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The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 10. Naughty = Unknown)
(Kirika's Spirit is 10. Roll of 13. = 23. Kirika Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 10. Explore = 15)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. +2 idea bonus Roll of 5. = 9. Kirika fails by 1.)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 13. = 21. Kirika passes.)

Focusing in on the creature's magical confluence has become an almost trivial task by this point. While it takes a little time, Kirika knows exactly what to look for and how to find it. After releasing her illusion out to distract the beast, the young prodigy quickly runs in, intent on getting to the confluence. At first, her plan seems to be working, the creature bares down on the image and begins wrapping it up in its tentacles. Through the link Kirika can also feel the creature's tentacles start to press up into the image as well as into its mouth. The feeling almost distracts her from her attempt, however, it seems to be worth it. Focuses as it is on the image, the creature does not seem to be trying to stop Kirika's advance.

Unfortunately, the distractions from the image increase as the magical aphrodisiac starts seeping over the link to Kirika. Without realizing it, the young prodigy has stopped moving and has instead started to play with herself. Feeling the creature's tentacles slide in and out of her image, Kirika starts to give out low moans of pleasure as she tries to imitate the feelings in her real body using her hands. Her feelings only intensify when the creature starts to play with her image's breasts, sending waves of pleasure coursing out to her body through the link, slowly growing as the creature picks up its own pace.

Standing there behind the creature, Kirika's pleasure continues to grow until she feels a large amount of fluid flowing into her body through the link of the spell, triggering a powerful orgasm. Crying out in pleasure, Kirika slumps to the ground as the pleasure overtakes her. At the same time, however, the image dissipates as the young mage's energies go wild with her pleasure.

Coming to after a little bit, Kirika can immediately feel that her image is gone, and when she turns to look, she can see the creature is heading towards her again.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 9/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 19/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 0/20

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika falls to her knees and groans as the creature pumps it appendages into her illusion, each thrust translating almost perfectly into her body from the spiritual link. As she watches the creature pleasure itself with the mirror image, Kirika cannot help but slide her hands down to her nether lips, the aphrodisiacs and the erotic scene before her driving her mad with lust. As she stares at the tentacles thrusting into the eager illusion, the real Kirika begins to rock back and forth on the ground, trying to recreate what she was watching for herself. When the creature's thick semen starts to fill up the copy, both Kirika's cry out in simultaneous orgasm. After collapsing onto the ground and panting to catch her breath, the real Kirika slowly slides her hands up to her mouth, sucking her own juices off her fingers, the taste of the creature's earlier ejaculations causing her to moan as it further reinforces the act she had just recreated.

'This thing...' she thinks, staring at the creature as it slowly turns in place, trying to find where the illusory Kirika has disappeared to, 'it's turning me... into a simple slut." Gasping for breath, the young mage pushes herself off the ground, wondering how a great and wonderful prodigy like herself could have been brought so low. Standing up once again, Kirika stares down the monster again. "Before it was for the mirror," she says, glaring at the creature angrily, "but now I'm going to destroy you, just to show how great of a wizard I am."

Deciding that her failures have been caused by not being aggressive enough, Kirika begins casting a spell yet again, but this time not on herself. Focusing her energies on the air in the room, and especially the air around the creature, she uses her magic to drain the heat from the room. From what she knew about boys, if the monster was cold, it wouldn't be able to assault her this time like it had done before. And if it still could, the layers of frost building up on it's fleshy tentacles should make them rigid enough that it wouldn't be able to wrap the appendages around her.

Kirika shivers for a second, her hands instinctively coming up to wrap around her body and supply her some warmth. She shakes her head though, and focuses again on the task at hand. She is so familiar with the item she needs to remove from the creature that she knows she can find it even without trying. 'I just need to avoid those damned tentacles,' she thinks, just before charging in again. This time though, she doesn't run straight at the creature, but around it, moving in a circle around the floating ball. If she can keep it spinning to keep up with her, then maybe it will make it even more difficult for the monster to grab her. Not wasting any time, she speeds up, circling the monster with her eye on the focus...

