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DG3 Character Sheets


Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

=== Character Sheet ===
Name: Ayame
Class: Warrior
Race: Alraune
Sex: Female

Body: 46 (22+8+8+8)
Mind: 14 (14)
Spirit: 22 (14+8)

Hit Points (HP): 64 (46+7+11)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48 (23+14+11)
Spirit Energy (EP): 52 (23+7+22)
Speed: 20 ((√460)-1)
Dodge: 41 (82/2)
Armor: 2 (0+2) +5 when wearing Ayame’s Dress
Resistance: 39 ((46/2)+8+8)
Perception: 21 (√460)
Stealth: 19 ((√460)-2) +6 when wearing Ayame’s Dress
Grapple: 58 (46+12)

Spirit Ceiling: 10 (52/5)

- Current: 0
- Total To-Date: 8 (4+4)

- Current: 84
- Total To-Date: 184 (60+22+102)

Spending Log:
- 8 {+8 to Body; Bladesinger Skill} (2/18/`12)

- 100 {Armored Hide} (2/18/`12)
=== Talents ===
- Exceptional (+8 Body)
- Exceptional (+8 Body)
- Exceptional (+8 Spirit)
- Resistant (+8 Resistance)
- Resistant (+8 Resistance)
- Natural Spirit Wielder {Alchemist} (Chemical Splash, Reshape, Seal)
- Natural Succubus {Enthrall} (A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against them or gain the Charmed status, except that the status lasts for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check and resets the duration as if they had used Charm on their partner.)

- Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)
=== Flaws ===
- Mutated (Claws; Greater Claws; Razor Fingers)
- Mutated (Natural Attack; Pheromones; Odd Skin)
- Mutated (Whip-Tongue; Whip-Tongue; Whip-Tongue)
- Fetish {Oral} (+8 Pleasure taken when giving or receiving oral foreplay)
=== Mutations ===
- Plant (The character is a plant. Their skin is naturally green and leaf-like. Characters with this mutation are immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Whenever a character with this mutation would be impregnated, unless the creature impregnating them is an egg layer they give birth to seeds that eventually sprout into shorn weeds. Creatures that they themselves impregnate give birth to Alraune seeds. Characters with this mutation gain the Pollen Shot Succubus Power, and are also immune to the effects of that power.)
- Tentacles (The character has tentacles that can be used for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature. The range of these tentacles is 10 feet.)
- Selective Fertility (The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.)
- Naturally Warped (The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. They don’t deal corruption to others unless they also have other such mutations, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.)

- Claws (+2 Unarmed damage; -2 to-hit when using Weapons)
- Greater Claws (+5 Unarmed damage; -5 to-hit when using Weapons)
- Razor Fingers (+10 Unarmed damage; The character cannot use Weapons)
- Natural Attack (Unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 base damage)
- Odd Skin (The character’s skin feels thicker and more resilient than might be expected)
- Armored Hide (+2 Armor; -1 Speed; The character’s skin is stronger and more resistant to damage)
- Whip-Tongue (+2 Pleasure dealt when giving oral foreplay)
- Whip-Tongue (+2 Pleasure dealt when giving oral foreplay)
- Whip-Tongue (+2 Pleasure dealt when giving oral foreplay)
- Pheromones (-2 Stealth; Friendly characters more interested in sex)

- Warped (Half of any Pleasure dealt is forced on the character’s partner as Corruption)
=== Skills ===
General Skills:
Smite (Activated):
The character can pay EP in order to increase the amount of damage that their melee attacks deal. For every point of EP spent, they deal an additional point of damage on every attack that hits for that round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round.

Strong Willed (Passive):
The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Bladesinger (Passive):
The character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with Powers.

Grappling Skills:
Stranglehold (Activated):
When the character has something in a submission hold, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a Resistance check vs the target. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When their Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious.

