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ACT PUZ Vore Loli Ryona Guro [窓惑工房 / Window Frame] Dysthanasia (RJ01199228)


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
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For anyone old enough to remember the games Demonophobia and Xenophobia from the late 2000s, the developer is back.
They have been hard at work on a new 3D game made in Unreal Engine since some time in mid-2021.
I think most people won't consider this game's character a loli, but she falls into that category for me, so I'll await moderator approval before linking to the developer's ci-en page.

I was waiting until we had something of substance to make a thread, and the author has just released a demo.
I will fill out the OP with as much accurate information as I can:

Developer's Ci-En:

The developer has stated that the game is going to be a stealth/puzzle style game with erotic and horror elements.
It is intended that the player will need to sneak around undetected; in the demo you can remain unseen by staying behind walls, crouching behind desks, or hiding in lockers.
As of the demo, there is no toggle for the guro elements, but the dev states that they will be implementing a toggle in later versions.
The character's clothing becomes damaged as she gets hit (separate from her health). Dying to monsters while nude will eventually show a different game over.
As of the demo, there are effectively only 3 monsters, and only one of them seems to have a non-guro game over (I could be wrong, but I doubt it). New demos have been released. See the game overs section below.
If you check the developer's ci-en, they have been posting updates on the game since December 2021 (they already seemed to have a bit of work done, maybe up to a year's worth?).
There are other enemies and game over scenes seen on ci-en that didn't seem to make it into the demos so far (or are hidden?) (they appear to actually not be including the unreleased monsters in the files, most of the time)
The developer has also posted some never-before-seen stuff about Demonophobia and Xenophobia.

A girl wakes up in a facility full of monsters, wearing nothing but a green hospital gown.
She seems to have been a test subject for something.
(All we know is she is "Subject #396")

W/A: Move forward/backward, menu select up/down
A/D: Turn left/right (tank style control)
Z/X: Select Item
E: Use Item
Shift (hold): Run
Spacebar: Look through vent when in lockers
Control: Crouch
F: Flashlight
Right Mouse: Interact/Open Door, menu accept
Left Mouse: Cancel
Mouse: Camera movement, move mouse cursor for passcode
Move Backwards + Spacebar: "Quick" 180 turn
Move Forwards/Backwards with camera pointed behind: 180 turn
Left Joystick Up/Down: Move forward/back, move mouse cursor for passcode
Left Joystick Left/Right: Turn left/right (tank style control), move mouse cursor for passcode
D-Pad Up/Down: Menu select up/down
D-Pad Left/Right: Select Item
Right Bumper: Use Item
Left Bumper: Run
Right Trigger: Look through vent when in lockers
X: Crouch
Y: Flashlight
A: Interact/Open Door, menu accept
B: Cancel
Right Joystick: Camera movement
Move backward + Right trigger: "Quick" 180 turn
Move Forwards/Backwards with camera pointed behind: 180 turn
Pause Menu:
Option 1: Settings (環境設定)
Option 2: Resume (ゲ一ムに庚る)
Option 3: Exit to Title (夕イ卜ル画面に庚る)

Window Mode (ウインドウモ一ド): Windowed/Fullscreen (ウインドウ/フルスクリ一ン)
Resolution (画面解像度)
Frame Limiter (フレ一ムレ一卜)
Brightness (明るさ調整)
Viewing Angle (視野角調整)

Return (戻る)
Show the crosshair (画面の中心点を表示): Enabled/Disabled (有効/無効)
Texture Quality (テクスチャ品質): Low/Med/High/Highest (氏/中/高/最高)
Shadow Quality (影品質): Low/Med/High/Highest (氏/中/高/最高)
Reflections Quality (反射品質): 一 (Greyed out on my test system?)
Effect (エフエクト): Low/Med/High/Highest (氏/中/高/最高)
Shading (シエーデイング): Low/Med/High/Highest (氏/中/高/最高)
Anti-Aliasing (アンチエイリアス): Low/Med/High/Highest (氏/中/高/最高)
Depth of Field (被写界深度): Enabled/Disabled (有効/無効)
Bloom (ブル一ム): Enabled/Disabled (有効/無効)
Motion Blur (モ一シヨンブラ一): Enabled/Disabled (有効/無効)
Apply Optimal Settings (最適な設定を適用する)
Reset to Default (デフオル卜に庚す)

Return (戻る)
Camera horizontal (力メラ水平操作): Normal/Inverted (通常/反転)
Camera vertical (力メラ垂頁操作): Normal/Inverted (通常/反転)
Camera sensitivity (力メラ操作感度)
Master Volume (マス夕一ボリユ一ム)
Sound Effects (効果音)
Voice (音声)

Return (戻る)
Return (戻る)