(I'm starting to wonder if all these consistently low rolls are really random. j/k ;) )
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 8. Naughty = Unknown)
(Kirika's Spirit is 10. Kirika Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 8. Explore = 13)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. Roll of 18. = 20. Kirika Passes.)

The creature, now both tired from its exertions, and covered in a layer of thin ice, begins tracking Kirika as she starts running around its body. As such, as she spirals in on the creature's body, Kirika is able to get in much closer than before before the tentacles even start trying to reach for her. Even more promising, she doesn't have to even have to do much in the way of dodging when it does start trying to get her. As she gets closer, Kirika steels herself before lunging naked into the ice covered core of the creature to grab the focus. Grabbing hold of something, she pulls back to find herself holding a small, pyramid-shaped frame of magic, overlain on a black pearl. Seconds later, she breaks open the frame, both spilling the black pearl into her hand as well as dispelling the creature.

Releasing her magical lowering on the temperature as quickly as she can, Kirika soon begins warming up. Finally, it seems as if she has finished completing all the tasks between her and getting the mirror. Unconsciously grasping the black pearl in her hand, she now moves over to the delicate mirror, finally able to lay her hands on the object she has sacrificed so much clothing and dignity to acquire.

(If you wish to do an epilogue, just respond further to this post, as a side note, however, you'll find that black pearl is extremely persistent, and you won't be able to make yourself get rid of it for now... heh heh heh...)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Immediately after banishing the tentacled monster, Kirika falls to the ground on her knees and wraps her arms around herself. Her reaction is half from the cold, half from the situation she had just survived with at least some of her pride left intact. After a few moments of comforting herself, she stands, releasing the spell that had helped her defeat the creature, but was now threatening to freeze her to death. Kirika takes a moment to rub some feeling back into her freezing skin, grimacing as she finds alternating patches of oil, sweat and semen. Looking over to her prize, the young mage walks over to the mirror hurriedly and plucks it from it's resting spot, hugging it to her chest just to prove to herself that she has actually succeeded.

In one hand, Kirika holds the mirror, in the other, she feels the cool smooth surface of the black pearl she had pulled from the summoned monster's focus. Her first thought is to simply throw the thing away, eager to forget what had happened to her. But as she started to open her hand to drop the jewel, another part of her protested. Keep it, it says, as a reminder that you can handle any obstacle, no matter how distasteful. Gripping the pearl tighter, she holds onto it, bringing it closer to her breast as she holds out the mirror, to stare into the fabled object. She stares at her reflection, frowning as she sees her tousled hair, matted from sweat and monster cum, her face streaked with tears and drool. "Not my best look," she says softly. She runs the hand with the pearl over her messy face and hair, to straighten herself up just a little. She might look and feel messy, but she had actually succeeded where everyone before her had failed.

As she stares down at the magical mirror, Kirika smiles. 'Of course I succeeded," she thinks, 'I am Kirika von Zemelest, the greatest mage ever, and no eels or moving plants or magic goo or tentacle monster will stop me.' Feeling better now, the young mage strides confidently out of the vault, ready to get back to the Academy. Figuring out exactly how the mirror worked could wait. For now, the young prodigy has to get out of the tower.
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

When she had stared into the mirror, Kirika probably missed the effect it had. Quite simply, while it immediately preformed its magic on her, Kirika is already quite young, so the small changes were hard to see under the coating of juices covering her body. However, one thing that didn't miss the effects is the small black pearl she held. Feeling the mirror's magic flowing through its holder, the pearl reacted the way the enchantment on it was designed to react. It quickly attuned itself to its new holder, laying a few magical bonds between it and the young prodigy so that its magic could teleport it to the woman if need be. Having fufilled that function, however, it went silent again. the pearl would not activate again until the woman next went to sleep which is when it is designed to created a pathway between the woman's dream realm, and a small area of the nightmare realm controlled by the sorceress to use as a last ditch anti theft method for the mirror.

