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Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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((This is a small break on my current stories. The L4D is sorta coming a bit harder, though I'm sure some more inspiration will come later. Until then, as I seem to be in a 40K mood, I decided on another story, mostly original except setting and some names.))

The world Kronus is known for it's strife, more then the rest of the current battles over the worlds of the Imperium. During the time of the Tau Empire's occupation, the world of Kronus soon turned into a hotseat of battle, resulting in the events now known as the Dark Crusade. Our story begins near the end of the Dark Crusade.

The battles have been harsh, and the casualties have been high. First to be ousted from Kronus was the taint of Chaos, who were taken by the endless tides of silvery Necrons. The metal monstrosities spent weeks flushing thier new prize from Chao's taint, however, it still lasted in the land, never to be removed.

The Necrons, surprisenly, were the next to be removed. Soon, they too were removed, by the Imperial Gaurd, after the Orks had attacked and weakened thier outer defences. It was then when the Imperials sweeped in, destroying much of the Necron's tomb, and finally slaying thier powerful lord.

It was then things got interesting. The Elder, upon seeing thier ancient foe eliminated, the Eldar left the planet. Soon after, the two Imperial forces- the Space Marines and the Imperial Gaurd- sided together, and prepared to finish the enemy off. It is here, at this point, where the story begins...
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Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 1- Wings of the Imperium

"HOLD THE LINE YOU DOGS! THE 4077TH NEED THIS SPACEPORT HELD IN ORDER TO REINFORCE US!!!" Commisar Fang yelled, brandishing his saber at the sea of Orks charging forward, and the slightly-meager line of soldiers lining the foxholes and concrete lines. "HERE THEY COME!!!"

With a bellowing WAARGH!!! the Orks charge, guns blazing as the tide of Orks ran forward, the warriors and the vehicles roaring in unison as it advanced, fire exchanging on both sides.

The Imperial forces fired all guns, the lines of Gaurdsman and thier tank support unleashing the arsenal they contained, causing a large group of Orks to fall, though when considering the army size, the large group was more like a small handful.

"WE CAN'T HOLD THEM MUCH LONGER!!!!" One of the Gaurdsman cried if fear as the Green Tide reached about a hundred yards away. Commisar Fang sighed and shot him. "NOW KEEP FIGHTING YOU FOOLS!!!" he roared to the survivors.

With a almighty THUD, a drop pod landed in front of the troops. When the doors clunked open, a barrage of rockets firing out and slamming out more of the enemy troops. Along the line, more drop pods landed and unloaded thier volitile cargo of rockets, creating a much larger area between the trenches and the coming Orks.

More drop pods soon landing, though this time, they discorged troops- large groups of Space Marines came out of the doors as soon as they burst open, and even a few Dreadnaughts were now moving forward, the darkish blue and icy trim more then enough of an identification mark.

"IT'S NOVA SQUADREN! NOW CHARGE!!!" Commisar Fang ordered, and his men soon were climbing out of the trench to follow his orders.


As soon as the doors opened, Genera grinned at the sight of the greenskins. With the arrival of her elite squad, the Orks were halting, possibly utterly surprised at the sight of soo many troops from nowhere.

"IN THE EMPORER'S NAME! DEAL WITH THESE XENOS AS THEY DESERVE!!!" she roared, gripping Master Repentia and charging the enemy.
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Looks good so far, except for the repeated misspelling of Guard. In addition, it would just be Squad, not Squadron. And a squad would easily fit into a single drop pod. Also, Sister Repentia don't lead Space Marines. They're of equal rank, and are from an entirely different army of the Imperium which wasn't present on Kronus.
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Looks good so far, except for the repeated misspelling of Guard. In addition, it would just be Squad, not Squadron. And a squad would easily fit into a single drop pod. Also, Sister Repentia don't lead Space Marines. They're of equal rank, and are from an entirely different army of the Imperium which wasn't present on Kronus.

A. Please to the comments thread?
B. YEah, my spelling suks.
C. The Chapter's name is Nova Squadren
D. Master Repentia is Genera's weapon, she's a force Commander
E. There is no E
F. This IS a fanfic...
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 2- Combination

"You're arrival to the battlefield was timed exelently, Genera, you and your troops are the only reason the Imperium did not fall this day."

Genera sighed. It was always like thus whenever the Space Marines were present- the constant praising, the beliefs that they were the true saviors of the battle, etcetra. Sometimes the Imperial Guard need to remember that they too are a compitent army.

"You put too much credit to our forces, Commisar. I rather be sharing the battlefield with the Imperium's forces then be against the Heritics alone."

Commisar Fang nodded. "That is true, but without the Space Marines, the Imperium's lines would be a hell of a lot shorter and thier success would be a hell of a lot fewer."

