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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
楽園歩きのリフレイン walkthrough
  • all monster girl has GoR, but only win can fight with her in hscene room
  • 1st fight has 2 type H or GoR, 2nd fight add 2 more type H or GoR, in random, skill 敗北を選ぶ for GoR
  • if has choice in fight, want to win better choice last one
Blue town :
  1. move out cave, right kill snake
  2. pub near dancer has event
  3. church talk to priest can get skill
  4. town left entrance talk to dancer
  5. north to mine dungeon (can find 魔法銀, 魔鋼屑, 天使の針金)
  6. mine dungeon deep talk to monster girl (all 2nd choice) has H battle, win can get オーガナイト
  7. west to grassland dungeon (can find ハボイ草, 金色の花, ミスト草)
  8. deep talk to dancer (1st choice) then near bed fight to her
  9. collect 魔法銀5 天使の針金3, talk to blacksmith get silver key
  10. house in town lower left, 2F talk to aged, get 1st choice
  11. now town upper left talk to aged can go Red town
Quest in Blue town :
  • soldier in inn : 捻れた外骨格4 金色の花2 --- skill マナフィリング for MP recover
  • boy in inn 2F : 魔法銀3 ミスト草3 --- equip アイテムゲット for add drop rate in random dungeon
  • man in inn 2F : ハボイ草6 天使の針金2 魔鋼屑4 --- equip レジデントバリア for reduce damage in random dungeon
  • pub who playing piano : マダラ欠け牙3 モコモコ2 --- equip エクスプラス for up exp
  • item shop manager (2nd choice then 1st one) : ハボイ草6 ミスト草3 --- skill ハーブヒール for HP recover
  • blacksmith in weapon shop : 魔法銀5 天使の針金3 オーガナイト --- silver key
Red town and ending :
  1. town lower beach talk to dancer
  2. beach talk to crab, get 2nd choice
  3. church talk to priest
  4. upper right talk to man
  5. upper right talk to angel, 1st choice to mansion
  6. click 4 small flame
  7. back of chair, click magic circle to heaven dungeon (can find マダラ欠け牙, モコモコ, 捻れた外骨格)
  8. top floor talk to angel get 1st choice has fight
  9. if move out no goddess event, go to green magic circle then move back
  10. room in mansion 1F, talk to dancer vs her
  11. church vs goddess
  12. inn talk to angel
  13. Blue town item shop talk to manager, get 2nd choice then 1st one for item (need 金色の花3)
  14. Red town left dock talk to sailor, then west to poison island (can get 女神の涙, 魔王のヘドロ, 不可視鳥の羽)
  15. if done shop manager quest can go water cave water cave.jpg (can get 砂ダイア, 病み蛍, 巨人樹の枝)
  16. poison island deep vs plant girl
  17. poison island deep to house vs plant girl again
  18. If Blue town home has foods, click it get 1st choice foods.jpg , then click bed sleep can vs monster girl
  19. Blue town church underground click crystal, talk to angel vs her
  20. water cave deep get item and vs goddess again
  21. if get ブリンギ―ボックス, mansion east garden talk to plant girl can get quest item
  22. mansion to green magic circle, upper click stale
  23. outside talk to man 2 times can back to start cave, to start place for ending
Quest in Red town :
  • item shop manager : 女神の涙3 魔王のヘドロ4 不可視鳥の羽2 --- for item that can find water cave and hidden item
  • sailor in inn 2F : 魔王のヘドロ3 マダラ欠け牙2 砂ダイア --- skill 心頭滅却, bug skill?
  • girl in inn 2F : 女神の涙8 --- skill 時空障璧 for no damage wall
  • man in weapon shop : 不可視鳥の羽 モコモコ 病み蛍 --- ブリンギ―ボックス, quest item
  • blacksmith in weapon shop : 魔王のヘドロ4 巨人樹の枝3 砂ダイア2 --- equip スケルトンスルー for avoid fight (but sometime has bug)
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
ラレンティーナの剣を探して walkthrough

  • game has a lot hidden item
  • space key can skip message
  • chapter 6 has npc can all hscene on

