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RPG Patreon Active [Syvaron] Portal of Phereon


Demon Girl Master
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
Hey guys, I've stumbled upon this game recently and thought I'd bring some attention to it, because it's darn good (I've liked it quite a lot, honestly).


At the first look, the basic premise is quite simple - it's your run of the mill breeding simulator. You get a number of species which have their attributes, you breed them together and get offspring that have better attributes, rinse and repeat. Then you have typical guild-like thing where you can fulfill requests for money. And then there's your typical ever-increasing debt that you have to pay or else. Seems pretty simple so far, eh?


There are seven basic species right now in the game: centaur, mermaid, lavagirl, harpy, lymean (kind of like spirit, I guess), succubus and plant.
"That's kind of modest selection", you'd think and you would be totally wrong. Because in this game exists such thing as crossbreeding.
Wanna know what happens when you cross centaur and plant? That's what:
There are crossbreeds between all basic species, which totals in 21 crossbreeds at the moment.


Breeding itself is quite straightforward - you select two candidates and send them to farm, and at the end of the day you'll might get offspring, depending on fertility/virility of both parties.
Speaking of which, all species have their race-specific fertility and virility, which are further modified by corresponding stat, as well whether it's male, female or futa (which has both, but on lower scale).
Fertility and virility are also influenced by the size of the individual (small - fertility, medium - balanced, large - virility).

Stat's of the offspring will depend on those of the parents, gender would be random (within species bounds), size would depend on parents and traits would be taken from parents and random pool.
Something like this:

But wait, there's more

So what's in there, beside the breeding?
Well, there's work at brothel as well some individual actions with members of your farm (it's textual, tho).
Let's not forget about arena with normal fights (and competitions and tournaments planned).
And then, there's overworld (dungeon) exploration with randomly generated grid-based worlds (a grid of colorful blocks, really) and turn-based combat.
Random world:

Also, did I mention that each race has their own skills and hybrids get combined skills? No? Well, they do.

So, where's the catch?

Well, it's a Patreon game, duh, so it's not yet complete. Beside that, despite being adult game there's not so much content in that regards - there are some pictures of the races, there are couple of pictures for unique NPCs and there's some text description on sex actions, but nothing much aside from that.
UI might a bit of cluster fuck sometimes and there are occasional bugs and problems, but that's to be expected, I guess.
On the plus side the game is free not delayed for non-supporters (i.e. everyone gets access at the same time to the same version). So far Patreons apparently only get voting rights there.

What changed since v0.2?

Check this post.

Where do I find this?


Link to the download should be on the top of his page
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Grim Reaper
Sep 12, 2015
Reputation score
Thanks for the Effort you've put in this post ! (and bringing this to our attention in general) :)

Definetely seems like something worth keeping an eye on ^^



Jungle Girl
Sep 30, 2015
Reputation score
Looks interesting. I love breeder games, so I hope this one will turn out good.


Jungle Girl
Jul 1, 2015
Reputation score
Looks really good.

Personally, I'd like for there to be a base human form (offspring is never a mix, but gets other goodies, like increased stats or special inheritable skill), elf (high intelligence and agility), catgirl (high agility) and wolfgirl.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
Reputation score
Looks pretty cool. As in most other breeding games can the player character be one of the pair?


Grim Reaper
May 23, 2012
Reputation score
Looks pretty cool. As in most other breeding games can the player character be one of the pair?
Yes, though not in the farm - use the sex training mode to have sex with any of your monsters, and you can impregnate them or be impregnated (depending on what gender you are and what actions you take).

After a few false starts I found the easiest way to get started in the game is to concentrate on filling out the bestiary. Start with the highest virility male monsters you can (so, a centaur and succubus) as a Farmer. Start by being female and performing the Ritual during sex with each of them. Now turn into each base form female (you get all the base forms for free) and have sex with the centaur until you have a child - so, turn into a plant girl and have him finish in your pussy until you give birth to a plant-centaur, then a lava girl-centaur, etc. Each time you have a child perform the Ritual with it if possible, have sex with it if not possible, then head to the library and donate it. This will bump up your cash income. Since you're maintaining minimal monsters on the farm, you don't need to worry about Food yet either. Goal is to start by filling the bestiary, so getting every kind of crossbreed. The breeds with your starting two partners are fairly easy - after that, you'll need to keep some of the children a little longer to mate with them (so, you could keep the plant-centaur and turn into the other base forms to try and get the plant-lavagirl, etc. crossbreeds) or head into a portal and bring back species you're missing to be parents.

Having sex with all the different species will unlock them for you to transform into, and doing the Ritual with as many as possible will give you a lot of global points for upgrades.


Mar 17, 2012
Reputation score
Interesting game, just played it a little bit. Part breeding management and part roguelike. Always wondered why there weren't more attempts at H-roguelikes, replayability is something H games usually lack.

