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TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
So. I've been playing a lotta Degroot Keep recently in TF2, and personally I've made quite a odvious discovery:

-Medic and Sniper have the advantage of range over most other things, and due to several servers running Degroot with a mod to give constant fire arrows, this can mean one team pinned down (literally) in a hail of burning arrows.
-Whereas melee weaponry is fine and all, some of the classes loose a lot of thier old spark. Pyros pretty much are stuck with either the Rake or standard Fire Axe, heavies got thier gloves and Sandvich, Soldiers with Equalizers, and demoknights/demobombs are all way too common. It's sadly kinda rare to see spys and engies, and scouts are more a revatively easy-to-swat annoyence.
-Classes don't feel like themselves that much. The Pyro can't set people on fire, the Soldier is reduced to a pickaxe swinging numbnuts, and the spy, losing his revolver, is severely outgunned in a defensive situation where most the targets are in a blender of bonesaws and Eyelanders

So, I plan on tossing these weapon concepts to the TF2 fourums in a thread later for others to use, but wanted to see what ULMF thought of em first.


Ye Olde Building Basher or DaVinchi's Deciple

"Noone knows where the engineer got the creativity to create stuff with a self-created wrench. Or how he made the wrench for that matter. However, then again, the man himself says it best: 'he solves practical problems.'"

Level 5 Wrenchlike Object
Sets Build Order to Blacksmithineer
-25% Health

Essentially, it's similar to the Gunslinger as it allows the Engineer to change his build order. Aditionally, the Blacksmithineer isn't too entirely underpowered in non-Degroot, as with the addition of the weapons he creates being longer-ranged then the tech sentries, you can't sap stuff made of wood, sucker!

The Blacksmithineer Build Order

Socrati's Siege Weapon or Automated Ballistae

In comparison to the original Sentry:
+25% Damage
+50% Detection Range
Immune to Sappers

-50% Fire Rate
-25% Health
-50% Ammo
Cannot be Wrangled

Most of these changes come from it firing crossbow bolts instead of the standard BOOLET.

At Level 2, in comparison to a Level 2 Sentry, the changes to it's advantages and disadvantages are:

Second Crossbow Arm
-25% Fire Rate
-10% Health

Second Crossbow armAt Level 3, it gains a catapult arm nd it's disadvantages in comparison to the rockets are listed below, the other disadvantage changes are (in comparison to a level 3 standard Sentry: )

-10% Fire Rate
-5% Health

Catapult: (Disadvantages in comparison to it's rocket launcher of a Level 3: )
-Arched Fire
+50% Splash
+50% Contact Damage

-50% Fire Rate
-75% Ammo

The Elixer Extractor

+300% Heal Rate
Cannot Be Sapped

Cannot Dispense Ammo
Cannot be Upgraded

"Noone knows what fey mood took hold when the Engie and the Medic discussed replicating the Dispencer at the local pub, however the result was this odd contraption, which fulfills at least half of the criteria tremendiously!"

Fountain, magic drinking pool, whatever ya think it is, the gist is basicly to constantly heal someone so they don't get wax'd too fast in the melee.

Bear Trap

Deals somewhere around Wrench Damage
'Stun' for 3 seconds when triggered
'Bleed' for 6 seconds when triggered
Cannot be sapped

1 Use Only
No random critical hits

Costs 75 Metal
Maxium of 4 per Engie

"What can we say? It's a bear trap. You expecting it to do a tapdance or something?"

Short, sweet, to the point- don't step in these things.

(I can't think that much of a good Slot 4 item, especially as Teleporters aren't too feasible thanks to Degroot Keep's size and the fact if most people using melee gear don't want to run the same distance of a Payload or CP map to chop at people.)


Trogdor Burninator
Level 10 Oil Thrower

Semi-Auto Fire
+75% Damage
180 Degree Burn Radius

-75% Range
-50% Burn Damage
-75% Ammo
No Airblast

"Pyro was sad when they took away his precious and handed him a axe. So pyro made deal with local blacksmith to mix a airtank and the pretty burning black stuff sitting in vats at various castles. Now he'll make everyone pay for taking his presiouses...."

