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[Complete - Full] The Tower Of Wisdom And Stupidity

Re: The Tower Of Wisdom And Stupidity

I see, gonna be quite a bit of a grind but shouldn't be too hard since I just need to get the aphrodisiac trap effect and then throw myself onto monsters. Thanks man.
So, how do you get exp?, killing enemies does nothing, the only way to increase stats thus far is with money
I played the game so many times but still cannot figure out how to get another outfit -.-
Ok I don´t have any plan why the translation isn´t working for me, if I include all files from OP into the base game folder my game isn´t translated.
If I only include the audio from base game folder to the Ops it´s translated but I got an cryptic error code if I want to play. Any help ?
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
Well, fuck. Can't suicide in the swamp because it can't kill you, can't suicide to the trap because I have a shield (also I was on a virgin run).

For anyone discovering this mediocre game years later, don't go down corridors with auto-move traps. Definitely don't savescum opening a chest immediately after going down one.

Edit: also for posterity, if you do find yourself in this situation, it can be remedied with a hex editor. Save01.rvdata2, search for the string "Game_Player". The LSB of the character's target X is the 11th byte after the string. X increases to the right. The character will slide over the trap to the target position on game load.


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