As the OP said, not much in the way of H scenes (from what little I played), but maybe I was looking in the wrong places. It seems like right now it's pretty much just text stating "x fucked y". Of course with all the different combinations, making artwork for them all would be quite an undertaking.

And not to nitpick but Monceber , you misspelled the title of the game, it's Portals of Phereon.


Demon Girl Master
Jan 9, 2011
Reputation score
So it's been a couple of month since I've started this thread and the version went from 0.2 to 0.67, so I thought I'd bring the topic back to life and enumerate some of the changes that were made.

It's still the same as before - a breeding simulator. However, now there are some shifts in the story direction that let you choose one of the aspects to side with. That in turn, bring some unique mechanics to the game.
If you chose evolution, you get to transform your main character to other forms (any other species that you had sex with), while choosing creation allows you to summon other creatures.


There's now 2 more species added to the roster - Lizard girl and Insect girl, which brings total number of hybrids to around 45. I'm pretty sure there's also a couple of hidden combinations that you can get by having certain skills and traits.


Now, this part recently received a big improvement - beside just selecting two characters to breed, now you can focus on the stats that you want to improve, skill and traits that you'd like offspring to inherit. You can pay and use items that will increase chances. There's also some kind of morale implemented, with characters having their likes and dislikes, which will influence exhaustion during the breeding.
Also, main character is now selectable for breeding in the farm, so that should make things easier in those regards.

Battle and exploration
Well, both of them are hex-based.
Random world:


Battles themselves didn't change much, while random world exploration (portals) now can have it's own modifiers that influence its inhabitants, events, etc. and can be stabilized if you liked particular one and want to keep exploring it.

Other changes

UI is updated and a lot prettier and clear in comparison to what it was before, there are also tooltips now, so you can see what traits do without going to the library. Talking about traits, there's a lot more of them now.
Upon completing requests you now get points that you can spend on hiring other characters (probably with good traits too).

There's also a couple more of graphical events, so that's good too.
Overall, it improved a lot over these couple of months.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
Hey guys, I've stumbled upon this game recently and thought I'd bring some attention to it, because it's darn good
Bumping this so it can be moved to https://ulmf.org/forums/games-under-construction.14/

After all, OP made a nice effort with the thread, and Syvaron's progress with PoP has been steady.

Current public version is (windows link also there, not only linux)

- Druid (male) as a starting character. (WIP, but new mechanics are there: seedlings raising, class-based levelling)

- Creation and her minions got tuned quite a bit

- breeding got a major overhaul (Supposedly that's the final form, but it will be fine-tuned, probably. Your pairs now spawn eggs that you have to hatch - crystals are used in the hatchery)

- 1 new town NPC, some more events, a few sub-locations were added (most are placeholders, but there's a fishing :D minigame and a stripshow one too)

- portals-related quests, a few more random events (AN-3 the robotgal was already there, I think)

- the King's quests selection got refined

- new (unbreedable/un-H-able) beasts : mules, floaters, leviathans, birds, wolves, deers, wurms

- stuff I probably forgot to mention

- Plant + Succubus + Lizard = Forest Stalker
- Plant + Lymean + Mermaid = Naiad
- Siren + Naga = Water Angel
- Cowgirl + Beastgirl = Satyr
- Dragongirl + Lavagirl = Fire Dragon
If you know the others (I think there are a few more), I could use a hint :)

Edit: updated 20/10/2018

- achievements(in "tab" journal) + unlockable professions/maincharactertraits for each
- 11 new items(mostly rare + legendary)
- basic random name generation
- new unique character + events
- daily log moved to journal with countdowns to important events
- some pictures for creation brothelshows

- mc-morale loss when defeated
- removed level up hp/mana/ap regeneration
- manadrain doesn't increase with higher magicstrength
- option to fail quests (get new one, but fail current)
- rerolling quests doesn't reset their timer
- phoenix egg passive only triggers with at least 1 mana left
- colors for farmpairs
- infirmary always/only heals when morale is max /exhaustion is min
- cost changes to buildings (cheaper production buildings etc.)
- portal hostility scales a bit quicker (slightly based on chosen gamelength)
- a lot of other small changes

edit2: updated 18/12/2018

edit3: update Valentine's 2019
(the whole mechanics got a massive rehaul. Changelog is long, check the public posts)
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Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
I was waiting for to give another heads up about this great breeding/management/RPG game, taking its final shape.
The game went through massive overhauls, while still adding content consistently. Pretty much all initial mechanics were refined/balanced.