Chapter 1 :
  1. start has choice for game lvl, easy, normal or hard. For normal and hard, some boss can get matel (under 10 round or low lvl defeat it), but no idea for what
  2. bed has doll, old version BUG : click gun in room
  3. before move out, can get 父の手紙, use it
  4. south to town ベルの街, church talk to priest then Anna (アンナ) join
  5. 2F talk to sister can rest, to bed has event, outside church has event too
  6. right shop buy 革の鎧 has H
  7. north to cave has event
  8. from town, west to mansion ドライゼン卿の屋敷
  9. room near entrance, talk to maid can rest, talk to merchant can buy item, bed has doll, another bed has event
  10. basement get picture picture.jpg
  11. upper talk to maid can use doll get item
  12. south to tunnel, deep vs boss (has ☆ skill for GoR)
  13. boss room has doll, use ☆ドールブック can use doll get item
  14. if get エプロン and Chris (クリス) equip it can use skill 料理 for cooking
  15. south pass tunnel, then SE to dock town (モンドールの港町)
  16. inn outside talk to man, then lower restaurant talk to aunt
  17. lower right dock event, after event can get new job and formation, menu 作戦 for change
  18. right dock 2F has doll
  19. sleep in inn has H
  20. south to hill (ストラ山), entrance can get teleport item リターンの羽
  21. 2nd area left has doll
  22. in road has H, hilltop click tree vs boss
  23. after event, move down can get new job
  24. back to dock town (モンドールの港町), restaurant talk to aunt
  25. park event, dock talk to manager in left counter, can change game lvl
After OP :
  1. girl in lower left can buy item, バナナの皮 for GoR
  2. down floor can get doll
  3. go up to captain room, talk to captain, box has teleport item リターンの羽 for back to ship
  4. if back to room sleep has H, restaurant talk to chef can get food
  5. move out ship to cave, B4 vs slime, better wait 2 heroine nude
  6. B8 vs pirate (GoR), then vs monster
  7. near exit vs boss
  8. right has doll and left beach CG
  9. NW to lighthouse, 1st floor upper right has doll lighthouse.jpg
  10. make flame in lighthouse then go top floor
  11. report to captain
Chapter 2 :
  1. upper talk to priest
  2. 噴水広場 can buy food, talk to girl can get doll market.jpg
  3. 聖マリア教会 click statue and upper right, right chair has doll
  4. 聖アウグスト教会 click statue, upper right has hidden road for doll church2.jpg
  5. 市街観光 その1 to arena upper click ! and go lower right, move out auto move to pizzeria, sit on upper
  6. 市街観光 その2 buy ice cream then go north click !, upper talk to man, in pizzeria go upper then buy food then sit on upper
  7. ピザ屋 can work in pizzeria, use mouse to click, Anna for auto, if 2000 point for new custom then 50 for CG
  8. if back to church, upper talk to priest
  9. 聖ポポロ教会 click statue and upper, right has doll, night 2F right get doll then talk to black rob has fight, can lose
  10. upper left has doll, upper talk to man
  11. if get picture in mansion, talk to man in lower right can get clothes picture2.jpg
  12. right talk to sister then move out
ancient Rome :
  1. back to Rome, keep go north has event
  2. back to town, near sundial ...
  3. lower left to inn, talk to manager
  4. to corps base in upper of sundial, left talk to commander
  5. at night, east to colosseum
  6. upper left to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  7. upper right virgin temple, to upper right for H
  8. right talk to merchant, can buy item and sell to other place
  9. lower right to brothel and left to pub (new version can get new job, old version need wait Anna H in pub)
  10. if rest in temple can go out at night, if go pub can work in there (talk to manager who play piano)
  11. at night, right talk to man, get 1st choice can go upper get doll
  12. at night to arena, talk to man in entrance can join fight (each day has different job for fight), 戦士, 格闘家 has GoR
  13. at night choice Chris (クリス), brothel go 2 times can prostitution
  14. if get 50k, go to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  15. south to checking station, need 5k pass it
  16. SE to volcano, some flame is illusion
  17. hilltop get item and vs boss
  18. south has town then south to small house, talk to aged can make weapon or shield, house SW has hidden doll
  19. back to Rome
  20. at night choice Anna (アンナ), to brothel and pub has H, after pub H can get new job (v1.06 v1.07 has bug cant get 2 hscene in pub)
  21. virgin temple has new H
  22. NW checking station has H
  23. if get 100k, pass NW checking station then go NW town can buy teleport item リターンの羽 for teleport back to Rome, town west has hidden doll
  24. from Rome go east pass checking station (need 50k), SE pass bridge then go west, small island has hidden doll island.jpg , from bridge go south has town
  25. from Rome go east, dont pass checking station then go NE to hill road
  26. deep vs boss, then in corps base talk to soldior in upper can get new formation
  27. to hill road again, talk to soldior can go another side
  28. SE to town, sleep has H
  29. if get 500k, go to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  30. to arena, auditorium left has doll
  31. 2 heroine change to 剣闘士, arena lower area talk to aged to fight area
  32. deep to healing stone, talk to noble has 2 fight + emperor
  33. talk to emperor, better buy alot item and food for chapter 3 sell, because $ and equip from ancient Rome cant go to Chapter 3
  34. move to pond, equip マルスの剣 for boss
Chapter 3 :
  1. better buy equip from left merchant
  2. to sewer north side, click switch for treasure room and big door, then move out sewer
  3. right talk to girl 五月 then left talk to ボス
  4. box has teleport item for back to town and left cabinet has doll
  5. inn lower right plant has doll
  6. NW to temple, B5 before boss can get new job
  7. after boss, sleep in inn has H
  8. B10 vs boss, 2 heroine change to stone
  9. south to beach, middle has doll beach.jpg , right has aged selling item and right has fight (GoR)
  10. north to seabed cave, deep to broken ship, to ! has 2 fight
  11. north to sea temple, last area left has doll, then vs boss (GoR)
  12. back of inn has H, get 1 choice
  13. to NW temple again, equip イージスの盾, B10 vs boss
  14. after boss can get magic key, can open door that in town north, after open door in temple has stair to B10
  15. B15 vs cow, then talk to girl vs boss
  16. temple pass door then upstairs, go left stair then click big treasure box has doll, move back to lower vs boss then get item and axe
Chapter 4 :
  1. open box then talk to anyone
  2. 五月 side : 1st area, upper 2nd pot has doll, after click door go lower, when move back has soldier, go lower click hole
  3. クリス side : right get doll and click letter, then middle click chair has hidden road church hidden road.jpg , next area click big ◇
  4. 五月 side 2 : 1st jail room help girl
  5. クリス side 2 : c key for change member
  6. after 2nd recover stone vs boss, can lose
  7. upper talk to lady knight
  8. room cabinet has clothes, upper left room get doll then lower room talk to sister
  9. keep go west, near inn has boss
  10. inn upper left can buy food, right cabinet has doll
  11. south to hill
  12. after drop down, drop from right > left > left has doll, all right can drop to cave
  13. in cave go left get doll first then move out
  14. in church, click heroine
  15. 6th day has choice, get 2nd choice then 1st one has fight, lose ok
Final chapter :
  1. upper talk to Chris (クリス)
  2. back to town, church 1F right selling item 免罪符 for 羞恥心+3, roof get item
  3. west to mansion, right room to upper left meeting room
  4. right room again, upper right talk to man, choice 3rd > 2nd >1st can get bunny clothes, meeting room has doll (v1.07)
  5. south to tunnel, underground has hidden road tunnel.jpg
  6. after defeat thief has H
  7. back to tunnel, boss room upper right has doll, left door no idea... (v1.05 door has been deleted)
  8. pass tunnel to SE dock town, inn 2F has doll
  9. upper brothel, talk to counter then sleep in inn can prostitution, BUG : Anna (アンナ) prostitution Lv, need v1.05
  10. mansion underground get item then use boat to north side
  11. SW has hidden doll, east pass hill to tower
  12. 4F vs boss, after boss cant back to town untill chapter 6
  13. 6F get holy water
  14. west to Dracula castle
  15. right room after defeat maid has recover stone, 2nd room has man selling item
  16. if go NW room, pass left one > right 2nd one > right room has boss
  17. click picture to hidden area
  18. road has 4 doll, click door has boss, if equip sister weapon 至高天の杖, skill エクソシズム work
  19. under clock vs boss, skill エクソシズム work
  20. go up open door then vs boss, need use magic
  21. equip VKラレンティーナ then vs Dracula, 2 fight
Chapter 6 :
  1. 1F left room talk to priest
  2. back of armor shop has H, armor shop selling new clothes
  3. north to home talk to father can get teleport item
  4. west to mansion, bed room has H, if go up to library talk to maid can all hscene on for hscene.jpg
  5. teleport to dock town (モンドールの港), if talk to aunt can play cut pizza game, now prostitution need go brothel, if prostitution lvl 50 has H
  6. teleport to ノミス村, cave in beach has hidden boss
  7. ローマ広場, merchant in lower right can get item picture2.jpg
  8. 騎士団オフィス, talk to ボス can fight to him
  9. from ローマ広場 or 騎士団オフィス can go sundial, north to 大聖堂, big ◇ can move in
  10. deep talk to red cap can go hidden area, north vs dragon can go hidden dungeon
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
獣耳乙女は裏切らない walkthrough
  • if 2nd play, in 1st town hotel has box, click it get 1st choice can make all hscene on
1st town オレンジット :
  1. outside hotel
  2. outside hotel again, to north area
  3. upper left talk to man, choice 剣士, then choice game lvl (easy normal hard)
  4. NW get key for 2F
  5. 2F talk to mushroom and buy ドッグフード to dog
  6. 3F has fight (GoR), then go upper room
at night :
  • in hotel, night can choice heroine, if セレーナに話しかける is talk to heroine, sometime up 2 favorability (好感度), if favorability over 10 and 30 has H
  • セレーナで好く動する is control heroine, town upper left has H. After going to east area, upper right has H, right brothel can prostitution, need H-degree (変態度) over 8
  • hero to brotel can get skill if sex with blonde (girl in random)
  1. go to east area, enter car workshop on upper, talk to aged on upper left then go to factory area in NE
