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Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Heading upstream towards the ferry's dock, Tiara walked along the shoreline, the breeze blowing her hair a bit, and her tail, the feel of it refreshing her somewhat. After about half a mile, she came to a rocky area along the shore, and had to walk a bit closer to the water in order to make her way to the ferry. As her feet touched the water, and splashed a tiny bit, Tiara saw something reaching up to her left to try and grab her ankle, managing to wrap around it just enough to give a tug, before Tiara could jump out of its reach.

The tentacle, she quickly found out, was blue, and long, and the tip of it was oddly enough, shaped like the head of a penis, and secreting a strange thick fluid from it, as another couple of the things rose up from the water, one reaching for Tiara's tail, and the other reaching for her left arm.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara almost stumbled as the tentacle grabbed her leg, Fortunately she regained her footing upon the rocks. She took the time to look towards the creature that grabbed her "Well this is certainly the reason I just didn't cross" she narrowed her eyes at the tentacles "Guess it has a death wish.." spending no time thinking or trying to reason with the creature she quickly drew her blade and attempted to strike the creature's tentacles "Get off me!"
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara whipped her blade out and swung it downward at the tentacle, cleaving it loose from her ankle before it could pull her in or anything. The one coming for her wrist managed to latch on, and was still holding on somehow, and soon enough she felt a powerful tug on her arm as that tentacle retaliated harshly as it yanked Tiara down into the water, with a loud splash. She was sitting there in the water, up to her waist as she did, and another tentacle came to replace the first one on her ankle, and Tiara saw a purple squid like body beginning to surface as it came towards her.

All in all, the thing wasn't overly large, maybe about 2-3 times her size, at most, but it was still bigger than her. More tentacles lashed out, one grabbing her waist, another grabbing her other leg, and she was just unable to squirm free or land a good blow to cut the things loose just yet.

Tiara - FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10, grappled
Lust Squid - FP: 4/6, grappling Tiara
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara squirmed and struggled against the creature viciously trying to free herself. her struggles seemed to be in vain as the squid did not let up even the slightest. She looked around herself quickly trying to decide what she should do, Without being able to use her blade she was in quite the predicament. Her eyes fell upon the tentacle around her arm and without much though she lunged at it and attempted to bite into it and tear it apart with her teeth -Just like calamari right?- she thought to herself
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

(Just so you know, she was able to still use her blade, she was just missing her attacks, not disarmed.)

Lunging at that thing, Tiara's teeth sank into the the fleshy bit of the tentacle holding her leg, tearing at it and managing to get her leg free. The tentacled creature managed to retaliate though against Tiara, snatching her tail with another tentacle, while another went around her head a bit, wrapping around her eyes enough to blind her for the moment and preventing her from aiming properly to attack it.

Tiara's next swing or two went wide, missing the squid thing, as she couldn't really see it, where it was easily able to maneuver out of the way of her attacks. Her hearing wasn't hindered enough though that she wasn't able to hear the splashing of tentacles that indicated it was trying to do more to her. However, Tiara did feel one stray tentacle laying between her breasts, and starting to curl around one of them, but she still had a few moments before it finished doing so to try and break free.

Tiara - FP: 3/5, AP: 1/10, grappled and blinded (-3 attack rolls, -1 defense rolls)
Lust Squid - FP: 3/6, grappling and blinding Tiara
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Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Frustrated by the lack of outcome by her attack she swung her sword furiously -Dammit this thing is annoying!- she scowled to herself in her thoughts. Moving a hand up to try pry the tentacle away from her eyes so that she could see while using her other hand to swing the blade swords the tentacle in hopes of some form of freedom from the tentacles wrap -Dammit!-
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

The squid thing, and Tiara both, made little to no headway against one another for nearly a minute or more, before Tiara saw an opening, as the thing's tentacles started worming their way up and one tried to slip into her mouth, which she bit down hard enough to snip it clean off into her mouth, where she spat it out afterwards. The squid, being in such pain after losing the tip of another tentacle, flailed about and released Tiara, before trying to swing another tentacle around as hard as possible to knock her out.

Tiara managed to catch the thing though as she brought her blade up in front of her and swung downward, slicing that tentacle off too, and forcing the squid to retreat into the waters, before she finished it off completely, a purplish blood leaking out into the water now all around her.

(Tiara was victorious again, and can move on.)
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Fishing in the watcher for the sheath of her weapon she let forth a sigh "Well that's another hill overcome it seems" pulling something up as she stood back up. Looking down at the sheath now in her hand and then the stained bloody water "Well we are already in the water, Suppose there is no point going for the safe route.. Whatever safety it really gave me in the end" letting out a grumble as she climbed upon the riverbank and rolled onto her back staring into the sky "It never occurred to me till just now... Did Lana reach the city safely? Can she defend herself? It seems oddly dangerous to attempt going to this city unarmed... Mayhaps I have had the worst luck and she has had a trouble free path" sitting up "I shouldn't ponder on it to much... I still need to get to the city itself" The girl climbed to her feet and attempted to wring out her clothing "Wonderful... Soaking wet... I feel... disgusting.." She looked to her path ahead and began making her move "One step closer, We can do it" she looked down at the now sheathed blade in hand "You know... it wouldn't hurt for you to speak once in a while" she emitted a small giggle following her sarcasm towards the object.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara's clothes were torn a bit, as she got back up, and after getting back up onto the river bank, once cleaned up, she was still soaking wet. Her blade didn't say anything to her as she spoke to it, unfortunately, so that was uneventful really. By the time she'd gotten out of the water again, Tiara was drenched still, her clothing dripping wet, though she was able to wring them out somewhat thankfully.

