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H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Now as some of you may know, I am crafting a Sci-Fi war story. I've been going about this a little slower than usual crafting wise. I'm not jumping straight in, I'm building a world, and it's kind of fun. I don't have a proper title just yet, so I'm using the name of my protagonist. Anyway, I hope you find the world building interesting, if you wish to comment please use the following link:


More will be following, and I'll probly be editing this portion to make more sense...

The Universe of The Seraphim


The Dark Age:

In the final years of Earth as it has been known for thousands of years, the pursuit of knowledge, and the desperate reach towards space is all that saved us from ourselves. No one is sure of what the year had been, or who attacked who first, all that is remembered is that as billions of colonists set out into space on 20 massive ships moving at one tenth the speed of light, a great war sparked upon our old home.

Nuclear weapons, orbital cannons and power hungry governments tore the planet apart, killing almost everyone still left on its once blue and green surface. All that remained was glass, debris and poisonous water. A new Dark Age had descended upon mankind. So much knowledge, and technology, and advancement simply erased from the universe.

The colonists, now cut off from their homes, each other and anyone they may have left behind, drifted through the systems, towards distant planets thought to sustain life. As the years passed and entire generations were born on the ships, only to die still breathing the same recycled air. Old nations vanished from their minds, forgotten and fading into myth, old hostilities simmering, only for new ones to arise.

Only a single ship was lucky enough to reach their destination within a single generation. After 43 years in space, the colonists landed in the Alpha Centauri system and immediately began to build themselves up with what they had left, naming their new home Arcandia.

The ship destined for the Alpha Ophiuchi was destroyed from the inside as the crew set upon each other, replaying the hostilities of man, unknowing if they were the last of their people or not. Another ship’s, the one gliding towards the Beta Cassiopeiae system, engines were ruined and a third (destination: Regulus system) ran out of fuel, stranding both alone and desolate in the far reaches of space, far from any star or planet. They drifted for generations, the fuel less one eventually running out of air leaving millions to suffocate. The other devolved into a tribal society, surviving off the gardens in their ship that grew unchecked and eventually turned the craft into a miniature eco system.

A fourth ship (destination: Denebola) was destroyed by a meteor storm, splitting the craft into pieces and sending the surviving population spiralling into the deep dark of space.

Sixteen ships were all that remained of humanity with one already landed, and after an unknown number of generations, they reached their destinations, planets far from Earth, each holding the promise of a new start, a new beginning. Over a dozen new Eden’s to plant a garden.

Alas one ship crashed into their planet in the Lalande system, crumpling the ship trillions of tons of torn steel that nearly destroyed the planet. Another four landed only to discover the estimations of their planet’s habitability were sorely overestimated. Of those four, three (Systems: Tau Ceti, Groombridge and Gliese 208) were wiped away by nature’s brutality, the last hiding in their ship (Vega system) for countless years and slowly evolving to the atmosphere leaking through torn bulkheads and becoming a species other than human.

The final eleven ships of the original twenty landed safely. After generations and uncounted years amongst the stars they were finally ready to start again and rebuild. These last survivors were the Sirius, Epsilon Eridani, Procyon, 61 Cygni, Epsilon Indi, Altair, Arcturus, Gliese, Capella and Castor systems.
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Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris

I did not explain the majority of the remaining planets, simply because they will not be involved in the coming story. However, I may edit this chapter at a later date should they get involved more heavily than a mention.

Also, edited the first chapter with the inclusion of what star systems the various ships were heading for.

The Rise of Nations:

The first generation of terrestrial colonists were pioneers, adapting to their news worlds after being on ships for so long. New methods of construction and farming had to be learned to simply survive in the environments so different from earth as each of the eleven new budding civilizations learned the new flora and fauna of their planets. Alien life had been discovered, and disappointingly they were nothing more than beasts.

The elation of this discovery wore off very quickly for the denizens of the 61 Cygni system as the native life forms, massive gorilla like carnivores, chose them as new prey. After three years the human settlers were all but extinct.