  2. click switch on upper right first, then speak to gorilla on below can get password for door
  3. deep has bosses, 1st choice for vs boss, 2nd one have H
  4. after talking to aged at entrance, enter NW area and talk to white animals
  5. go to ruins of royal palace that in NE
  6. (not main route) talk to dragon, get 1st choice, underground find 3 small dragon then report to it
  7. deep vs boss (GoR)
  8. click treasure box that has been opened
  9. talk to pig in upper right of east area, get 2nd choice
  10. after entering train station, get on train and talk to passenger in below
2nd town ブラザー :
  1. move out station to 2nd town, go to south exit but cant go out
  2. talk to man on right then inside house has fight cyclist.jpg
  3. talking to cyclist has H
  4. town south to street
  5. (not main route) talk to golden chicken in lower left, after go back to town can find 黄金たまご in upper left, report to chicken
  6. south area has boss (GoR)
  7. south to 3rd town
3rd town ジェノベーゼ :
at night :
  • heroine talk to man on right has H, pub (inn lower right 3rd town pub.jpg ) talk to man has H
  1. (not main route, best is after 2nd heroine joined) house on right talk to teacher teacher.jpg , then go to 2nd town ブラザー, talks to man near fountain on upper
  2. left has fight, after winning report to teacher
  3. talk to student outside school on lower left, then talk to nearby man school.jpg
  4. go to police station on right
  5. go to dock area on south, left shop talks to merchant, get 2nd choice has H
  6. enter school, talk to man in central room, then click upper right door, get 2nd choice has H
  7. go to room on left, 2 gorillas on right are ON, and the one on left is OFF
  8. a stone block on 2nd floor, enter nearby room, 2 gorillas change to off
  9. 3F vs boss then roof talk to リサ
  10. when in room, talk to female student on upper left
  11. go to AV production company that in teacher's house right
  12. talk to staff who near door, then pass door
  13. town NE to cave, deep has dragon, 1st choice for fight to it, 2nd choice for H, after fight or H can get teleport item (ドラゴン笛)
  14. go to AV production company and talk to werewolf
  15. 2F get item on lower left, then talk to werewolf guarding stairs, choice ロ〇っ子とお風呂に入ろう!
  16. 3F right room has H, left room to next room talk to man, pay 1k can get item
  17. talk to guard, choice ジュリア 裏モノ解禁!
  18. 5F talk to director
  19. sleep in inn has event, next time sleep can choice heroine
at night (リサ) :
  • talk to リサ has 2H
  • go to left of inn has H, right of inn talk to man has H, pub talk to man has H
  • if back to 1st town オレンジット, brothel can prostitution
  1. (not main route, but able to take new job) go to house with slime outside that in lower right, inside talk to slime has !, at light go to AV shop (left of teacher's house) talk to manager then report to slime
  2. south to dook then east to store, open big store's door in right
  3. the switch on 2F also for magice circle on 1F
  4. deep vs boss (GoR)
  5. go to school
  6. north to station get train
4th town フィレーデ :
  1. go to mansion in NW, click door then talk to person on right
  2. enter mansion, talk to maid at lower right
  3. in jail, click upper right wall
  4. talk to bat on right, get 1st choice x2 for key
  5. lower jail help リサ
  6. back to mansion to left room, 1st choice for vs maid, 2nd choice for H
at night :
  • Hero --- talk to maid who near fountain has H
  • セレーナH --- outside of inn, fountain left, lower left brothel
  • リサH --- outside of inn, lower pub 4th town pub.jpg , lower left brothel
  1. talk to girl on lower right
  2. inside publishing company in lower right, upper talk to president
  3. NE to forest
  4. (not main route) talk to man has !, back to town, house in inn's left talk to maid's mother, back to forest talk to mushroom can go to mushroom's town in upper left, upper house talk to mushroom then go to lower left house has fight
  5. forest deep to building, 1F need defeat monster on left
  6. 2F need defeat enemy on lower right then monster on lower
  7. 3F need defeat monster in middle then lower right one
  8. 4F vs boss (GoR)
  9. publishing company report to president
  10. talk to girl on left then click house's door that nearby her house.jpg
  11. go to brothel in lower left, talk to werewolf
  12. go to house again, 1st choice has fight, 2nd choice for H
  13. outside talk to lizard man has fight
  14. publishing company report to president
  15. go to pub on right, talk to master then move to sewer
  16. moving food near pig can make it move
  17. deep vs boss (GoR)
  18. rest in inn then north to station, cant get train then talk to new girl
  19. south talk to horse
  20. north to car workshop, talk to president
  21. outside talk to him again then click car
5th town アルジェント :
  1. talk to guard twice, get 3rd choice
  2. click hole then talk to slime
  3. click beg on lower then talk to guard, help 2 heroine
  4. next floor defeat 3 slime for hole
  5. next floor vs boss (GoR)
  6. in town, to police station on upper left police station.jpg , talk to policewoman then she join
  7. (not main route, but able to take new job) talk to hairless who nearby upper right of inn, buy 射精管理教会の石 x10, left house outside talk to hairless, inside talk to religion's founder, go to church on lower right, church middle talk to beast has fight then report to religion's founder
at night :
  • hero --- go to brotel on upper left can get skill if sex with blonde
  • (not main route) hero --- house in religion's house left talk to fortune teller, then port to 4th town フィレーデ, hotel in lower (item shop right) talk to bat then report to fortune teller
  • 2 heroines H --- man near inn, man outside jail, man in town's left, upper left brothel
  1. lower left to pub (with wing girl outside), talk to werewolf has fight
  2. to police office on right of jail
  3. talk to chief on upper right, then click file on lower right
  4. NE to volcano, inside has faction
  5. east room and NE room get item for machine that control door
  6. deep vs boss (GoR)
  7. police office report to chief
  8. item shop buy ラグサーノ and トリスケルレモン if later want to up リサ's favorability
  9. item shop 2F, talk to merchant, get 3rd choice
  10. 4F vs boss (GoR)
  11. town lower right to church, talk to bishop 3 times, if get 1st choice, choice is ラグサーノ and トリスケルレモン
  12. talk to sister, 1st choice for H
  13. click right statue has magic circle
  14. deep vs boss, must lose, after fight has choice, if 2nd one for H
  15. talk to 2 heroine
  16. to jail, upper cell talk to man
  17. church talk to bishop
  18. port to 2nd town ブラザー, south to street, street NE to house
  19. click barrel to underground, in road get 4th choice > 1st one > 1st > 2nd, deep talk to thief
  20. 5th town アルジェント, SW to enemy mansion
  21. left room talk to werewolf, get 1st choice for item
  22. right room talk to gorilla, then push it to upper right magic circle
  23. 2F left room talk to girl, any choice ok
  24. talk to werewolf, he will change to gorilla, push it to magic circle
  25. vs boss (GoR)
  26. NW to dock, talk to middle sailor (the heroine with high favorability to her route, if same is リサ route)
Capital モニカベル :
Hero at night :
  • talk to heroine can sex
  • talk to maid in lower and talk to police woman in upper has H.
  • go to brothel on upper right can get skill if sex with blonde
  • (not main route, セレーナ side) bank talk to woman > talk to naked girl in upper left > go to brothel sex with blonde then outside talk to her > talk to naked girl again then go to bank report to woman > open door in bank can get item
セレーナ H :
  • inn outside talk to man has H
  • to brothel prostitution need H-degree over 50, 3rd time prostitution is sex
  • after sex in brothel, if pregnancy has pregnancy H
  • after sex in brothel, if sex with hero has another H (message is different)
  • 1 or 2 more prositution has new hscene, new skill and NTR flag on
  1. (not main route, リサ side) go to house on upper left, talk to boy
  2. go to brothel, talk to man in lower room
  3. back to 1st town オレンジット, go to east area, enter car workshop on upper, talk to president in entrance
  4. capital north area, go to jail in middle fountain upper right
  5. (not main route, リサ side) talk to thief then talk to guard thief.jpg > talk to thief again > back to capital report to boy > open door in house can get item
  6. deep has boss, 1st choice for fight, 2nd choice for H
  7. deep talk to マヤ
  8. after マヤ join, at night talk to her in upper can get liquors, then sleep in inn, talk to heroine who not in route has H
リサ H :
  • inn outside talk to man has H
  • nigth talk to soldier in upper has H, need H-degree over 50, 3rd time H is sex
  • after sex, if pregnancy has pregnancy H (if bug cant get this hscene, need pregnancy again)
  • after sex, if sex with hero has another H (message is different)
  • 1 or 2 more H has new hscene, new skill and NTR flag on
  1. back to 1st town オレンジット, go to east area, car workshop talk to president
  2. back to capital, go to brothel, talk to man in lower room
  3. sleep in inn
  4. north area go west to hill プロヴォローネ山, to military base
  5. upper talk to werewolf
  6. left room talk to girl on bed can get 甘いおしっこ, give it to werewolf
  7. 2F lower talk to werewolf again
  8. left room talk to woman in upper right can get 少し酸味のあるおしっこ, give it to werewolf again
  9. 3F vs boss, after fight get 2nd choice for H
  10. go to 3rd town ジェノベーゼ, go to school
  11. go to magic circle, talk to headmaster then click bookshelf
  12. 2F NE library, click magic door
  13. deep vs boss, room click bookshelf then click book on table
  14. from capital north, go west to ruins, near shining mushroom has hidden road
  15. after move to jail area can port out
  16. from capital north, north to castle, deep vs boss
  17. go to underground click sword
  18. to hill again (プロヴォローネ山), upper right has new cave
  19. near recover stone is boss room, if NTR flag on to NTR ending, if not vs boss, 2 fight
  20. go to castle, go to balcony in lower
  21. go to 3rd town ジェノベーゼ, go to house on lower right to heroine ending, if another heroine's favorability over 60, get 2nd choice to 3P ending
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New member
Jun 18, 2020
Reputation score
Re: Walkthroughs

