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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was glad to see than Sibella was completely fine and decide to get in front with her to talk with the soldiers, Susan of course wanted to help in this, but no one looks to recognize her.

its nice to heard than all is under control here. The silver haired mostly said to Sibella, as she suppose than the soldiers know the elf for her many missions what made her an important figure. Pass unnoticied was weird for her, bu this made her be focused on move direct to the royal members.

They get inside after also Susan ask the soldiers to be careful, after all many persons lost theirs live there and a tunnel to the damm lands still remain open. Soon the warrior wave back to Adriel and hug her back, being really happy to see a known face waiting for them. Though Adriel have a strange gaze on Susan what made the human ponder the reason, completely clueless of the reason after some moments later after this ask. Ah. Yes, some things happened in this adventure, but my figure could return to be the same in some days, maybe.

But there are more important things to talk about, i want to introduce you some kind persons than we meet. Susan then turn to the rest of girls trying to introduce them to the royal members, betwen them she holds Tess arm as she smile. And this is Tess, my best friend in this world than i was looking for, it was like a miracle than we meet again.

The questions certainly will come soon, but Susan was sure than soon they would be able to settle in her chamber, Anyway Susan go on. Is all fine now? It could sound strange but we were so focused on our mission than we dont know how much time passed from when we accepted this mission. Im so worried about Andrea too... but if there is something in what we could help... the survivors also could need a safe place to rest for some days, it could be my house if that is fine with Elise
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I see... well, not that you don't look very fine right now though Susan. Just, not used to that sexy form yet I guess is all," Adriel said with a smirk.

After that, Susan introduced everyone to Adriel mostly, and her mother queen Elia, and the angel queen Sera. "Ah, so this is the one you were looking for then Susan? I didn't expect her to be a lamia," queen Elia asked curiously, nodding to Tess politely, to which Tess blushed a little and politely bowed in return.

"Don't worry dear, everyone is fine. You've been gone for a day and a half, which is why we're here. When Sibella's steward returned without her, we got a company together to come investigate some more to try and find you two. Seems we needn't have worried though," Elia then said after Susan spoke again.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Heard that from Adriel cause on Susan nods as she tilt her head to a side looking down to her curves, the look pretty much cause her to ponder herself about her body and what she really want or if it would be more enjoyable her time with her lovers like this or how she was before this mission. Uhm... Yes i cant see anything wrong on this change, and i dont blame you, neither i am used to look myself like this, yet.

The introduction of her new friends with rights works pretty well, Susan tried to push a little Tess to the front, as her snake friend looks to be a little shy in front of the royal family. She of course softly play with her silver hair after heard the queen words.

Heh, actually being a lamia is something new on her. Tess awakened as a lamain maybe not much after we lost contact, it could had been a powerful magic or anything else, its completely a mystery. If this happened with Tess, then also Balgia and Aurumel arent exactly the same.

Susan tried to place her personal probles aside a little and return to the temple's trouble. Hmm yes, i remember him leaving to comunicate what happened here just in case. But then we save two priests, a woman and a male... im sure than they were a little wounded when they leave this temple.

I guess than the best would be close that tunnel before something worse come out from there, but we could first check if there is not someone more trapped at the other side. Susan said as she look to the two young ladies priest and Ashera, maybe any of them know the answer or someone of the royal family has already investigated
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"If you wish it Susan, I can have you go back to normal in a few days," Ashera whispered to Susan, pecking her on the cheek.

"Hmm I see, that's odd. If anyone could help us, then Hazel probably could, or Elise, one of the two," Elia said with a nod, looking curious that Tess seemed to have not been a lamia before. "And yes we found the two that you sent on back ahead of you," she added.

"Don't worry, we'll be sure to check into there. If there's anyone else left alive, we'll find them," Adriel said, giving her chest a little pound before nodding to her mother and heading up the hill with another couple of squads of soldiers, these heavily armored in platemail and ready to do battle with anyone that tried to get in their way.

"In the meantime Susan, why don't you take your companions here all back to Nevassa and get you some much earned rest. You did your part of the job, so when you get back give Elise this note here, and she'll see that you're rewarded okay," Elia told Susan, handing her a little piece of paper she quickly wrote something out on, before she headed up the hill after her daughter, with Sera in tow.

"Lady Sibella... there you are. I was worried sick about you, and you too lady Susan," a man called out to them, and Susan recognized him as Sibella's carriage driver from before, and he had the carriage too.

"I'm fine, don't worry so much. Let's just say, that I am very tired, and I need to sleep. So let us head back to Nevassa for now, okay," Sibella told him, pulling the cloak she'd been given around herself so he wouldn't see her pregnant belly. "Can we get a second carriage please?" she then asked one of the soldiers, who nodded and hastily had one prepared and a driver chosen.

Susan had the choice of getting the second one for herself and whoever else, while Sibella took the two priestesses, and Talia for now, waiting to see how Susan wished to split the rest of them.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan return the peck and said a whispering yes, her indecision about if she should recover her body needs some time to clear. Indeed, we should get together an idea of what happened to Tess and maybe my others friends. She then let the royal family talk and once she take the note answer back with a little smile. Please take care and dont worry we will visit Elise soon once rested.

As they see the royal members and theirs soldiers prepare to act, the group with Susan depart out to start their walk toward a peaceful rest or something pretty much different in Susan chambers. It was then than Sibella's servant come out in the carriage and greet both warriors. Thanks, im also glad than every one of us get out of this unwounded.

Said this Susan turn to Sibella and nod after know who will go with her. Im not sure if we can fit in the carriage, but i will take Ruby, Tess, Ashera and Pandora in the next car, if is possible i will be glad to have you as my guess in my mansion, of course if you have some bussines to solve that invitation would remain for any day.

Said this Susan and the rest prepare to get inside the carriages, in the trayect the silver haired woman cuddle at her frinds to get some minutes of rest.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh nonsense, we'll all fit in there if you want to. And of course Susan, I would be happy to accept that invitation of yours if you would accept me in your home," Ashera said, smiling when Susan named the ones to ride with her.