The other settlements did not take long to establish basic governments focused on survival and growth. The colonists of the Epsilon Eridani system, now calling their home Jandus, became ever more obsessed with technology, believing as human beings it would be their salvation and without it they would be doomed to descend into barbarism. Scientists and engineers soon became the most important members of their society coming up with new methods of growing food that within a few years would mirror the accomplishments of 21st Century Earth in their humid jungle environment. It was only a matter of time before they began to worship the very technology they created, even as it protected them from the deadly plants of the planet. They were safe from fauna however, as there were no carnivores on the planet, creating a strange ecosystem where animal and plant nourished each other in a cycle of death.

The planet of New Mecca in the Sirius System discovered a new element, found in large veins of solid metal beneath the surface that was easily melted to be used as a fuel source. The strangest revelation of the material was its ability to grow on its own after packets had been taken. They called it Edenium. The people turned their sights to the heavens, believing God had given them this gift in the hard days of colonization. The Church of Hope was born, and priests became village leaders, and even forming a strict council that looked over the running of their society along with spiritual guidance on this mostly barren wasteland. The plants that did manage to grow in the desolate wastelands were full of water, keeping the populace hydrated, and the only creatures they could find were various forms of insect, many poisonous. However people quickly learned how to prepare the creature’s for nourishment without poisoning themselves.

Arcandia grew swiftly, using the ample supplies still remaining on their colony ship, and the materials of the ship itself to construct new buildings rather than leaving it behind as a monument as many other colonies did. They quickly adapted to the mostly temperate planet, founding large towns rather than villages, with massive farms for food output. The fauna of the planet had a brutal ecosystem, with menacing carnivores hunting equally dangerous prey. The introduction of Earth born canines into the ecosystem bred the Arcandian Wolf, which were mostly domesticated, though the wild packs kept the more dangerous predators at bay from the settlements with their pack hunting methods. They saved many lives, and many began to see the wolf as a creature of protection. A Pagan religion began to form, with Arca the Wolf Goddess being the Queen of the Gods. Their government began to form into a strict dictatorship and became a matriarchal society.
Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris

Return to the Stars

As generations past, knowledge returned to the colonies and populations boomed. Massive cities were constructed, and societies encased themselves in their newfound cultures, but as before on Earth long ago, eyes turned to the stars. Everyone knew they had the capabilities, and wanted to explore and find new resources to strengthen their motherlands, and perhaps even contact the others who had escaped Earth so long ago.

They began to build space stations around their planets, sending probes out into the black to search for ever more. The Arcandians made their first moon into a massive mining colony, sending supplies back to Arcandia or the various stations that orbited around the dark green and blue planet. The second moon was a wasteland that held no valuable resources, and so it became a training centre for soldiers. Thousands circulated through the bases on the moon each month learning all the skills an Arcandian woman should know, along with the men hungry enough for battle to join the military.

New Meccan explorers discovered their own moon to be made entirely of Edenium, so the moon in its entirety was declared a sacred site, and only priests and specially selected engineers and miners were able to set foot on the planet. A massive cathedral was built on the surface as a dedication to God, and became the site of the Arch Bishop, one half of the highest rank in the Church, representing the star Sirius A. Material from the moon was used to build the massive cathedral for the other leader of the New Meccans, the Arch Imam (1) representing the star Sirius B. They did not spread their influence further.

Jandus robotic probes made research installations on the moon orbiting their planet, where the best and brightest minds could experiment in various environments not available on Jandus itself. It was considered a high honour to be invited to the Lunaratus Research Centre, as it came to be known.

With their moons settled, both Arcandia and Jandus made plans to explore their systems. The Arcandians however discovered very little, with only two other planets. One closer to the stars of the system and made unbearably hot with thick toxic clouds, the other however turning out to be a large gas giant. Further studies revealed the gas to be an excellent fuel source that would make powering the large cities on Arcandia cheaper, as well as allowing ships to travel longer distances on less material. As they began to process the gasses, Jandus discovered another two planets with habitable atmospheres.