Pummel (Activated):
The character can choose to forsake all other actions and allow a creature that they are grappling to take their turn before them. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled.
=== Powers ===
Chemical Splash:
The character hurls corrosive or toxic chemicals at their foes. Fairly simple, and also fairly damaging, but one can only throw a liquid so far, so this power has a very short range.
- The character pays X EP. They then choose one of the following effects:
1) One creature within 40 feet of the character takes (1d10 * X) + X damage.
2) All creatures within a 120 degree, 15 foot cone originating from the character take 1d10 * X damage.
- By paying an additional 3 EP, the character can force creatures hit by this power to make a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or gain one of the following statuses: Blinded, Paralyzed or Weakened.

The character alters the shape of any one contiguous solid object that they can touch. They cannot change the actual physical properties of it, nor can they change the type of substance that they're touching, but this can be used to build walls, create stairs or openings, make pretty art work, or anything else you can think to do with it. This Power cannot be used offensively in combat, but can be used to bind (or execute) helpless creatures.
- The character pays 2X EP. What the character can reshape is dependent on how much they pay, and how large the object is. For an object about the size of an adult human or less, X = 1. For an object three times the size of a human or less, X = 2. For an object up to nine times the size of a human or less, X = 3. If the character is attempting to bind a helpless creature, the DC to escape the binding is equal to 15X + 10.

The character places a Seal on a single creature that it touches. This Seal effectively traps the target's soul within its body, firstly deactivating any magical or spiritual effects that it has active (effects from other sources are not affected,) and secondly preventing it from using any ability that would require that it expend EP.
- The character pays X EP.
- One target creature within touching range has all active effects upon them dispelled and takes X damage. If that creature attempts to activate a Power, cast a Spell, or use any ability that requires EP, no matter what it is, they must win a Resistance check against 3X, or the attempt fails. If the creature that is the target of this power is helpless (has the Bound or Submission Hold status, is unconscious, ect,) the check becomes 4X. This power ends only when the seal is removed by someone other than the targeted creature.

Succubus Powers:
Pollen Shot: The character chooses one target creature within 10 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or become Horny, and even if they win this check the targeted creature still becomes Aroused if the attack hit. The character takes a -4 penalty on this check. This power can only be used once per combat.
=== Inventory ===
Melee Weapons:
- Razor Fingers [Unarmed]: (To-hit = d20+46; Damage = 2d12 + 46/3 + 10, Piercing or Slashing)
- Thorny Vines [Unarmed]: (To-hit = d20+46; Damage = 2d12 + 46/3 + 10, Piercing or Slashing; Range = 10 feet)

- Ayame’s Dress [Enchanted Clothes]: (AV = 5; EV = 0; TP = 25; DU = 2)
Enchantments: (Value = 90)
- Stat Bonus (+4 AV; +6 Stealth)

(This dress is removed rather than damaged when it takes TP damage.)
- 50 Denarii
- 1 Sally’s panties (trophy?)
- 1 Kitty’s panties (trophy?)
- 1 April’s panties (trophy?)
- 1 May’s panties (trophy?)
=== Bio/Description ===
Ayame stands at roughly 5’6” and possesses a firm slender frame, perfectly shaped breasts, and deep ruby red eyes. She has soft green-colored skin, fairly typical of most Alraune, but her gorgeous long hair is pink and vibrant, and she has a beautiful violet flower blooming out of her scalp just above her right ear, with two more similar blossoms at the ends of two of her many long vines (any of which she can use to release her powerful aphrodisiac-pollen with her Pollen Shot ability).

Ref: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=581&pictureid=8055

In contrast to her dazzling beauty and fragile appearance, Ayame is anything but a delicate little flower. She is physically stronger than she appears, and her fingertips are elongated slightly and almost thorn-like, and they are very strong and razor-sharp. In addition, her numerous vines are able to sprout similar thorns all along their length to help deliver more pain to her enemies in combat or help secure her grip on a grappled opponent. She is also gifted with an array of Alchemical powers, including an ability to secrete toxic or corrosive chemicals from her body and hurl them at her enemies, seal the magical and spiritual abilities of others, and even manipulate and reshape the very world around her.