Everyone mounted up a few moments later into their respective carriages, and Ruby pulled Susan into her lap and smiled at her, hugging Susan as the carriage rocked along as they set forth. "I've never really been above ground that much. What is Nevassa like, Susan?" Ashera said, sitting next to Ruby and Susan, and looking genuinely curious.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Maybe you are right... but Sibella and the two priests in their state would need some space and some company to talk as we get to the mansion. Susan said to Ashera, as the human see the lamia large body, not sure if Tess could be confortable with all in the same place. Soon Susan move to hug Ashera and nods smiling. As i promised, you as all can live with me as long as you wish Ashera and i will never break a promise, not this or other than i said to you. Giving a wink follow with a peak at the tentacle girl check, Susan let Ashera remember as many of the promises given, not only her stay with her, but also many more like the one where she promised to let Ashera do all what she wish to her.

The girl soon get up the carriage, without a second to waste Ruby gently placed the human on her lap what made the young warrior to chuckle, once at the red skinned woman's lap, Susan hold the demoness right hand to gently kiss it and put this at her own lap, trying to rest confortable on Ruby where not only her but her lover could enjoy it as they travel.

Oh, Nevassa is a beautiful and peaceful city, Elise and her huge royal family protect all of it with kind love and they are very friendly. The whole city looks to be very friendly and accept many different kind or races from many planes, that is why im sure than we can lve together without worries. Once there and we get some rest i will give you a tour around. Susan then hold Ashera's hand and let the girls enjoy the view.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"That's wonderful to hear Susan. I hope to see it soon, hmhm, as it sounds really pretty. Though, I don't think it's as pretty as you," Ashera replied, winking to Susan and smiling at her as the carriage rolled onward.

After a little while, the city came into view, with the high walls, and the palace on the hill in the distance. "Wow, the walls are absolutely huge," Ashera said as the carriage rolled through the gates.

They passed by the inn that Susan had stayed at when she first got here, and she saw the markets already busy with people walking to and fro. It didn't take them too very long to reach the palace on the hill, where Susan's carriage stopped, and Sibella's did too. A few guards helped the ladies down, looking a little intrigued at the warder devils, but not stopping them. The girls were led inside and told that the high matriarch wished to see them, as they got a messenger not long before indicating that they were on their way to report in.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Smiling by such beauty words, Susan kiss Ashera on her cheek and then add after a nod. Yes, if all can endure to meet our great bed then we could see the city this day. The time to talk was short of course and Susan tried to explain some details of the city as they pass toward the castle. Talking about the first girl than she meet and the hotel where she never reach to rest really, the guild and shops to finally get to the castle.

She let the others go down first if they wanted before she leave the carriage, trying to vow politely to the royal guards and inform them than they were there for inform Elise about their mission. Also saying to all of the guards than the girls with them were friends and very friendly girls.

Susan was sure than sure they will be in front of the matriarch unless someone of the royal family find them first, as they were a huge group to be missed in the distance.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"That sounds wonderful, love. I'd enjoy that, and it'll be a nice change of pace I think, hmhm," Ruby said, kissing Susan on the cheek.

Ruby stopped and helped Susan down, smiling to her before they bowed politely to the guards and were led inside. Elise had them brought, not to her great hall, but to a side room where she sat with all of her wives save the ones at the temple, or off leading Crimea's forces at war. "Hello Susan, I'm so glad you're safe and sound," Elise told her when they all came in, bouncing over and hugging her tightly before taking Susan's hand and bringing her over to the table they were sitting at, with food and drink enough for all.

"Come, you girls must be hungry, and thirsty too," Alluria told them, gesturing to the empty chairs for everyone to sit and eat and drink their fill.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sure, there are a lot of places and shops in the city than we could explore together. Susan answer smiling by the sweet kiss given by Ruby. The trip to the palace soon ended of course and so they were guided to where Elise were waiting for them. And of course Susan was not expecting than Elise would be so affective with her, what made her smile and hug back in a friend like way. Oh Hi Elise, im also glad to see all of you again after so long mission. Said this they were taken to sit at the dinner room, Susan was not so hungry but she was of course tired after the many struggles in the cave, so maybe some good food and drink would help her in recover from it at least she thinks of it.

Thanks, all looks so delicious. Of course, than we could talk about our mission between this banquet, if all agreed to it. Susan told to all the girls in the room, sure than Elise could be curious and so she would resume all what happened, yet would hide Ashera true identity at the start if the tentacle woman was worried about it. Also there was what had happened to Tess, so after introduce the lamia maybe Elise would ask about her friend what they could do
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Of course Susan, come, eat. You must be starving," Elise said, smiling as they sat down and began to eat. "A lamia hmm... hang on a minute," Elise said after a few moments, clapping her hands and telling a handmaid that came over something.

A minute or two later, a large cushioned pad was brought out and set down for Tess to sit on. Tess coiled her long tail around and sat down on the cushion, thanking Elise for the kind gesture, as she sat there, blushing a bit. "T-Thank you matriarch. It's so kind of you t-to do this for me," Tess said, looking down at her food and blushing so much she couldn't look at Elise.

With that, everyone sat there and ate their food, with Elise looking over to Susan and the others after a couple of minutes. "So Susan, I sent over a few extra handmaids to your new manor to help clean it up nicely for you. You've got a dozen now to serve you," Elise told Susan.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan accepted than they would be better with something more than just jizz on theirs insides, but remain that in secret and just be glad with the offer of food and drinks to refresh her mind and body after that long journey.

Soon she thanks with Tess that beautiful show of kindness by bring a pillow for the lamia, but of course she was not sure to enjoy seen Tess and Elise being so good with each other, not after what Tess said about the matriarch, Susan tried to calm her heart, Tess was her best friend and the first who shared a bed with her, there was nothing to feel against Elise she tried to ponder to herself.

Her worries calm with some food in her stomach and soon Elise come with some great news. These are great news, i was getting worried than my daughter Andrea could be feeling so lonely be being only with Adria in that huge house... and i guess than soon we will need a lot of help when ours childrens born. Susan ends blusing and touching her silver hair, her eyes turning to Ruby and the rest of futa demon girls as she was sure than most of them were already pregnant.