Tall Thing (swing): guro
Tall Thing (grab attack from behind while naked): rape, large prenetration, blood
Dog creature (pounce attack): guro
Dog creature (pounce attack) (nude): rape (not guro)
Dog creature (lick attack): guro (Demo 0.12)
Doll Thing: 3 different guro
Secret Tall Thing: Same as regular tall thing?
Tentacle locker: tentacle guro (Demo 0.12)
Kids (aliens): guro (Demo 0.2)
Fly: guro (Demo 0.2)
Fly (naked): infinite birthing (no guro) (Demo 0.2)

Not spoiler: You need to press # on the keypad to "enter" the code. Changed in version 0.11. No more # button.
Right mouse to grab the item in the room you start in.
Open the door and head left down the hall, grab the healing item and come back, continuing past the starting room.
If you were not quick, you will need to hide in the locker (stand in front and interact to get in/out). He should go past the locker and continue to your right. Wait until you can't hear him anymore.
If you were quick, you should have enough time to skip the locker and continue into the next room.
You can avoid the tall thing by hiding behind the tall divider walls, or crawling beside the desks.
Straight ahead, on your right, there is a cluster of divider walls with a healing item inside.
Or you can skip and go left. Open the door on the left side of the room.
There is another item behind you before you go through the door, hidden around the pillar, in the center of the room where it's dark.
Close the door behind you and continue past the locker & elevator.
There is a healing item hidden behind the far pillar in the next room. The only working door is to the right from where you came in.
Another item on the way down the next hall. Enter the first bathroom for another item & a code.
Nothing in the second bathroom (yet).
After the bathrooms go right. Walk up to the door (don't run), and listen for the dog creature. It will get louder and then quieter as it walks away from the door.