As ambition rose, Arcandia set up an expedition back to Earth to see if anything could be salvaged, while Jandus probes went further out and discovered the planet of Cnosis (2) in the Procyon system, a planet ravaged by the war between three different corporations that all wanted a monopoly on the resources. The people were suffering through famine and disease, and the planet was rich in resources. More interesting to the Jandusians however was the technology they had created. Water purifiers that removed the pollution from entire oceans.

The Jandusians began to mobilize an army to take what they wanted and set the people upon a more just path of freedom.

1- The New Meccan religion is the next tier in the religion of the God of Abraham. Many terms have been taken from both Christianity and Islam.
2- Pronounced Ka-No-Sis
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Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris

War, Rebellion and Expansion

As Jandusian warships started their way towards Cnosis, and Arcandian vessels began to journey back to the cradle of humanity with probes spreading throughout the galaxy in search of the landing sites of the other colony ships, a rebellion was taking form on Arcandia. A large movement of men and women, pushing for equal rights amongst the genders, and for a democratic government was gaining popularity amongst the populace. As police and military attempted to quell protesters in the streets it quickly turned violent and a full scale revolution was in swing.

The battles lasted two bloody months but in the end of it all, the rebellion was crushed. It was a brutal physical defeat, and on top of that an utter political defeat as the result of the conflict was the birth of the fascist Arcandian Imperium, led by Empress Lillian I. The former ruling council lost most of their former power and was renamed as the Council of Wolves, giving the Empress ever more strength. The Council was no longer made up of civilian governors as before but rather the best military leaders appointed to power by the Empress, who would meet to govern the lesser tasks of the Imperium, but also to advise to Empress herself. If the Empress should pass without an heir, one of the council women would be chosen to step into place. Mandatory military service amongst all women was now put into effect, and while men were not barred from the military they were encouraged into various other trades in the civilian world, and were not part of the mandatory service.

The democratic rebellion however did gain a social victory, as men’s rights began to push their way into the mind of the populace and even the newly arising government. Males in society began to garner more powerful positions, and equal opportunities, even if none would sit on the council much less the throne.

With a much stronger military arm, and a now content populace, the Arcandian Imperium began to look back at their expedition still underway to Earth, hoping to garner something from the journey.

Systems away, the Jandusians spent years hovering above the planet of Cnosis, studying their culture and languages in preparation for the war to come. When they were ready they descended from the skies with their warships. The people were terrified of the new arrivals, many thinking there was an alien invasion. Even in this time of imminent destruction, the three mega corporations could not come together to face a common foe; too dependent on personal gain and wealth to worry about their own lives much less care about the disease and poverty stricken lower class. As they took cities the Jandusians implanted agents amongst the fleeing refugees, spreading the word of technology as God, and of the freedom of democracy.

As the invasion spread across the planet, small rebellions, fuelled by Jandusian agents, began to spark within the major cities. The poor and destitute took up arms against the rich, and many of the mercenary armies decided their pay wasn’t worth fighting the much more advanced military arm of the invaders.

Over a few months the old corporations had collapsed, former CEOs carried through the streets by diseased and hungry hands before being beaten to death. The upper class were hunted down and murdered by the very people that they had oppressed since their colony had arisen.

The first elections were held within weeks of the downfall, as the entire society shifted to mirror Jandusian ideals, who were now seen as heroes from the sky. Grand Holy Universities were erected in the major cities and special care teams were dispatched from Jandus to help strike down the disease of the newly rising Technocratic Nation of Cnosis.

Over the next few years the leaders of Cnosis signed a treaty with Jandus, and the Interstellar Entente of Technocratic Nations (IETN) was born.

The people of New Mecca finally took to the stars as the IETN was being forged, long after the Democratic Rebellion of Arcandia. Explorers discovered a new planet not far from their own, still perfectly habitable to human life, but essentially a wasteland of barren tundra with only a few spots of vegetation able to provide enough oxygen within the atmosphere. The greatest discovery however, was the rich supplies of Edenium beneath the surface.

Eager to begin mining the holy material so as to keep their own planet relatively unmolested, New Mecca founded the colony of New Acre. With a few cities slowly growing nearest the sparse spots of water and vegetation, mining operations began, with weekly shipments through space back towards their home planet.

