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Sandra (Archer)

Re: Sandra (Archer)

Brandon starts to look through all her items, taking a quick look at her bow too, before setting it aside, a small grin on his face. He goes through every item wordlessly, not saying anything till he's finished.

"Although a lot of the items have minor magical properties, I don't believe any of them will be of a real real use in helping us. Though your new bow is quite special, not only is it magical, but it has a pretty bit enchantment, it seems that every so often, it can make an arrow flaming."

Bow does 1d4+1 + ignite on a critical instead of the usual two damage.
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"Oooo I like the sound of that. Well if none of the items can really help us, perhaps the best option we have is for me to go out into the fog and try and find it's lair, or just be bait for whatever it is. I could be a trojan horse." She smiled showing that she wasn't afraid to risk herself to track down the source of the fog.
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"That's...a decent idea, although I'd prefer to go with you, after all, two are stronger than one."

Brandon seems to go through some of his books. "Now...what can I find on what this monster might be..."
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"Well it likes the dark, and it's fast, really fast. I could see it beside me in the fog a few times before it just darted away. It's definitly intelligent if it's able to cause magic fog and hunt that way. It's not something simple like a slime, tentacle or animal..."
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"You're right." Brandon says as he flips through the pages. "I...think, it may be some sort of mage, actually..." he closes the book, getting on a traveling cloak.

"I think I may be able to find his lair with a type of magic the fog doesn't affect, should we leave soon then?"

At this, there's a knock on the door, frantic knocking, in fact.
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"Yeah we should go as soon as-" She looked at the door, "Uh oh that might be someone else trapped in the fog!" Sandra rushed to the door, "Brandon be ready to web me and whoever is on the other side of the door if they turn out to be bad..." Sandra opened the door quickly standing so that whoever it was wouldn't immediately see the wizard with his hands aimed at the door. "Who are you?"
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"Eeeeeep!" a girl screams as as Sandra throws open the door, almost running away in terror. Of course, she takes a moment to think clearly. "I-I'm Annie. I-I wa-was lost in the fog..."
Re: Sandra (Archer)

Sandra tugs Annie in before shutting the door, "I'm Sandra, this is Brandon. We were actually getting ready to go out into the fog and find whoever is causing it...Oh and that's Knoty." Sandra points at the rope demon standing nearby.
Re: Sandra (Archer)

Annie looks a bit relieved as she's pulled into the shack. Though her eyes widen a bit in fear as she sees Knoty, who waves to here in a friendly manner.

"Um...someone...is causing this fog? I...though I saw something at the edge of my vision...and there was this guy helping me, but we got separated..."
Re: Sandra (Archer)

"Yeah, I saw it too, if you want we'll come with you and help you find your friend out there if he's lost." Sandra gives Annie a reassuring hug, "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe, I soloed a level 3 wrap demon." Sandra grins quite proud of herself for that.