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Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Although she lost her battle, Sayuri feels a bit more confident with her blade as she pressed forward into the ship. Of course, she doesn't quite expect to find a bath, though taking a look at her pack, she finds two changes of clothes and various useful survival tools. After changing, she moves forward, delving deeper into the ship.

She comes across a new intersection, to her left is a doorway, in front of her and to her right are hallways, the darkness keeping her from seeing too far down either one.

Though she thinks she hears small moaning coming from the room next to her, in the door to her left.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri's skin is still sticky from sweat and lust-juices, but she manages to slide on the extra pair of clothes. FInding some rations, she munches on them as she descends the hallway, holding the sword in hand. She tries to eat quietly, but she's still too sore to sneak across the floor, so she strolls with a light step while looking around. Coming upon the door, she pauses, finishing her food as she peers to the door and then down the hall. She weighs the options, until the moan breaks her thought.

She lightly presses herself against the door, tilting an ear upon it to get a more detailed report of the sounds coming from within. A chesire grin breaks across her lips as she squeezes the hilt of her sword. "Got another victim in your grasp? Well then... Vengeance is mine!" She whispers harshly before throwing open the door and raising the sword above her head, looking very much like the stereotypical serial killer. She can be scary like that.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

What Sayuri finds is not at all what she expected. Well, somewhat she expected, but not quite the same.

It's like a sort of closest, the room, small, not very large, big enough only to hold it's contents. And the contents were quire the surprise. There was a girl, naked. She had brown hair, eyes closed tight, as her smallish breasts bounced up and down. She was seated on something and strapped in, it looked very much like an alien fuck machine. She was gagged with something that looked like a sort of goo over her mouth, pressed like tape.

Her eyes opened as Sayuri opened the door, going wide with fright as he moans got louder as the machine started to pound both her holes harder. She shut her brown eyes again, trying to forget where she was.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

The bloodlust that filled Sayuri's eyes faded as she realized that her target wasn't what she suspected. Slowly lowering the sword her eyes ran over the girl and the device she was strapped to. Sayuri's face burned red as she squirmed in place; the stickiness of her skin and the sight of the other girl strapped to the device excited her. She sauntered forward with a grin.

"I take it you're done being on that?" She teased with a cocky attitude, tapping the device with her foot. Maybe she'll have some fun of her own, after being forced herself, she might take some pleasure in controlling another.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

The machine kicked into a higher gear again as Sayuri tapped it with her foot.

The girl opened her eyes wide at the increased speed as it drove her over the edge into a climax, though the machine continued on her. She looked at Sayuri with pleading eyes, muffled sounds came from her mouth, but they were quiet.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri's eyes nonchalantly looked down at the girl quaked in the midst of her orgasm with a small giggle. Her tongue flicked across her lips as she gave a small tremble and leaned forward. "If I let you go you'll owe me big, right?" Sayuri whispered as her fingers wandered over the sore body and against the modest bust of the other girl. "Promise to be a good girl for me?" She inquired, grinding a fingertip across one of the girl's nipples.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

The girl nodded furiously, anything was better than this. She tried saying stuff into her gag but it was really muffled, and Sayuri saw the surface of it move as if it were punishing her for making noise, though she didn't quite know what it was doing.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri's hips wriggle back and forth as she grins. She'll make perfect bate; while the aliens are busy, I'll go in for the kill. She thought as she dropped to her knees, and peered around the device. If she couldn't disable it, she'd try to unstrap the poor girl. She couldn't help but peer at her poor abused holes, remembering the sensations herself.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri wasn't quite up to date with the latest alien tech, but she seemed to find something on the device which was a clearly indicated off switch. Pressing it, the machine powered down, removing the things from the strapped girl. Sayuri could tell they were large, ridged, and textured. The straps unbuckle themselves and the girl quickly clambers off the machine, grabbing the thing on her mouth and pulling it off, tossing it aside.

Sayuri could see the side with the mouth was a slowly retracting tentacle which was probably throat fucking the poor girl.

The girl is panting as she tried to say something, but finds herself passing out.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri gets up and spins around, keeping her eyes upon the girl. "I'm surprised you even got up that quickly. After my own little.. incident I could barely-" She stops in mid sentence to slide to her knees and catch the poor girl with the sword clattering to the floor. "...Stand." She says, before laying her down. She looks over to the odd tentacle think and prods at it with the tip of the sword, testing it's reaction. If it proves harmless she decides to save it for some mischief later; binding it in a piece of cloth in her backpack.

Resting the girl's head on her lap, she retrieved some water to wet her lips; surely her throat was sore from the tentacle and could use something to quench the dryness.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

The tentacle thing doesn't seem to be dangerous, it sort of recedes back into the thing. Picking it up, Sayuri feels like it's a sort of solid goo in a little rectangle.

The girl wakes up after a little while, looking very grateful for the water.

"Th-ank you." she manages to croak out as she drinks some.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri gives a roll of her eyes. "I don't know, you seemed to be really enjoying yourself on that thing." She teases as she periodically pours a small stream of water into the girl's mouth. "Can I get a name?" She asks, leaning forward.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

"N-n-n-no!" The girl flustered, stammering, repulsed at the idea she would enjoy that machine.

The girl looks absolutely crestfallen when Sayuri asks her name. "I...I...can't remember." she says after a few moments.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri laughs, leaning over to flick her fingers between the girls thighs. "I don't know, your body seems to disagree." She teases with a wink as she leans back up and digging the other set of clothes out. Great, the programmers can code reality-like scenery but can be arsed to give NPC names... "Well you can wear this until you get your name back. What should I call you, besides a hot mess?" She asks, raising a brow as she flops the stack of spare clothes on top of the girl's face.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

The girl looks embarrassed again as Sayuri teases her, but thanks her for the temporary clothes. The girl thinks for a while as she gets changed. She seems to look a little better, if still mostly out of it, when she finishes.

"...I think my name was Kathleen..." she says after a moment of pondering.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

Sayuri nods, looking over the clothes. "Alright Kat, think you can move? I'm sure we don't want to stay here... Want to help me loot stuff?" She inquires, moving toward the door with blade in hand.
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

"I-I should be fine..." she says. "And s-sure...but let's not stay around for too long...I was...I speant...weeks in that thing...until you rescued me."
Re: Sayuri (Devilgirl)

"I would be more tortured by watching the same walls... Lets go then." Sayuri said flatly before moving out and continuing on through the hallway. "Just keep quiet, alright?" She said without looking back.