"True," she added with a bit of exasperation. "Anyway, what's the current status of the world of Kronus?"

The commisar gave a short salute. "The Tau are currently acting on the defensive, holding thier territory from Ork invasion. We're quite sure they're not much of a problem at the moment, so we're focusing on the Orks at the moment. Ever since we eliminated the Necron's tombs, we've had to deal with daily attacks. Even the Blood Ravens have been finding them to be difficult to the cause."

"Let me guess, Nova Squadren is to bolster your forces and deal with the Orks?"

"Not quite, Commander Blackmason," came a cool, collected voice behind her.

Turning around, Genera saw a Inquisitor coming towards them, a large Deamon Hammer slung over her shoulder.

"Blimey, I didn't expect the Inquisition," Genera muttered.

"The attempts at humor are not needed, Commander," the Inquisitor added, moving forward to stand with the commanders. "The Inquisition has reason to believe that the taint of Chaos is not quite ready to give up it's hold."

"You believe that the ruinous powers will try and claim Chaos again?"

"I am absolutely certain of it. I, Inquisitor Pauliene, have gained a petition to land the troops of the Inquisition here, to bolster the Imperium's army in case Chaos does return to Kronus."

"Don't you think you may be overeacting, sir? If Chaos did return, I'm sure we could eliminate them before they could grow in strength-" Fang tried to add, before Pauliene interupted.

"There is a rumor that the Inquisition has heard that is garnering this worry. Mainly, the rumors of who may be leading the new assault."

"Who is rumored? During this attack we've heard everything from Khorne to Typhus were the ones leading the armies here, and they were proven wrong. What sort of creature has gotten even the Inquisition to react so forcefully?" Genera asked in puzzlement. A move as to send an entire army of the Inquisitor's forces meant something big was happening.

"It is rumored that Kelinas the Connector and her servents will be leading the new charge."

Genera felt the chainaxe end of her weapon land on the ground with a THUD. She looked at the Commisar, who was looking mildly curious, to the Inquisitor, who was looking grave at his own pronouncement. She too had heard of the newest servent of Chaos, or at least rumors of her.

It was said she was a slave of the Dark Eldar, then was released, not by the armies of Chaos, but by two of thier gods themselves. Ever since then, the Servents of Kelinas has been terrorizing outer worlds of the Imperium, and being one of the few to best the Ultramarines to the point of retreat. Personally, Genera wished she could get a glance at this fear-inducing warrior.

"Very well then, Inquisitor. Where shall your forces be making planetfall?"

"The Pandemicas will be arriving alongside the 4077th Imperials. They should all be down in about six hour's time."
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 3- Meeting

"Warriors of the Imperium, brothers and sisters in arms, it is an honor to fight alongside you," Inquisitor Pauliene said as his gaze roamed the commanders in the command post, "But we have grave matters to discuss about our position here."

Genera also looked around the group as well, taking in the new faces. She reconized at least two- Brother-Chaplain Davian Thule, commnder of the Blood Ravens on Kronus, and Govener-Militant Lukas Alexander, leader of the 1st Kronus Regiment. Also here was Commisar Fang, filling in for the 626th Terran Armored Devision, and two new figures, a Canoness and another Guardsman commander by the look of it, probably for the 4077th.

"I am here to keep an eye on the rest of our armies actions on the planet Kronus until we are possitive that Chaos has pulled out it's troops."

"All because of a simple rumor?" the Canoness asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, a rumor that was very trustworthy," the Inquisitor added.

"Still, with six different armies and some of the most talented forces in the history of the Imperium, I don't see why they would..." Genera started, before she was cut off by the Inquisitor.

"I take no chances, Space Marine. Now, the reason I called each of you here is so we could prepare the strategies from here," Pauliene hissed, with a definate 'end the conversation' tone as he gestured to a holomap.

"According to the Blood Ravens, much of the planet is in Orc control, with the Tau still locked into thier main city. I propose we send the Blood Ravens to deal with the Tau, and the 626th Armored following in with Basilisks. The 4077th will help bolster the lines of the 1st Kronus and assist in streaching our territory on this planet away from the Orks. As for the Pandemicas and Nova Squadren, you are to go southwest and deal with this 'Warboss Gorguts' as the Emporer deems fit. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Genera muttered.


"Kronus. I expected more Monoliths by now, but I guess the Imperialists are still worth something," the red-haired girl said to herself as she looked out at the lines of Imperial and Space Marine equipment moving down the wastes before her.

She was rather young in her appearence, barely truely into womanhood by the looks of it. However, one would note the steely glint in her eyes- and the scars on her modular power armor- that she was much more capable then she looked.