I know than it could not be the time to ask, but how has been the war against the orcs? I still want to join once i get some rest and pass some time with my new friends and lovers... It was hard to say the words but these get out, the human was not sure how Elise and the rest would react, but the many queens were used to polygamy so all sould be fine.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye, don't worry about Andrea, Alluria made sure she was taken care of for you in your absence," Elise replied smiling at her before when asked about the orcs. "Well it's going good for the most part. There's been a bit of a strange thing that's happened though from Gwen's reports, it's hard to determine for sure, but there's another group of orcs, less hostile and whatnot. That might actually be osmething you could do for me for your next mission, if you wouldn't mind doing it for me. Just check and see why this group is less hostile, and what they want for peace with Crimea. The fewer enemies we have, the better," she then said, looking to Susan as she waited for her answer

Susan gives a relief sigh before nods grateful to the matriarch. "Thanks Elise, i was not expecting to take so long on fulfill this mission" She then stop to let Elise answer her about the orcs what she heard make her ponder about the orcs intentions too, but she nods. "I have faith in these orcs, there is not reason to continue this war, i will do this mission after a small time to recover and share with my loved ones" Susan told to Elisel maybe thinking than some hours could be enough for her lover groups or than these orcs could wait, yet if was needed her asistence soon tehn Susan would need to get ready as fast as possible

GM: "It's quite alright dear, I'm just glad you're okay. And that would be fine, they seem to have set up a large camp near Gariland, one of the larger cities on the far side of the Gray mountains which are to the east of here. There's a valley you can go through that has a town dead center of it," Elise told Susan. "These new orcs haven't attacked yet, or done any real big raiding, though they have raided a smaller village and taken a few girls captive, but... oddly enough, they sent word to the village that the girls they took aren't being mistreated, and are only being kept as maids and stuff to clean their tents and whatnot, and that they are being fed and everything," she went on to say, looking confused at this behavior, but not denying that she rather liked it better than the alternative.

P: "Ahm if you think than its fine how they act... at least as you the women kidnaped are alive and safe... the best will be see how they act with them more closer, just in case before make peace with them" Susan sugest as she later end her meal. She was worried about how orcs act in first place. "If is right, i will go there in the morning, it will give me time to prepare all for the journey"

GM: "Aye, we're worried about them obviously, and want them back, but at the very least they're safe at the moment," Elise said. "And take your time hon, get a day or two of rest before you go, I'm sure you need it after everything that happened in the Deep Roads," she added.

P: "I will do my best to daily inform you when i get there and prepare a firm peace if it is possible with them" Susan said as she look if all were ready to leave. "I had in mind look around the city with all my loved ones here, it will give me time... to get some new armor and clothes for all of us" Susan said blusing at the end, feeling than her body was each moment more easy to get used to it. Susan of course dont asked for a carriage yet as she has promised for all to wak to meet the many places than the city have to offer

GM: "That's fine dear. Just relax for now though," Elise said, nodding and smiling as she clapped her hands. "I almost forgot. Your reward. Ten thousand gold pieces, with an added bonus of five thousand more for finding survivors, and returning them safe and sound back home," she went on to say, patting Susan on the shoulder.

"Just let us know when you are ready to leave, and we'll have horses readied for you," Elise told Susan, letting her head out as she wished.

P: "I will, we will calm ours minds the whole day meeting each of us better" Susan said trying to hide what they would do at their mansion later, getting ready to get up her seat when suddenly Eliza talked about the reward. "Oh, thanks Elize." Susan said as she ponder what to do with all that money or how much it was in this world. "Uhm we arent in a hurry, maybe we could enjoy a guide all around your castle and we could tak more if you are free, of course" Susan answer to Elize giving her a soft hug before let the matriarch decide

GM: "I don't mind showing you around. Please, come with me, and I'll have your reward sent to your home and let Andrea know that you'll be there shortly," Elise said, smiling softly at Susan and leading her out with Alluria in tow as well, sliding an arm around Elise's arm.

P: " Thanks to share your time with us Elize" She said as take Tess arm softly and invite the rest to follow them too. "Im sure than as more of us go more fun we will get" She said as she let Elize guide them. "What we will see first?" Susan ask as she was sure than she have her mates to tease her too as Elize soon.

GM: "Oh it's not a problem Susan. We don't mind," Elise replied, showing them around the castle as Tess slithered along beside Susan, holding her arm and smiling as they went.

"Well, we can show you our private gardens in the back. Usually we only let guests come back there, aside from the guards and handmaids and whatnot that work at the castle," Elise replied when asked what they'd see first.

P: "That would be lovely, i had only seen one or two of them, each charming i must add..." Susan said happily loving her arm taken by Tess, of course any f the others could take the other, but Tess must be the most in charm to meet the royal castle, Susan was very happy with her holding her instead rush to take Elize. Susan would make her lovers enjoy the moment, yet she was worried than the seeds on her womb start to react by walking in such fertile gardens instead the one at her mansion

GM: Elise chuckled as she took them out back, where Susan saw their gardens teeming plants of all kinds that could grow in their environment. As she walked out through there, Susan saw a few alraune in the garden, walking about and tending to the other plants, while a few were still in their own flowers, sound asleep from the looks of it. Susan did feel the seedlings in her womb twitching a bit inside of her, but they remained inside for now, giving Susan the chance to enjoy the gardens.

P: It was unknown the matriarch chuckes, but maybe Susan words were making the walk more lovely for her royal friend. The garden was more amazing than what Susan has dreamed, seeing alraunes here was more a worry than a relief, as she expected her seeds started to react, so she pressed her legs. "uhng.... please wait... wait until get at home" She begs for the seeds in secret as she let the others enjoy the moment.

GM: One of the alraune, a pink one, strode over to them, looking curiously at Susan. She knelt down and kissed Susan's belly and gently rubbed it, whispering under her breath. "Don't worry, they should calm down now, until you get to where you want them to come out at at least," she told Susan, kissing her on the cheek and smiling before she walked back over to a patch of pink roses, where she knelt back down and began tending to them.

"Susan... are you carrying alraune seedlings?" Elise asked curiously.

P: Susan was not sure how to act as the pink arune get close her. her whispering words calm the seeds and with that Susan too who was mostly pondering how this new plant woman know. Elize of course looks to had heard the plant woman and so she ask what worries Susan before not. "Yes... as also Ruby, i have in mind place them in our garden, so i could look for them" Susan said mostly hidding the exact kind of alraune than she and Ruby have or than an alraune change theirs bodies.