I need walkthrough I know already shared but I cannot access hongfire


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
黒衣のおしごとっ! walkthrough

  • 1 day / 1 hscene if same NPC or place
  • after ending, in hscene room has switch for all hscene on, so virgin play is ok
  • after pass start and sleep, odd days use S key can find hidden item in middle area a.jpg , even days can find hidden item in b.jpg + west area bwest.jpg + east area (need passport) beast.jpg + underground area (need key from priest 3rd hscene) bunderground.jpg , item will repop once every two days

Start :
  1. go north has 2 fight
  2. start in middle area, upper left to guild
  3. in forest, S key can search hidden item (but 大きな飴玉 not used, anyway dont sell it)
  4. house help girl then cave vs goblin leader
  5. when move back has fight
  6. in guild get card, equip (装備) > デッキ for set card
  7. if go forest again, last area barrel can get 3k
  8. in middle area, right to knight station
  9. west to commercial area, upper restaurant has mini quest is talk to all customer
  10. middle has market, upper left merchant for sell item (start in tomorrow)
  11. in market, lower left merchant for lottery, 1st time is free, if used 50k can get 2 final weapon
  12. lower right to big bathroom
  13. back to middle area, go north, in event go to room
  14. after event, upper to church

Passport, east area and 2 route :
  1. inn 2F has hidden item, church 2F lower left room has hidden item (if dont use S key to search cant get it)
  2. talk to npc, if has choice カードバトル, this for card battle
  3. market, upper left merchant, 2nd choice then 1st one has H (after H selling price x3)
  4. right armor shop, talk to manager has H
  5. go to big bathroom for bath
  6. weapon shop talk to manager has H (need after bathroom)
  7. north area, church outside talk to sister for volunteer work, get 1 - 3 choice, 2nd one need passport
  8. if get 10k, knight station talk to vice leader can get passport for east area
  9. east area, lower left house event
  10. sleep in lower right cheap inn has H
  11. upper right to casino has H
  12. after 3 day volunteer work, middle area meet maid
  13. east area, upper talk to guard (in front)
  14. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller
  15. east area, upper left talk to aged who near bridge, enter ぬれぬれ
  16. tomorrow go to tent in east area
  17. go to lower right house, inside has choice, 1st for non-virgin route, 2nd for virgin, BTW this walkthrough has non-virgin route only

VS succubus again :
  1. H-scene : casino, cheap inn, armor shop, market (after H sell price x6, has 2H), big bathroom
  2. guild talk to sister can get quest, west area inn rest to night, then east area go to upper left graveyard has 3 fight
  3. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller, 2nd choice for 2H, after H can enter magic circle to hscene room, if click pot can combine item (item for sale only)
  4. if get 3k, east area tent talk to informant, choice 淫魔について, if pay 1k for 稀少なカードについて can get new card
  5. talk to man who guard in right well, then inside it
  6. break 2 magic crystal
  7. deep vs succubus (if hard, casino buy 600P equip)

Quest from thief :
  1. H-scene : east area lower right house, brothel (left of casino), cheap inn, knight station talk to vice leader, fortune-teller, armor shop x2, weapon shop x2, big bathroom x2
  2. west area, go to market, item from succubus got stolen
  3. north area, church 2F to upper room talk to priest and get 1st choice, then tomorrow church outside talk to sister has 2H
  4. house in left of knight station, the selling house now price down to 50k (main for virgin route)
  5. knight station talk to vice leader has new 2H
  6. cheap inn upper to arena, has 4 fight, after fight has H
  7. tent talk to informant, choice 盗品について
  8. tent upper to orphanage, talk to teacher
  9. night to middle area, go to right and wait in black of board
  10. right has hidden road to basement, get item then move out

2nd thief quest :
  1. tomorrow, night wait thief again
  2. in mansion, 2F west to 物置, left bookshelf get 2nd choice for item, and click other shining object
  3. use S key search skill can find hidden road in right
  4. from main hall (メインホール) east to 当主の執務室
  5. west to 前当主の部屋, use search skill and click blood and bookshelf
  6. east to 当主の執務室, upper bookshelf get 2nd choice for item
  7. main hall talk to owner, chief of butler and woman hall.jpg
  8. 1F, east to 食堂, right to kitchen
  9. back to main hall, in room use search skill and click sword
  10. 2F west to 物置, search skill to right hidden road, has choice get 2nd one
  11. back to main hall, then west to 前当主の部屋, talk to maid and click bookshelf
  12. back to main hall, talk to chief of maid 2 times and owner's brother hall2.jpg
  13. in middle of main hall, get 1st choice x4 then choice 異貌
  14. click fireplace has hidden road, deep vs boss

3rd + 4th thief quest + underground area :
  1. brothel has 3 new H
  2. night wait thief again
  3. down stair, lower right room play card game, win or lose also can get key
  4. down stair, lower right click switch then east to treasure room open all box
  5. back to start room move out
  6. night wait thief again
  7. market has new H (selling price x 10)
  8. east area, upper talk to guard (in fount) can go underground area
  9. upper left building is H-arena, 4H
  10. lower right building for mini game, arrested in 3 area + destination has different H, after hscene report to thief has reward
  11. item shop in underground area, talk to right manager, then card game with middle npc, win him can buy hscene video ball

Ancient fort (古代砦) :
  1. in underground area, north to tunnel then west to Ancient fort
  2. defeat enemy can get key item for B1
  3. B2 step on all red switch
  4. B3 has fight, then go up has event
  5. break 2 magic crystal in 2 side
  6. after upper fight, move up to 2F
  7. 3F break 2 magic crystal to room has fight
  8. H-scene : fortune-teller, casino talk to bunny girl (2H) casino.jpg , cheap inn, church outside talk to sister (2H), weapon shop (need tattoo of succubus lv max)

Underground tower (地底塔) and card collection (unnecessary) :
  1. north area, upper to church
  2. middle area, upper left to guild, if card battle with maid can get card
  3. night to pub, talk to pub.jpg has 2H
  4. tunnel north underground tower, upper right click yellow flower can get 2 box in upper (if click other flower first cant get item)
  5. B1, north to maze area, go north, south, west, after boss to B2
  6. B2 better defeat 3 mini boss then vs boss
  7. B4 need defeat 6 group monster then vs boss
Card collection :
  • east area, lower right house card battle with man, win can get card
  • casino, talk to bunny who in counter, choice 大会申し込む, then 勝ち抜き戦 or 公式大会, all card battle win can get card

Ending :
  1. north to church area
  2. upper click crystal can start final event
  3. middle area click teleport stone to underground tower, left get new equip
  4. to upper has fight, if 2nd choice is harder
  5. after few fight to final boss (2 fight)
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
聖女でも奴隷でもないので錬金術師に弟子入りしました walkthrough

  • 2nd play, go hscene room again has switch for all hscene on

  1. 1st choice x 2 for virgin route or 2nd choice for non-virgin route
  2. west to town, left talk to guild reception
  3. right to witch's house, talk to witch then click right stele to farm get item
  4. report to witch then talk to her again, if move to her back can get seed and fertilizer for farming
  5. report to guild reception then back to witch's house
  6. vegetables egg and meat can sell to restaurant (1st choice), sell more has new menu
  7. town north exit to old mine (鉱山跡地), top to magic circle can use teleport in witch's house, talk to witch
  8. collect 5 霊魂 (can find at night) then report to witch, now at night get 霊魂 will up カルマ値

  1. east to forest (近くの森), has event, if カルマ値 over 10 has H (virgin or not is different)
  2. カルマ値 over 10, farm has H then bathroom has H
  3. talk to witch, 1st choice

  1. SE to beach (砂浜), after event back to witch's house can alchemy
  2. talk to guild reception can get quest, for $ only
  3. back to witch's house has H
  4. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), 蜜花5(beach), 貝殻10(beach) can get new clothes
  5. church talk to priest, use 10 霊魂 can exchange power up item
  6. inn can power up gloves, get 2nd choice can power up, 採取特化 (if get item sometimes double, last lvl must double) 攻撃特化 (power up only)
  7. , if choice 元に戻す will back to old gloves
  8. restaurant talk to manager, at night can work in pub
  9. (virgin only) talk to sister, 1st choice neg 10 カルマ値, then tomorrow has H
  10. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper left talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  11. witch's house upper has brothel, night can prostitution
  12. town NE talk to man can buy animal

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. south talk to capital 2 times can move to island, to cave (洞窟) has H
  3. カルマ値 high has H, need 20? (virgin or not is different)
  4. when alchemy has H
  5. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), はね5(cave) 動物の毛5(cave) 水晶5(cave) can get new clothes
  6. weapon shop can sell item only, restaurant has H
  7. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town fountain upper talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  8. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. island east talk to fisher, then middle can go forest (深い森)
  3. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  4. back to witch's house has H