The changelogs are unvariably massive, so here's an attempt to sum up this year's progress:
- now features over 150 different characters, each with its own sprite. Most with gender variations, a few with bodytype variants. All are playable, except for 3 world bosses
- around 70 CGs
- working AI for enemies (they cast spells, seduce, etc.)
- gallery to track your progress with tips (both creatures and CGs)
- a profusion of unlockable achievements, with various rewards like making King's quests optional or starting with a (baby) Kraken
- a bunch of new options to gameplay (Including one to hide futa dicks use female pics only)
- experience is now shared, scaling with encounter difficulty (battles are meant to be won ASAP, mana management is now crucial)
- job system to relieve micromanagement
- intricate dating system for town's unique (N)PCs
- many breeding options; selective breeding to suit your needs is much easier/logical
- fusion system and summonable spirits; it helps out kickstarting your breeding
- brothel overhauled with many features
- more Arena/training features (on top of the trainer/student jobs)
- ritual level now shows in battles for quick tracking(Evo/Crea)
- Evo/crea now have a node-based progress (think FFXII). Their skilltrees are much clearer
- chimera form for Evo; intricate chimera (polymorph) system
- more spawns for Crea; she also has more room to grow herself
- Druid system was remade a few versions ago. He holds his ground against the Gods now

SkillTree/"C"-menu: (druid unaffected):
- upgrades are now in a grid with various paths
- side branches can require points from other species
- more impactful/varied upgrades
- more differences between evo and crea
- more versatile upgrades/not species specific
- only one type of skillpoint per species (only gained through rituals/crystals)
- specialforms/summons are nodes in the tree. Summon/transform exhaustion cost for those is halved
- size choices are always available and affect the summon/transform cost
- can get all genes 10 for summons/ +10 for evos own genes
- can transform into/create any species(except bosses/uniques)
- starting gene selection means how far you can get own genes above 10
- special bodyparts + core (changed base stats) for chimera form for each species
- chimera form window now also shows actual stats (affected by upgrades/level)
- can select genetic species for special forms.(instead of special/special)
- no way to increase own genes
- created characters are more similar to other characters and don't get flat stat increases
- small closeup pictures/slideshows for lewd actions, based on bodyparts (can be turned off)
Trying to tie combat and lewd stuff together a bit more. Not sure about the pictures thing (ambiguous color vs fixed, etc.),
and didnt want to commit much time to it before getting some feedback, so there are just a few, so a lot of interactions don't have fitting pictures yet.
- can select seduction type (ass,pussy,tits,cock) affected by different things.
- pussy/cock based seduction changes targets interest based on seducers attractiveness
- seducing has a crit(ldmg*2)/fail(ldmg=1) chance based on the preferences of the target.
- (only the preferences/stats shown in the quicktooltip matter)
- recruitment chance is slightly increased for each known preference
- enemy preferences will be revealed as you perform certain actions.
- Ai will also act based on what they know about preferences.
- Aila/Sylvie updated art/outfits
- 5 new spirits with some new skills (4 first evolution + 1 final plant humanoid)
- base spirits and first evolution sometimes spawn in the wild (rare)
- removed specialtraits from chosen affinity, as they are now in the skilltrees
- new seduction triggered passives for succubus characters
- some other new skills/passives
- lifesteal now drains hp (increases dmg, but doesn't heal on overkill)
- photosynthesis trait for plants (don't require food)
- Evo's percentage based stat changes will be converted into base stats after transforming (are affected by traits/easier to read)
- Stat bonus for evo levelups are only applied after transforming
- new modifier for unique starter spirit
- new modifier to remove (or increase) many limits (enemy/hostility scaling, genes/level etc.)
- tit/cock size preferences are more likely to be higher
- good score in sextraining changes tit/cock size preferences towards yours
- Entertainer profession gets *2 bonus on town-npc objectives
- info about current best ritual level in combat quick tooltip, marked with +/- if its higher
- made it more obvious that you can scroll down in character gallery (some may have missed it)
- removed fusion from the breeding screen
Balancing (most important changes):
- when the maincharacter falls in battle, morale is only decreased by 50 instead of set to 0
- Evo human form has very high LDmg, making it especially useful early on
- water starting spirit has a more versatile skill (splash: moves water + deals dmg)
- removed requirements for watermermaid evolution (always guaranteed to get to stage 3 with any spirit)
- can't lose the game due to reputation as prince in free play
- crea doesn't start with slimeheal


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Oh thank god, leveling up was such a chore before with the old 'tactics' style XP gain.

I did wonder if there was a way to get the monster girls from the other gods and breed them with your own ( I really wanted a tentacle/lymean hybrid ). But I ended up running out of steam before I managed to capture one ( RNG never goes my way ).


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
I did wonder if there was a way to get the monster girls from the other gods and breed them with your own ( I really wanted a tentacle/lymean hybrid ). But I ended up running out of steam before I managed to capture one ( RNG never goes my way ).
When playing Evo or Druid, Crea will spawn Hives in random portals. That makes capturing slimespawns easier (attack the hive, or use 'lure' on a slime tile). Higher tier spawns will appear on higher hostility worlds.
Conversely, Crea has a new "gene extract" skill to allow her to spawn pretty much anything alive under the sun(s?).

