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What should happen to a magical/transforming girl's clothes?

Mar 16, 2020
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How is a good way to handle clothes? Particularly for a H game or H story.

Supposedly, when the girl transforms into her alter ego, she looks different, but also gets a new set of clothing. But clearly we want this new set of clothing to be removable, right? So this leads to interesting questions, and possibilities.

Does her costume always regenerate completely the next time she transforms? If a bad guy removes her panties, and keeps them, do they disappear when she goes back to her normal identity? When she transforms again, will she get a new pair?

Do things that happen to her costume while transformed affect what clothing she has on when she returns to normal? If she gets stripped completely naked while she is transformed, and then returns to normal, is her normal self naked?

I know that kind of the main thing with magical girls is : don't overthink it. But the whole point in H games is well........... to examine those parts of the story in better detail....

Would it make transforming girl sense to make her costume always be some kind of changed version of what she was wearing? So if she's wearing a dress when she transforms, her alter ego has a heroic looking dress, but if she is wearing a swimsuit, her alter ego has a heroic looking swimsuit? And if she's naked, then well.......

Maybe that would be just be way too much overthinking it? Could make for a fun game, though.
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