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Rules Discussion


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This is where the discussion of rules or GM rulings will take place.

If you want to comment on a rule, create a character and play for a bit before you do.

I think that players will understand why something is the way it is if they experience it firsthand. Or at least, they'll have a more informed viewpoint.
Re: Rules Discussion

One other thing. Allowed books. Here's the list:

Star Wars d20 Revised Corebook
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Arms and Equipment Guide
Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (Think that's the correct name. The light side one.)
The Dark Side Sourcebook
Re: Rules Discussion

I don't suppose you have PDFs for those?
Re: Rules Discussion

The Corebook and UAA are already linked in the Character thread. As for the others, I'll get those up as soon as I can. Links will be in the same place as the others.
Re: Rules Discussion

A note about skill checks.

Unless I call for them, you're on your own determination on whether or not to roll. And it will normally be attacks, saves, and Listen/Spot that I'll be calling for.
Re: Rules Discussion

Well, in order to save time, go ahead and assume Adaavi takes 10 on listen/spot when she has no reason to be suspicious. Saves two posts worth of time.
Re: Rules Discussion

That's pretty much what I assume in most situations anyway.

I generally only call for Spot/Listen checks when there's something that I think would catch the characters attention...Like the Mandalorians in the cantina. Pretty much came right out and said that in thread, so...
Re: Rules Discussion

And double-post...

Something I just noticed that I'd forgotten to post: I am using the variant rule that adds in the critical success/fail to skill checks.

This means that if you roll a 1 on a skill check, you fail even if your ranks would make it a success. On the other hand, if you don't have enough ranks to meet a DC, but you 20 the roll, it's a success.

If both sides 20 the roll on an opposed check, whoever has the higher modifier succeeds. If the mods are the same...Re-roll.
Re: Rules Discussion

Something I'm doing, that I've borrowed from my brother: In a large scale battle, rather than slogging through the slaughtering of masses of Ye Olde Random Gimps, I'll just call for three unmodified 1d20 rolls. Those are just to determine how well I should have your character handle themselves.

This is mostly to save time when the characters could probably be mopping the floor with YORGs in question anyway...Like a Jedi and a bunch of Mandalorian trained soldiers/Mandalorians versus a mob of thugs that tried to outdo frat boys for boozing.
Re: Rules Discussion

Ah, that makes sense, I thought you were just running multiple rounds at once. I like that, might steal it myself if I ever run a D20 game sometime :)
Re: Rules Discussion

Feel free. It keeps things simple, and it's relatively easy to include.

Simple = Good. Less chance of mistakes.