I'm not 100% sure on the dog monster's mechanics yet; it seems to notice you if you either run, or it touches you, so walk in this room.
Walk into the room & pick up the item, turn around & walk out the door you came in.
Continue on, turn right (this would have been going straight or left when coming from the bathrooms.
Skip the empty room, round the corner and continue to the end of this hall.
Open the door and wait for the dog monster to circle the room. Walk in when you can see it heading towards the door on the opposite side of the room. (but keep your distance?)
Wait for the dog to move out of the way and RMB to use the keypad. Passcode is 2164 (press # for ENTER).
Open the door, close it behind you (or the dog might get stuck on the door), pick up the card, and do the same thing waiting for the dog to pass the door before opening.
Walk to the opposite side of the room and go back down the long hall. Check the empty room for another item.
Continue back to the washrooms, there is now a secret in the ladies' washroom: an enemy that cannot chase you and does very little damage.
If you want to see the Game-Over-Rape scene, use this enemy to remove 396's clothes.
There is a checkpoint in the ladies' washroom now. (but I think it only works if you remove 396's clothes first?)
Continue to the elevator, RMB to call it. DO NOT try to exit the elevator while the doors are closing; I've seen reports that this glitches the demo and traps you in the elevator.
Exit elevator, continue to end of hall, go through door.
You will probably want to sprint as much as you can in this level.
After going through the door go straight, then left and around the corner.
You will pass an empty room on your left that sometimes has an item in it. (the key?)
Continue straight down this corridor. If you do not already have the key, go right just before you get to the door with the green light.
If you don't have the key, you need to make a small right turn, then left, and continue down to the end of this corridor.
Enter the room on the left. If the key was not in the previous empty room, it should be here.
The key is for the door you skipped, but you will probably need to circle back around the level unless you want to die.
Exit the room, back down the corridor & go left. Keep left & circle around the level as you did the first time.
You will probably pass the door you came in through; don't mistake it for the exit.
When you get to the door you previously skipped right on, switch to the key (it's an item) with Z/X and use it with E. RMB to open the exit door.
End of demo.
For 0.12 you can mostly follow the guide for 0.10/0.11, but there are a few differences;
There is no item to the left after you leave the starting room.
You do not have to enter the locker and wait for the tall thing to go by. Enter the next room and a screen will appear explaining the AI.
Hide behind the lit up barriers directly in front of the doorway you just came in through and watch the monster.
Wait until he comes towards you from the other side of the room and goes left.
This should be your chance to quickly get to the small room made of barriers. Crouch and use this spot to wait for your next chance.
Other than this, there are only minor changes to the environment (cans have been removed but there are more healing items and they are in the same places as before).
Two healing items at spawn.
Skip the first locker.
The Tall Thing had its AI nerfed in this update. It only seems to wander back and forth in an L between the far right corner and two left corners of the room.
This is a vision based monster. Your flashlight will draw its aggro. It can see over the desks but not the cubicle walls. Crouch behind desks when neccessary, remain unseen.
As you walk out into the room, there will be a small box made of cubicle walls. There is a healing item inside the cubicle.
Go left between the desks in the dark. You can wait behind the cubicle wall on the left. You can even stand here and the Thing shouldn't notice you while you wait.
Wait for the Tall Thing to walk around the corner to your right on its way to the far right side of the room.
Go left from the aisle of desks you've been hiding in. You may need to run for this part. Just be careful not to start running when the Tall Thing is still close to you.
There is no healing item to the left like in previous demos, so go right through the door.
Depending on your timing, you may be able to skip the locker.
If you want to be sure you're safe, hide in it and wait until you see the Tall Thing. Wait for it to go back to the right, and give it some time to make its way back to the previous room. (Judging by the audio, it seems like it either gets stuck or waits at the corner just out of your view from inside the locker)
Loop through the room on the right, there are two healing items on the far side. Be careful not to take too long in this room because the Tall Thing will circle back on its patrol (but won't enter the room unless it sees you).
Continuing down the hall, there will be a locked door on your left that leads to a previous room before the Tall Thing. You will probably never use this door, but interact with it to unlock it if you want to. (It only unlocks from this side)
Further down the hall there is another room on the right. It contains a save orb on the far right, and the tentacle locker. On the left side of the hall there is a room with 1 healing item.
You can go no further than this; all doors further down the hall are locked for now, so go through the right-side room.
The save ball can be hard to see at first because it is textureless black and low enough to blend in with the dark wall paint.
Go past the save ball and turn right through the next hall, following the green arrows. Take your first left turn and go through the door. Do not run.
The Dog's AI was improved this demo. It is blind, but it has good hearing, and can now smell the character's scent. If it is near you, it will eventually sniff its way to you.
Stay away from the dog, and do not run if you are anywhere near it.
Go into the room on the opposite right-side, pick up the key, and go back through the door you came in. Close it on your way out and you should be safe to run now. The dog will hear you but I've never seen it glitch through walls.
The map has changed. Loop back the way you came and keep going. After you turn right around the second corner there is a room with 1 healing item. Continue through the hall.
The first bathroom has 1 healing item.
In the second bathroom, there is a tiny vent at the back of the room. Interact to get in.
The vent is simple. There is 1 fake-out left turn, then a real left turn to a room on the other side. Out of the vent, exit the room and go left.
There is now a second Tall Thing patrolling the hall ahead of you.
The first door on your right is the next door you need to go through.
Press Z/X to select the key, and E or interact with the door to unlock.
Two healing items and a saveball in this room. Continue through the other side of the room, and down the stairs...
This area is inhabited by three "Kids". Their AI is very simple; if they see you they will screech and then charge at you (very slowly).
Getting caught by them doesn't seem to do damage, and you only die once you're caught by all 3 in this demo, which only ever happens on purpose.
Really, these things pose no threat as they can easily be outrun.
Down the corridor, turn right and follow the wire on the floor until you end up in a hallway with a wooden(?) floor.
Skip the room that the wire goes into; just go down the woody hall.
Continue until you see a second wire and go into the room on the right side of the hall.
To the left is a room with a saveball and 2 healing items. To the right is the next room.
It's best to run as much as you can in this room. If the fly aggros you, it will catch up, and unlike the Kids, the fly is a real threat.
Its grapple attack deals damage quickly (if you're caught, you should use healing items as you struggle), and struggling free is slow.
Go straight, take the only left before the end of the catwalk, turn right, your next only option is another right, then first left, right, left.
Don't wait in this room; go through the right door.
At some point in my testing, I somehow managed to spawn a secret Tall Thing by interacting with the left door from the fly room. Don't know what conditions to spawn it.
Go straight and through the door.
Straight through the red room. All the way to the other side.
Eventually you come back out to regular corridors.
To the right, through the door, there is now a secret Tall Thing, and a path back to the first part of the basement.
Go left and you'll find your way to a saveball. Going from the saveball, head past the yellow parking posts.
Head down the corridor and turn right to the next area.
The Stalker is another simple but powerful monster. If it sees you it will quickly catch up to you, and does heavy damage. It should be easy to avoid if you listen to where it is.
Follow through the corridor, go around the fence on the left just before the next room. (There's nothing in the room)
Once you find your way into the wide corridor, take your first right.
Keep going, take the second left turn. Use the doorway on your right. (In earlier demos, I think there was another exit after the third left turn)
End of demo 0.2.
I have looked into the demo's game files, looking for proper names of the monsters.
The Tall Thing is referred to as Family
The dog creature is just called Dog
The third monster is called Stalker
There's an empty folder for a Mimic enemy, this must be is for the tentacle locker (it is now in the game for Demo 0.12)
In one of the demo's files, I think I saw references to the alien creatures and they were called Children. (In the game as of Demo 0.2)
The player character's model is in a folder named type2, but her model is named AOI

I think the name of the game, the main character being part of experimentation, and the name of the tall thing are hints at the general idea of the story.
Maybe Aoi is the girl's name? I haven't seen the dev confirm anything.
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Sorry, I thought I posted in the right section. Too many tabs open I think. Can moderators move the thread please?
Thread moved to the Under Construction section.