In the mean time, Kirika quickly sauntered back to the where the pool of magical fluid was earlier, the vault door being much easier to get by when it is open rather than closed. Now, however, the rooms is filled with the obvious signs of the magical disturbance the young prodigy triggered earlier. While the now lifeless golem is now hidden beneath the translucent vines, the entire room seems to be full of the vines as well. Even more alarming, however, is the fact that, although these vines don't have thorns like the very first ones she encountered, they do seem to have the magical goo flowing within their hollow lengths. Depending on her luck, this migh either make getting back out a lot easier with the goo bound up in the vines, or a lot harder, depending on the properties of those vines.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika skids to a stop from her gleeful trot at the sight of the vines that have overrun the magic pool. "That's... different..." she says, looking out and over the change of scenery. The last time she had been in the room, the goo was floating up into the air and dripping back down to the ground. She was so frightened of what the magical waste might do to her that she had stripped off all her remaining clothes when some of the liquid had dripped on them. Of course, that had happened when she was but a student, and now she is a wizard in everything but name.

Confidently, the young prodigy comes closer to the translucent vines and reaches out, both physically and magically, to inspect them. With her innate magical abilities, she is still able to feel the strong pulse of magic within the vines, the goo apparently still retaining much of it's strange power even after having expended so much to make such a drastic change in the room. The vines were similarly alarming, as although they seem solid, they seem to crack and shatter like glass if too much pressure was put on them, as Kirika learns before pulling her hand away just in time to avoid a splattering of the goo inside from landing on her.

"Well this won't do," Kirika says softly, her free hand coming up to wipe a lock of hair from her face, "And I don't have any more very expensive clothes to throw away." Summoning another golem was out of the question, as the lumbering monstrosity would simply walk straight through the mass of magical plants and leave her covered in goo. "No, I don't want something heavy," she says, grinning as a plan comes to mind, "I want something light."

Kirika once again mumbles magic words and runs her hands over her body. At first, it seems nothing happens, but then her hair begins to lift away from where it lay on her back, gently floating in the light breeze that blew from the cave entrance to the tower. Walking slowly over to the vines, Kirika reaches out and gently pushes against it, the simple effort causing her to lift slightly in the air, before coming back down gracefully, as though she were weightless. In truth, she almost is, the spell she had cast creating an almost unnoticeable but powerful force to counteract her own weight. Like this, she can make her way over the vines, hopefully without ever putting too much pressure on the vines to break them. With a soft laugh, she pushes off the vines closest to her and floats up into the air, coming back down to balance herself on top of the fragile mass, before slowly starting to make her way across the room.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Slowly and carefully, Kirika begins to make her way across the room. The view, however, is something almost worth the trip out her itself. All around her the vines seem to grow from bare rock, filled with a goo that glows softly to her magical senses painting to room in a variety of cool colors. With her spell making her practically weightless, it's almost like swimming through a see of glowing seaweed. The main reason she is so slow, however, is because of how difficult it is to push through the vines without breaking them, the sheer number make it to where the young progidy needs to rub up against them at times.

As she passes the remains of her golem, however, the vines fortunately start thinning out, as their main anchor point gets farther away. Unfortunately, it seems that the vines get a bit more fragile as well. In the middle of pulling herself farther forward in the mass of colorful vines, Kirika hears a crack that seems quite loud in the quiet chamber as her left foot snags on a vine. Immediately afterward, she feels a cool fluid starts to flow up her skin from her foot. A glance down shows a dark purple fluid starting to engulf her leg and flow up towards the rest of her body. No matter how she tries, though, the liquid can't be removed and seems to only continue to cover her as it goes. Even moving forward prooves fruitless as the goo simply flows from the cracked vine through the air and to her without any break. Quickly, the fluid engulfs her crotch and starts both flowing up her torso and down her right leg. At the same time, however, it seems to ripple across her lower lips and sensitive clitoris, stimulating them like some exotic toy designed to pleasure without penetrating. Whether or not this distracts her momentarily from her plight, the liquid continues to advance, covering her body and eventually fully engulfing her right leg and breasts. Quickly, Kirika can feel the goo stimulating her nipples and breasts in the same way that it stimulates her lower regions, the fluid licking at her sensitive parts like a multitude of tongues lapping at a iced treat. Once at her neck, the liquid fortunately stops its advance, seeming content to merely engulf her arms as well. Once it finishes engulfing her arms, the link back to the vine seems to cut off. Finally able to completely leave the vines, Kirika moves forward and back to the room with the moving plants from earlier. However, of more interest is what she is wearing now.

