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Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

"Humm I don't know exactly what that place is called but Ill give you the best directions I can." Sitting down Crissa would tell Farroe about the landmarks she followed to get back to where her mentor and herself were staying. "Other than that I tend to go to various matches to see the different fights but usually end up here to make sure I keep my daily work out going. Can't afford to get soft in a city such as this. Anyway I should get going my mentor has a very set schedule for her evening." Getting up Crissa waved to Farroe before setting off at a light jog. The sun was still good with if Farroe had to guess at lest another hour maybe two of light before dusk hit. She could stay and work out or head back to the inn.

Spending her time how she wished Farroe would end up back at the inn with dusk just starting to claim the sky. Entering The Three Breasted Wench she was greeted by the innkeeper again who handed her a note. Looking it over it seemed that she was being summoned to a meeting in the morning at the tourist center to discuss rule changes for the tournament.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would enjoy the time she was able to spend with Crissa. Crissa like Farroe seemed to be a little lost in just how large this town was as she tried to use a few landmarks to explain where it was that she was staying. Maybe it was worth looking into if there were ever an issue with the inn that she was presently staying in. As Crissa and Farroe would part ways, Farroe felt there was time enough to still take up Crissa's advice and start with using some of the weights that were laid about the area.

After what felt like an hour, the sun was dangerously close to giving way to the night. Deciding that she had accomplished enough for the day as it was, Farroe would head back to the inn. Rather expecting to have something waiting for her, Farroe did in fact have something waiting for her. It was a note, but not with any details of her next match. It contained information pertaining to rule changes that were going to be made for the tournament. Apparently something may well have happened in one of what Farroe figured the many matches to have taken place.

All Farroe could do at this point was lament the fact that she only had 10 denarii left and would be able to pay for her room for another two days after she spent the night today. With little that could be done in the way of speculating what exactly was going to change, Farroe decided it was best to do two simple things. Make sure she knew where the Tourist Center was, and then rest her body from the training she had done. It was not the match earlier in the day that had her fatigued at all, as for some reason she felt better than perfect once she awoke from being knocked out by Issa.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Having rested for the night Farroe awoke refreshed though not as high of spirits as the night before. Getting dressed she would remember the Tourist center is where she had gotten her hearts. Making her way down she was greeted by the proprietor discussing something with another girl. Seeing Farroe she stopped a moment and spoke to her. "Oh good morning. Me and the girls were just wishing you the best of luck today in your match. I hope you win though it would bring a big upswing in business. Heck if you do win I might just let stay a the week free of charge." She would throw Farroe a wink before turning to speak with the other woman. If Farroe bothered to listen in she would hear the mention of finding another girl who was lactating to fill the special needs section of the bar.

Upon reaching the center she would find the same group of fighters as before including Issa with a few extra hanging around as well. The same robed woman who invited Farroe and mocked her defeat the previous day was present and held up a strange device. "Greetings fighters today I have to announce some rule changes. My mistress while pleased with the fighting prowess shown has decided that the matches are over far to quick for the general populous. Thus she is introducing this special combat harness. It will reduce the pain from being hit allowing you to fight longer and provide a more entertaining show. We have one fore everyone so please after the meeting take one. As for other rule changes I must remind each combatant that outside weapons are not allowed with the exception of weighted gloves. However nonlethal weapons will sometimes be provided by us. Some of you have seen them already. Also sexually molesting your foe's is an appropriate tactic as well. After all we are trying to put on a show here." Looking around Farroe heard a few grumbles with even a few of the fighters handing over their remaining hearts and leaving. Frowning slightly the robbed woman sighed. "Oh well they couldn't handle it and must be weak. Now your next fight will be announced at noon so make sure to take your battle harness and get it adjusted. Fairwell and Good luck!" Looking at her battle harness Farroe couldn't help but blush. The whole get up accentuated her upper body and really on consisted of leather straps with a small neck guard that looked like one of her hearts could fit inside it.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would only need a quick reminder as to where the Tourist Center was. It was the place where the original meeting took place and Farroe kind of chuckled to herself as she had forgotten already. The owner of the place had noticed Farroe heading down from her room to the meeting place, and stopped to wish her luck. It would be good for business afterall to say that Farroe who had won a match was staying at their establishment. Farroe would overhear the conversation about looking for someone who was lactating, but that likely did not have anything to do with her.