Personality wise, Ayame has a bit of a quasi-submissive/dominant streak that unearths itself primarily during sexual encounters. She very much enjoys performing oral sex on her partners, an act generally considered to be on the submissive side – especially when performed on males, but her dominant side loves the sight of her partner kneeling before her and pleasing her orally, and otherwise submitting themselves to her desires. That dominant streak proves to be the stronger of the two, however, manifesting itself most prominently in a succubus-like ability to captivate or enthrall her partners; an ability she doesn’t often hesitate to take advantage of from time to time. All of that, however, underlies a generally strong air of confidence surrounding her. She is not particularly haughty or arrogant, but she has no qualms about being forward with what she wants when she wants something, or lacking in belief in her ability to obtain it.
=== Backstory ===
Ayame was one of many seedlings born from a lustful encounter between a beautiful female Night Elf and two other Alraune, although which of the two plant-women were ultimately responsible for seeding the Night Elf with her is unknown. Like all Alraune, Ayame was gifted with the ancestral memory of her kind, granting her the ability to speak from the moment she was sprouted and forming a hive mind-like connection between herself and others of her kind. Unlike her many sister-sprouts, however, Ayame always possessed an unusually strong sense of individuality...unusual for what was normally expected from a member of her race, at least – the result of a trace of her Night Elf-mother’s soul somehow being infused with her own, perhaps.

As if to accentuate this unusual trait, Ayame left the familiar company of her sister-sprouts just a few months after her birth in search of other gardens of life, having grown bored with the day-to-day of typical plant life. As she explored the jungle and encountered new and interesting groups of people, as well as unique and exciting individuals from a variety of different races and backgrounds, this proved to be just what her unsettled nature craved. She didn’t want to be rooted down or become lost in the underbrush like a common shrub. She was a wildflower, strong and independent, and with desires and aspirations of her own that shown through in her personality. She loves to be admired by those around her like the beautiful flower that she is, and a part of her deep down even wants to be worshipped like a queen – a seed planted in her subconscious when she discovered her ability to enthrall those that she chose to pollinate with.

Since then, Ayame has been the focal point of numerous harems that she’d formed using this ability, all of them varying in size and featuring a wide array of races and creatures as her devoted thralls, ranging anywhere from the mindless beasts of the jungle to small groups of bandits or travelers along the roads, lesser demons and succubi, and even a few of the beautiful and magnificent angels, among multiple other members of the fey – who tended to be more friendly and open with the idea of being a part of her harems, she noticed, a side-benefit that she credited to the fey’s apparent alliance with her own kind. One caveat in all of this was that she often found herself growing bored with her thralls after a few weeks, leaving her with the decision of what to do when she was finished with them; a choice which usually boiled down to either releasing them if they were peaceful, willing, kind, or otherwise innocent so far as she knew, or killing them if they had been violent, wicked creatures, or would otherwise be an obvious threat to herself or others if allowed to go free.

During her recent stint at a fey encampment just east of Glassmoor, a growing community at the edge of the Amazonian jungle, Ayame became curious of the stories she’d been hearing about a unique city going by the name of Acheron. Unlike most settlements she’d visited, which often tended to favor – or spurn – certain races over others, Acheron was rumored to be open to all kinds, and that intrigued her. After sunrise the following morning, she began her preparations to part ways with her adoring harem of Nymphs, Kobolds, Satyrs, and an Angel, and prepared to leave the fey encampment for Acheron.
=== Starting Location ===
=== OOC Information ===
What I would like to see:
- A good amount of combat or other ways to earn Experience and make Ayame stronger.
- Smut. :p
Last edited:
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Name: Malvaero'gol
Class: Incubus (Succubus [Spirit])
Race: Karkastan
Sex: Male

Body: 14 = 6 + 8
Mind: 12 = 4 + 8
Spirit: 48 = 40 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 64 = 14 + 6 + 24 + 20
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 83 = 7 + 12 + 24 + 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 61 = 7 + 6 + 48
Speed: 12 = sqrt(14 * 10)
Dodge: 37 = (14 + 12 + 48) / 2
Armor: 8 = 0 + 8
Resistance: 32 = 48 / 2 + 8
Perception: 22 = sqrt(48 * 10)
Stealth: 4 = sqrt(14 * 10) - 8
Grapple: 14 = 14
Spirit Ceiling: 12 = 61 / 5