The goo seems to have arranged itself into a full body dress, slit on the sides all the way up to right above Kirika's hips. At the same time, in place of sleeves, Kirika has long gloves reaching halfway from her elbow to her shoulder. Her legs, aside from the flap in front and in back, are bare, with her feet only covered in a pair of slippers. Overall, it seems as though the young prodigy is wearing a form-fitting garment that looks to be made of a dark purple silk. In fact, a feel underneath the garment shows that she also seems to have a pair of panties made of the same material, although her breasts are only supported by the tight material of the dress. Kirika does notice, however, that her garment still seems to be stimulating her womanly parts.

(If you want a real life example: picture the garment as a Chinese dress with long gloves and a pair of slippers in a color somewhere between purple and midnight blue.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

As Kirika floats in the air above the translucent plants, she is astonished by the sight of all the glowing magical vines. "Oh, so pretty," she says softly, her gaze sweeping out over the beautiful view. The view is so breathtaking that she almost loses her concentration and sends a hand through the mass, but she recovers just in time. Unfortunately, her foot catches as she is pushing away from the near disaster, splashing the magical liquid across her foot

"Wha-no!" she says, hurriedly pushing herself away from the break. As the cool liquid spreads from her foot to her lower leg, Kirika begins to panic, her foot flailing and breaking another vine, causing more of the goo to latch onto her. Though she is worried about the effect of the goo, she knows she can't stop now to remove it. As a thousand tiny tongues being to lick their way up her body, Kirika can only try to ignore the sudden sensation while continuing to make her way across the room. She gasps as the liquid spreads across her crotch, stimulating her sensitive lips and clit. The sudden feeling causes her body to tense, her shock nearly making her fall and break another vine. She manages to catch herself, breathing deeply and concentrating on moving further down the vines. "I-ignore it, Kirika," she says to herself, "k-keep... m-moving..." Thanks to her meditation training, the young prodigy manages to make it across the room without breaking any more vines. She crawls off the vines and hits the vine running, not stopping until she reaches the entrance to the room with the moving plants.

Finally away from the magical glowing vines, Kirika pushes up against the cave wall, putting as much distance between herself at the mass of plants as the can. When the line of goo finally breaks it's connection from her to the plants, she breathes a sigh of relief, though it turns into a gasp as the stimulation continues. She spins around, leaning against the cave wall, as she desperately pulls against the purple liquid that has spread across her body, still feeling like a mass of tongues, each one licking her sensitive spots. No matter how hard she pulls, the goo refuses to budge. She attempts to cast a spell to try to assist her, but the constant stimulation prevents her from working the magic properly. "Need to get this... off me..." she thinks, 'Maybe... water...'

With the goal of reaching the water of the bay in mind, Kirika walks, a bit slower than she would like, through the cave connecting the pool area to the section that contained the moving plants. As she walks, she looks down at the way the goo had formed against her. The long, tight, dress that had emerged from the dark purple liquid is rather fetching, she must admit. "If you weren't so... distracting..." she says softly, "I think I'd keep you."