Farroe would recall a few women in her tribe that were able to produce milk from their own bodies after they got impregnated by one of the male slaves. Though those women were generally weak and only good for breeding themselves amongst the slaves to make sure the population of the tribe never was an issue. Not really wanting to focus on thinking about that much at all, Farroe would make her way back to the tourist center to attend this meeting about to take place.

The meeting would see alot of the same women gathered around as before when the initial rules were announced and the hearts were given as well. The same woman who mocked Farroe was present as well, having instantly recognized the robe from the day before. There was a concern that the matches were simply being decided far too quickly and that the crowds gathering for the matches were simply not getting what they felt was a good enough product. That was what the tournament was afterall and Farroe understood this completely. It was just as much about the fans supporting their favorites as it was the fighters who needed to appeal to the fans either as good girls or bad girls to gain their fame.

It would seem that as the rules were further elaborated upon, it would be legal to molest your opponent. Farroe found that to be quite silly as it was far better to just knock them out or make them submit. There were some girls who simply decided to leave the tournament altogether as there were a few groans heard amongst the lot of women. They likely lost their first match and simply now had a reason to withdraw themselves from the tournament as a whole with the realization that they were not good enough to compete.

Each girl would be given a harness. The harness was rather lacking for what Farroe figured it would have been. Then again if it were too big it would certainly just get in the way of the girls doing battle. The device as it were had a collar that fit around her neck, with a spot to place a heart inside. Dangling off from the collar would be a few straps that seemed to be rather strategically placed to almost deliberately rub against the breasts of each woman. Figuring out exactly how it would work was going to be an issue, but the issue of when she would fight next was very clear. Farroe's next match would be at noon today so she had at least that much time to figure out the harness and have it fitted properly to her body.

All Farroe wanted to think about was this rather embarrassing harness that everyone had to wear, along with where her next match would be.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Looking over the harness Farroe felt a tap on her shoulder. "My that's a kinky outfit. Glad I'm not fighting I might die of embarrassment." Turning she found Crissa examining her harness as well. "Looks like your gonna have to fit this under your armor. The leather chest piece you wear is to bulky for it to fit properly over it." Eyeing the getup the girl frowned. "Come on lets find a safe place and get this fitted. I doubt your gonna want to do this in public."

Leading her where ever Farroe felt comfortable Crissa would help adjust the harness to Farroe's body. Her touch was tactful and professional though the girl did have a slight blush on her face when faced with Farroe's almost naked body. "There ya go over your shirt so it's not chaffing and you should be able to put your armor on."
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would almost jump to the moon as she felt a tap on her shoulder. It would seem that Crissa had made her way down to the meeting. It made sense since her mentor was likely here as well. Farroe calmed herself down after a few seconds once she realized who it was that had tapped her shoulder as she instantly recognized the voice. Starting to laugh a bit to hide her confusion and embarassment.

"Oh, sorry if I startled you. I did not expect to see you here. Kinda caught me by surprise.." Farroe would trail off a bit as Crissa offered to help fit the thing to her body. Explaining that this was something best not done in public, Crissa would find a small alley where Farroe would disrobe herself as she felt perfectly fine being topless around another woman. It was fairly common in an Amazonian tribe afterall for the women to wear very little clothing. Crissa however seemed to not be so comfortable and Farroe understood why she was blushing a bit.

Farroe would almost yelp a few times as Crissa helped affix the thing to her body. The straps seemed to be in close proximity to a few sensitive spots on her body. However Crissa was fairly tactul with where she would place her hands. It would have been pretty easy for her to get a good grope in on Farroe by "accident" if she desired. Crissa was the consumate professional when it came to navigating the straps about Farroe's body however and in no time Farroe would have the harness fit to her body and her leather armor back in place. Moving around a little Farroe felt little in the way of the harness stopping her from doing anything. It was surprisingly light as well.

"Thanks for helping me out, I guess you already know that the next matches are going to take place at noon if you were hanging around here." Farroe would continue on and wonder if Crissa was going to be able to watch this next match as well. Almost offering to bring her back to the room with her if she was able to do so. Farroe respected Crissa as a friend and if they could spend some time together so that Farroe would be able to prepare herself for the next match better, it was certainly worth a shot to try and ask. If her mentor needed her to be at her side, it was perfectly understandable that her mentor would come first.