A medievil flamethrower that combines one of the Pyro's airtanks and the concept of burning oil, with the air tank blasting out some of the oil into a wide-area burst around the front of the Pyro. The weapon's mass penalties of range and burn damage are made up by the area around the pyro gaining EXTREME pain from the oil damage when it is first shot out. The burn damage, even with it being -50%, will probably finish them off due to original contact.


The Tribblechet
Level 5 Arm Mounted (Crossed out 'Catapult') TRIBBLECHET

"Don't tell the Soldier he mispelled Trebuchet. Don't tell the Soldier that he's actually wielding a catapult. And for the love of all that is holy DON'T TELL HIM TREBUCHETS CAME FROM FRANCE!!!"

Arch Fire
+50% Splash Area
-50% Reload Rate
-80% Clip Size

The Tribblechet is essentially a hand-held catapult, launching explosive cannonballs in a decent arch at the target. The fact the Soldier only carries about 10 of them and can't easily rocket jump with these means this'll turn a Soldier more defensively, unless he's firing down at a target or is able to compensate aim effectively.

(More ideas to come when I can think of them...)
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

My main thoughts are that TF2 should return to the days before it was designed by the community. But as that won't happen, I'll settle for my pointless post about TF2 sucks compared to what it used to be.
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

Don't forget your cane on the way out :p
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

I REALLY dont see what anybody's problem is with new custom content. Hell, i can hit tops on the scoreboard with just default weapons. Oh well. I think it adds more chaos to the mix, kinda the reason i loved UT2004. (GO BURN AND DIE UT3!!) As for this server your talking about, could you post up a IP for it, it sounds pretty cool.
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

The thing that killed TF2 for me was the store. Plain and simple. The thing that buried it was the boxes you need to buy a key to open. Once they start whoring themselves out, something they'd refrained from doing for so long, I just lost all interest.

It's true that the default loadouts are still quite strong, and probably do the job, but the more stuff that gets piled in, the more the precarious balance between the classes is shaken around. Things were working just fine, but as soon as they'd finally released an update for all classes, the new stuff started really piling in quickly.
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

I'm just upset that they can have entire teams get something handed to them, and it seems like not one person there can make the case "Wow, that sounds retarded."
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

...*sigh* shoulda posted in the tf2 thread so if it went crazy like this it'd still be on topic.

Look, I don't really like the crates either (personally want a way to scrap the buggers), though I do enjoy some of the content and at least see some of the uses for some of the weapons they released (sadly even if they are extremely situational). I just thought of some ideas and felt like contributing, but I guess I'm in the minority here...
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

I'm just upset that they can have entire teams get something handed to them, and it seems like not one person there can make the case "Wow, that sounds retarded."

o.0 elaborate?
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

...*sigh* shoulda posted in the tf2 thread so if it went crazy like this it'd still be on topic.

Look, I don't really like the crates either (personally want a way to scrap the buggers), though I do enjoy some of the content and at least see some of the uses for some of the weapons they released (sadly even if they are extremely situational). I just thought of some ideas and felt like contributing, but I guess I'm in the minority here...

Dont get me wrong dude, i do like the Ideas you posted. But i do have to agree, the crates were dumb, however, ive never used the store at all, and i still get by just fine. If people feel the need to pay money, LET THEM. If valve can make a tiny profit, no bigge, its the consumers choice, and if that noob feels like he needs the "rare" shit, let him do that too. I've never done any store crap, i just craft the random stuff i get from gameplay to make different things, and i trade my weapons with friends to help them find what suits them best, no different no less.
Re: TF2 Weapon Concepts/Ideas- The Medivel Mod Reclassifier

Looking back at this thread, and the times and changes that have happened since then, I couldn't help it.

I lol'd.