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. island talk to fisher again has H and go to another island, NE to swamp (湿地帯)
  3. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  4. back to witch's house
  5. (virgin only) brothel has 2H

  1. if home a lot rubbish, maybe need make 箒栄養剤 to broom
  2. (non-virgin only) カルマ値 high, at night between witch's house and brothel has H
  3. make 属性強化剤 and 辣腕爆弾
  4. click alchemy table, if non-virgin get 2nd choice, after ending has H
  5. click teleport stone, then town north to old mine
  6. deep talk to witch, vs boss to ending
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Sep 21, 2018
Reputation score

  • 2nd play, go hscene room again has switch for all hscene on

  1. 1st choice x 2 for virgin route or 2nd choice for non-virgin route
  2. west to town, left talk to guild reception
  3. right to witch's house, talk to witch then click right stele to farm get item
  4. report to witch then talk to her again, if move to her back can get seed and fertilizer for farming
  5. report to guild reception then back to witch's house
  6. vegetables egg and meat can sell to restaurant (1st choice), sell more has new menu
  7. town north exit to old mine (鉱山跡地), top to magic circle can use teleport in witch's house, talk to witch
  8. collect 5 霊魂 (can find at night) then report to witch, now at night get 霊魂 will up カルマ値

  1. east to forest (近くの森), has event,if カルマ値 over 10 has H (virgin or not is different)
  2. カルマ値 over 10, farm has H then bathroom has H
  3. talk to witch, 1st choice

  1. SE to beach (砂浜), after event back to witch's house can alchemy
  2. talk to guild reception can get quest, for $ only
  3. back to witch's house has H
  4. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), 蜜花5(beach), 貝殻10(beach) can get new clothes
  5. church talk to priest, use 10 霊魂 can exchange power up item
  6. inn can power up gloves, get 2nd choice can power up, 採取特化 (if get item sometimes dubble, last lvl must dubble) 攻撃特化 (power up only)
  7. , if choice 元に戻す will back to old gloves
  8. restaurant talk to manager, at night can work in pub
  9. (virgin only) talk to sister, 1st choice neg 10 カルマ値, then tomorrow has H
  10. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper left talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  11. witch's house upper has brothel, night can prostitution
  12. town NE talk to man can buy animal

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. south talk to capital 2 times can move to island, to cave (洞窟) has H
  3. カルマ値 high has H, need 20? (virgin or not is different)
  4. when alchemy has H
  5. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), はね5(cave) 動物の毛5(cave) 水晶5(cave) can get new clothes
  6. weapon shop can sell item only, restaurant has H
  7. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town fountain upper talk to girl wil neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  8. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper talk to girl wil neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. island east talk to fisher, then middle can go forest (深い森)
  3. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  4. back to witch's house has H

  1. talk to guild reception
  2. island talk to fisher again has H and go to another island, NE to swamp (湿地帯)
  3. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  4. back to witch's house
  5. (virgin only) brothel has 2H

  1. if home a lot rubbish, maybe need make 箒栄養剤 to broom
  2. (non-virgin only) カルマ値 high, at night between witch's house and brothel has H
  3. make 属性強化剤 and 辣腕爆弾
  4. click alchemy table, if non-virgin get 2nd choice, after ending has H
  5. click teleport stone, then town north to old mine
  6. deep talk to witch, vs boss to ending
Thanks! You're amazing!


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
メイドインステラ walkthrough
  • 大事なもの > ステラの髪飾り for back to room
  1. down stair talk to master
  2. town upper right to Government office, talk to officer in counter then report to master
  3. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  4. basement open box then report to maid, then report to master
  5. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  6. town right to shop of blacksmith, talk to him
  7. move out town from east exit, north to mine
  8. deep get ore, 1st choice has fight (GoR), 2nd one for H
  9. back to town report to blacksmith, then report to master
  10. basement can go to hscene room now
  11. 大事なもの > 勝利の宝玉, use it can skip fight in cleared area, use it again can back to normal
Government office get quest
鍛治屋の依頼1 :

  • talk to blacksmith
  • to mine again, get another ore
  • report to blacksmith

  1. tomorrow talk to master
  2. talk to drugstore manager
  3. move out town from west exit, west pass inn to forest
  4. upper left get herb has fight (GoR)
  5. report to drugstore's manager then report to master
  6. back to room sleep
  7. talk to drugstore's manager

  1. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  2. inn and pub, both talk to manager, then report to maid
  3. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  4. move out town from south exit, south to dock
  5. right outside cave talk to man then go to cave
  6. upper vs slime (GoR)
  7. back to dock then report to master
Government office get quest
鍛治屋の依頼2 :

  • talk to blacksmith
  • south to cave, pass bridge, crystal's upper right get ore
  • report to blacksmith
薬屋の依頼1 :
  • drugstore talk to manager
  • west to forest, upper near pond click red flower
  • report to drugstore's manager
酒場の客の依頼1&2 : pub talk to customer who near counter
  1. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  2. east to mine, go to hideout that vs thief before
  3. deep vs boss (GoR) then report to master
Government office get quest
薬屋の依頼2 :

  • drugstore talk to manager
  • south to cave, pass 2 bridge to upper right click shining herb
  • report to drugstore's manager
酒場の客の依頼3 : pub talk to customer who near counter
  1. back to room sleep
  2. move out from west exit, then SW to village
  3. lower to heroine's home click crbinet
  4. mansion entrance talk to maid
Government office get quest
鍛治屋の依頼3 :

  • balk to blacksmith
  • east to mine, upper talk to miner has fight
  • report to blacksmith
酒場の客の依頼4 : pub talk to customer who near counter
  1. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  2. inn talk to manager
  3. town middle click shining point then talk to master
  4. to hideout that in mine will vs thief boss (GoR)
  5. back to room sleep, tomorrow talk to master
  6. talk to master again, get 2nd choice
  7. has 3 shining point for H
  8. vs boss (GoR)
  9. deep vs final boss (GoR)
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Jungle Girl
Apr 2, 2012
Reputation score

Start :
  1. go north has 2 fight
  2. start in middle area, upper left to guild
  3. in forest, S key can search hidden item (but 大きな飴玉 not used, anyway dont sell it)
  4. house help girl then cave vs goblin leader
  5. when move back has fight
  6. in guild get card, equip (装備) > デッキ for set card
  7. if go forest again, last area barrel can get 3k
  8. in middle area, right to knight station
  9. west to commercial area, upper restaurant has mini quest is talk to all customer
  10. middle has market, upper left merchant for sell item (start in tomorrow)
  11. in market, lower left merchant for lottery, 1st time is free, if used 50k can get 2 final weapon
  12. lower right to big bathroom
  13. back to middle area, go north, in event go to room
  14. after event, upper to church

Passport, east area and 2 route :
  1. inn 2F has hidden item, church 2F lower left room has hidden item (if dont use S key to search cant get it)
  2. talk to npc, if has choice カードバトル, this for card battle
  3. market, upper left merchant, 2nd choice then 1st one has H (after H selling price x3)
  4. right armor shop, talk to manager has H
  5. go to big bathroom for bath
  6. weapon shop talk to manager has H (need after bathroom)
  7. north area, church outside talk to sister for volunteer work, get 1 - 3 choice, 2nd one need passport
  8. if get 10k, knight station talk to vice leader can get passport for east area
  9. east area, lower left house event
  10. sleep in lower right cheap inn has H
  11. upper right to casino has H
  12. after 3 day volunteer work, middle area meet maid
  13. east area, upper talk to guard (in front)
  14. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller
  15. east area, upper left talk to aged who near bridge, enter ぬれぬれ
  16. tomorrow go to tent in east area
  17. go to lower right house, inside has choice, 1st for non-virgin route, 2nd for virgin, BTW this walkthrough has non-virgin route only

VS succubus again :
  1. Hscene : casino, cheap inn, armor shop, market (after H sell price x6, has 2H), big bathroom
  2. guild talk to sister can get quest, west area inn rest to night, then east area go to upper left graveyard has 3 fight
  3. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller, 2nd chocie for 2H, after H can enter magic circle to hscene room, if click pot can combine item (item for sale only)
  4. if get 3k, east area tent talk to informant, choice 淫魔について, if pay 1k for 稀少なカードについて can get new card
  5. talk to man who guard in right well, then inside it
  6. break 2 magic crystal
  7. deep vs succubus (if hard, casino buy 600P equip)

Quest from theif :
  1. Hscene : east area lower right house, brothel (left of casino), cheap inn, knight station talk to vice leader, fortune-teller, armor shop x2, weapon shop x2, big bathroom x2
  2. west area, go to market, item from succubus got stolen
  3. north area, church 2F to upper room talk to priest and get 1st choice, then tomorrow church outside talk to sister has 2H
  4. house in left of knight station, the selling house now price down to 50k (main for virgin route)
  5. knight station talk to vice leader has new 2H
  6. cheap inn upper to arena, has 4 fight, after fight has H
  7. tent talk to informant, choice 盗品について
  8. tent upper to orphanage, talk to teacher
  9. night to middle area, go to right and wait in black of board
  10. right has hidden road to basement, get item then move out

2nd thief quest :
  1. tomorrow, night wait theif again
  2. in mansion, 2F west to 物置, left bookshelf get 2nd choice for item, and click other shining object
  3. use S key search skill can find hidden road in right
  4. from main hall (メインホール) east to 当主の執務室
  5. west to 前当主の部屋, use search skill and click blood and bookshelf
  6. east to 当主の執務室, upper bookshelf get 2nd choice for item
  7. main hall talk to owner, chief of butler and woman View attachment 32552
  8. 1F, east to 食堂, right to kitchen
  9. back to main hall, in room use search skill and click sword
  10. 2F west to 物置, search skill to right hidden road, has choice get 2nd one
  11. back to main hall, then west to 前当主の部屋, talk to maid and click bookshelf
  12. back to main hall, talk to chief of maid 2 times and owner's brother View attachment 32553
  13. in middle of main hall, get 1st choice x4 then choice 異貌
  14. click fireplace has hidden road, deep vs boss

3rd + 4th thief quest + underground area :
  1. brothel has 3 new H
  2. night wait thief again
  3. downstair, lower right room play card game, win or lose also can get key
  4. downstair, lower right click switch then east to treasure room open all box
  5. back to start room move out
  6. night wait thief again
  7. market has new H (selling price x 10)
  8. east area, upper talk to guard (in fount) can go underground area
  9. upper left building is H-arena, 4H
  10. lower right building for mini game, arrested in 3 area + destination has different H, after hscene report to thief has reward
  11. item shop in underground area, talk to right manager, then card game with middle npc, win him can buy hscene video ball

Ancient fort (古代砦) :
  1. in underground area, north to tunnel then west to Ancient fort
  2. defeat enemy can get key item for B1
  3. B2 step on all red switch
  4. B3 has fight, then go up has event
  5. break 2 magic crystal in 2 side
  6. after upper fight, move up to 2F
  7. 3F break 2 magic crystal to room has fight
  8. Hscene : fortune-teller, casino talk to bunny girl (2H) View attachment 32555, cheap inn, church outside talk to sister (2H), weapon shop (need tattoo of succubus lv max)

Underground tower (地底塔) and card collection (unnecessary) :
  1. north area, upper to church
  2. middle area, upper left to guild, if card battle with maid can get card
  3. night to pub, talk to View attachment 32554 has 2H
  4. tunnel north underground tower, upper right click yellow flower can get 2 box in upper (if click other flower first cant get item)
  5. B1, north to maze area, go north, south, west, after boss to B2
  6. B2 better defeat 3 mini boss then vs boss
  7. B4 need defeat 6 group monster then vs boss
Card collection :
  • east area, lower right house card battle with man, win can get card
  • casion, talk to bunny who in counter, choice 大会申し込む, then 勝ち抜き戦 or 公式大会, all card battle win can get card

Ending :
  1. north to church area
  2. upper click crystal can start final event
  3. middle area click teleport stone to underground tower, left get new equip
  4. to upper has fight, if 2nd choice is harder
  5. after few fight to final boss (2 fight)
need 100%save file...please


Jul 6, 2012
Reputation score
has anyone figured out this game yet?



Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
Bikini Armor Explorers ビキニアーマー エクスプローラーズ walkthrough

  • if enemy has GoR, win can get GoR scene
  • has 5 type ending (4 bad end + true end), after any ending will all hscene on
Start :
  1. go to restaurant and talk to girl who selling vegetables
  2. back to home
  3. click scarecrow has H and talk to aged
  4. talk to girl who selling flower
  5. move out from south exit, SW to forest Seals
  6. lower right near house has fight, then go to house talk to aged
  7. back to town report to aged then back to home
2nd day :
  1. tomorrow lower talk to girl who selling flower, then right to toilet
  2. village entrance 2 girl join
  3. forest Seals go left, pass bridge then go north to farm
  4. house talk to man then defeat 20 monster in farm, last one in lower right
  5. back to home
3rd day :
  1. go to restaurant, click scarecrow, talk to flower girl and talk to aged
  2. forest Seals north click wood and get it, last one has fight (GoR)
  3. back to home
journey start :
  1. girl who selling flower not in her shop, then back to home
  2. buy 雪だんご (for hot area) and ほっと!カイロ (for cold area) from merchant who near snowman
  3. village exit has fight
  4. forest Seals, house near east exit can play mini game, if win can get 手鏡 for see H-status
  5. house in forest lower right can get new bikini armor from aged
Watergate Delta :
  1. pass forest Seals to watergate Delta
  2. to house has smoke
  3. go to watergate in lower left but cant pass
  4. upper has boss (GoR)
  5. from board go lower left cant pass, then go left hole, tent outside get rope can pass there watergate.jpg
  6. south to town Unerti
Town Unerti :
  1. east to town, lower left talk to girl near well, then click well to hscene room (some well can go hscene room too)
  2. lower right talk to man, get 2nd choice Unerti1.jpg
  3. from well go SW, talk to man and get 2nd choice Unerti2.jpg
  4. upper talk to man, get 2nd choice Unerti3.jpg
  5. right talk to man, get 1st choice Unerti4.jpg
  6. main heroine only to lower right talk to man, get 2nd choice has fight (GoR) Unerti1.jpg
  7. blue bikini armor girl go to SW, talk to man and get 2nd choice has H Unerti2.jpg , then go to toilet in right of town toilet.jpg
  8. green bikini armor girl go upper talk to man, get 2nd choice has H Unerti3.jpg
  9. flower bikini armor girl go right talk to man, get 1st choice Unerti4.jpg
  10. full party to right again, now can go to roof, talk to man who near dragon picture
  11. down stair to jail area, flower bikini girl dont want pass there, if sleep in upper inn, can at night go there, near box but cant pass, upper right get pickaxe for there
Mine Kimber :
  1. west to mine Kimber
  2. if go upper left cave, ice area better use ほっと!カイロ, inside can get weapon
  3. from entrance go left then go up can find painter but blue bikini girl leave for look after him
  4. to mine in middle mine.jpg
  5. heroine only, click back of tent, after H go to tent
  6. to mine in middle again, when get blue stone has boss
  7. get blue stone then move back to tent
  8. move back to town Unerti, jail get key, deep find bikini armor blacksmith
  9. tomorrow go to roof talk to painter
Lake town Meu and River Honahlee :
  1. south to lake town Meu
  2. lower right pot has swimming suit
  3. move out from east exit, east to T road then NE river Honahlee
  4. right talk to aged can use teleport (need clear mini game in watergate Delta)
  5. if clear mini game in lake town Meu, can set goddess statue, for set statue in Meu or later in Marsoc (need 2 statue)
  6. in river, lower right to inn, talk to manager, lower talk to boy who nearby
  7. left of inn has stone bridge but cant pass
  8. lower right talk to fisher
  9. lake town Meu talk to girl who outside inn
  10. upper market talk to merchant who sleeping
  11. upper talk to aged
  12. left of weapon shop has box, open it but cant get item
  13. main heroine talk to aged who near 2 running boys, then near boys has H
  14. green bikini girl go left can get item from box, after H go to toilet that in market lower left
  15. flower bikini girl go to market click bookshelf, after H go to toilet
  16. pull party, upper of market talk to aged
  17. tomorrow, main heroine talk to aged again can use boat
  18. in island talk to man then go up to house
  19. click pot get item then go right near plant has fight
  20. click plant get item to man in lower
  21. town Unerti, heroine only, pass jail to lower talk to boy and man, tomorrow talk to man again can get fish in his right
  22. to river Honahlee again, talk ro fisher
  23. go to stone bridge has boss
  24. south talk to dragon
Extra 1 :
  1. go to T road, click 2 board then south to Nabeach
  2. beach talk to girl and lower right talk to man
  3. beach, tent area talk to aged can sleep, at night go to beach can go to cave in right, inside can get weapon and swimming suit
  4. start village, each heroine to main heroine home can get equip, talk to aged has CG
  5. start village, blue bikini girl go to restaurant has H
  6. if go forest Seals, farm talk to man, then pick apple from tree, last one has boss
From Watergate Delta to Royal Library :
  1. go to watergate, go to upper left tent, go up to next area, click board then near broken bridge
  2. click woods but cant cut it
  3. if go right side has waterfall, has 1 Hscene, if down to beach, in tent can get swimming suit
  4. back to house that has smoke, talk to dwarf girl then outside can get axe
  5. back to broken bridge area, cut 4 woods for repair bridge
  6. if help tortoise, can get item カメ笛 for call tortoise, later teleport to forest Seals can get weapon
  7. if go to broken town that near exit, go to town's left exit has toilet scene
  8. west to royal library
Royal Library :
  1. click door of library and nearby
  2. lower talk to man
  3. upper right use カメ笛
  4. go to library then go to house that in right of library
  5. in underground, lower left has boss (GoR), after boss can get swimming suit
  6. close door then move back for report to man
  7. rest in inn, night to house again, near library has boss
  8. click book that in library entrance
  9. left near bookshelf but has trap cant pass, upper left click switch for trap
  10. get book then move back to underground, in underground can get book for status up
  11. back to inn, at night green bikini girl go to house has H
Extra 2 :
  1. if get 4 swimming suit, to beach in watergate Delta , all heroine can train jump, blue bikini girl is last one for training, if finish training has boss (if 2nd choice = GoR, gameover and all hscene on)
  2. watergate Delta, go to watergate from right, when move back the road is collapsed, move to watergate again has fight (GoR, gameover and all hscene on), after fight can get key, for cave that in watergate lower right
  3. lake town Meu, blue bikini girl go to market that in upper, talk to chef can get quest, if near 2 running boys, then go to house in right, talk to man and inside it has H
  4. lake town Meu, if green bikini girl go to farm in lower talk to aged can get quest, weeding in farm, last click the bigger grass has fight, after quest can get vegetables and need go to toilet
  5. if get vegetables, back to start village, green bikini girl has hscene in her shop
  6. Nabeach, house in item shop left can change member Nabeach.jpg
  7. Nabeach, main heroine go lower right near man who fishing, then get back swimming suit that near him, if jump in left cliff then back to beach has CG
  8. Nabeach, blue bikini girl has hscene on beach
  9. Nabeach, cave in right can get new bikini armor フォーチュン・ビキニアーマー, equip it can find $ on ground and play mini game dont get 1 and 3 point item
treasure need jump :
  1. watergate Delta, dwarf house go left, the road has chicken
  2. mine Kimber , cave in lower, down to lava area, in lava area better use 雪だんご
  3. lake town Meu, left of market
Village Marsoc to Graveyard of Dragon :
  1. from lake town Meu to village Marsoc
  2. left talk to man who fishing, then in his lower right talk to woman
  3. click rope on well then inside well, inside click barrel, make last barrel back to bottom of well
  4. push rock to hole then go to well defence monster
  5. report to woman then go to well again
  6. west to maze foret Garand, to other area few times until has message
  7. back to village Marsoc, upper right talk to aged who near sheep
  8. lake town Meu, change to flower bikini girl, upper to market talk to aged can get map for maze forest
  9. pass maze forest, west to Graveyard of Dragon
  10. upper tent talk to man then middle click dragon statue
  11. find other heroine
  12. hot area better use 雪だんご, cold area better use ほっと!カイロ
  13. after big magic circle, north to graveyard vs boss
  14. click corpse get scale then click dragon statue move out
  15. when near exit vs boss (GoR, gameover and all hscene on)
Ending :
  1. to town Unerti, scale to blacksmith of bikini armor
  2. tomorrow find blacksmith again, can get passport
  3. village Marsoc, lower pass checking station (change to heroine only)
  4. east to factory town Socom, back of soldier can get another passport
  5. back of inn can get bikini armor of nightmare, if wear it, sleep can wake up at night, to succubus home can prostitution (if prostitution alot to ending?)
  6. lower to casino, if get 10k point (need used 10k in casino) can go to upper left room, talk to owner
  7. casino right talk to man, pay 100$ can move to sewer sewer.jpg
  8. in sewer can buy goddess statue, book for statue up
  9. town right talk to woman get quest, go right side close all door, in house has 3 type GoR
  10. upper of inn talk to aged, then try move to castle
  11. to sewer, upper left shop click flower
  12. to castle go roof 2 times then talk to soldier can find flower bikini girl
  13. to power supply room vs boss
  14. click few times switch, then use 大事なもの > 預かったビキニアーマー, change this bikini armor can click switch
  15. move to lake town Meu, at night talk to woman who in upper of armor shop, then go to lower left has fight (GoR)
  16. to lake castle, find bikini backsmith
  17. if hidden status has 5 star ( for nude.jpg need change armor walk around and fight a lot), can nude at night
  18. if back to home for ending
  19. if go to forest Seals, the place that get wood, in upper has dragon, can fight to it. If hidden status has 5 star, after lose in fight has message. After message can nude vs dragon and it dont attack, win can get item for extra CG when after ending
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Tentacle Monster
Apr 3, 2014
Reputation score
I was wondering if anyone could help me with "Female Brave Iruru Lustful Magical Forest Prologue" I can't find an active thread for the game
It is a baste game and there are mandatory bad states (or I am solving bad the puzzles) ... few injustice, I only find the Bad End
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
アニエスの工房 walkthrough
  • Extra H neg TP, but sometime up status (in random), total 60 times (has message if cant up again), if def and int in rank C can +3
  • when sleep, if TP under 20 has bad states, need go church buy item for it tired.jpg , some food can remove this states too
  • in dungeon, if TP under 20 move to other area will back to home, neg actual value (実績値) and has bad status
  • after up rank, home basement can get new alchemy, shop selling list will change
  • after ending can open all H-scene, ver2.0 can open too
  • has 4 H-scene need ver2.0
Start and Rank E :
  1. vs boss then near bridge
  2. get water from well that in right of home
  3. back to home make 7 x ☆ポーション(お届け用)
  4. go to guild (冒険者ギルド)
  5. Extra : town right talk to boy has CG or + agi
  6. town lower left farm can get vegetables/day
  7. to weapon and armor shop, then town upper right can get metal/day
  8. move out town to forest 悠久の森, can get item ☆帰還の羽 for back to town, upper right has hidden room forest.jpg
  9. 2th area has hidden room that in behind of tree forest2.jpg
  10. 3th area, click statue then use ☆帰還の羽 back to town
  11. Extra : at night to pub (酒場), talk to man has CG or + def
  12. at night can go to big bathroom (大浴場) that in town left, pay $100 for TP+30
  13. back to guild, report to 受付嬢
  14. now can make equip in weapon and armor shop
  15. Extra : at night, talk to man who near weapon and armor shop has CG or + int
  16. at night, pub talk to manager can work in pub
  17. home talk to teacher get quest
forest 悠久の森 :
  1. can skip : forest 2th area, man who fell down need bread (パン +15 実績値, ミルクパン +20, くるみパン +30)
  2. forest 3th area open box, and go to SE area has H
  3. forest 4th area has bug, box can open ∞ times
  4. forest 5th area need make torch (松明), need 3 + 3 for box, deep vs boss (better make fire bomb [フレアボム] for attack), upper left get 眠り草 to teacher has H
beach 調べの海岸 :
  1. if buy swimming suit from merchant in beach, change it then use sun oil (サンオイル) can make TP dont down faster
  2. beach talk to 2 boys, tomorrow talk to lady then go to changing room has CG, then talk to lady can get new alchemy
  3. can skip : beach area 2, man need サンダーボム
  4. beach cave area, north hole has H
  5. beach area 5 vs boss, after boss, palm tree in upper has hidden box
  6. home talk to teacher has H
  7. if 実績値 over 500 and defeated 2 boss, guild talk to ランク昇格, up rank to D
E採取 collection quest, talk to 報告 get 1st choice for report :
  • 求む、薬草! --- ハーブ x7
  • 水は命 --- 綺麗な水 x10
  • 黒いダイヤ --- 石炭 x4
  • 大工の急務 --- 木材 x4
  • お得意様のメニュー --- ツルギウオ x2
  • 怒りの矛先 --- 粉砕石 x2
E作成 create quest, talk to 報告 get 2nd choice for report :
  • 備蓄品の補充 --- ポーション x3
  • 弓の代用品 --- マジックアロー x3
  • 縛りの美学 --- ロープ x2
  • 毒怖い --- アンチドーテ x2
  • 邪魔な草は燃やす --- たいまつ x2
  • ケーキがないなら --- パン x3
E討伐 subjugation quest, talk to 報告 get 3rd choice for report :
  • 草藪にご用心 --- スライム x2 slime in forest
  • ビーチの危機 --- アングラー x2 anglerfish in beach
  • 俺の仇を --- スネイク snake in forest
  • 海のおたずね者 --- デスクラブ x2 club in beach
  • 畑の手入れ --- ハブりん x3 plant monster in forest
  • 海のギャング --- シャークネス shark in beach
Rank D :
  • guild outside talk to man, if 実績値 over 800 and talk to him again has H
  • back to home, talk to sister can change doll (partner)
  • church (教会) talk to priest can get work
  • Extra : magic book shop talk to man has CG or + M-def
  • at night, 店:人形屋 can buy equip for doll
  • Extra : at night to pub has CG or + def (NPC changed)
  • at night, pub talk to chef (who near manager) can buy food (in random)
mine メキラム鉱山 :
  1. 1st area talk to man can get hammer for push rock, hammer can broken (in random), rock click 4 times can destroy it
  2. can skip : mine 2nd area, talk to man who surround by rock can get 実績値
  3. talk to man, pay 50$ for go up ladder has H
  4. mine 3rd area, push iron color rock to slab, upper right has hidden road mine3.jpg
  5. mine 4th area, passwords is number of shovel, pillar and pot
    2, 4, 6
  6. 5th area vs boss, after boss go big bathroom talk to manager, then make 素材系 > ☆入浴剤, noon go to big bathroom report has H
graveyard 星ノ墓所 :
  1. 1st area left has hidden teleport graveyard1.jpg
  2. 2nd area, man need スピードアップ
  3. 3rd area, click pillar follow number will know go where, NW of 5th pillar has H
  4. 5th area vs boss, if 実績値 over 1500, go guild up rank to C
D採取 collection quest :
  • 銅メダル職人の仕事 --- 銅鉱石 x4
  • 冷たい飲み物 --- 温まらない水 x2
  • 魔法の草 --- マジックハーブ x2
  • 鶏のエサ --- きらめく貝殻 x2
  • 石けん作り --- オイルの実 x4
  • もう味は薄くない --- 岩塩 x3
D作成 create quest :
  • 海辺の必需品 --- サンオイル x2
  • 目覚ましに --- ソウルクリア x2
  • 発破工事 --- フレアボム x2
  • 全体回復 --- Sポーション x2
  • 美しいは香りから --- 香水 x2
  • 痛いのは嫌いので --- ハイポーション x2
D討伐 subjugation quest :
  • オオカミ狩り --- ウルフィ x3 wolf in mine
  • 先端恐怖症 --- フェンシング x2 bee in graveyard
  • 鉄装備にはキツイ --- イエロースピリット x2 yellow flame in graveyard
  • お化け嫌い --- ミントゴースト x3 ghost in mine
  • ミイラ取り取り --- ミイラ mummy in mine
  • お腹が減るので --- モメーン x2 bread monster in graveyard
Rank C :
  • home talk to teacher, if get 眠り草(forest) カカオ(desert) 毒草(forest) has H, after H talk to her again
  • lower left talk to lady 2 time can get tutor job
  • pub outside talk to chef
  • Extra : magic book shop talk to man has CG or + M-def (NPC changed)
  • Extra : at night, lower talk to man has CG or int +3
  • Extra : at night, pub talk to man has CG or def +3 (NPC changed)
  • Extra : at night, big bathroom talk to man has CG or def +3
desert ゾム砂漠 :
  1. can skip : 2nd area, man in right need ソフトクリーム
  2. 3rd area go east to oasis has H
  3. can skip : 3rd area, man in lower right need ソーダ味アイス
  4. 4th area, click plant from upper desert4.jpg
  5. 5th area, right has hole to treasure area, 4 tomb use 聖水 (can buy in church), then vs boss
  6. after boss (or slum one is ok), talk to teacher has H
if 実績値 over 3300, guild talk to 受付嬢 2 times, in pub talk to master then talk to all customer, after save choice different route for different H (after event, 2 hscene can find in hscene room)