The worst that would happen is that Crissa would decline and Farroe would still simply head back to her room and await the location of her next match. There was little Farroe could do now aside from wait until noon and try to not let her nerves start to get the best of her beforehand.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

"Humm sure I can come to your next match. After all Im supposed to observe matches. Besides I want to see if my tips bare any fruit today." With that Crissa would follow Farroe to her room as they waited. She was of course shocked at the abode Farroe called home at lest for now any way but the duo quickly rushed up stairs and entered the simple chamber. "Wow that quite the hotel you found." Crissa would giggle as they sat in Farroe room. "So have you stretched today. Being limber for a fight is always good less chance of hurting yourself from acting suddenly. If Farroe hadn't Crissa would be more than willing to help her strech even showing her a couple more complex stretches.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe felt honored that Crissa would want to watch her next match. It would seem that Crissa's objective was to observe the matches and she also wanted to see if their training yesterday would help Farroe to be victorious in this upcoming match. Farroe at least within her tribe, was very introverted. Likely because she did not seem to fit in with any group fully as she was a warrior but would never feel the need to use weapons. Crissa was different, as they both shared the same passion to become the best fighter they could be.

Crissa was also rather shocked by the surroundings that Farroe called "home" for the time being. It would not go unnoticed by the three breasted woman who ran the place that Farroe had brought another woman up to her room with her. Farroe would stop at the desk and put another 5 denarii down to handle the cost of the room for the upcoming day. It would leave her with only 5 denarii left for the next day but Farroe felt more confident that she would be able to win this match with Crissa's help.

As they reached Farroe's room, Crissa would remark about the place and go on to ponder if Farroe had properly stretched herself this morning. Farroe would think about it a bit, and it became clear that she was in such a hurry to make sure she got to the meeting that she in fact did not stretch herself at all.

"Thanks for reminding me, I totally forgot to stretch out at all. I was so focused on making sure I got to the meeting that I never thought about it.." Farroe would go on to remark that the place was pretty much the first one that she happened to find for how she ended up staying at that particular place.

Taking Crissa's advice, Farroe would almost instantly start to go into a pretty basic stretching routine. First her legs, then her arms, and finally a few that would address her whole body in certain areas. The harness she was now wearing would not seem to hinder her from completing any of her basic stretches, though this would be the perfect time to test the limits of what Farroe would be able to do while she was wearing the harness. She also looked forward to whatever Crissa would be able to show her again this time with any stretching techniques that she may have as well.

Farroe was starting to show some signs of confidence that Crissa was certainly helping her along and that Farroe was becoming a better fighter because of it. Now all she needed to do was win a match and really cement the foundation for Farroe to believe in herself as much as Crissa seemed to.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Not one to be left out Crissa joined Farroe in her stretches. For the most part they were similar with only minoring differences though having company to do it with certainly a bonus. After the stretching the two would have a little time to talk before a gentle knock interrupted them. Answering the door she found the proprietress standing there with a note in hand. "Ah Ms. Farroe this is for you I believe." Taking the note Farroe found that her next match would be at ironworks. Crissa didn't know where that was but Lucky the innkeeper did offered to lead her there at the appointed time.

Once that time came Farroe, Crissa, and the Innkeep who called herself Isabel walked to the location. It wasn't to far from her previous match and in fact they even passed the dock where she had been. Looking over she saw a match between to woman already underway. Sadly they didn't have time to stop and watch. Reaching her arena Farroe found it an old massive building that looked worn and dirty. The crowd already gathered they cheered or jeered Farroe as she entered. Inside a traditional arena had been marked out and the whole place smelled of iron and coal. In the distance the molten metal was being poured from a large cauldron. "Thankfully it dosn't seem you'll be fighting over molten metal at lest." Crissa smiled trying to boost Farroe's mood.

Entering the ring Farrroe found herself face to face with a young woman. Immediately she could tell this girl might well be a novice to brave or stupid to quite the tournament. This caused Crissa to frown till a bird looking judge spoke up. "Attention today we have a 2v1 match. Standard rules apply, your foes can only be defeated by knock out or submission. Note victory is only determined when one team has fallen completely.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe and Crissa would go about their stretches. Farroe would at times simply mirror what Crissa was doing and it would seem Crissa would do the same as she saw a few things Farroe did differently. With what they both felt was a good session now complete, there was but little time before the three breasted woman who owned the inn would deliver a note to Farroe. It would seem that her next match has been determined, and that she would be doing battle this time in an ironworks.