With a hand on the wall to steady herself, Kirika enters the room filled with vines and flytraps. She groans as she realizes she is going to have make her way through the vines once again, the girl having only barely made it through before. With the goo stimulating her, she wonders if she can move gracefully enough to stay away from the monstrous plants. Taking a few deep breaths, the girl edges out along the wall, trying to follow the narrow path she had found on her way in.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Moving through the vines, Kirika finds the goo dress to be both a help and a hindrance. While it does protect her from getting scratched by the thorns and also seems to be immune to tearing, every time a thorn presses into it or scratches along its surface, the young prodigy feels a tendril of the goo either press into her petals or run through them, further stimulating her. It seems almost as though the goo is turning any scratches or light wounds she would normally suffer into sexually stimulating touches.

As she moves further into the vines, Kirika scratches past more and more thorns causing the goo to spawn several more tendrils, caressing and penetrating her lower lips repeatedly as she goes. The feeling, compounded by the continued licking of her body, is seductive and proves hard to resist as an image of rolling through the thorns in order to make her new clothing penetrate her more keeps flashing through Kirika's mind. Before she is even halfway across the field, Kirika finds herself subconsciously trying to step on the thorns instead of ignoring them. Eventually, she realizes what she is doing, but trying not to might prove more easily said than done if she chooses to try and avoid the thorns.

After taking what seems to have been more time than she really should have needed to get past the vines, Kirika eventually manages to move back to the area of the cave where the water flows in past the thorny net. The eels look as frantic as before, but the water seems to be a little lower this time. The tide may have started going out while Kirika was in the cave.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika shakily tries to weave her way through the numerous thorny vines dotting the narrow path to the exit. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as the fear of being cut by the thorns mingles with the continuous stimulation from her goo dress. As she attempts to navigate one particularly tricky section, a sudden lick causes her to suddenly tense up, driving her body into a vine full of thorns. The thorns dig into the goo dress, but instead of feeling their prick against her skin, the goo suddenly shoots against her lips, causing her body to shudder and her knees to bed. This motion pushes her into more of the thorns, driving Kirika to moan lewdly as the goo rubs against her even more seductively.

As the young prodigy stands unmoving on wobbly knees, her face flushed and mouth hanging open as she pants in arousal, it doesn't take long for her to figure out what is happening. 'It seems to be triggered by touch,' she thinks as her mind begins to clear from the sudden strong stimulation. After taking a few small steps, the young prodigy decides that knowledge is better than ignorance. 'I should test it,' she thinks, 'just so I'll know for sure... just to know, that's all.' Softly pressing her body against another patch of vines, she moans again as the tendrils press into her once again. Again she shivers and her knees shake, sending her into yet more vines. Kirika once again beings moaning and panting as the goo rubs against her, probing tendrils working their way inside of her. After another few moments of standing silent, catching her breath, and trying to calm down, Kirika decides to keep moving, a blush on her face as she has to fight the urge to press even further against the plants. Her legs, now dripping with juices that have begun to leak from her goo panties, shake unsteadily as she slowly makes her way through the vines.

Kirika collapses to the ground as soon as she is free from the vines. More than once she had 'accidentally' fallen into a patch of thorns, the sudden bursts of pleasure between long moments of constant stimulation had nearly driven her wild. As she lay there, panting and shivering, she has to fight to keep from bringing her hands down to finish what the goo had started. Finally, she pushes herself to her hands and knees and stares at the water, unconsciously rocking her body back and forth as she tries to ignore her need for release, her crotch soaked in anticipation. Slowly she crawls towards the water, the eels a distant thought as she can only focus on attempting to remove her strangely distracting but appealing new dress. 'Just get it off... and then I can... figure out what to do,' she thinks before slipping into the water, her hands roaming over the dress, hoping the water will make the goo more pliable and easy to remove.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Lowering herself into the water, Kirika can immediately start to feel the eels in the water start to bump up against her and swirl around her body as they try to figure out the new obstruction in the water. At the same time, Kirika can also feel her goo clothing changing. The clothing seems to slowly almost dry out, changing from some sort of clinging fluid to feeling like actual fabric. The clothing also gets a bit looser on her body, which might help her take it off later. The new looseness brings problems of its own, however. Mere moments after her clothing loosens, Kirika can feel eels start to slip up her dress, their slimy and frantic wriggling quickly sending them up to her bust where they have slightly more room between the prodigy's large breasts. At the same time, Kirika can feel several slide their way into her panties, where they begin to squirm about, stimulating her aroused flesh.