Experience: 8
Corruption: 0

[General] Natural Spirit Wielder (Psion)
[General] Healthy
[General] Just a Little Longer
[General] Just a Little Longer
[General] Resistant
[Succubus] Kama-Sutra
[Succubus] Fuck Me
[Succubus] Enthrall

[Class] Lustful (RP)
[Racial] Sensitive
[Racial] Mutated
[Racial] Open Soul
[Taken] Selfish (RP)
[Taken] Obvious
[Taken] Infertile ((Not sure if I can take this, due to racial Discordant Fertility. Will replace if not.))
[Taken] Mutated
[Taken] Mutated

[Class] Soul Eater
[Racial Special] Shapeshifter
[Racial Special] Supernatural
[Racial Special] Discordant Fertility
[Racial Special] Demon
[Racial Special] Faerie
[Mutated] Tight/Large
[Mutated] Tight/Large
[Mutated] Tight/Large
[Mutated] Vestigial Wings
[Mutated] Wings
[Mutated] Greater Wings
[Mutated] Horns
[Mutated] Whip-Tongue
[Mutated] Soft-Skin

Spirit Powers:
Psychic Shield
Mind Worm

Pleasure Damage:
Foreplay (any): 3d6 + 24 = 16 + 6 + 2
Penetrating: 3d10 + 48 = 24 + 12 + 6 + 6
-Can increase damage taken by 2x (max 5) to increase any damage not resisted by 3x

Also, he takes an additional 4 PP damage and an additional 4 EP damage.

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive)


Denarii: 18
Faerie Horn
Dagger: 2d6 + Body/2
Light Crossbow: 3d6 + 10, 50 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload
Badarian Revolver: 2d8 + 4, 50 foot range, 5 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV
Battlemage's Robes: AV = 8 (+1 for 30 Denarii), EV = 0, TP = 41 (+16 for 140 Denarii), DU = 3 (+2 for 250 Denarii)

In his true form, Malvaero towers over most mortals, standing exactly seven feet, three inches. He is somewhat lanky for his size, however, at a mere two-hundred eight pounds. His skin is a deep, regal bluish-purple, and his hair runs down his back in a vibrant shade of crimson. A large pair of bat-like wings sprout from his shoulder blades, the same color as the rest of his skin, while from his forehead a bone-white pair of ram-horns circle behind his ears and come to a point on either side of his jaw; his eyes are bright green, with a serpent's pupils. The rest of his body is surprisingly human. However, current events being what they are, Mal has adopted a form less likely to be identified; an unremarkable Badarian male, of average height and build, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and no noteworthy features, aside from onlookers' strange inability to avoid staring at him.

Whether he was born into slavery, or sold shortly after birth, Malvaero'gol is uncertain and indifferent. The result of the union between a full demon and a sidhe, he doesn't know anything about his parents; which of them was the demon and which the sidhe, the circumstances surrounding his birth, or even if he has any other family. His first concrete memory is of the auction in Hell that saw him sold to his most recent master, a moderately powerful demon named Ro'khan, nearly a century ago. While unimpressive as far as demons go, Ro'khan was possessed of a keen eye for potential, a skill that aided him well in buying slaves for the various combat arenas Hell utilized to relieve boredom borne of millenia of intrigue and infighting. While his new slave failed to live up to expectations in the combat and magic arenas, Mal paid dividends for his master in the sex pits, and as his prestige grew, so too did the prestige of his master. The years passed, Mal constantly winning his "fights", Ro'khan constantly using the winnings from his various fighting slaves to purchase more slaves, fighting and otherwise, until the slave began wondering what life was like elsewhere. Fighting in the pits was all he'd known his whole life; while it was certainly an enjoyable way to occupy his time, he began wondering what he may have been missing. He'd certainly noticed that most of his fellow slaves, as well as most of his opponents, looked nothing like either himself or Ro'khan or what few other demons he'd actually seen up close. These creatures, whether they were called "humans" or "elves" or "nymphs" or what-have-you intrigued the young half-breed. However, when he brought up the idea of being allowed his freedom with Ro'khan, his master was less than pleased. It took three and a half months to recover from the beating inflicted upon him, Ro'khan displaying a savagery that was completely out of character for the normally (as denizens of Hell go) even-tempered demon.