slum 禁街区 :
  1. upper left house talk to aged, talk to him again get 2nd choice for H, then can pass upper right door
  2. 1st area, upper talk to man, give him 怪しい粉 x3 or TP-30 for avoid trap in this area
  3. can skip : 2nd area, talk to man who fall down, give him ポーション +実績値60, if アンチドーテ +10(bug?)
  4. 2nd area, lower talk to man has H
  5. 2nd area, near exit to 3rd area, talk to girl, give her 怪しい粉 5 or $800 for avoid trap in this area
  6. can skip : 3rd area, man in upper right need 聖水
  7. 3rd area, upper left pub talk to manager can go south to 4th area
  8. 4th area, need defeat 4 robot, upper right is one of enemy
  9. 3rd area report to manager can go west to 5th area
  10. 5th area defeat boss
if up to rank B, a lot CG or up status event will disappear
if 実績値 over 3500 and defeated 2 boss, go to guild up rank to B, get 1st choice for H

C採取 collection quest :
  • 強めの武器素材 --- ミスリル鉱石 x4
  • 縫い物屋の仕事 --- サボテンの針 x4
  • 城の建材に --- 硬い木材 x3
  • 危険な実験 --- 澱んだ水 x2
  • 冷房代わりの石 --- 氷原石 x2
  • 秘薬の材料 --- マンドラニンジン x2
C作成 create quest :
  • 狩人の奥の手 --- マジックアローII x2
  • スペルの求道者 --- 魔法のインク x3
  • 嗜好のメニュー --- ステーキ x2
  • 要人護衛の馬車作り --- 硬質ガラス x3
  • 一網打尽 --- Sサンダーボム x2
  • 閃光爆弾 --- スタングダレネード
C討伐 subjugation quest :
  • トゲ嫌いの事情 --- シャボー x2 cactus monster in desert
  • 砂中に潜むサメ --- さばくシャーク x2 shark in desert
  • 粛正命令 --- 悪の衛兵 knight in slum
  • アリさんの保護 --- アントオブヘル x2 quicksand's ant in desert
  • 復讐依頼 --- 外道 x2 big helmet guy in slum
  • 治安維持活動 --- 野盗 x3 muscle guy in slum
ver2.0 part1 :
  • after beach H beach.jpg (Rank D, man outside guild), Rank C or B, talk to man who nearby weapon shop's left has H
  • slum 禁街区, after click teleport stone in 3rd area, lower house (near SW exit) talk to man, get 2nd choice has H
Rank B :
  • home talk to teacher, if get 禁忌の果実(ice fort) カカオ(slum) マンドラニンジン(slum) report to teacher, then go church talk to priest has H
  • pub outside talk to chef has H, after H get 1st choice has part 2
  • talk to teacher again can get quest, if get 5樹液(forest) report to teacher, then town upper left talk to soldier has H
ice fort 雪壕砦 :
  1. can skip : man in 1st area upper left need ワイン
  2. 2nd area, change torch as same as 2 torch that near big ice stone
  3. 4th area, door passwords is angel, knight, dragon and door
  4. 5th area vs boss
volcano ヴォル火山 :
  1. 3rd area go SW, talk to magic has H
  2. 5th area vs boss
  3. if 実績値 over 6000, guild talk to ランク昇格, up rank to A
B採取 collection quest :
  • 高等調理の燃料 --- 備長炭 x3
  • ある細工師の弟 --- 銀鉱石 x5
  • 気になる果実 --- マジックチェリー x3
  • 不思議な水の力 --- スイン水 x2
  • ある細い師の兄 --- 金鉱石 x4
  • 脅しの道具 --- マグマ水 x2
B作成 create quest :
  • 殺意の矢 --- マジックアローIII x2
  • 禁断の書物 ---混沌の禁書 x2
  • 肉への渇望 --- ハンバーガー x2
  • 最高の占いを --- 魔霧の燭台 x2
  • 薄く柔らかい鋼 --- 鋼のクロース x3
  • 使い道は秘密 --- 劇薬
B討伐 subjugation quest :
  • ネズミ駆除 --- アイスラット x2 rat in ice fort
  • 腐ってやがる --- ゾンビ x2 zombie in ice fort
  • 悪霊退散 --- ゴースト ghost in volcano
  • 強襲回避 --- シグマ bear in ice fort and volcano
  • トカゲの毒 --- バジリスク x2 lizard in volcano
  • 狂った猫 --- マッドキャット x2 cat monster in volcano
Rank A and ending and ver2.0 part 2 :
  • at night, home talk to teacher (ver2.0 has new H)
  • talk to teaccher again can get bomb
Abandoned territory 廃領地
  1. if go there 3nd and 5th times has H
  2. after 3rd area is mini boss
  3. 4th area step all magic circle for door, then final door passwords is how many different
  4. 5th area, if caught by monster 3 times will back to start
  5. 6th area, when near lighting start better don't move
  6. better ready a lot attack item for final area boss (ver2.0 has GoR)
A採取 collection quest :
  • 暗黒物質 - ダークマター x2
  • 聖堂の木像作り - 魔の木材 x3
  • 祈りのために - 神の雫 x2
A作成 create quest :
  • 特別なご褒美 - 特大ケーキ
  • 究極の秘薬 - エリクシル
  • 破滅願望 - 破滅の扉の鍵
A討伐 subjugation quest :
  • 七色の強敵 - 虹色の少女 rainbow hair girl
  • 兎の脅威 - ラヴィ x2 bunny
  • 正義の鉄槌 - 騎士信徒 knight
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
Pray Game walkthrough
  • if choice day limited, 1st really limit is 80th day, a lot is event day only
  • if want GoR, better sell all ジャリングミズト
  • D key can teleport to map
  • if 行動力 ≦ 0, in fight will down status
  • if sleep 行動力 +20 (if get item will up), if go hot spring 行動力 +10
  • if don't want heroine get catch, use Sスキル > スタンエフェクト
  • day 10, 20, 30 ETC, heroine will ATK up but other status down
  • when LIMIT 5, hscene room upper talk to sheep open all hscene
  • gathering point can get metal or water, success or not also can up 採取力, higher can easy get better item
  • if Corot (コロット), Karen (カレン) or Sai (サイ) story get bad end, skip Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道) to 80th day will go to other ending, can reset 3 story reset.jpg
  • has quest need virgin + LIMIT 2
Start and Tutorial:
  1. start choice, 1st easy climax, 2nd easy pregnancy, 3rd easy up EROS, 4th easy pick up, 5th all
  2. 2nd choice is had day limited or not
  3. 3rd choice is see tutorial or not
  4. is see tutorial, choice orb is whatever?
  5. better 2 side get 6 magic
  6. left to inn's 2F, talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
Center Area + Karen (カレン) Story + Dina (ディーナ) Story + Grimm (グリム) story :
  • QUEST : middle talk to aged can get quest, go market that in east area, shop buy マスターパウダー to her
  • outside weapon shop, talk to girl can use $1500 buy equip
  • lower right synthetic shop has back door back door.jpg , if give 神花の若木 to witch can get star
  • LIMIT 1 and get skill, room can onanism
  • when up to LIMIT 2, if don't want lost virgin get 2nd choice
  • LIMIT 2 and get skill, room can use adult toy for onanism (adult toy can buy in Jornia (ヨルニア) shop or stop in underground)
restaurant :
  • talk to manager, talk to him get 3rd choice can get work
  • If talk to manager get 2nd choice can up status/day
  • If LIMIT 1, work more 2 times can get swimming suit
  • if clear forest quest? underground has man can reset skill (1st choice) and down aphrodisiac (催淫) lvl
Karen (カレン) Story :
center area, item shop talk to Karen (カレン), choice 3rd 世間話 can go to beach (フーラビーチ)
  1. choice 2nd カレンシナリオ進行 to side story can get earth magic tree
  2. 2nd side story need clear Jornia (ヨルニア) 1st story
  3. 3rd side story is east area talk to man who in left of hot spring, west noble area talk to man who in upper of park, underground area talk to man who near restaurant, then choice 4 times カレンシナリオ進行
  4. 4th side story is noble area, near massage shop has event, then shop talk to Karen (カレン) choice カレンシナリオ進行, if get 1st choice for her bad end H (can reset after 80th day), if 2nd choice go Jornia's shop talk to Jornia (1st choice), then beach north area has fight, back to shop talk to Karen and choice story again has fight
Grimm (グリム) story, all story has fight, if low in 行動力 is very danger :
  1. inn 2F talk to Dina, choice グリムシナリオ進行 for story
  2. 2nd side story need clear Jornia (ヨルニア) 1st story
  3. 3rd side story need clear Dina 2nd story + thief hideout clear
  4. 4th side story need clear Dina 3rd story
Dina (ディーナ) Story :
  1. inn 2F talk to ディーナ, get 1st choice talk to her (need after Karen 1st story), then can choice 3rd ディーナシナリオ進行 can get dark magic tree
  2. 2nd story need lvl 12+, after event talk to her can get new weapon
  3. 3rd story need after clear Grimm (グリム) story 3, after event talk to her can get new weapon
  4. 4th story need other all story to 4
North area + Corot (コロット) 1st story :
  • lower right talk to man who fall down, better don't talk to him again until LIMIT 3, talk to 2 woman who near him (for hidden boss in see of trees)
  • upper left is training center, each training need 10 行動力 and $100/day, each training can get 20 times item. If before last training talk to man in left and choice 上級者向け, if success can get 21 times item (new version maybe change to 21, so max is 22)
  • QUEST : if clear forest quest? training center talk to soldier in upper right can get quest, center area's synthetic shop make グッスリ―ナ to him, 5 day later talk to him again can get reward
  • left talk to Corot (コロット), choice 2nd コロットシナリオ進行 can get wind magic tree
  • LIMIT 4, talk to man near south exit has H
East area + Sai (サイ) Story + Jornia (ヨルニア) Story :
  • man in Jornia shop right, talk to him get 2nd choice has H (Hscene same as north area, man in right of big building)
New home (has man standing outside) :
  1. if get $1200 can hire house, sleep has H, next H is LIMIT 3-4
  2. better in LIMIT 3 and get skill, talk to man (2nd choice) in town center area lower right (possible need 淫花の苗 [better use + or EX] for grow plant), + talk to man (2nd choice) in synthetic shop near back door entrance, + man (2nd choice) in massage house, + man (2nd choice) walking around in underground middle area, then they will move to new home, this 4 guy for make item or massage, if chef need buy food [回復、食材] from market then talk to him get 3rd choice then 1st one for store foods
  3. town north, talk to man in lower right then he will live in home (if he is 1st guy who move to home, u need pay $ to him for other guy...)
  4. if has man live in home, owner need heroine pay 200k buy it in 20day, after 20 day better pay it or some flag maybe lost
  5. if sleep has 5th hscene
  6. if get 5 man, noble area can buy new home in upper left, need 1M, in this house can make best item or equip
  7. LIMIT 4 + skill has 6P, if pregnancy can go END D (need sleep a lot) and get equip
Sai (サイ) Story :
  1. enter Jornia's shop will get light magic tree
  2. 2nd story need 善行値 ≧10, talk to Sai choice 2nd サイシナリオ進行
  3. 3rd story need lvl 30+, 善行値 30+, clear sub-quest (依頼達成數) 5+
  4. 4th story need clear all Jornia (ヨルニア) story, clear sub-quest (依頼達成數) 8+, 善行値 50+. If get 1st choice, go to underground restaurant, in staff room talk to bunny girl in lower left, then go sea of trees, pond area go upper has circle can click, then upper pass hidden road to north area, then go east (near hidden road) can find her and has fight. If get 2nd choice, underground restaurant, staff room talk to bunny girl in lower left, then brothel talk to bunny girl who near pillar has H
Jornia (ヨルニア) Story, all story has fight :
  • if talk to her, get 3rd choice can buy item, 少女♡シャンプー for hidden boss in sea of trees, and selling adult toy
  • if talk to her, get 4th choice can remove black heart status, but some need ウームリペア (can make in synthetic shop)
  • if LIMIT 4, talk to Jornia, then can work in underground brothel (left of restaurant)
  1. talk to her, choice 2nd ヨルニアシナリオ進行 to side story, can get water magic tree, after story get 1st choice for talk to her can get passport, passport for west noble area and underground
  2. 2nd story need clear Grimm (グリム) 2nd story
  3. 3rd story need rest in room (the choice need use 1 行動力), see 3 times dream (need clear thief hideout), then talk to her (2nd choice), go synthetic shop make ホライゾンリッグ then report to her (2nd choice
  4. 4th is talk to her and get 2nd choice
Hot spring (in upper right) :
  • go hot spring can recover 10 行動力
  • if LIMIT 1 can choice one time 混浴, LIMIT 3 can choice 混浴 every day, last is LIMIT 4-5 + skill, choice 混浴 can go male side
  • QUEST : after forest quest, choice 話す talk to counter can get quest, enter female side then hot spring outside can click wall, go underground lower right click wall has fight, after quest has npc in underground can make final weapon
  • left circle for auto to hot spring/day, 1st is go female side, 2nd to 混浴, 3rd to male side, last is cancel
NE area (heroine's heart) :
  • 回想 : to hscene room
  • パンチ適用 : if change new version, better click it
  • 戦闘エロについて : can get equip for magic device (partner), 強大な性魔の誘因者 for dungeon pop strong H attack enemy, 少女反応の透視者 for enemy change to half transparent if he cover heroine face, other is H-attack to what part of body
  • 設定 : 1st choice is upper left window on or off, 2nd is change to no day limit, 3rd is ejaculation has anime or not
  • 難易度 : can change game lvl, 1st is easy, 2nd is normal, 3rd is hard
  • 描写制限 : 1st is all NG, 2nd is grotesque on, 3rd is birth on, 4th is both on
Beach (フーラビーチ) :
  • north area, click boat can get $
  • if dress swimming suit can go south area, LIMIT 2 talk to man in middle has H, next is LIMIT 4-5
  • LIMIT 4, talk to man who near entrance has H
  • LIMIT 5, south area, lower right talk to lady can nude