"They are quite resourceful to say the least," came a cool, calculated hiss, as the visage of a Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeenish could barely be seen.

"Ah, I see your defeat at the hands of the Blood Ravens wasn't permanent after all," the girl cooed as she turned to him, a hand caressing the air near him. "I take it death isn't as cracked up as it used to be."

"More like the whispers of the 3rd company arriving here as backup to the 1st, 2nd, and 5th. I still want my revenge on the Brother-Chaplain," the spectre hissed.

"I daresay that we won't be facing them first, though. Instead, we have to deal with the newbies," she said, nodding to another coulem of troops, this one almost entirely blue, with spatterings of oranges and blacks of the Pandemicas.

Something caught the edges of her awareness, however. Looking carefully, her vision focused on one of the Pandemica's Seraphium. Even from that distance, she looked familier...

"What is it? What does your dark vision see?" the ghost asked.

Kelinas Soulstorm, the Connector of Paths, grinned probably her most wryest of smiles in her life. "An interesting development. But come, we need to return to the Demios. If I leave that buffoon of a Deamon Prince to deal with my troops, I'll never get anything done here..."
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 4- Ruinous

"I still don't see why you even worried about reaching deamonhood, Sindri? Being a human is a hell of a lot more fun..." Kelinas said as they soon reached the interior of the Demios plains, running over the Gauss Flayer ash left from the Necrons.

"You are too young, and too naive, to realize the true powers you will miss," Sindri Myr explained, the spectral form following the Connector as she led to the basecamp. "The powers of Tzeenish are mine to mold, and to change as I need. The... incident with the Maledictum was an unforseen setback, as my magic powers were revoked. However, I am given another chance, if I can gain a new form..."

"We'll have time to do that after we defeat the forces here and make it a haven for Chaos," Kelinas replied as she starts to aproach the main center, where a hulking Deamon Prince of Khorne was standing, roaring at the heritics darting around the base area.

"Get the plains generators working again! The ruinous powers need thier defenses!" He roared, swinging his huge forcesword angrily in front of him.

"Deamon Prince Kairne Blazerth, I persume?" Kel said with a little bit of stiffness in her voice. Khornians are allways such hard-asses...

The gigantic red creature looked towards her, lamplike eyes focused in a look of annoyence. "You took your time, Slaanish whore. Now what's the status of our enemies?"

Kelinas snarled in anger. "DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU RED BITCH OF A GRETCHIN!!!" she yelled, with enough force that she literally made the demon lord stagger and birds to fly out of the trees a mile away.

The demon lord snorted, but made no comment on it. After all, she had TWO gods on her side... "Fine, still, what is the enemy odviously doing, beings you were reckless enough to go look..." he muttered with a growl.

Still fuming, Kel started her report: "There seems to be two armored coulums moving out of the Imperial lines. The Blood Ravens and the 626th Imperials are moving towards Tau lands, as the Inquisitor's armies and Nova Squadren are moving to combat the Orks."

The demon grunted. "And what do you suggest, besides bolster ourselves for an attack?"

"I'll have to think on that for a bit..." she said, turning away from the demon lord and stalking off, opening a warp portal and steping inside.


Kelinas grumbled to herself as she lowered herself horizontally, floating in her own little corner of the warp, thinking. Her bits of armor were floating around her, the only bits still on her were her gloves and boots, the rest taken off to not distract her meditating, the twin Chaos emblems tattooed on her shoulders now quite visible.

She was against inumerable odds, and a bleeding annoying command enterage to boot. One's after revenge, and one's a dick who doesn't know how to use himself.

A small weight could be felt on her back. She looked over her shoulder to see Zionis, smileing a bit. "Heya Keli, what's up?" The deamonette was in her usual warp-appearence, her entire body chibified for now and her crabclaws replaced by three-fingered hands.

"Just a rotten assignment on Kronus," Kel explained with a sigh. "5 Imperial troops and I'm stuck with a bleeding Deamon Prince and a Sorcerer out for revenge."

"That's the rub sometimes," Zi explained, rubbing the girl's shoulders with her small hands. Kel smiled a bit at the soft touch.

"You wouldn't happen to have any ideas on this one, would ya?" she asked the deamoness, who stopped her rubbing for a second to think.

"Well, the biggest thing is to keep the Imperium busy for a bit, so they need a few BIG distractions. Who else is on the planet?"

"Orks and Tau, and there's two Imperium groups going to each as well."

Zi giggled. "The Orks are the easy ones, the Ork warlord's probaby got some sort of banners in thier base. All you need to do is destroy them while they're distracted and then you got several groups of Orks instead of a huge one. Say, by the said Imperial armor?"