When the first projected transmissions from Jandusian space reached the leaders of New Mecca, the vastness of space began to shrink around them.
Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris


The Arcandian expedition back to the birthplace of humanity found great success. The Earth remained somewhat habitable, and the survivors had formed large tribes to carve their life amidst the ruins and badlands of the ruined planet. While most of the tribes had devolved into squabbling savages beating each other to death with rocks over scraps of food, a handful scattered around the world had managed to keep a semblance of order and government.

It was these tribes that the Arcandians approached, offering assistance in uniting the tribes in an attempt to bring the Earth back to her former glory.

Through military assistance, and technological aid the largest tribes of Earth were united into a single entity, forming the Terran Empire which in contrast to the Arcandians was heavily gender neutral, as after years of desperate survival all members of their society had become necessary. Over the next fifty years, as cities were repopulated and armies marched across the barren badlands, cleansing the forgotten lands of the savages, the Terran Empire pledged allegiance to the Arcandian Throne, forming the Imperial Coalition of Systems (ICS).

In exchange for aid in the form of fuels and food, the Terrans offered their soldiers, hardened and experts of survival after a life on the ruins of their planet, for any Arcandian wars that would occur in the future.

On New Mecca, ambassadors of the IETN met with the holy leaders of the religious peoples. The Edenium had the scientists of the Entente scurrying with desire, putting the element on the periodic table, numbering it Element 117. For different reasons than the New Meccans began to worship the strange metal, and with some hesitation a trade agreement was made between the two factions. The Entente would supply materials and research data into mining operations and agriculture, in exchange for shipments of Edenium.

The IETN flourished, and the ICS grew stronger, while the New Meccans struggled as famine and disease tore across their planet. There were a growing number of heretics within the cities, and the Inquisitional Army was formed to remove these threats to God and his Son. It did not take long for the troubles to spread to New Acre, and New Mecca sat on the knife’s edge of civil war despite threats of military involvement from the IETN should shipments of Edenium cease.
Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris

How Raiders pushed the Galaxy Towards War

It was without warning that a large cruiser entered the orbit of New Acre and proceeded to bombard the planet, before fighters strafed the cities and shuttles landed in the mines. Strange armed soldiers attacked the Edenium mines, killing without mercy, captured anyone who surrendered and taking loads of the precious metal before retreating.

Before the New Meccan military could respond with their own battleships stationed on the other side of the planet, the raiding party had vanished without any trace.

The attack only caused tensions to boil further within New Meccan society and riots began to break out amidst the populace, citizens claiming the fathers have done nothing to protect their bodies and souls. Proclaimed heretics used this moment to further their word, and while their support spread in some cities, especially on New Acre, it also resulted in violence from the citizenry as well as the Inquisitional Army.

As the New Meccans spiralled further into bloodshed, their trade routes began to slip, and the IETN began to take notice. They deployed troops to New Acre to protect the miners from the violence, as well as from any further raids from the mysterious pirates while the Inquisitional Army “dealt with civil disputes on their own terms”.

As the ICS stabilized Earth with domed Agriculture centres that were able to easily grow crops despite the harsh environment the planet had developed. The soldiers of the Terran Empire continue to patrol the lawless expanses of the wastelands, organizing themselves using the Arcandian Armed Forces as an example, and forming the much smaller and unorthodox Terran Death Corps.

After an attack on one of the ICS trade lanes by raiders, Empress Eliza I formed the Imperial Coalition Command (ICC). While still bowing to the command of the Empress and in a lesser way the Emperor of Earth, the ICC was a separate entity to efficiently control and command the military forces of the entire Coalition. It was lead by the ‘Wolf Marshal’, usually an Arcandian general though occasionally one from Earth. The Wolf Marshal appointed Field Marshals from both planets to lead troops into areas of conflict. With troops from the Terran Empire now properly integrated with soldiers from Arcandia, the Coalition was able to quickly respond to attacks on any front. Further attacks on now guarded trade lanes were efficiently dealt with, and in one particular battle Coalition forces managed to board a raider vessel.