GM: "I see... well take it easy okay dear. Wouldn't do to not feel well while carrying them," Elise replied, rubbing Susan's and then Ruby's bellies gently.

The gardens were quite beautiful to behold, and there were three areas that were covered like paviliions, keeping them shaded and cool while whatever went on in there happened. After that, Elise took the girls around the castle, showing them many things, including her master bedroom, which housed a huge king sized bed that could easily hold 15 people give or take. The baths had already been shown to Susan of course, but the private baths for the matriarch.

P: "Thanks Elize, is actually easy to move with them inside, im actually fine and waiting how i will feel by given them birth" Susan said some in part to calm the ruler land and other to say the truth of what she feels about give them birth.

Susan then continue looking all trying to remember how the gardens look so she could make the best place for the plant childrens on them. She of course blush looking again at the big bed and soon ask "Excusem me Elize, but where i could buy one of that size?" She ask almost instantly without think too much out of her future needs. The baths were a beautiful place, but Susan couldnt ask to use them now, after all she could go to bath later in her house with the others. But if the others ask maybe she could accept.

GM: "I'm glad to hear that, and alraune seedlings are generally very easy on the mother, unless she's just very tight and small that is, but you're not the latter, so you'll be just fine," Elise said, patting Susan on the shoulder.


"Heh, you want a big bed like mine eh. Well, actually, the manor Alluria insisted we give you, was where we used to live until the castle here was completed, so it's already got a big bed, not quite as grand as ours here of course, but still pretty damn big, easily enough for a dozen people to sleep comfortably with plenty of room to stretch out and stuff," Elise replied, winking at Susan.

P: "Heh... yes i may had be in problems if my body was as before... i mean i may have problems with that place be still not so... touched..." Susan said smiling first before get than she shouldnt be proud of not be thigh anymore...

Susan later nods. "Yes, we may need a big bed, im used to sleep with all my family and is hard for me sleep alone." Susan of course was glad with Allura huging her and Elize too after heard about the big bed. But the walk was soon to end, so Susan would be ready to ask for some cariages for them when Elize end their walk at the palace, the human mostly looking to Tess and the others if they enjoy the place too
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

GM: "I can have someone come over and enchant yours for you to make it bigger, like I did for ours. Actually, I'll have Alyene come down and do it for you here shortly. She's Idryll's mother, my high elven wife," Elise replied, assuring that Susan would have her big bed that day.

A few minutes later the tour was done, and Susan was ready to go, with Elise calling for a couple of more carriages for them to use to get to her new manor, which she hadn't even really seen yet. Heading out, they climbed back into the carriages, and Susan and company were taken along through Nevassa to a large manor on the adjacent hillside. It had quite a bit of land around it, with stone fencing placed all around the area around it to section of its lands. "Wow, this place is fantastic. It's so huge," Tess said as they rolled up and saw the place.

Outside, Susan saw a familiar succubus standing outside of the manor in the front gardens, with a single handmaid out there with her, looking down the hillside where their carriages, and waving.

P: "Amazing, and thanks again Elise. " Susan blushed told to Elise sure than the matriarch have a lot of things to do more important than enchant a bed. The time to leave come and the cars were ready where all get to take them to her manor, Susan remember just the small tour at her mansion and maybe this has changed in the small time than she was out. "Yes, it is Tess. There are a lot of places than are unknown to me, but we have all the time of the world" Susan words stop when she notice the girls out, maybe waiting for them. "Andrea! " She shout as she was in need to get out and run to hug the succubi, but it was dangerous get ou the car now. Soon of course they would be close so she could get ut and run to hug her daughter "Are you fine Andrea, i miss you so much." She said to the succubi as she soon ask for how has been her time without her in the mansion

GM: "It's not a problem at all hon. Go and relax okay," Elise said, kissing Susan on the cheek and sending her on her way.


Andrea smiled and looked up at Susan when she shouted, the carriages coming to a stop soon after, and Andrea rushed over and hugged Susan. "I missed you too Susan. Are you okay?" Andrea replied, kissing Susan on the cheek, as Susan called Andrea her daughter, even though Andrea was clearly as old if not older than Susan.

"Are you well mistress Susan? And we have guests... oh my, well... I think we can handle it, even though there's only two other maids at the moment," Adria said, curtsying a bit at Susan and company.

P: The succubi's hug was welcome from Susan sas this almost was close to let her tears leave of joy. "Yes, im fine Andrea... my body just changed a little, but all will be fine" The silver haired human answer has she kiss back at Andrea's cheek, not aiming for any sexual thought. Of course soon Adria talk to get some answers.

"Yes, im Adria and them are most than guests, if they wish they will live with us. Let me introduce them all to both of you." Susan then proceed to let both women meet her new lovers and her wish than all enjoy their little travel to the mansion

GM: "You look so... different. So... beautiful, Susan. I'm a little envious to be honest," Andrea replied as she hugged Susan again.

Adria nodded and bowed politely to the guests and welcomed them into their home. "My ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Please, be welcome in our home, I shall take you to the guest rooms for you all to choose whichever ones you desire. Unless some of you are sleeping with lady Susan in the master bedroom," Adria said to Ruby and the others.

"We are sleeping with Susan, well, some of us are anyway," Ruby replied immediately with a smile as she pulled Susan over and hugged her with one arm.

P: "Yes... maybe i changed a little, but im the same. There is not much to envy, Andrea. And i will have soon some sisters for you to meet" Susan told to Andrea as she move softly the hand of the succubi to touch her softly pregnant belly.

Once all were introduced, the young warrior smile when Ruby replied to her handmaid and take Susan with an arm. "Yes, im sure than most of us will be together this night and most of them, still i want than each of you have a room... the mansion is pretty big so we can decide this later" Susan told to Ruby and the rest as they tried to follow their walk to their new home, it was great than they have a banquet just now, so Andria will have less work for now. "Can i ask to both how was all at my absence?"

GM: "I can sense it Susan, hmhm," Andrea said, kissing her on the cheek again.

"Well... Me, Pandora, Iris, and Jasmine will all be joining her in bed definitely, hmhm," Ruby said with a giggle, heading inside to look around.

