoran invasion! How high can you get your K : D ratio?[/quote]
Re: Roll Chart Gaems

Got: Shryne (34), Siren (27), Wraith (59), Djinn (22), Efreet (23)
Then I rolled on the d10d10 chart and got: 45 for Mistaken Identity, then 66 for Love Labours on, then 11 for True Love, then 18 for the Bad End (FUUUUUUUUUCK!) then 55 for any woman I choose... :confused:

So the genies grant wishes to gather energy that allows them to be fertile. But the Djinn and Efreet are having a war because the Efreet have been granted 'corrupted wishes'. The Sirens are making things difficult for the Djinn because they keep sinking boats, while the wraiths are loose in one of the Efreet territories.

So the MC is wandering the woods for the sake of the Efreet, trying to scout out the source of the wraiths. He comes across this gorgeous Shryne woman, who immediately mistakes him for her king. He fails to convince her of the truth, and she insists on being his body guard. So they adventure for twenty two books, she falls for him hard early on, and he starts to return those feelings. They have some great romantic moments, then he gets over her different anatomy, and the have super hawt super sex. The story cumulates with a climactic battle between the Efreet and the Djinn, and the Shryne woman gets mortally wounded. The MC becomes extremely sad. The End.
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Re: Roll Chart Gaems

I decided to just stick with the second chart and rolled a 4.

Cult Priestess

Hmm... Maybe I'll write something for this when I have the time.