Not long after he'd fully recovered, and had begun to restore Ro'khan's trust in him, Malvaero was told that he and a number of other slaves would be accompanying his master to a new home in a place called Acheron. The reason for the move was left obscured, though Mal managed to glean that it was on the same world that the humans and the elves and the nymphs came from! The feeling of elation at the news of his destination was almost enough to allow the Karkastan to forgive his master. Instead, he began plotting, working in his mind a way to get closer to Ro'khan so he could use his abilities to obtain his freedom. The hardest part would be becoming trusted enough to be allowed to serve his master drinks; the easiest way to do that would be to cast aspersions on the motives of any slave more trusted than he was. Fortunately, that part of his plan only took a year, two months, and seven slaves Mal never liked anyway to enact. Phase two of his plan involved spiking his master's drink with more and more concentrated doses of semen, slowly acclimating his master's palate in preparation for phase three. Mixing a cocktail of one part brandy to five parts spunk, Malvaero'gol waited for his master to down the entire brew before striking, first by focusing his will around himself, as both a physical barrier against anything Ro'khan might try as well as a mental barrier to strengthen his own resolve. "What are-!?" Ro'khan managed to cry in alarm, half-rising from his chair, his lust- and alcohol-addled mind unable to formulate a more cogent response. Sit. The feeling of the pure-blooded demon's will crumbling under the force of his command was...exhilarating. Liberating, even. "Come, Ro'khan," he instructed, smiling a toothy grin. "You are going to free me."

All told, it took forty-five agonizing minutes at the slave registry and two re-assertions of dominance, but in the end, Malvaero'gol had his freedom. "Enter" was the last command he had to issue to the submissive demon, the prior two being, reverse-chronologically, "Follow me," and "Give me the key to the penance chamber," "penance chamber" being the name for the room wherein disobedient slaves were punished for their misbehavior. As the room only locked from the outside and was reinforced in the event the pet minotaur (if Ro'khan had a pet minotaur) managed to break free, it served Mal's needs wonderfully. Briefly, he considered also releasing the other slaves, to create more confusion if his former master was found, but eventually decided against it; the fewer people who knew that he'd essentially run away, the better. He wasn't sure what laws Acheron had governing escaped slaves, but he knew the lax laws governing their treatment, and that was enough to encourage him not to be caught. Shapeshifting into a less overt form, the former slave weighed his options as he left Ro'khan's manor through a back way and for good. The world, what little he knew of it, lay stretched out before him, glorious mounds of options lay waiting for his attention, and the heady aroma of freedom caused a stirring in his loins. Oh yes, this world was a delectable fruit, ripe for the picking, and Malvaero'gol would keep picking whatever fruit came his way until he'd sampled them all, and made them his.

((That took a lot longer to write than it should have. Is the starting point okay? I'm not sure what exactly Acheron or Hell or even demons are like, so I tried my best with what information I could find from other threads. Of course, if I screwed anything up, just let me know what I can do to fix it, and it will be done.))

The OOC section:
A horde of women, catering to his every whim, is all Malvaero'gol desires at the present time. And by "horde of women" I mean "all of them". If this sounds like an unachievable goal...it probably is. But don't tell him that, it might hurt his feelings. Ah, who am I kidding, he doesn't have feelings that can be hurt. Frankly, Mal is, at best, an anti-hero, and at worst, a villain protagonist, both roles I am reasonably sure I can portray. His main motivation for fighting the aliens (should it come to that (it probably will)) will be his outrage at their preventing his goal of world domination. How he will interact should he meet other PC's...well, that probably depends on how they react to him. As for what *I* want out of it...well, honestly, I'm out of my comfort zone writing stories like this. But it's only by pushing my boundaries that I grow. That said, the standard list of banned fetishes applies here (scat, guro, yaoi) as well as no...anal violation. It'll be difficult enough for me to write an engaging sex scene without also have to worry about...that. And on that note, don't worry too much about writing your end of the sex scenes, as I guarantee I will be unable to keep up.

If Mal has to roll to physically attack something, then the situation is already well out of hand and it's probably best to retreat and come back some other time, in some other form.