"Nothing too much happened aside from us cleaning up the place. It was a little dusty, but other than that it was just fine," Adria replied with a smile.

P: "I suppose than Tess and Ashera will join us too, after all it will end with all at this night together" Susan answer after Ruby words, but she suppose than the futa girls will sleep all the nights with her what arouse her more than the wished for all the warm naughty nights to come.

"Hmm, good, then i hope than there is still some work to do, i will help to clean and prepare the rooms, yet maybe im not so skilled in these areas" She told to Adria as they get each moment closer to their residence, the one than after a bath and some work will lead to a long night

GM: "Of course, I shall have the master bedroom readied for all of you. Though... I do hope that someone is coming to increase its size," Adria said, smiling softly as she spoke.

"Let's go have a bath. I think we could all use one after everything that's happened today and all," Ashera said, looking eager to explore the house, but also seeming to want to clean up after all that had happened.

P: "Ah, all will be fine Adria, Elise will bring some maids to help you and Alyene will come to enchant the bed to make it bigger" Susan told to the elf as she rubs softly her own silver hair and smile too.

"Oh yes, i will love to relax in a warm bath after our little adventure and then i will see the garden" Susan said as she touch her belly and see Ruby who also could wish to come with her unless the red girl have a better place for her childrens

GM: "Well that's good to know at least, it'll be tough without more help, to say the least," Adria said, looking relieved that more help was on the way.

After that, they headed for the bath, with Adria leading the way for them along with Andrea, looking happy as they walked along. "The gardens out back are beautiful Susan, and perfect for growing anything you like. I really wish we had some alraune to help them out. As they would help to make our gardens very good and blooming all the time," Adria said after Susan mentioned the gardens.

Soon, they made it to the baths, and everyone undressed as they entered, seeing the incredibly large bathroom area for them to bathe in. Ruby and the others got in quickly and sank into the waters, sighing softly as the water, despite being warm, cooled their loins.

P: "Im sure than have some matured alraunes would help us now a lot, but i promised to be there always for them or at least most of the time between missions... and as my daughters they should enjoy this house too and the garden around it" Susan said to Adria, holding Andrea at her side as Ruby should be still hugging her with an arm most of the time. "Uhmm... Ashera maybe could help us bringing theirs mothers here, if you think than that is right Ashera, of course"

Once Ashera answer they move to the bath, the one Susan hope to be huge enough for all what looks to be as they undress and get inside. Susan cant stop to feel some shame as Andrea and Adria could see the changes on her body more easily without her clothes, she tried to clean herself a little before get inside too where she would try to relax and see the others, if they needed help she would be there for them, she was not sure if it was right to bath close Andrea if this get inside too. But she will try to clean her daughter and pass some family time with her.

GM: "Yes it would. They have such a way with the plants, likely because they themselves are plants really," Adria replied, nodding in agreement that having alraune would be helpful for them.

When they got into the baths and Andrea saw not one or two, but nearly half a dozen hermaphrodite girls that she could feed on, and have fun with in bed, her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but lick her lips hungrily. "Hmm, perhaps I could. If you really wish for me to that is. I'll have to go back and find them though, and it's quite a long ways," Ashera replied, shrugging a bit as she spoke.

Adria and Andrea neither one seemed to be too concerned with the changes to Susan's body, with Adria moving over to wash Susan off. Andrea enjoyed Susan's touch after Susan got cleaned up, though after a minute or two, Ruby maneuvered over and started helping Susan with Andrea. "Susan, you didn't tell me you had such a lovely sister. And that she was a succubus," Ruby said, kissing Susan, and giving Andrea's ass a firm squeeze.

P: Susan was glad than she was not the topic of the bathroom, with this sure she could bath and focus on the needs of all easier or that was what she believes until notice how Andrea reacted by have all the futas naked around her. Susan tried to understand as Andrea was a succubi and then she got some words from Ashera what calm her for now. "Ah, i was thinking than you could summon them, but if you need to go all the way then we will find another way to solve this, as the tunnel would be closed soon. Uhm... maybe ask for some alraunes to Elize or find others in the wild" She told to Ashera as they start to clean each other.

Adria was soon target of Susan's thanks for her hep cleaning her, it was really refreshing have all that cum and fluids all over her out her skin than the bath on the lamias caves couldnt remove. Then comes what Susan couldnt resist to fee really out of the way even with her not so high inhibitions after the misions. "Uh, oh Andrea is my adoptive daughter and as we are a couple she is part of your family too Ruby." Susan told to Ruby as the Silver girl sweat cold before get up and get over Ruby, placing her arms around the demoness and kiss her passionately as her clean neithers press against the demoness cock and her hands slowly go down to hold Ruby arms and place the demoness hands on her butt
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

GM: "Ah no, alas I cannot summon them directly. Well, I could, but it could be dangerous for them, and I won't endanger them just to try and summon them, as they've already been summoned to that place. It won't take too very long to find them though once I go back down there, as I know my way around and whatnot," Ashera told Susan, patting her on the shoulder.

"Oh wonderful. I'll have to show my... hmhm, cute daughter lots of love then," Ruby said with a giggle, and when Susan came over and kissed her, Ruby pulled Susan in and smooched her deeply, while keeping one hand on Andrea's ass and squeezing both of their butts.

plmnko: "Very well, then we will see if we can get there by the temple or by another way" Susan told to Ashera as she smile by the touch on her shoulder.

Compretely different in her worries and needs, Susan was expecting than her body could focus the lust of her lover on just her and away of her adoptive daughter, but Ruby easily made the sluty human squirm by just have her ass squeezed, whimpering in delight as her mind get slighty twisted to accept in part the confusing mating than could come later "Im sure than of that... after i sattle all of you for myself, of course" Susan said, trying to make Ruby think in fuck her until get dry with the rest of futas and even Ashera, the warrior trying to protect the succubi with her own body. Susan will try to end the bath with Ruby focus on her, rubbing her needed pussy at her meat staff, so once the bath end they could move to her chambers and fuck passionately for a while with the others before Ashera take her turn with Susan

MF: "I can go tomorrow or the next day dear. I should be able to manage alone. So don't worry your pretty little head over it all," Ashera said, patting Susan's head and kissing her on the cheek.