That character is definitely loli. However, it is not against the rules to post a link to source information about a game (A dev's Twitter, Ci-En, DLSite page, etc), so feel free to add his Ci-en.
4. Threads with loli/shota discussion are allowed. Loli and shota content are NOT allowed under any circumstances.
The only exception to this rule is the thread OP, when linking the source of the game’s information, within reason.

All that being said, holy shit. Demonophobia, huh? That really takes me back.
Tall thing (The first monster) has a Rare Grab motion for a H scene, requirement is just be naked and hope they do it. Its very telegraphed as its an instant game over.

Dog is blind, only reacts to sound, so completing the keypad can alert it if close enough.
There's alot of interesting ideas here. The keypad making noise, MC losing her eye shine the more damage she's taken and using survival horror as the basis for an h-game seems pretty novel. As previously mentioned however the controls are awful and something seems off about her model. I think it's the face.
XD i was considering making a thread for this game but someone beat me to it, *noice* anywya i've been stuck like a fucking idiot after getting the key in the part where mr. wtf with the big chainsaw sword is roaming around and turns out you have to select it and use it when all other doorkeys are simply used once you have them XD
btw yeah the TURN AROUND speed was SLOW AS FUCK but it got an update 0.11 where she turns faster so check it out guys hahahaha and wow tank controls
Reminds me a bit of that SCP game where you play as the chick who goes full head over arse ragdoll whenever you stub your toe. Guess waking up in a hospital gown in a mysterious facility really does a number on your motor control.
Reminds me a bit of that SCP game where you play as the chick who goes full head over arse ragdoll whenever you stub your toe. Guess waking up in a hospital gown in a mysterious facility really does a number on your motor control.
XD What game? object control?
XD What game? object control?
Yeah, that one. Had the opposite problem to this game: you'd careen too fast around a corner, clip a wall, then suddenly all of your bones spontaneously disappear. In this it takes pro MLG gaming skills to navigate 90 degrees around a corner in under ten seconds.
Now that's a name i haven't heard in a while. I never even knew he attempted to make a second game. This one probably wont be all that impressive, if only because its hard to pull off the same level of traumatic visuals in full 3d. Hope he finishes it.
Interesting game, the 3D model is unique which is a good sign. Not able to fap to guro though, half if not more of the content will probably be guro. If there's a way to turn off and on the fetish while keeping the enemies that have sexual content I'll probably play this. Though since it's more of the traditional game over rape style of gameplay then it's also probably going to be impossible to get your faps off without a gallery room, so...
Interesting game, the 3D model is unique which is a good sign. Not able to fap to guro though, half if not more of the content will probably be guro. If there's a way to turn off and on the fetish while keeping the enemies that have sexual content I'll probably play this. Though since it's more of the traditional game over rape style of gameplay then it's also probably going to be impossible to get your faps off without a gallery room, so...

dev mentioned a guro option toggle will be avaliable
I really hate to admit that Demonophobia was my gateway game to hentai games... I'm not a fan of guro, but I liked the game and learned about other hentai games through searching for others like it.
I really hate to admit that Demonophobia was my gateway game to hentai games... I'm not a fan of guro, but I liked the game and learned about other hentai games through searching for others like it.
I've always wondered just how much actual hentai demonophobia has, it seems as if it didn't have any actual sex altogether?
One of the bosses makes you masturbate. I think there's like 1 or 2 other sex scenes but can't remember.
How many scenes does the 3rd monster have? I could only trigger 2 of them (mc instantly being cut in half). Is there a way to trigger a particular game over scene or it's completely random?
I read that there should be 8 scenes in total.

*the tall thing: 1 guro (neck slit) + 1 ryona (punched until she faints) + 1 H scene (also guro cuz I don't see her surviving the internal bleeding)
*dog: 1 guro (head explodes) + 1 H scene
*the hidden tall thing: only does clothes damage, same HCG but the mc is practically asking for it
*the half doll thing with saw: 3 guro scenes (sliced horizontally, sliced vertically, neck twist), no H scenes
So that's 8 main scenes in total, 13(?) if you count the naked scenes variartions
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I have been following this but wasn't aware it was by the same author as Demonphobia, interesting. I'm not really into guro either, but idk I always find myself playing them anyway.
ver 0.12 demo is out.
For me the performance got a massive hit. Barely playable. GPU at 100%.
Camera and controls feel much worse than before because of input lag and slow motion running
-H scenes now progress when you left click
-New exhausted animation
-New dog scene (guro). Must be attacked from front to fall on back(?)
-Tentacle locker while naked(?) (sadly also guro)
From what I read dev said it should be smooth sailing from now on. Main story is expected to be released in August.
I expected another 10 year hiatus, ngl
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