Tentacles and Slimebeasts are creatures; they're unbreedable and you need nets, web, or mindcontrol to capture them.

Tentaclegirls, psychics, slug girls, slimelizards and slimegirls are legit breedable, and can be captured through the usual seduction+sex.
However, they are 'impure' species (they cannot give birth to hybrids) and their genes are recessive. When breeding a slimegirl (gen1) with, say, a succubus, gen2 will be all succubus (succubus/slimegirl). You'll then proceed to breed gen1+gen2 (1/2 chance of slimegirl), or two gen2 (1/4 chance of slimegirl) for better genes.
This is also the only way to gene up special girls like AN-3 or the 100% female Kitsunes. (edit: except for fusion with a spirit)
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Ahhh, that's good to know. Unfortunately I loaded up the game and... well I spent a LOT of time in a couple previous versions, I'm having trouble mustering the will to start over from scratch a second time. Having to deal with the king's bullshit all over again isn't something I'm looking forward to. I mean I get it, without that mechanic there's nothing to stop you from ACTUALLY GETTING STUFF DONE without having to micromanage a shit-ton of characters and then the game loses pretty much any difficulty it had.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
History has the answer: kill the King when his demands get ridiculous. Plus, you get extra backstory if it's his son (Druid) doing the deed.

I sometimes just turn off the breeding requests. Worth noting, that savescumming is still possible right before turning in a quest (I do that early on to open a portal to a world with Relaxing or a rare biome - early access to Swamp or Heaven helps me a lot)


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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It's more that his quests eat up real world time like nobody's business that bugs me. In the time it took me to explore that first world to 50% I could have captured and bred my way to having max level 20 basics with prodigy for all the monstergirls.

Anyway, I see in the gallery there are entries for complex monstergirl hybrids, do they require a combination of basics or something else? I notice there are monstergirls with specific worlds mentioned in the same part of the gallery, perhaps I need to use them? Edit: found out, for anyone else wondering you just breed them and here's the list courtesy of the phereon discord.
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Cum Commando

May 18, 2018
Reputation score
Does something bad happen if you let the lymean girl 'drain your mana' too many times?


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
Does something bad happen if you let the lymean girl 'drain your mana' too many times?
Something horrible happens.
A 5 mana genes, manabound Lymean with 75 base mana will join your team :eek:
If you happen to select her preference, she'll only drain you once before that happens. Phew.
Absolutely don't!
breed her with a cowgirl and her 'transfer mana', you'd be horrified with the resulting mana battery.

It's more that his quests eat up real world time like nobody's business that bugs me. In the time it took me to explore that first world to 50% I could have captured and bred my way to having max level 20 basics with prodigy for all the monstergirls.
I get where you're coming from. I used to have Large Pegasus & Beastgirl/Lymean as starters to fix that...
A few things changed since then:
- Evo and Druid can eventually teleport. A mana battery helps (seedling or spoiler above), as well as herbalist (to make the most out of the blue flowers spawning in forests tiles)
- Crea is the worst off now exploration-wise. I take it she's supposed to spawn hives and walk around in slime. Medium portals are a pain now (can't even bring your Airmount...)
- every MC has an exploration spell with her/his familiar. Often not too useful either.
- there are 3 exploration speeds (+/- encounter risks). 'Reckless' is useful for slow tiles.
- last but not least, fleeing has been made much easier. That's useful when you just want to scout.

Also, hybrids "recipes" now show in the gallery. There are ways to capture some in the library event, or in the brothel... Unless you're druid.
The SSR girls from the UR biomes are hard to come by, but usually worth the effort.
For reference, here's a full 'unlockable' (kudos to f95 guys). I strongly advise to use it just to browse the gallery; most of the game's fun/purpose is about unlocking stuff every playthrough. Backup your own Unlockables.sav beforehand.



Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
I may have underestimated the amount of savescumming I'd need to beat RNG... ( I wouldn't bother but from what I've seen you literally HAVE to fight with RNG to get decent monstergirls and if I'm sinking that time in I might as well go all the way)

I do have a succubus 20 lvlmax with 9 or so in every stat though! Close to having a mermaid as well, she's coming along much faster than the succubus though, in part because fusion is so nice, apart from lvlmax taking the highest of every stat.

TBH I don't even know half of the traits or what they do. I imagine once I get to the point where I've got the monstergirls I want, with the stats I want, I'm going to be pissed because I need to screw around again and get them with the traits I want as well.

Also, you're totally right; at this point I don't even give a shit about the porn, I just want to beat RNG into the ground and rompastomp the game with my OP party.
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