"Susan, you don't have to worry about me. We succubi thrive on sex remember. And... I'm starting to feel better now after the other day. So long as they're kind and gentle, I would welcome them with open arms," Andrea assured Susan, kissing the human on the cheek.

"Aye, besides Susan, I can make both of you feel good, and I wouldn't dare be rough with such a beauty as Andrea here," Ruby said, kissing Susan again.

plmnko: Susan dont answer in the instant to both Andre and Ruby, instead she enjoy the demoness long kiss and placed her arms around Ruby, touching her skin slowly until go down and touch Ruby's cock and balls. "This is just so new, but i trust and love completely both of you. Now, what we do about the seeds inside us? maybe we should hold them until we have an alraune in our garden. Susan ask to Ruby and the others as the demoness also have some seeds inside her, but these were affecting her balls and cock.

Once they decide, Susan will try to help the others to clean and dry before guide them to her chambers where they could enjoy each other or if it was needed and safe for the seeds they could use the garden, to find a good spot

MF: Feeling Susan's hand on her balls, Ruby groaned softly and leaned her head back a bit, as Andrea nibbled on her neck, while Ruby kissed Susan again. Pandora, Iris, and Jasmine, were all moving over now, with Pandora also playing with Susan some, while the other two both began caressing Andrea. "Well, I'm sure that we'll be giving birth to them soon enough. The alraune at the palace told us that they'll come out when we're in a safe place, and when they're ready to. So I'll wager that they'll be coming out soon," Ruby said, kissing Susan again.

plmnko: Still in their bath, all maybe started to notice than this place was growing with lust, As the human started to cooe and whimper when both her daughter and fiancee start to tease her softly more. "Fine, then... when you feel than they are ready we could do it together." Susan told to Ruby as her pussy start to press softly at the demoness's cock, her free hand move to feel both Pandora and Andrea yet only the futa get to enjoy her rear goppled before her dick started to get pleasured by the human's hand "Ashera, Tess, Adria... i wanted to do this in our Chamber, but both are invited to join us now" Susan said blushing yet in growing need to start to enjoy their peaceful time together

mind_flayer: "O-Okay Susan... I think we'd like that," Tess said, watching the group getting more intensely into it.

Ruby got up and scooped Susan up, and heaved her up over her shoulder, her right hand on Susan's ass, and with her other arm she heaved Andrea up over her other shoulder, where she took them over to dry the two off with the other herm girls help, and together they dried the girls up, and each other, and Ruby carried Susan and Andrea to the bedroom, with Adria's directions.

Once in the bedroom, Ruby gently tossed both Susan and Andrea down on the bed, and smiled as she leaned over them both, while Pandora, Iris, and Jasmine, all came over and began caressing Susan and Andrea as well, taking their towels off and groping their breasts and tickling their bellies.

plmnko: Susan softly gasped amazed and then chuckle slighty by the strenght of her lover as this could easily lift both of them. She tried to dont move too much to make it easier for her lover to take them to their room as the towels were getting used to dry them the enouh to be placed on the bed. Ashera's intetntion to let all take them as this stay back make Susan suppose than the tentacle woman maybe dont trust on Adria and Andrea the enough to hope than tehy wouldnt get scared or maybe Ashera wanted for her alone.

For the softly gallant advance of her lover, Susan tried to pleasure her kissing her neck or lips before the others three futas get close them, Susan was unable to stop some of her giggles as she was a little ticklish aiming soon to give some foreplay to the ones aiming for her as she hope than Ruby notice her little calls of attention coming from her hands for her to come and take her. If Susan have the chance she would softy rub her thigh toward her neither.

mind_flayer: Ashera followed them to the bedroom and seemed to be a little cautious at first, but she also seemed to just want to let Susan and her lovers have their fun, while she watched. Ruby's foreplay along with everyone else's was soon getting everyone ready for more, and Susan saw Ruby, and the other herms in the room, pulling their towels off, where she saw they were all hard as iron, and ready to have more fun, to go further until they couldn't stop themselves any longer.

plmnko: The young human girl could see Ashera come with them but stay far of the action, normally she would talk with her but now she was surrounded by Ruby, Pandora and the others. Susan have in mind pleasure then and do this slowly so Andrea could be gently taken, but as the four demon kinds remove theirs towels they reveal than they were for action. She tried to aim for both Ruby and Pandora, holding theirs hands and pull them closer, touch theirs rears with her soft hands, sensing theirs colored skins and trying to remove her sight from the hard cocks around her, she went slowly kissing Ruby body, from her belly and chest toward her neck and mouth and then going down again to reach her testicles and hard rod, softly kissing her point as she massage her balls with one hand and her other stroke Pandora, ready to be taken to rest on the bed by any of them as her leg slide softly to rub at the leg of a demoness, her two holes and mouth already tasting the hot meat.

mind_flayer: It looked like Susan's four herm lovers all wanted a piece of her, but there was simply not enough to go around. Iris and Jasmine decided to let Ruby and Pandora have Susan first, while they took Andrea, the succubus looking like she was enjoying their attention. Ruby and Pandora both greatly enjoyed Susan's hands caressing them and pulling them closer to her. As soon as she began massaging their balls, Ruby and Pandora both moaned aloud and leaned down next to her, taking turns kissing her on the lips, while the other one nipped at her neck to leave a hickey or two, and switched to her breasts every now and then as well.

"Oh Susan, what's gotten into you? You're... urging us so much to take you, and we... can't hold back any longer," Ruby asked, moaning softly in between kisses, before she nodded to Pandora, who smiled as Ruby laid Susan over, spread her legs, and thrust inside of Susan's pussy, filling her up with her hot hard cock, while Pandora pulled Susan's head over to suck her off while Ruby pounded her.

plmnko: The human smirk softly as her strange plan worked, with Pandora and Ruby focused on her Andrea wouldnt have sex with her fiancee, of course Susan know than it would be maybe really hard than Ruby dont focus some of her attention and seed on Andrea, but as her adoptive mother Susan was interested in protect some of her old family customs at least. "Its only worry about all of you, Ruby. Im sure than hold yourself all the way from Ashera's lair has been really hard for her and the four of you... it has been also hard for me~" Susan answer between the rest than Ruby give her to her lips. One of her hands tried to caress a pair of sensitive places of her lover as this lift her easily over and then pound inside her. The silver haired girl tried to make some seductive moans, as she cant stop herself to enjoy the two futas touching her, guided soon to Pandora's privates. She blush as her eyes tried to peek at Andrea to see if she was fine, yet moments later she made a pleased lustful cooe as she start kissing and licking softly the member, using then a hand to pleasure Pandora as other hold her in place over Ruby or softly caress the demoness below her.