Kel smiled. "Now I see why I like you sometime..." she said with a small sigh as some of the tension slid away. "It's not just that, though..."

"Come on Keli, what's wrong?" Zion asked, her rubbing stopping.

Kel furtavely looked around, then flipped over and whispered into the deamonette's ear, and each word caused her eyes to grow wider. "Oooooh... that IS interesting..."
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 5- Angel of Death

Seraph loved the wind. And the rumbles of a pair of jet intakes on her back.

Her and her fellow sisters in her Seraphim Squad rocketed through the jungle, searching for Orks. The battle had begun earlier, and the point of them and Assault Marines going off the side to keep an eye out for side attacks.

Suddenly, a squad of Orks burst out of the jungle, bellowing at them. Sticking her legs out, Seraph stopped herself on a tree before she flew past them, opening fire with her Bolt Pistols and dealing with two of them. As they charged the squad, the rest of her sisters began fireing at the greenskins, causing more to fall.

As the remaining two charged, she unslung the two chainswords on her belt and darted forward with her jets. With blades screaming, she impaled the two orks and flipped back, wrenching her two weapons back with her.

Hey, being a showoff was one of the perks.


"I'm surprised you wanted to come with me, Evangelin. This is more of a... finess mission?"

The curropt Sister of Battle grinned. "Just because most of them are distracted, some of them will still be in thier bases. This way, you have some support fire at the least."

Boltgun fire suddenly erupted in the nearby forest.

"Crap! Imperials!" she yelled, ducking and drawing Lovebite, while Evangelin leveled her flamer, keeping it trained in the direction of the enemy. "I didn't think the Imperium would get so close," she admitted.

"Sweep party," Evangelin said quickly. Getting to a kneeled position, the pair of them looked out as they watched the Pandemica Seraphims eliminate the Orks. "Who's the silver-haired one? She's one hell of a fighter!"

"I-I think I know," Kel said softly, eyes transfixed on Seraph as the squad rocketed off. "I think she's... she's my sister..."

Evangelin looked at her oddly. "You have a sister that's a loyalist? Bad luck!"

"It's not that, I thought she was dead!" Kel blurted out, face flushed. When Evan looked at her wierd, Kel sighed and replied, "It was back before I was taken in by my fathers. When my first family was killed and I was taken by the Dark Eldar. Most of my family was slaughtered, and I thought Seraph was too, but..."

It was then that Kelinas noticed the tears on her face.


"Ok, sweep over, time to return to base!" the Superior called to the Seraphims, and Seraph sighed.

She hated having to land and leave the air.
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 6- Dread

"Come on, they left now Kel," Evangelin said as she peered out again. Kelinas peered out as well, holding her Manreaper at the ready. The duo soon moved off from the crater they had hid in.


Genera looked over the battlefield from the small cliff she was standing on, staring out at the scores of Orks and Marines fighting each other across the landscape.

"Commander!" a voice called, as two figures ran up the hills to the Force Commander, who turned to see the Cannoness of the Pandemicas, and what seemed to be one of thier Seraphims, running up to her. "What is the news from the front?" she asked.

The Cannoness bowed for a second. "Most of the Scout Units have dealt with Kommando and Burnas trying to circle around the force. However, one of our Seraphims has something... interesting to report. I think you should hear this..."

Genera turned to the lilth, silver-haired Seraphim. "Well, what is it, miss..."

"Call me Seraph," she said, nodding. "And it has to do with our sweep earlier. You see, I got a strange sorta 'second sence' for the taint of curroption, and I could have sworn that I senced at least 2 entities of the warp."

"Are you sure?!? Could you have made a mistake?" Genera said automaticly. If she was sencing heritic powers...

"Yes, I'm sure. At least one dedicated to Slaanesh, due to her signal, maybe even a curropt sister... and the second... I have to admit, I've never felt something like that before... it was soo strong..."

Genera thought hard for a second before a smile grew on her face. "Seraph, can your squad backtrack to where you felt the signals? I wish to test our new Dreadnought design on these heritics."

Seraph nodded. "Yes sir!- erm, maddam!" With that, she jetted off the cliff and landed at the bottem of it.

The Cannoness looked over to her. "WHAT new dread design?"

The Commander grinned. "Assault Dread, of course!"


The two warriors of Chaos continued thier running, the girls keeping thier eyes out for trouble as they ran. After all, the enemy could come from anywhere-


The Seraphiums suddenly flew down from above them, melee weapons raised.


Seraph saw her enemies quite well from her arieal position. The first, the one she was sure was the curropt Sister, with a slightly asian form to her body, with long black hair, wielding a large Flamer with a Force Sword slung to her hips. However, the other one was striking, in body-tight power armor, most likely a custom job, wielding a large manreaper and a strange incarnation of a bolt pistol. Her hair was red, with streaks of violet and greens visible, and her orange eyes blazed with a mixture of youth and battlelust. Both sets of armor bore the Slaanesh sybol with the three skulls of Nurgle combined in it- the symbol of the Servents of Kelinas.

