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Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Damn, these are really good. I'd like to see your ideas and sprites in a platformer game.
Thanks, I'm more or less going to keep doing random sprites for a bit till I get better at programing and music composition before attempting a game of any kind.

edit:kinda got some inspiration from my sorceress in dark souls 2 on this one

I just beat the game a little while ago today and I just decided to do some sprites right directly after finishing it. I also started an animation I'll be working on next
it'll be more refined in a bit it'll be probably be around 6-8 frames maybe I'll see how it turns out.


  • sorceress.png
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well it's been awhile,I just started making a simple game the other day and I already finished the first levels tile set,well close to finished it's more of a concept really. I want it to be coherent and match the style of everything, so if anybody here has something they can observe that might need some work let me know.

I also did some lighting but it was a little wonky, i don't think I'll have much of that in the game or any at all I just did it for fun.

It's only a little bit of the tile set, there is a more I'd like to add but for now it's more than enough.
The animation I started before with just the outline will probably be a animated game over for the game, it's still in progress but i just started to work on it again so I only just got around to coloring it and making a simple background not quite finished but it's shaping up.

Yea it's a headless corpse screwing her, I'll think of more creative enemies for the future they might not all get big animations just in game sprites it depends on the technical side of things the game will be simple so I'll have time for other things too.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well I was about to start a project but I've been experimenting with ways to improve the hentai sprites. I'm planing to make a little more detailed than this
but I'm unsure if it'll be high enough quality, if anybody has some time and could give some feedback that would help, still messing around with the styles but this is relatively close to what I'm going to go for.


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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Been awhile since I made some sketches or line art, mostly been focused on pixel art and animations so I'll probably do a couple for a bit so I can at least make some decent quality cg for my project.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

You might wanna be clear about your definition of a decent quality art. I might have a lot of advice if you don't mind many at once. Posted a sample image of a game development I'm involved in today in my thread.

Your art style is quite different to mine. I'm noticing your face length is in particular longer than my faces.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

I don't mind if you give me a little advice or a lot of advice if it's helpful in any way I'll be glad.

By decent quality I would probably say maybe just cleaner drawing lines or a bit more accurate on the proportions but really that's why I'm practicing so much lately, learning tricks here and there to speed up the process and quality but really its just going to take time to get things right.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Being accurate is one thing, but knowing how to express certain parts when it's appropriate helps. In terms of accuracy, there's a bit too many things to note, but I'll see how much I can point out with your recent artwork.

- Face could use more work if you did not use guidelines to evenly place the eyes.

- Missing neckline under the chin.

- Torso behind the breast should be placed a bit lower. It's also pretty long in my opinion, especially considering the perspective.

- I don't recommend adding the protruding shape (from the bone) on the wrist side next to the thumb. Hardly noticeable in any hand movement.

- Judging from the slightly overhead view, the hands do not seem to be placed downward enough. In regards to positional relation between the body parts, I suggest adding such guidelines to connect each of them to help with the perspective. Dynamic perspectives can trick even the artist's eyes.

I'm noticing very little mistakes in some of your sprite artworks. Do you think your skills are limited due to experience with smaller pixels? This could indicate that you'll have trouble with detailed shapes of the body, resulting in either over-expressing certain parts or producing a flat, 2-D perspective in any drawings' perspective.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

I noticed a few things that could of been done a bit better but even more now, I'll go work on the sketch some more before I decide to do a finalized version.

I probably think one of the problems I'm having is not enough experience with the larger work area. I limited myself to 800x600 but compared to a 40x40 sprite it's strange to get the hang of especially when you're used to poke at your tablet with the pen and now I'm making big strides with the pen its going to take some work to get used to is all.

Making random stuff for practice
is helping a lot though I'm going to keep at it till I get more comfortable.

Alright thanks a lot LustFire some good insight and observations appreciate it.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

While I'm early in the stages of the art work for my project. I decided to do some changes with the characters and some of the colors.

Here is the new character design I'm probably going to stick with

This was the old one

I'll have to do probably a couple modifications with the tile set but it won't take long at all.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Yea I liked it as well, I'd like to work on something with similar design later on when I have more experience with programing so i can make some good fighting mechanics.The change is really mostly because I'm going for different mechanics for the game play,it's way simpler for me right now so i can actually make some progress.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

So now that I've settled on everything I'm going to do for the game I've begun to start to animate everything for the beginning of the game.

Here is the first sex sprite for the lizard man, there are going to be 3-4 enemies in the first level and I'm going to have close too 8 frames for each loop then a climax for the sex sprites,the enemies that i find more interesting will probably have more than one loop, maybe a transition to another kinda like the lizard girl I made awhile back


I got some tile set stuff done today and the health gauge to work properly, also I got basic actions and the lizard to be able to screw her in game. Gonna have to spend some time on a background now and I should be very close to something complete and playable.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Well it's been a bit since I last posted anything, got a few things for something that is starting to shape up,I'll hopefully have more time to make more sprites soon.





Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Started a larger animation that would act as a game over of sorts,It's the character I posted in the last post. I still have to change and add some stuff like finish her shackles, add a background, her head my need some adjustments anyways it's coming along.

I will mainly be doing just one per level if this actually becomes something or just one of my many concepts.

Also thinking if there is any interest I could take requests/suggestions for bit while i have time to do them.

Mainly it could be something completely vague like this:
fish/doggy style/cat girl/big tits.

Edit:Been fooling around trying to get the right style of movement for the main characters sprites, I had to start the run animation from scratch but this one turned out decent It's probably my best running sprite so far.


something random that i might animate.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Finished animating a sprite from the last post i was working on. I may do more like it in the future if I get around to it.

The larger sprite in the last post still needs more work before its done I'm at 4 frames for it though close to being fluid with just that although I may have to make some alterations it won't take too much time.
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Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

I don't know if anyone really cares about this, but the nipple placement is off in that last picture isn't it?
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Could be a little off because of the way I positioned them for the first frame of the animation. I shaded the picture poorly in a lot of areas and it didn't give enough depth to the breasts so that they should arch up a bit.

Also, I really need to get back to practice making sprites been far too long since I've had a chance too.
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Very impressive sprite-work. I'd definitely lik to see more. :)
Re: Urine's Practice Sprites And Stuff

Keep at it!