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Stare Long Into The Void

Re: Stare Long Into The Void

My thinking:
If we're looking for excitement, a cruise liner sounds like the opposite of that. Sure, it probably comes with decent accommodations, but do we really want to be a waitress for rich stuffy people? The Kindred Spirit sounds like it could have some excitement involved and it sounds like we even fit the bill to a degree. And we'll probably get paid more for a specialized skill.The Agamemnon could be exciting, too, but we're not a fighter. Still, it would let us see new places! Troy sounds like it's definitely not up our alley. Lots of fighting which doesn't look like anything we know much about. And besides, just because we ran away from home doesn't mean we're ready to get involved with some sketchy group, does it?

My vote:
Re: Stare Long Into The Void


Uncharted planets? My curiosity is getting the best of me...

Although, C does sound tempting as I wonder "What if it got attacked?" "What opportunities do we have to make it rich?"
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

B, uncharted planets sounds like fun
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

A newly established planet on the edge of the galaxy? Sounds new and exciting enough without being insanely risky for our first outing. A it is.
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

A: true adventure without the suicidal part. Seems like tourism and furthermore we get a job and training...
Re: Stare Long Into The Void


Uncharted planets means Aliens, and Aliens mean rape - or death.
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

A. They are willing to train us, and if we don't like it, the contract is only for 3 flights. We can always do something else later.
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

We're currently sitting at 5 A and 4 B. C has 1, but is so far out of the running.

Voting is currently, technically, closed. But if you want to keep voting, I'll still take votes into consideration before I get drunk tonight after work and start writing.

EDIT: When I said "tonight after work," I actually meant "tomorrow, before work" or possibly "Thursday sometime."
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Re: Stare Long Into The Void


Mostly because I forgot this was a thing. Also creating a tie like that would just be, not my style.
Re: Stare Long Into The Void

I'm very sorry about how long it's taking to reply. Life has been hectic, and I've not gotten anything important done.

I won't say "I'll have it up this weekend," but you can expect it before this time next week.