4/2/12 - Update to 3.5: Took Flaws [Infertile] and [Obvious], took Psion Power [Mind Worm]
5/7/12 - Add 8 xp; updated Robes; updated Inventory; replaced redundant Spunky with Kama-Sutra, updated sheet to reflect that
2/12/13 - De-spoilered all the things, removed unnecessary game text, re-organized the sheet, reticulated splines.
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

EDIT: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=410641&postcount=14

Laserslime. Skeleton Jelly?
Name: 'Lucy'
Sex: Yes
Class: Succubus
Race: Living Slime
A creature formed of living liquid rather than solid matter. These creatures have only recently begun to develop true intelligence, and as such they have little to no knowledge of the world that they haven't acquired from their own direct experiences. Unlike most races, their bodies are malleable and constantly shifting. Disrupting that body is extremely difficult through purely physical means, and a slime cannot be forced to lose consciousness.
Slimes are highly different from a character of any other race. For more information, see the Malleable Form Special Mutation.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, +4 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Grapple Expert
Racial Flaws: Weak, Open Soul, Tainted Bloodline.
Racial Special Mutations: Malleable Form, Naturally Supernatural, Soul Eater, Tentacles, Damage Reduction 1/2, Physical Damage Reduction 1/2.
Must be Female. Cannot take the Fertile, Infertile or Mutated Flaws. Cannot wear armor.

Primary Stats:
Body: 16
Mind: 40
Spirit: 10

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): -- (41)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 53
Spirit Energy (EP): 79
Speed: 13 [Base 13]
Dodge: 33
Armor: 0 [Base 0 DR 1/2; PhysDR 1/2]
Resistance: 20 [Mind]
Perception: 22 [Base 20] +2 (mutations)
Stealth: 3 [Base 13] -10 (mutations)
Grapple: 28
Spirit Ceiling: 20
Base Casting: 20

Experience: 0
Corruption: Lv -; 0/x00

[RACE] Grapple Expert - +12 to grabbyhands.

Natural Spirit (Necromancer)

Natural Mage (Focus in [Light]) - For Light: L5 spells, +10 BC, +2 dmg/spell lv, Buffs +1/spell lv, summons +2 Body and +1 AV/spell lv.

Superior Mage (Specialized Mage [+Light/-Force]) - For Light: Above bonuses doubled, +4 additional BC, L1 even in submission hold.
For Force: Never cast any spell above L1.

*Erotic Wizard: Mage Feat GET. All L1 & L2 spells GET. +4 BC GET. Requires Superior Mage.

*Erotic Magus: Get Mage Feats = Mind/20 rnd dn. No penalties to BC from PP damage, orgasms, or penetration. Requires Erotic Wizard.

*Enthrall: If I make someone spooge they gotta win a Res check or they gain Charmed for 24 hours. Other orgasms gives +4 to check and resets duration.

Fuck Me: +12 PP dealt during penetrative humpings.

[RACE] Weak - -8 Resistance. PAID OFF WITH 8TH TALENT
[RACE] Open Soul - +5 EP damage
[RACE] Tainted Bloodline - x1.5 corruption
[SUCC] Lustful

x3 Mutated

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Fetish: Unmutated - +8 PP taken when humping non-weirdos

Fetish: Humans - +8 PP taken when being the MOST vanilla.

Mutations: Current/12
[RACE] Malleable Form - No prego except magic. No HP, instead added to EP. 0 EP = Final Death. Max EP*3 = split (lose half), get 8 xp, make clone. No damage from resisting PP, immune to Prone, Web, Stun, Submission Hold.
[RACE] Naturally Supernatural - Immune to corruption, deal 1/2 PP dealt as corruption (as Warped).
[RACE] Soul Eater - Only regen EP to 1. Absorb 1/2 PP dealt to others as EP.
[RACE] Tentacles - Can deal and optionally take PP damage with during LEWDs. Can prego! Group grapple ruurus don't apply to this guy, unless their opponent also got tentacles. If win grapple check, can try to grapple someone else (need attack roll in addition to grapple check). Can try to do sommat to each person grappled like this normally.
[RACE] Damage Reduction 1/2 - multiply damage by 1/2 (i.e. half that shit). Armor ignoring damage ignores this.
[RACE] Physical Damage Reduction 1/2 - See above, but for physical damage.