Susan could feel her whole self squirming by have her lover thrusting her needed place, she tried to focus and lick the lenght of Pandora's cock for a time, trying to be lovely and kind to her too instead act as a total slut, still soon she would slowly start to suck and increase her moves as she looks for the right way to pleasure Pandora and Ruby at the same time, sure than this will last a long time as both of them have a huge stamina, of course than Susan would try to make them cum more times so she could resist the enough and dont let them any need to use Andrea themselves.

mind_flayer: "We know Susan, and that's one reason why I've been wanting to make you feel good, and make Andrea here feel good. It's a good thing though that Pandora, Iris, and Jasmine are here, because I don't think I could have handled you and her both, hmhm," Ruby said, giggling as she kissed Susan again.

Susan saw that Andrea was enjoying herself too, and loving the attention that Iris and Jasmine were giving her, and soon the pair had Andrea's clothes completely off, and were sandwiching the succubus between them, with one of their hard dicks in either of her lower holes. Andrea didn't seem to mind, and giggled playfully as the two began thrusting away, her pussy and ass clenching and milking their members. "Oh goddess yes... Andrea, love, you're amazing. I think we've already fallen in love," Iris said as she pounded away into Andrea's pussy, kissing her on the lips as she did.

Ashera watched the entertainment from across the bed, pulling Tess up where she was gently teasing her, her fingers sliding in and out of Tess's pussy to pleasure her and make her moan softly as they both watched.

plmnko: "Yes, that is right... im sure than Andrea will enjoy their time with them... so we should only focus on do the same" Susan answer as she tried her best, trying to bouncing correctly to get the most possible pleasure on Ruby and using her mouth most of the time in pandora.

As she was doing her best, she couldnt stop herself to see her precious Andrea be taken or more likely enjoy the moment as the succubi take both of the others demoness easily. Susan have some mixing feelings, arousing ones of course as she hope than Iris and Jasmine could sattle her daughter needs. From all Iris words were softly a worry, Andrea looks to be really good and certainly could take most of them in a sesion. The human tried to focus on her task, she maybe lack of the enough experience to match Andrea natural skill, but her slutty body should help her, using her hips and breasts to all the possible arousal on Pandora and Ruby as her pussy and mouth try their best to make the duo cum.

mind_flayer: Ruby was greatly enjoying herself with Susan, her thrusts strong and deep. It didn't seem to matter to Ruby that Andrea was a succubus at all, as she was more focused on Susan, even when she would glance over at the lovely succubus next to them, her thrusts never weakened, and her hands never left Susan's body. With each thrust into her by Ruby, Susan could feel Ruby's large full balls slapping heavily against her ass, and Pandora's against her chin as the two thrust away without a care in the world.

It didn't take too long for Susan to coax Ruby and Pandora both to cum either, though it was obvious that neither was holding back at all. "O-Oh goddess, yes... YES!" Ruby cried as she came, her seed launching deep into Susan and filling her up more than enough for there to be backwash as it splashed back onto the bed, while Pandora did her best to make sure Susan drank all of her seed down.

plmnko: Susan could feel the intense need from her lovers, as each thrust of them goes deep inside her throat or hit her cervix, with such intensity than maybe she would had been in problems with her normal body. Closing her eyes for instants as she fight to dont let them roll up by the pleasure pressing at her sluty being, she could heard the naughty sounds produced by her as she suck and pleasure the huge mebers of her lovers, the slaps on her by theirs balls was almost hypnotic than she was starting to forget to turn to see her daughter.

Unable to know how much time has passed, the silver haired slutty human notice than it was almost time for both her lovers to cum inside her, she tried to get ready as the huge loads come in high potence, easily filling her love tunnel and painting her back, her body shiver in needs to cum, she was not sure if she could resist it as the warm fluid pass toward her stomach, Susan fight to drink each drop from Pandora, but she was not sure how much could she manage to save, she couldnt not stop to such and gulp as also her pussy and hips move to incit both to continue until the human couldnt be able to hold herself
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

mind_flayer: "Y-Yeah, so it ought to be an easier birthing process... at least I hope so anyway," Ruby said as the others helped them to the garden, which Susan noticed was in the backyard, and safe from prying eyes.

Ruby held Susan close to her as they spread their legs, removing their clothes first, as one of the others got them a blanket to sit on to birth the seedlings. It took them the better part of an hour, but eventually, all of the seedlings had been pushed out of them both, the whole process being incredibly pleasurable for both girls, and making them both cum multiple times as they sat there.

When all was said and done, Ruby was almost about to faint, and was laying back in Jasmine's arms, while Susan was in Pandora's arms, their piles of seedlings sitting before both of them, where Ashera scooped them all up and began planting them in the garden in various places, so that none were too close, but still close enough so that when they sprouted, they would be within sight and reach.
plmnko: Susan nosa, as she remember when she give birth to Moonlight and the others wolf pups, the many lovers of tehm help them to undress to be completely naked and rest at a blnket until the moment to start come. It was a complete different experience, the silver haired human pressed at Ruby's hand when the labor begin, expected some pain yet this never come, in exchange both girls were invaded by lust and pleasure. Susan got to ponder in her state than the seeds should have some aphrodisiac substance around them.

It was unknown the time than lasted or the times than they cum, what they only could suppose it was than they needed some rest after this. Susan tried to caress Ruby before the tireness take her to rest at Pandora's lap for a while, she was pretty much exhausted after all the fun of today, it would take a good effort for anyone to awake her once seh get to the bed, clearly going there naked without the energy to take a third bath.

mind_flayer:Susan was able to reach over to caress Ruby, her hand taken afterwards and gently squeezed by the red skinned devil woman. Both of them were very exhausted, though Ruby reached down to help Susan to her feet despite her weariness, and after a couple of minutes, Susan saw her bed, which had clean sheets and blankets set on it, and her handmaid helped her and Ruby both get cleaned up a bit with the help of the others, so they at least felt a little clean, and once that was done, Ruby reached over and pulled Susan up against her, and smiled, looking very happy that she was there with her lover.