Kirika still might have been able to keep her mind straight, though, until she feels an eel start to squirm its way into her folds like some sort of thick, flexible cock. Once inside, Kirika can feel its wriggling stimulating all of her, even places she had never managed to caress before herself. Feeling pleasure coursing up from her vagina, Kirika finally gives in to an orgasm as the feeling of an eel starting to enter her other hole breaks her concentration completely.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

With a dep blush on her face, Kirika lowers herself into the eel filled water, grimacing immediately as the slimy creatures begin to rub up against her exposed skin. As the goo stops squirming against her and changes to a more static form, however, she breathes out softly, relieved, until the first eels find enough slack to wiggle under her formerly skin tight dress. When the first set of creatures begins to work it's way between her dress and her skin, the young mage lets out a whimper and reaches to grab at the things, though her reactions are too slow thanks to the goo's recent attentions. The eels attempts to enter her bring the already highly aroused Kirika to a powerful orgasm, the young prodigy crying out as her body spasms in bliss, her hands changing from grasping for the eels to grasping for her own flesh. The long period of constant stimulation, followed by bursts of pleasure, and then the sudden penetration and orgasm prove too much for the young girl, and she blanks out as the eels continue to explore her.

Floating in the eel filled water, her arms and legs moving languidly as the creatures continue to rub against her sensitive areas, Kirika is only dimly aware of passing out of the sea cave, carried by the receding tide. As she is slowly but surely pulled further away from the strange sorceress' tower, Kirika moans softly, her eyes locked skyward as she passes through the hole in the net and out into the bay. The eels, still squirming around inside of her, bring the girl to yet another orgasm. The onset of more pleasure rocks her awake, and amidst her moans, shudders, and spams, Kirika manages to fling herself against a nearby rocky outcropping. As she gasps for breath, the girl has just enough strength to grasp the slimy invaders wandering inside of her and toss them away into the water before grasping her now thankfully unmoving panties and holding them against herself securely.

With the last bit of the young prodigy's strength spent, Kirika once again allows herself to be carried away by the tide. Away from more of the eels, she hopes. As the girl floats away, her face and large breasts sticking out above the water's surface, her eyes slowly close as exhaustion from the days events take over. The presence of the eels still caught in the parts of her dress she had not cleaned out, as well as the memory of the dress's stimulation lead Kirika to drift off to sleep with her last thoughts that of floating in a sea of pleasure.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Finally, it seems that the fatigue and pleasure of her experiences have overwhelmed the young mage, as her eyes begin to close. Drifting in the water, she fortunately has the foresight to tuck the mirror into her dress to avoid her letting go of it and letting it sink down to the bottom of the bay. As she pushes the mirror under her dress she can feel one eel, disturbed by the intruder, squirm its way out from between her fleshy orbs and out of her high necked dress. Finally, it seems that her trials are over. She might have some problems getting back to shore, but that should be easy once she's recovered enough to cast spells again. Letting her eyes close, Kirika drifts gently to sleep.

Forgotten, yet subconsciously grasped tightly in her left hand, however, the black pearl begins to pulse malevolently as its magic begins to seep into the prodigy's sleeping mind, forming gateways in her dreams to places best left alone, and passages into her mind for those who should not have access. Meanwhile, back in the tower, an ancient, yet young looking woman looks up from her work. Someone's stolen my mirror, have they? I guess it's time to go enslave a new toy. She says, before moving off into the tower.

(To be continued in the adventure: "The Realm of Forsaken Dreams")