Once she was ready to keep moving, Tiara managed to make her way to the docks, where she found it wasn't just the docks themselves, and that there was a small village of about a hundred or so, and she saw a couple of guards on the outer edge of the little village coming over towards her as she approached. "Ho there miss. Trouble on your way in, I take it?" one of the guards asked, leaning on his spear, and from just under his helm, Tiara saw that he had elven ears, while the other man had regular human ears.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Once at the outer section of the village she looked over both the guards for a moment and sort of sneered at the comment made by the guard "Oh no no, Smooth sailing all the way" she replied before looking past them to the village "Is this Myria? I had more of a large scaled city in mind. Did an elf lady name Lana come by here by any chance? Is there an angel here?" her quistions bombarding the poor guards "Is there an inn here I could dry off in and rest? Any village Tailors? My clothes need alittle repairing" reaching up to her mouth and yawning slightly "I'm tired, Where was that inn at?"
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"Of course miss. And no, this isn't Myria proper, it's across the river, over there. This is Narsa," the guard replied, pointing across the river towards the main city itself.

"As for an elf by the name of Lana... no, I don't recall one coming in. Also, there's an inn right over there. The River's Edge, it's called. As for tailors, well... there's no official tailor in Narsa, but the owner of the inn is a decent seamstress, and can mend most clothes, provided she's got the material for it," the guard said after a moment, pointing towards the inn, which was probably the largest building in this village, aside from the dock building.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"Oh... I see.... More rivers to cross, Suddenly starting to think this place hates me. Anyway Thank you for the information, Seems the Inn will be the most beneficial to me right now" With a bow to the guards she started to make her way through the small village once more yawning to herself "You'd think a smart person would build the teleporter inside Myria that way even if you were teleported in a certain radius it would be close enough to the city to not put any folk in danger" she reached the Inn and pushed open the door and looking around the entrance, Her eyes lock onto the person behind the counter "Excuse me, Would you happen to be a Lady Narsa by any chance?"
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"I hope you didn't have too much trouble following the shores to here, miss. The boats are a lot safer though, so you shouldn't have much in the way of worries. We keep many nets out in the waters, to prevent any creatures from attacking the boats," the elven guard replied. "And we didn't build it, merely discovered it," the man added after a few moments with a shrug.

"Nay missy, I'm not lady Narsa, just a lady in Narsa, which is the name of our town here," an older, but still young looking woman, probably around 30 or so, if Tiara had to guess. "Need your clothes mended? It certainly looks like it, at least," she then said after a few moments, coming around the desk to take a closer look at Tiara's clothing, probably to see what needed to be fixed.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"Oh... Right heh don't worry about me Ma'am. It's been a long trip so I think it all just got to me" her eyes scanned down over her own clothing "That obvious? It wasn't exactly the safest path here" making her way over to the counter and allowing the lady to examine her clothing "Tch, I had hoped to run into her before town... Now I admit I am quite worried if she is alright or not" talking to herself for a moment "What is the path like to Myria from here Miss? Is there a safe clearing to the city?"

((My apologies for the late reply. My CPU fan went down and finally got replaced now))
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"Well I'll have you right as rain soon enough. If you don't mind though, it'll be much easier to mend them if you take them off. Come, I'll take you to my office and get you something to wear while I mend them for you, shouldn't take me too long," the woman said, smiling at Tiara and leading her to another room behind her counter. "Name's Marissa by the way," she added after they got into the room and she started helping Tiara get her clothes off.

"I hope you have an extra change of clothes to wear," Marissa said after a few moments.
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

Tiara would remove her damaged clothes with the help of Marissa, Leaving herself semi naked in her bra and panties "Extra clothing? Oh I thought you said you would get me something to wear whilst you repaired my clothing, I do apologise it seems perhaps I misheard you. Unfortunately I do not have any extra clothing on me" she moved to take a seat watching the other for a moment "In anycase it is a pleasure to meet you Marissa, My name is Tiara"
Re: Tears to Tiara. (Katarina)

"I meant for later on hon. In case this happens again down the line, when you don't have someone like me to mend them for you," Marissa said, winking at Tiara and smiling, before "But I will provide you with some extra things to wear for the evening.

After a few moments, Marissa set Tiara's tattered clothing down and rummaged around in a chest not far away, and gathered up some clothing for Tiara to wear for the time being. "Here you go hon. I'm guessing your size, but these ought to fit well enough, maybe a little loose on your legs for the trousers here, and a bit tight on the chest for the shirt," Marissa said, smiling when Tiara introduced herself properly. "And it's a pleasure to meet you too hon. So would you like to stay the night here? Since you were attacked on your way in, I'm guessing that you probably don't have a whole lot of money, if any got dragged into the water or something. So, I wouldn't mind putting you up for the night, if you're in need of a place to stay. It can be dangerous in the wilds at night, after all," she went on to say, helping Tiara get the new clothes on.

The shit was a plain simple white button up shirt, though Tiara wasn't able to button it up all the way, and as a result was showing a bit of cleavage, despite her smaller breasts. The trousers meanwhile were again simple, but a dark green color, and they were a bit baggy, she found. "There we go, I'll see if I can find you a bigger shirt shortly, after I've mended these and get them washed and hung up to dry," Marissa said, while Tiara found the shirt was a bit tight, but not painfully or even uncomfortably so really, so it was nothing she couldn't handle.