"That was... intense, but amazing. I wonder how long they'll take to sprout?" Ruby said as they lay there together.

"A couple of weeks or so before we see true signs of it. I believe that both of your seedlings will come out beautifully," Ashera said from the doorway, smiling softly as she stood there. "Now you two get some sleep for now. I... have a basement to look at and see if I can make myself a laboratory to tinker around with stuff in," she went on to say, giving Susan a naughty wink before stepping out to let them rest.
plmnko: It was needed the help of the others, as Susan never has such intense mating in just a day or consecutive days, loving the cleaning given by her friends and lovers, she thank then and invite them to sleep together or ask to her head maid if there was available rooms for them.

"Indeed, never expected than they could make you feel like that as the seeds lay out" Susan add to what Ruby said and then cuddle in a hug to the red skinned demoness, hearing to what Ashera have to say and say to the tentacle woman than she will be waiting for the time than Ashera ant to show her work to her. Said this she tried to sleep with her loved ones, trying to get some rest for the difficult mission waiting for her soon.
mind_flayer: "Oh it's no problem Susan, we don't mind helping you," Jasmine told her, kissing her on the cheek.

"Aye, it was just... amazing," Ruby told Susan with a chuckle, looking and feeling exhausted, as she laid back to rest, pulling Susan up against her to sleep, with Susan finding that Ruby's body was warmer than a human's, and kept her from getting too cool since they were both naked and all. "Get you some sleep Susan, you need it, after all that," Pandora told her, kissing her on the neck as she snuggled up behind Susan, deciding to sleep with her and Ruby, to let her feel good and safe while she slept.
plmnko: Having a sweet dream surrounded of her many lovers, Susan pass some time with them, making her know some more of them as she prepare for the new mission placed on her by Elise. She dont know how much money she will need to get an armor than fit her lustful new body, so if she dont have other choice then she will trade her old armor and sme of her gold to get a similar new one unless she got to see a better armor, also two potions to heal herself would be fine, having this in mind she hugs and kiss each of them asking to everybody to stay and enjoy their stay as if they were in their house.

Taking a horse she will meet with Elise get all the needed to meet the orcs and then move to that new city, wishing than they were loyal at theirs words and without any hidden motive.

mind_flayer: Alluria paid Susan a visit the next day, while Susan was worrying about what she'd do for her armor, and informed her that Elise wanted to let her know that she'd provide her armor with modifications to make sure it fit her properly, unless she desired a new suit, in which case Alluria said for her to pick out some from the palace vaults to have modified to fit her new lusty body. "Just come up to the palace whenever you're ready to leave, and pick out a new suit and we can have it altered within a day for you, so you can leave," Alluria said, flashing Susan a wink and a smile.

When Susan did get to the palace when she was ready to do so, Elise showed her a variety of sets, ranging from light and nimble armors, to heavier and bulkier ones. "With your... beautiful body like it is now, I'd wager it would be better to go with a lighter one, so you're still mobile," Elise told her, pointing out an altered suit of studded leather armor, which was already looking like it was made to fit a succubus, but Elise told her that with a few adjustments that it'd fit Susan easy.

plmnko: Never expecting so sudden visit, the silver haired woman decide to follow not before give some words to her adopted daughter and headmaid, saying to them to take care of each one of theirs new family members and ask to Elise for help if they need it.

Susan accepted the offer, but still she cant hide to be feeling bad for accepting all this help. "I was close to buy a new one, but could take me days to find out one than i like and fit at this new body. If Elise accept it, i will pay this armor with my work and some money" She said to Alluria before get inside the castle and meet the many choices at the armors for her.

Soon the young warrior find herself lost on the many choices for her ending blushing as she was presented to this ~light armor~

"With the promise to leave today to meet these orcs... i guess than this one will be the best choice, there is not much time to modify any armor, but i accept any small change than you see correct to place, Elise" Susan end to say to the matriarch, sure than Elise know what she will face in this quest, leaving to the land ruler decide any change than her mind have for it.
mind_flayer: "Oh it's no trouble. Elise said she figured you would need some new armor, what with... well, the change in your body," Alluria replied, not looking like she minded one bit. "And think of it as, an investment. You've proven that you're capable, and Elise sees that, and she's going to make sure that you're taken care of," she added with a shrug.


"Well, it's not so much that it's the best exactly, it's what you want, and what goes best with you and your skills that I'm thinking about. I know you're a duelist type, like me really. So therefore, I think a lighter, but sturdier armor would be good. If you'd rather have one of the others, then I can have my best smiths work on it instead. Remember hon, it's what you want in the end. the studded leather is just my suggestion, is all," Elise told Susan, patting her shoulder and letting her make the final decision on her armor choice, and sending whichever Susan liked to her smiths to have it altered to fit her, while another took her measurements to ensure they got it fixed up right.

plmnko: "Even when i see Elise as a really good friend, we are also focused on work together to protect this place and fulfill ours goals, i have it very clear. But she is so kind... and dont have too much to offer her right now. I only hope to be able to pay her and all of you all this kindness" Susan answer to Alluria half focused in her troughts yet the human know than it would be very hard to succeed on pay all what Elise has made and will to her.

Once in the castle the youngh swordswoman heard to Elise and clear any innuendo than this could have. "You are right Elise. Im better dodging than taking hits and orcs are certainly strong, no matter how strong and hard is the armor it will break after some hits" Said this she will ask to make the armor not so naughty as possible, she dont wanted to provoke the lust on these orcs.

mind_flayer: "Of course hon, just tell the smith over there how you want the adjustments, and he'll tell you if it can be done in a day's time," Elise told Susan with a smile.

With that, Susan had free reign in how to make her armor look, and the smith that was doing the adjustments was quite nice, and didn't ogle at her overly much, though she would catch him staring at her breasts and ass some. After she gave him instructions on how to try and make it look, he told her alright, and to go ahead and relax for a while, because it would take him some time to finish up with it and whatnot.