As Seraph dived down, she aimed for the red-haired one, raising both her chainswords up to slash downwards- just to find a slug from the strange bolter weapon strike her, sending her flying backwards from the fight, as the curropt sister set off her flamer, badly burning most of the rest of the squad, as the other one sliced right through another sister with the manreaper, blood splattering her face.

That caused most of the squad to run, some being barbequed before they could escape though.

As Seraph slid back to her feet, Kelinas was on top of her, scythe swinging upward as she dodged to the side. Suddenly, the wings of her pack were wrecked, sending her collapsing to the earth.

As she raised her bolt pistols, the Manreaper rested at her throat.

"I wouldn't move... Seraph Soulstorm I persume?"

Seraph looked upwards in surprise, strait into the face of Kelinas. "W-how do you know my-???" Suddenly, a dawn of comprehenshion fell over her face. "Kel? Is that YOU!?!"

It was then when a Dreadnought drop pod slammed into the earth.


The doors of it's metal tomb fell open as power flowed into it's veins. The metal monster looked around slowly at the sight- murdered Seraphims, and two heritics, one bent over one survivor, ready for the killing blow. It steps out of it's prison with two earth-shaking stomps, then clanks it's chainsword mounted in it's fist against the road barrier fused to it's left arm.

Kill the heritics, was the only thought in the Assault Dreadnought's mind, raising it's chainsword as it aproached Evangelin, the huge teeth of the oversized weapon roaring for blood.
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Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 7- True Champion

Kelinas sprang into action. "Evan! Run for it!" she yelled, leaping forward at the dread as it raised it's chainsword, going to smash down at the curropt sister, her scythe ready to slash it to bits.

A sudden blast of bolt pistol fire shot off the dreadnought's side, causing both it and Kel to look back to see Seraph blazing away at it, a annoyed glint in her eyes. "Damn robot! Stop ruining the moment!"

The Assault Dread changed it's attentions, now stalking closer to Kelinas and revving the chainsword. "Prepare to die, heritics," it thundered as it stalked forward.

"Says the tin can!" Kel taunted back, running strait for it, fireing Lovebite strait at the rounded frontal section. The robot creaked as it bent back a few feet at the top, giving Kelinas her opening. Leaping up, she stabs the scythe-blade into the upper body of the bot, grunting as she tried prying off the upper armor.

With a dull THUD, Kel was sent flying as the flat portion of the chainsword struck her off. Utterly surprised, the Connector smashed into a nearby tree, falling to the ground upside down. Evangelin rushed over to her. "Kel! You ok?"

"I-I think so... when did the bastards learn to reach up there?!?"

A large shadow came over the pair of them, and they looked up into the blue plates of the Assault Dread, Kel's Manreaper still stuck into it.

"Oh shi-"


With a roar, Seraph leaped up onto the robot's back, gripped Kelinas' manreaper, ripped it out, and continued to slash like a maniac at the metal monster under her. There was a mechanical whine as the Dread stumbled back, struggling before it toppled back.

As she raised the scythe to strike, the Dread sent it's shield rocketing into her.

For a few moments, intense pain, and then, darkness.
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 8- Sisters

She felt something soft and supportive under her, feeling very comfortable. Her armor also felt like it was light, as if she didn't have it on.

Seraph slowly opened her her eyes.

She found herself in a landscape that was seemingly psychadelic from all the strange foliage, with small, dark green mushrooms extruding spores to a strange, vinelike violet construct, that spiraled into large pillers, to a tiny flower with a huge, glistening purple fruit that literally bent the stem in an arch.

A little ways away, over a mushroom as big as a Rhino's sidedoor, floated Kelinas, meditating. Her armor was floating around her like a small nimbus of planets aound a fiery sun. Seraph also noted that the girl was seemingly naked except for the hair that draped behind her back.

As for heself, Seraph noted that the heavier parts of her armor was gone, but the cloth parts of her body armor were all still wrapped on her, as well as a large bandage over her forehead.

Kel turned a bit at the sound of the other person moving. "Ah, you're awake," she said, peering over the left shoulder, the symbol of Slaanish embossed on it.

Seraph stared at it a bit, her own grey eyes taking in the odvious signs of Chaos in the area, her innate sence of the curroption tingling from the mass of curroption. "Where am I?"

Kel sighed as she got up, her armor soon floating back to her as she slid pieces back into place. "My realem of the Warp. Took me a year or so to choose some of the more docile plants in the Eye for my own little meditation spot..."

