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RPG RPG Maker NTR Loli [スタジオドビー] 7GirlsWar ~高貴だったあの娘を落として堕とすRPG~ (RJ147837)

Finally finished with normal end. Building confirmed bugged for me. I think all that corruption/ntr staff is locked on True end GOR? Which is like,1 scene per girl (according to the save from their site)
Finally finished with normal end. Building confirmed bugged for me. I think all that corruption/ntr staff is locked on True end GOR? Which is like,1 scene per girl (according to the save from their site)

wait, so there only 1 NTR scene for every girl? :oops:

Or is it more?

Any guide or walkthrough for NTR route?
there is 1 ntr and 1 gor event 6 is ntr and gor is event 12 for ntr just do the main event for each girl in part 4 you get a choice 1 of which lead to ntr ending
Is it possible for someone to submit a save? That would be much appreciated.
editing your gold or maybe having too much seems to bug the city construction. Not sure about the details, I had to start a new game to fix it. I made sure to reset my gold to one before I talked to the npc each time and then edited the exact amount after getting his "you don't have enough" dialogue. probably went overboard.
workthough https://ulmf.org/threads/walkthroughs.2551/post-1038738

editing your gold or maybe having too much seems to bug the city construction. Not sure about the details, I had to start a new game to fix it. I made sure to reset my gold to one before I talked to the npc each time and then edited the exact amount after getting his "you don't have enough" dialogue. probably went overboard.
better build house of alchemist (錬金術師の家) first, then buy 毒薬(50$) and ストレンジスオイル(150$) in item shop, make 毒の牙 can sell 2500..., or when choice 毒の牙, left or right make cursor to 魔除けのネックレス, then ok can make 魔除けのネックレス (and no item used...), it can sell 10000$...
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Where can i find 7th book for the writer?
eyny can find v1.01
google link but click not work, need copy

then v1.01 can get 7th book 1.jpg in arena
V4.0 released today. Etigoyas link above from DCPC is already updated. They are awesome :D

Stated to come out on the 28th.
and it's out.

This game is one hell of a "fuck you" to the usual "talk to everyone" trope.
already finished the game in JP so not that hype
but at same time i could say this game is good with balanced battle + story wise.... well except finding the quest giver can be a real pain
Kagura Games patch comes with a walkthrough... someone was aware of that.