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Who here sleeps naked or near naked (shorts only)?

For me it depends how my GF wants me to sleep. Most of the time it's pajama pants only but sometimes she wants more body contact so I'll match with her.
10 year necro woo!
Always naked for me. Why would I ever want to put on clothing when sleeping? It's uncomfortable enough to wear when I'm awake, I don't need that when I rest
Underwear. Never know when there will be an emergency, wouldn't want to fight a bear completely naked after all.

You have clearly never been in a situation where fisticuffs are a possibility. The faster you can get naked and start approaching your enemy, the much more likely they are to flee. Nobody wants the epitaph on their gravestone to be "was murdered by a naked man." There is no dignity in losing a fight to a man who didn't even have his undies on.
Underwear and a shirt to be honest. It gets cold here fast.
Well all bears i've seen are naked
Kidding aside (not)
, wouldn't want to fight a bear
There. Fix'd it for you.

Of course, unless you're like the fucking dude from ghosts n goblins that can pack quite the punch with just his boxers
And a big ass pointed stick
Out here in the middle of Bumblefuck, Michigan, commando is the only way to sleep! Keeps things from getting sticky during the warm months, and lets you pile on more blankets during the cold seasons for that fresh, weighted-down, back-in-the-womb feeling.
Go ahead and shoot autism jokes at me, you know it's true
Oh no definitely that's the way to go fellow man of culture.
In your case though i'd worry more about the dogman! (you said michigan)
It must not be that cold to.be able to sleep naked even if with blankets
True, I'd be lying if I said there weren't colder places.

Fortunately, Dogman only shows up once a decade, on years that end in 7, so we don't need to worry about him for a good while. Huh, wonder if he'll make his way to California for the upcoming Cyberpunk game!
Commando or shirt rarely when winter comes. Fortunately we dont have bears here only foxes, wild boars or squirels so only the last one is lethal if mistake my nuts as food
If I am to sleep I have to do so in my birthday suit. To do otherwise would feel like heresy for me.

Sounds like something a Slaanesh cultists may say. A loyal member of the Imperium would sleep in their battle outfit in order to always be ready to serve the Emperor. Lack of loyalty is HERESY, and the punishment for HERESY is DEATH! BAAAM!