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Tentacle Defense

Re: Tentacle Defense

Did you really just say it's less buggy to write things in binary? Seriously? I was almost willing to believe you for a while there...

a binary writer is basically someone who would rather use hand-tools for carpentry rather than power tools

More like someone who would rather mass manufacture things by placing individual molecules by hand then by using a custom-tooled factory. And if you place any single molecule wrong, the whole thing explodes.

For example, lets say there are two programs. Big, complex, programs. One is in binary, one is written in a higher-level programming language. For the sake of the argument, we'll pick the last little utility I wrote in java. It is 3000 lines of code, properly formatted. The compiled .jar file is 225,000 bytes in length, and for this exercise we'll assume that's the length of the equivalent binary program. While you could probably write it in fewer lines in binary, that file doesn't include all the java6 libraries I referenced. Lets introduce one error into each version of the program - a single bit flipped in yours, and a single letter capitalized in mine.

To find my typo, I look for the red "error" marker on the scroll bar in eclipse, scroll to that point in the program, and change the underlined letter from lowercase to capital.
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Re: Tentacle Defense

He's talking about the big bang.

Right them let's get back on topic, shall we?
Re: Tentacle Defense

Hello! Came by through this thread and loved these ideas. But when I reached about the 5th page, from there on no one said anything about how the game, you guys were thinking of making, is going.

Are you really going to work on it or did you just give up? Any news?
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Re: Tentacle Defense

You will find that most people on this forum tend to go off topic. A lot. And most threads about making a new game etc are just hypothetical. I think.
Re: Tentacle Defense

Yeah, I know. It's just this thread interested me, plus a lot of ideas some of the members gave were really potential. I think if this game was to be created it should have at least that lil demo they were thinking, cause I believe it will give the will to carry out with the "real" game!
Re: Tentacle Defense

The problem is that none of the coders are good artists, and we're all lazy as hell. I can help a little with art, but putting together something like this requires at least one person willing to be the manager, and to do the coding. Of course, you could also decompile or whatever it's called another flash game, and ask for some basic artwork to stick on top of the finished code... But I don't think the will is there for most people on here.
Re: Tentacle Defense

I'll be completely honest with everyone:

There is a small part... deep within my inner space seems to recoil at the thought of actually making a hentai game. I'm all for tossing the ideas out and managing the delegation of the work... but when it actually comes to the thought of making the game, and people recognizing me as one of the creators of it, it leaves me with this awful sense of dread.

I do not say this to put anyone down; I am simply stating why I haven't done much of anything to actually progress this project.

Then there's also the possibility of my younger siblings walking in on me while I work on it. They have this knack for coming in the moment I start working.

If it weren't for all of that, this project would have been finished ages ago.
Re: Tentacle Defense

Everyone fears the Curse of Linemarvin.

The old, raggedy woman cackles, her laughter that of a madwoman, "Beware!" she warns ye, "Beware the Curse of Linemarvin! Every soul who so dares to make a hentai game within the ULMF forums mysteriously vanishes before the game reaches completion! It is said those poor souls are taken to the depths of Hell, and are raped by sharp, pointy tentacles for the rest of their damned existence! Ye have been warned!"
Re: Tentacle Defense

AH! That must be it.

*stir* =.=*stir* =,= *stir* v///v
Re: Tentacle Defense

Just make the very very very basic game with stick figures, and post the entire file on the forum so that others can add to it. That way, it'll be finished.