Seraph nodded as she watched Kel dress herself, the sound of Power Armor clanking together gently. "So, you really are my sister..."

"And I'm yours. It's strange, I expected the Dark Eldar to have killed you, which is why when I first saw you, I was surprised."

Seraph nodded. "I thought they killed you. I hid in the fireplace, and then the house collapsed... but why? How come you turned to Chaos? You always idolized the Imperium..."

"The Imperium left me for dead!" Kel interupted, her eyes blazing a bit as she faced Seraph, her anger apparent. "They knew where the slave camps were, and both the White Scars and Ultramarines were in the area. I raided a archive ship just to find out what had happened. They ignored the pleas for help, just because thier sweep the day before had not found a single note of the xeno before the attack. How long did you have to fend for yourself?!? A week? Two weeks!?! A YEAR!?!"

Seraph stood there, watching her tyrade, sighing a bit as she started to calm down a bit, then sighed. "I-I'm sorry, it's just that, ever since the Eldar took me, I've had a grudge. It's too late for it, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be, I'm not too fussed with the Emporer myself."

Kel dropped the shoulder pad she was holding. "What?"

"It's all this stuff with the Immortal Emporer. Like you, I've seen world's burn and perish due to the alien infestation. Every single civilian soul lost believed that the Emporer would protect them. It's a sad thought, but maybe we're preaching the wrong gospel..."

"You're not an Emporer-worshiper, are you?"

Seraph gave a small dry laugh. "My superiors consider me 'borderline heritic' because I rather pray to the heavens then to an aged man in a tin coffin," she explained.

Kel smiled a bit. "Well, that puts my mind to ease at least, though it's still a bit hard for all this..." she said as she sat too, plucking one of the violet fruits. "Sesfruit?"

Seraph eyed it. "Is it poisoned or some other danger?"

Kel smiled. "Only biggie is it causes an increase in fertility, not that either of us really need to worry about that one," she joked, taking another one and relieving the plant of it's burden, letting it stand strait.

Seraph smiled back and took it, tasting the sweetish juices and slightly sour flesh. "So, what HAS happened to you Kel? You mentioned slavery, but what led to this?"

Kel sighed and leaned back, staring at the constantly swirling, violet sky. "It was a few years after they took me. I was miserable, the days was one torment to another, I could barely stand it, but I was always gaurded too much to be allowed to kill myself..."

"And then it started. The trials. All of a sudden, many of my captors were under the effects of strange and unholy desieses. Not even the Dark Eldar could tell what was going on, then again, it's really hard to tell the difference between a natural plauge and Father Nurgle's work..."

Seraph nodded. "Lord of decay..."

Kel looked up a bit. "How do you know?"

Seraph smiled. "A little light reading anyway, what happened then?"

Kel sighed as she thought. "The last of the six months was the worse. I was suddenly striken with fatige and bouts of morning sickness as well, seemingly at random. It's odd, though. I was at peace as I did. There was so few left from the epidemic I finally escaped them, though I was stuck in the wilds now, still with that strange sickness."

"It was another month before the next challenge began. When... he I think would work... first appeared, he seemed to be just another human. I could barely move from the desiese by then, I learned later that it eventually would have turned me into a Lesser Demon, but Nurgle had halted it at Slaanish's request, due to the circumstances of the bet. I passed out in the man's arms, and when I awoke, I found myself here, on this very mushroom. The ground was a bit more used though, more like an alter of worship."

"Wow, sounds like this part is more enjoyable," Seraph pipes up.

Kel nodded with a grin. "Much so. Compared to the Dark ones, I was treated like a queen. I literally had a demoness watching over me all the time, even as I experienced all the pleasures I was allowed. I heard music again for the first time in years, and I learned all sorts of tricks with my body and mind. It's soo much of a blur, but I think I actually birthed a few demonesses during that time," she told, a slight blush coming to her cheek as she talks of these subjects.

"Then, it was the end. I was sitting here resting, the demons had decided to iniciate one hell of a sexual run for an entire day, and I was still recovering, when they appeared. Grandfather Nurgle and Father Slaanish, and they gave the whole thing up..."

"That they were testing you for thier own ends," Seraph added.

"Indeed. They wanted to prove who was stronger, the Lord of Decay or the Lord of Excess," Kelinas explained. "They said I had one day to choose one, but something strange was going on- I couldn't choose. I spent most of the night awake as my mind wandered down to the two facts: One had saved me from my captors, but the other had taught me more then I could ever imagine."

"Finally, I decided. I called one of my attendents, and she and one of Grandfather's servents helped me with these," she said, nodding to the symbols on each of her non-shoulderpadded shoulders. "And the rest is history. I was given my gifts for my unorthidox response, and I'm now in the Chaos army up to my neck, and I couldn't be happier."

