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The Slime Arena

Re: The Slime Arena

"Haahh... haaah... no-hic-ow... do you see?" Naltaibur said in between breaths, as she lay in the slime, her chitinous companion collapsed on top of her. "You will... never feel this... on, haah, on the side of... evil... haahhh..."

"As they say... 'punish the offense, pity the offender'... whatever your crimes were in the past... stealing candy from little grandmas, or snatching baby's purses... you can always turn from your ways... and atone. Haaaah... join the forces of good, and truth, and the right... and remember... Mi casa es quiero omelette du su fromage!"

Naltaibur circled an arm around the other's waist, and just laid there, not even bother to pull her softening cocks out of her foe-turned-student-turned-convert-hopefully, enjoying the feeling of her afterglow.
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Re: The Slime Arena

Six grimaced a bit as the creature started more of it's deranged babble. While still weakened from her experience, she tried to shrug out of the strange creature's grasp. "My only crime is existing, you deranged simpleton. Stop trying to sound like you're a pure paliden with your dicks ahead of your common sence," she half-growled, her head foggy enough without the wrestler's insistance of tryingn to cuddle. The fact the creature had yet to yank out didn't help matters, she thought, a slightly bluish blush crossing the creature's face.

However, it would seem whoever was keeping tabs on her decided it was time to carry on, as the swirling dark portal from before would appear on the surface under Six, resulting in her- and the other contender- falling through it...
Re: The Slime Arena

After the blinding flash, Lily finds herself standing ankle deep in some sort of slime."Ugh! What is this stuff!" Looking around she sees that she has been deposited in a large room, the entire floor as well as the walls and the ceiling covered in slime.
Re: The Slime Arena

Name: Lily/Banshee
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Female

Body: 18(10+8)
Mind: 70(30+8+4×8)
Spirit: 18(10+8)

Hit Points (HP): 62(18+35+9)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 88(9+70+9)
Spirit Energy (EP): 62(9+35+18)
Speed: 13
Dodge: 53
Armor: 0
Resistance: 35
Perception: 26
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 18

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Experienced Caster
Empower Spell
Focus in Arcane
Focus in Entropy
Strong of Mind×4

(R)Open Soul

(R)Shapeshifter The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.
(R)Ironbane The character cannot wield weapons that can only be made out of metal, but this only restricts them from using guns. In addition, they take a +8 damage from any weapons made from iron or steel.
(R)Supernatural The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
(R)Faerie The character is one of the fey. They gain resistance to Cold and Electricity, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Vestigial Wings: The character has grown vestigial wings. Not very useful, but can look however the character likes.
-Wings: The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
-Greater Wings: The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their speed.
Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.


Base Casting: 35
Favored Elements: Arcane, Entropy

Spirit Ceiling: 12

Succubus Powers:



The OOC section:

Looking disgusted, Lily replies. "I guess we're expected to fight? Well, fuck that. Even if I were inclined to do what they want, I'm not going to get myself covered in this stuff."

Stand there looking silly
Re: The Slime Arena

Resistance -3
HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62 Resistance 32

Feeling a tingle coming up from her legs, Lily followed Arthriel's example and rose to the air. "I think this slime...does something"
Re: The Slime Arena

Resistance -5
HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62 Resistance 27

Shivering as some slime dropped on her from the roof, Lily looks at the steadily dripping slime coating of it. "I don't like this"
Re: The Slime Arena

Resistance -3
HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62 Resistance 24

For a moment Lily closes her eyes to concentrate, then shakes her head. "Normally I'd suggest blasting our way out, but magic doesn't seem to work like it should."
Re: The Slime Arena

Resistance -4
HP 62/62 PP 88/88 EP 62/62 Resistance 20

Sighing, Lily replies "I suppose you're right. Closing her eyes, Banshee mutters a few words, her colouring turning from white to dark blue and her wings turning into tentacles. Hitting the ground with a thud, Banshee simply says: "I'm ready when you are."

Casting Lesser Strength for +24 body, bringing the total to 42