The resulting interrogation of the raider survivor’s revealed them to be pirates from the 61 Cygni system. These Cygnian Raiders as they had dubbed themselves were capturing resources and slaves for one of the many factions that had sprung up back in their home system. With more powerful warships, and better trained crews, the Coalition had no difficulty in protecting their trade lanes from further assaults. Research into the raider’s engines provided the ICS with much more capable and quick space travel, further increasing their ability to manoeuvre and react to any situation.

Another discovery upon Cygnian ships by Coalition Forces was the metal Edenium, and the location of New Acre.

Meanwhile, the IETN was suffering continuous barrages and attacks from the Raiders on New Acre, the Edenium having captured their attention as it had most others that had run across it. With the Entente’s agenda much lower priority on military advancement than that of the Coalition, they had difficulty fighting back the quick moving cruisers that attacked the planet.

However, with Edenium sources under threat, the scientists and engineers of the Entente pleaded to the President to finally green light further military advancement. Almost immediately work began on a method that would allow the Entente to protect the mines from Cygnian raids. Massive missile batteries were built in the badlands of New Acre, hidden in mountains and valleys away from the raids. The missiles were designed to track the radio signals used by the raiders, as well as the emissions from the cruisers’ engines.

After activation the batteries began to tear apart the cruisers that appeared, the Entente Navy was able to mop up the surviving shuttles and fighters that could not retreat as quickly, nor as far. The salvage from these battles were always returned to the Lunaratus Research Centre to study. From this they were able to amalgamate the crude travelling technologies of the raiders into their own much more efficient systems, as well as discovering surprisingly advanced forms of food preservation for long journeys on ships ill equipped to grow their own produce. The preservation methods ensured a huge spike in popularity for the hallucinogenic drug norphite on Jandus, a product with a small shelf life that grew on Cnosis.

The rise of an underground drug trade pushed the government to take actions. Legalization of norphite almost immediately crippled the criminal trade of the drug, but also saw a loss in productivity system wide. These stats only pushed programmers and scientists into perfecting A.I. and robotic workers.

With robotics on the rise, more of the working class were forced to turn to the military to keep employment, and cybernetics became hugely popular amongst the wealthy as a way of perfecting the human body.
Re: The Universe of Vikki Fenris

Civil War

Tensions on New Mecca grew, and on New Acre the Resolution Church was founded by labelled heretics. Within a few months of the church’s founding New Acre separated itself from New Mecca and the newly forming government demanded removal of IETN forces with the exception of their missile batteries if they expected to continue trade of Edenium.

Not wanting a full conflict, the IETN bowed to New Acre’s wishes and removed all their military forces from the planet and left their missile batteries in the hands of the Resolution Guard.

Desperate to protect their investments, the IETN sent soldiers to New Mecca to help secure the state against the Resolutionist Uprisings across the planet. Deploying prototype combat androids and piloted walkers, the IETN involvement swung the favour of conflict greatly towards the Orthodox Church. With their planet secure, New Mecca declared war on New Acre and began preparing warships to invade their former colony, now aided by the IETN who were promised access to the mines by the Orthodox Church.

At this time, the ICS arrived in the orbit of New Acre backed with a strong military presence, unaware of the civil war or what even awaited them planet side. Opening communications with the surface and struggling through language barriers, the ICS learned of the civil war and approaching fleets. Seeing a potential to gain access to the Edenium the ICS diplomats gave an offer that the ICS would assist the war effort as long as the ICC was in command, New Acre joined the ICS afterwards, and the ICS was able to set up their own mines planetside.

New Acre agreed on the conditions that Resolution priests be present at the mines to ensure proper handling of the holy material within New Acren atmosphere, and that the Resolution Church remain in power. With the conditions set, the Coalition was allied with New Acre to stand against the oncoming Entente and New Mecca invasion.

Empress Lillian II made the official declaration of war to her people shortly before troops were launched planet side on New Acre under command of Wolf Marshall Gretel Lorian, while President Hauptman told the people of the Entente that another faction had entered the fray and that they intended to take away their access to Edenium. General Cooper led the Entente troops to the planet, where the front lines were drawn clear through the capital city of Novo Damascus.

So begins the war of New Acre.
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