Having little idea what an iron works even was, much less where it was, Farroe would look to Crissa who had an equally puzzled look on her face. The owner would then identify herself as Isabel and offer to be their guide. As they left out from the inn, Farroe would realize that this was the way to the docks where she fought yesterday. So much so that it would seem that there was a match already underway where she previously fought at the dockside, though there was no possible way she could watch it as she needed to be at the ironworks.

Farroe, Crissa and Isabel would arrive at a massive building, warn down and dirty it would be a rather brutally hot atmosphere as well. There was a smell of iron, coal, and a few other less savory things as well which took a while to overcome as Farroe noticed some hot liquified metal of some kind being poured from a large cauldron. Crissa could sense Farroe's reservation about being here and would offer her a simple line that semed to work. Farroe needed to focus herself on the match she was about to have and not worry about what was going on around her. As she moved into the middle of the mass of people, there was a woman waiting for her.

Farroe almost thought this was a joke of some kind as the woman looked more like a woman who was more forced to be here by someone than an actual fighter. She had an almost scared look about her and Crissa herself started to feel concerned for Farroe's opponent. The judge would appear between them and announce that this was to be a team fight of some kind. A two versus one match, and it would seem that Farroe was the one in this particular equation. Trying to look about to see just what was going on, Farroe was confused to say the least.

"Where is the other competitor?" Was all Farroe would manage to get out before she started to look about almost frantically. An opponent that was unknown and could attack from any direction could spell trouble to say the least. Farroe after a few seconds of panic and scanning through the crowd would want to know if everyone was fighting at the same time or if she would need to defeat the woman in the makeshift ring with her first and then whoever the second woman was next?

Farroe was certainly in a state of panic though it was more that she was thrown a curveball that was completely unexpected. She was likely going to have to fight against two women in this match, and she had no idea if it was at the same time or who the second woman even is for that matter.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

It wouldn't be long before the other woman showed up. She seemed far more confident and as soon as she made her presence known the other woman ran over and latched on to her. "No worries little pet Im here." This seemed to put the frightened woman at ease.

Gauging her foe was difficult in the dim light of the ironworks. She seemed confident but if this was a two on one affair than clearly Farroe had to be the more skilled of them. It was hard to say but she would find out soon enough once the match started. Already bets amongthe onlookers began to exchange hands. It seemed they still had a few moments before the actual fight.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

Farroe would not need to wait very long before her question was answered. It seemed that the remaining competitor had arrived shortly after Farroe did. It became clear as well that the other woman was scared that she might have been forced to fight alone if her partner did not show up. It was fairly clear that the woman that had just arrived was the stronger of the two. Though the boost to the confidence of the novice fighter was apparent as well.

Farroe still had no idea if she would need to battle with both at the same time or if she would be fighting against each seperately. The rules of matches like this were likely not as similar to what her Amazonian tribe used. There would be teams and each woman would fight until they could not continue. The next woman would enter the battle until one side was beaten. That usually involved teams of 4 or 5 women though.

Looking around, Farroe could see money changing hands as the bet collectors were making their rounds. She could not tell what the odds were, but both of these women were likely weaker individually than Farroe was. How they fought as a team however would likely have a very great impact on the match as a whole. With the fight about to start, Farroe felt it might be best to try to attack the weaker of the two girls to get her out of the way first. This would allow her to focus on the other possibly stronger girl completely.

Of course, the harness that the girls were now wearing might make a difference as well. Farroe would not have any way to tell what exactly the harness did until the fight had begun. Each girl would have a heart placed in their respective neck collars and Farroe now only waited for the fight to begin.
Re: Struggles of Might (freeko) GM'D by ranger

As Farroe wondered she could see out of the corner of her eye her two opponents kissing. The more capable fighter seemed to take the dominate position as the smaller girl seemed to wilt in her arms. This seemed to cause the crowd to roar with cheers. Crissa however tapped Farroe on the shoulder. "Farroe... don't be fooled by that display I think the small girl is the on in charge here."