"Well, that's my story. What happened to you?"

"Oh, the usual when a kid is stuck as the only survivor. White Scars saved my ass, had a psycher probe through my head, called me clean, then shoved off to Schola Progenium."

"Battle Sisters 'R Us."

"Yup. Anyway, after some years there, I was scooped up for big girl school, and they learned I was better with my wings then my legs. And that's that."

Kel nodded, noting the shortness. "Seems like we're polar opposites compared to each other. One a willing servent to Chaos, one a reluctent servent to the toughest squad of the Imperium."

"Let's face it, I'm in the wrong army..." Seraph sighed. "I'm too damn curious, I can't even count how many times I've been with the Repentias..."

"Aww, no need to be too sad Seraph, I'm sure it's not that bad..." Kel explained.

"N-no, it's..." she stuttered, then looked at her. All of a sudden, Seraph bent over to Kel's face and kissed her deeply on the lips.

Compleately lost for words, Kel fell backwards, her armored back bending a bit as Seraph pressed her lips harder to the Chaos girl.

As Kel slightly struggled with the Seraphim, Seraph began fumbling with the catches of the armor. She was right when she saw it was a custom job, as she found the plates had catches on the outside of the armor, leading it to be thought that often Kel liked being without it. Slowly her hands started depressing the catches, almost too nimble for the Chaos Chosen to keep track of.

Finally, the kiss broke, Kel gasping for breath as she stared up at her sister. "Reph?!? What are you doing?!?" she panted.

"I just wanted to see what sex with a Chaos Lord was like," she replied with a semi-innocent air in her voice, though the mistevious glint in her eyes told her what she was really after.

Not that she minded.
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

((Yeah, ideas for sex scene that WAS to fit here sorta died, so... maybe a flashback later on? For now, let's check on the battlefield!))

Chapter 9- Growing Clouds of War

"The Ork Warboss seems to have left the camp after the explosion, we'll not see him again for a while, Commander."

Genera nodded. "Casualties?"

"At least a hundred Gaurdsmen dead, several more hundred wounded, as well as Nova Squadren Company 12 sustaining moderate casualties. The Pandemicas seemed to have gotten the least damaged, the only ones missing still is two search squads."

"Yes, and we recieved reports on one of them, before the Assault Dreadnought was recovered, grieviously battered. That is all, soldier."

The gaurdsman that had been giving the report nodded and left, leaving the command tent to Genera, Commisar Fang, and Cannoness Blaskaz.

"So... you think the Dreadnought might have been mistaken? I know that she's done some insane, almost heritical acts in the past, but... assaulting an Imperium soldier?" Blaskaz said, almost with some trepedation.

"I don't know, and I will not jump to conclusions until I hear both sides of the story, Cannoness. I do believe that if Seraph HAD turned heritic, she would have simply slaughtered her squad the first time and not have bothered coming back."

"There's still the point that the girl was not there, or was the traitor sister or Chaos Lord! Where else would she be then the Demios Penninsula, changing colors on us!?!" Fang barked.

"Still your voice, Commisar," Genera said evenly, causing Fang to immediately shut up. "The report also said that she was unconsious before his optic sensors were busted. So IF she was taken, it was more then likely not of her own free will!"

"I just hope you're right, commander..."

"Me too, Blaskaz. Me too."


"The Tau lines seems to be holding. Damnation!" cursed Lukas, staring down yet another attack on the main fortifications.

The combined forces of Blood Ravens and the 1st Kronus Regiment seemed hard-pressed just defending thier foothold from the Tau, not to mention trying to attack themselves.

"It's as if the entire might of thier army was focused in one spot! We're never going to break through!"

"We could request backup from-" Davian started, before a call came from a nearby Damocles.

"Uh, sirs? You may wanna have a look at what we're picking up..."

The two commanders looked at each other, each with the same questioning look. Now what?

"What is it?" Asked Lukas. walking next to the command Rhino.

"I'm picking up a brand new form of signals. And it's similar to Imperial speech signals!"

"What?!? Can you latch us inside those report lines?" Davian barked almost instantly.

"I'll try sir..." said a slightly-muted tank commander, who began trying to match frequencies. Until they heard...

"...of those bleeding Zerg or damned Protoss at least. Well, let's hope that this planet's better then the last 30. Allright, I want scout troops moving out to find minerals. Armored Devision 215, seek out those radio waves, I wanna know just what sorta mess we got ourselves in this time. And by Emporer Mensk's beard, if I catch one of you letting the cat out of the bag we're here to anything remotely Non-Terran, I'll shoot you myself!!"