Forest (グリエフ森林) :
  1. goblin has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
  2. from start go north, then go NEN (hidden road) has hidden boss, fight to it again can get power up item but very hard
  3. get 5 quest item, last one need go NW vs 3 goblin
  4. if get 5 quest item, item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
  5. lower right synthetic shop, make 高純度幻水晶, then report to Karen, after report can go to Sea of Trees (ノエト樹海)
Wilderness (コフト荒野) + Corot (コロット) story 2A :
  1. 5th day can go to wilderness
  2. in wilderness, defeat 1 golem +1 善行値, max 20
  3. from start area go right has hidden road to another east area
  4. town's north area talk to Corot (コロット)
  5. east area has shining ground, click it Corot will come there, then around 2 rock as same as 8 has sound 8.jpg , then talk to Corot has fight
  6. after quest go north area talk to Corot for story 2B
Sea of Trees (ノエト樹海) + Corot (コロット) story 2B :
  1. tentacle has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
  2. if step tentacle's liquid 5 times, then back to town has H
  3. 2nd area is crossroad, go east has pond and wind stone (upper has hidden road to north area), wind stone NW has hidden room wind stone.jpg , hidden room talk to Corot (コロット) has fight (or enter 205 and 5), after fight can up wind magic lvl
  4. crossroad to north, west has hidden road sea of treesHR.jpg , this area go north is very danger, better from crossroad go west
  5. near NW, if get 少女♡シャンプー (can buy in Jornia's shop) click circle has hidden boss, fight to it again can get power up item but very hard
  6. deep vs boss, then move to exit vs thief, if lose (if thief HP down to half? = auto lose) need back to boss room get quest item again
  7. back to town, go item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
  8. north area talk to Corot, get 2nd choice コロットシナリオ進行 for start story 3
West Noble Area (need passport from Jornia and Sai (サイ) Story 2) :
  • QUEST : 1st house outside talk to man need virgin + LIMIT 2, then go to forest, 1st area go west has new road, in new area need get jump 2 for near unicorn, then noble area talk to man again can make new equip (if lost virgin can't make), if room's table shining, can go forest meet unicorn again, if lost virgin it will attack heroine
  • 2nd house is massage shop, talk to counter 2 times can massage, 2nd choice need LIMIT 3-4, 3rd choice need LIMIT 4-5
  • QUEST : massage shop talk to magic can get quest, go thief hideout's treasure room get tentacle to her, if LIMIT 4 and get skill, can get seed from her
  • star shop for get item if get more star
  • left has park, lower talk to man has H, next H is LIMIT 4-5
  • (this quest is END A flag) upper left talk to man get 1st choice can get quest then talk to him again, to forest east gathering point (need man in upper right), use 5 行動力 for 4 stone, get them then report to him. Tomorrow go noble area talk to him again, then go north area's training center, training 1 times then report to him. Tomorrow go noble area talk to him again and again, then go sea of trees, pond and wind stone area, in gathering point use 4 行動力 for 4 water, get them then report to him
Underground (need passport from Jornia) :
  • restaurant talk to manager then inside talk to bunny girl can get work (need wear 給仕服), LIMIT 3-5 can get bunny clothes for work
  • LIMIT 4, need talk to Jornia's shop talk to Jornia, then can work in underground brothel, if talk to manager get 2nd choice, then tomorrow come again has different H
  • QUEST : 2nd middle area, shop talk to soldier can go thief hideout, shop talk to manager (2nd choice) can get quest, need ローパーエキス x5, 天使の水 x3, 上活力草 x10, if done shop has more item for sale
  • QUEST : upper market talk to man in right can get quest, go to house that in underground middle area has fight (GoR), if lose maybe need sex few day for move out
  • north area, click hole has H, next H is LIMIT 4-5
  • west tent area, in road talk to man, get 1st choice has fight (GoR), next H is LIMIT 4-5
  • (this quest is END A flag) tent area talk to man can get quest, buy a lot foods [回復、食材] from market to him, 5 day later give him foods again, 5 day later give foods to him again, 5 day later give foods to him again can finish quest
  • QUEST : west tunnel talk to man can get quest, go synthetic shop make アナホール (2 item can buy from Karen [カレン]), after quest can get hidden base in map, if get seed from quest (witch in massage shop) can grow plant, need semen 精液 for grow
  • LIMIT 4 can go house in tent area, play maze game
Ice area (セファール雪原) + 2 quest + Corot (コロット) story 3 :
  1. 20th day can go there
  2. north to cave, then east to waterfall, waterfall has hidden road waterfall.jpg
  3. after Corot (コロット) come here (if not need back to town talk to her), choice 4 different place then click cat statue has fight cat statue.jpg
  4. north has event
Quest, some item for quest must get in ice area :
  • weapon shop talk to left manager (2nd choice), go synthetic shop make 強鋼性魔金床 to him can make new weapon
  • synthetic shop talk to left manager (2nd choice), make クリスタルポット to her can make new item
Thief Hideout (バフマット盗賊のアジト) :
  1. thief has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
  2. 1st area go east, click sleeping thief can get treasure room key
  3. 1st area go SWS, get item that near sleeping thief, click notes then click wall that nearby will vs strong thief
  4. west has treasure room, open door need key and defeat 4 group enemy that nearby
  5. when move out vs thief again
  6. item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
  7. inn 2F talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
  8. inn 2F, click bed get 2nd choice for rest in room has dream, rest 3 times for 3 dream
Canyon (グリッヂ峽谷) :
  1. orc has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
  2. orc hideout upper left has shining item (if 採取力 over 300, gathering point can choice get level of metal, forget water one get in where...)
  3. defeat blue orc that near pond, cave defeat red orc, then near flame vs both orc
  4. deep vs boss and get quest item
  5. item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
  6. inn 2F talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
  7. if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 60th day
60th day + wetland (ゲニ―湿原) + Corot (コロット) story 4 :
  1. inn 2F, click bed get 2nd choice for rest in room has dream, rest 3 times for 3 dream (need total 6 dream for END A flag)
  2. town north talk to Corot (コロット) can go to wetland
  3. QUEST : synthetic shop outside talk to man can get quest, go wetland 4th area (south of big tree), lower right find cat to him
  4. QUEST : talk to weapon shop manager again can get 2nd quest, go synthetic shop make 極鋼性魔金床 to him can make new weapon
  5. to wetland start go north, talk to コロット, then upper click grass grass.jpg
  6. talk to her again, 1st choice for clear all story, 2nd choice for bad end H
  7. big tree area has boss, for item only
  8. need clear all 6 story, if back to town center area meet Corot, back to room get 2nd choice for rest (END A flag)
  9. 善行値 over 100?, back to inn manager will talk to heroine, room has box can get item/day (END A flag)
  10. item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告, can go to Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道)
About Pregnancy :
  • if pregnancy, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ (need Dina don't know about this) to END E
  • if pregnancy, sleep in inn 2F will talk to Dina. If get 1st choice, choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep a lot to END E+. If get 2nd choice will go to fetal crystal storage (胎児結晶保管所), can storage 3 fetal
Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道) :
  1. NW small temple outside has strong enemy
  2. vs 2 enemy then vs patriarch
  3. when back to town has choice, get 1st one will vs thief (END A flag, if no choice cant go to END A)
  4. item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
  5. if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 80th day
80th day :
  1. to canyon (グリッヂ峽谷), outside orc hideout click event, then inside has event
  2. jail talk to guard, if click magic device can move out, go to upper right help maid, if don't click, sleep 5 times can move to to upper right room watch maid H, sleep until born baby can restart event
  3. now can go Giant Demon (巨大人魔), maybe need LIMIT 2+ for enter, this map for collect item to make final weapon and other equip
  4. tentacle has GoR, LIMIT 2-3, 4-5 two type
  5. END C : if 100 day, any END A flag not enough will go this ending
  6. if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 100th day
100th day :
  1. start get new magic tree
  2. if don't want status down better wait tomorrow, go new area Headquarter of Church (ポモーナ教会本部)
  3. defeat all big golem
  4. deep vs boss
  5. event in north area first, then restaurant, noble area park, underground restaurant, underground tent area, final is middle of center area
  6. in vote has fight, heroine keep got sex attack to END B (use GoR skill is NG)
  7. 2 more fight then vs find boss
Star (total 34) :
  1. town center area, upper left
  2. town center area, pub underground
  3. town center area, synthetic shop
  4. town north area, lower right
  5. town north area, training center
  6. town east area, market
  7. town west area, park
  8. town west area, new house
  9. town underground, west area, back of upper left tent
  10. town underground, after hot spring quest
  11. Fetal crystal storage lower left
  12. Beach north area, need jump 2
  13. Beach south area, upper right
  14. Forest, 1st area go north, behind tree that in upper
  15. Forest boss area, left
  16. Wilderness 8 area. lower
  17. Wilderness hidden area
  18. Sea of Trees crossroad area, behind tree that in left
  19. Sea of Trees, boss area go south, lower left pass hidden road
  20. ice area, 1st area right
  21. Ice area, pass cave to north, upper left
  22. Thief hideout, treasure room, behind chair
  23. Thief hideout, west of treasure room, upper left
  24. Canyon, cave has red orc
  25. Canyon, boss area lower left, need jump 2
  26. Wetland, NE area, need jump 2
  27. Wetland, north big tree area, near upper
  28. Road to Gorsch, area has small temple, lower left
  29. Giant Demon, the room for GoR, near middle
  30. Giant Demon, boss room lower
  31. hidden base (need clear quest in underground tunnel)
  32. Headquarter of church, SW area
  33. Headquarter of church. SE area has hole to jail area, in upper left
  34. Headquarter of church, final area
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New member
Jan 20, 2019
Reputation score

I'm looking for a walkthrough of this game.
I don't know how to unlock the H-scenes with the Blue-haired girl (The one as a receptionist of the inn)


New member
Jan 20, 2019
Reputation score
if v1.21 can find in
  1. hscene room underground see 2 mother hscene
  2. guild has new npc, 3 member can try new quest
Just for clarification, in order to unlock the H-scene with the Blue-haired girl, I need to see the 2 mother H-scenes and do the new quest? Can you tell me where can I get this new quest?


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
Just for clarification, in order to unlock the H-scene with the Blue-haired girl, I need to see the 2 mother H-scenes and do the new quest? Can you tell me where can I get this new quest?
guild auto event, maybe need re-enter town again
if not work post a save to me
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Grim Reaper
Sep 4, 2012
Reputation score
@etigoya You got walkthrough for this:

I'm stuck at a Ururuga city - a city with a lot of people wearing witch outfits.

Some black hood ladies holding axes blocked the path in a location looks like a pyramid.


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
@etigoya You got walkthrough for this:

I'm stuck at a Ururuga city - a city with a lot of people wearing witch outfits.

Some black hood ladies holding axes blocked the path in a location looks like a pyramid.
hmmm, open 攻略法(walkthrough).txt, use google or other translate it?
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