"Sounds like some of my commisars," Lukas quiped dryly.

"Zerg? Protoss? I've never heard of such creatures. Just what is this supposed to mean?" the Force Commander said bemusedly.

"We can try sending out some of the 4077th to intercept this 'armored devision' to see what they are, sir."

"Yes... that seems to be the best course of action. And contact Fang, I want the 626th Armored up here shelling as well!"
Re: Warhammer 40K: The Curse of Kronus

Chapter 10- Issues

Kel and Seraph held each other close, lips locked, rolling back and forth on the bedlke mushroom, each trying to relieve the other of as much armor as they could. It was easy to ignore about everything else.

That is, until Kel felt something prod her.

"Erm, Mistress Kelinas, I'd hate to interupt you in such a moment..." a timid voice wimpered.

The two girls jumped a bit as they looked at the source, Seraph subconsiously grabbing part of her cloth coverings to hide her bustline. Kel, however, gave no attempt to cover herself. "What is it, Zi?" she said cooly.

Seraph was surprised a bit at what she was facing. It appeared to be similar to Daemonette, but she was a tad shorter, with a long, spade tail and large wings, currently swept back behind her. Her pale skin seemed a bit sickly, as if she didn't see light that much, or it could have been nerves. "Well, it seems that one of your... leutenants... is jumping the gun a bit..."

"Can it wait? Like... 30 minutes? Please, Zi?" Kel's face seemed sirenely witsful at the moment.

The Slaanesh handmaiden seemed to wiegh the severity of the crisis for a moment, before nodding a bit, though looking a bit dejected a bit. "O-of course, I'll give you two... a bit of room..." and with the spiral of wings, she dissapeared.

"Who was that?" Seraph asked, curiosity bubling to the forefront as usual.

"Zionis. My... burden, I guess is the best way to explain it," Kel said, trying to word herself without breaking the demon's feelings. "I'm sure she's a little bummed out she can't join in is all," she purred, slinking back to Seraph, who giggled as they embraced again.


"Now I'm worried. It's been a full nightfall. Can't we just send a scout party to the chaos lines and search for her!?!" Blazkas yelled, pacing back and forth.

"Still yourself, Cannoness, it would be a fool's errand!" Inquisitor Pauline sighed, her deamonhammer sitting nearby.

"Both of you! Chill out!" Genera yelled louder then both of them. She was getting tired of the constant yelling of ideas, possibilities, and even if she had been curropted or not. "I know you're worried about Seraph, but even with the retreat from the Tau lines, our forces are streatched thin again. Kroot are taking positions in the forests. These new 'Terrans' as we've learned, are nearing the Starport even as we speak, and the forces of chaos have set themselves firm. What we need now, though, is a plan..."

"I would suggest that we leave the Gaurdsman as the Sisters and Inquisitor deal as they see fit to the heritics, leaving the Space Marines to deal with the Tau," suggested Lukas. "As for these 'Terrans,' I viewed the sattelite scans of them, and I doubht that they would even be a hassle to the Imperial Gaurd. Most of thier vehicles seem rickety at worse and unstable at best."

"I don't really like it, the Sisters against the Demons themselves?!? Does ANYONE remember Marion anymore!?!" the Cannoness seethed.

"Dare not speak of that hellish place again, Blaskaz!" Pauline spat, her face contorting in anger.

An aqward silence filled the room. Indeed, many of them remembered the Marion Fall, where 2,000 Sisters of Battle- all of them members of the Pandemica- fell to Chaos, warping and twisting into vile monstrosities, now logged into Inquisitorial logs as 'Succubai'. Since then, more Battle Sisters have fallen and swelled thier ranks, though not all of them were Pandemicas, allieving the shame of the Chapel only slightly. Now though, the Inquisitor and the Cannoness stared each other down, eyes both blazing with anger.

With a huff, the Inquisitor slid around and headed out of the waroom.

"Well, I guess the meeting's over," Fang huffed to himself.


Moving outside, Pauline muttered to herself, her deamonhammer slung over her shoulder as she walked onward, until reaching the jungle's edge. Sighing, she set the weapon into the dirt, clearing her thoughts.

Visions flashed to her, many of those hellish few days. All those years ago, with the Emperor's Fist... the numbers of her allies dwindling quickly, the hellish shrieks of beasts she used to consider loyal servents of the Emporor, her life flashing before her eyes as a Bloodqueen prepared the final blow...

She wiped the tears from her eyes, her mind full of the sights of terrifying nightmares, turned manifest.

The sound of a powersuit bootheel sunk into the earth.

Gripping Blood's Bane with both hands, the Inquisitor turned to face her foe. "I will suffer no tresspass, heritic..."