*(Edited from Venomous Attack. Being a slime is probably close enough, right?)
Venomous: The character's slime is venomous. If ingested, character is affected by Hallucination poison (probably lower the DC 50, or something. That's pretty high.)
(Hallucination Poison: The drinker of this poison must win a DC 50 Resistance check or see random Illusions determined by the GM for 1d6 hours. Noticing the poison in food or drink requires a DC 15 Perception check in clean water, a DC 25 check in lightly flavored food or water (soaked in plain bread, dosed in milk or lightly flavored water,) a DC 35 check in more flavorful substances (dried fruit or meat, fruit juices,) and a DC 45 or higher check in any food more potent than these (wine or spiced foods.) Detecting the poison only means that they know they've been poisoned, not that they don't suffer its effects. This poison can also be applied to weapons and lasts for 3 hits, but the DC required to resist it is dropped to 35.)

Glowing Skin - SHINY. -2 Stealths, +2 Perceptions.

*Glowy Fluids: SHE GLOWS. Like a lavalamp, with different wisps of colors, all glowing different brightnesses.
1) *Grossly Incandescent Fluids: GENERALLY THOUGH SHE'S REALLY FUCKING BRIGHT. -8 Stealth.

Odd Skin: Like an oil slick, except clear instead of black.
1) Chameleon Skin: The character’s skin can change color at will (or reflexively,) allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. The character gains a +2 bonus to Stealth, but the effect is very disconcerting to those that aren’t used to it. This mutation may be taken up to 3 times.


Base Casting: Mind/2
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:
Mana Sculpter (Light) – Illusion utility spells are granted a small amount of substance, and therefore gain a +10 bonus on the Resistance check to recognize them as illusions. Light spells that cause the Blinded status also gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks. Requires Focus in Light.

Herbalist - The character is adept at mixing their own potions. The cost of the Create Potion and Love Potion rituals, both in terms of time to gather ingredients or costs to pay for them, are halved. The character's healing spells also restore and additional +2 HP per spell level when used to heal.

Wielder Aptitudes:
NECROMANCER - Animate, Devour Magic, Puppeteer

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + Mind/3
Foreplay = 2d4 + Mind/4

Succubus Powers:
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Hitting zero resets to max and gives Aroused; while hitting zero and Aroused, gives Horny. If you have Enthrall and they're horny because of this shit, if they spooge they're autoenthralled and have DC +10 to break free.

Shapeshifting (Passive) : The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

Oil Up: Use Move Action, TIME TO OIL UP. -10 Attacks/put into sub hold, +10 to escape grapples, and those coated in it take +8 PP damage. Resistance 1/2 when resisting pleasure, resisting pleasure damage x2. x2 maximum X for Rhythm and Energetic Foreplay. Whoever touches/grapples me gets oily too. Lasts until end of encounter or until cleaned off.

50 doshnarii

Wai-fu (unarmed)

A skeleton.

This slime is rainbow-colored, very much like an oil slick, with different wisps and blobs of different colors floating freely around, all glowing various different brightnesses. Very psychedelic looking. Quite morbidly, it has a skeleton suspended in it - and even worse, it appears that the slime, for whatever reason, seems to use it, shaping itself into human form around the bones, even ending in feet.

It takes the form of a very well-filled out, curvy woman, false slime hair running down to 'her' rear end. She has an hourglass figure and a substantial chest and ass. The shapes on it's face that stand in for eyes are noticeably larger than normal.

When it casts Laser, her gooey head collapses into the rest of the body, exposing the skeleton's skull and neck. With a hum, light begins to build in its empty eyesockets, before twin beams flash out to lance through and melt whatever the skull's empty eyes are looking at.

The skeleton, strangely, is not particularly special - the slime won't die or lose it's powers when removed from it, and it has occasionally "modified" it, by adding more bones (i.e. another skeleton's set of arms, for even creepier quad-section arms). However, the one in particular is special to it, as it is a complete skeleton, completely undamaged and not missing even the smallest bone!

An unusual quirk for it's kind, perhaps, is the fascination with normal, mundane humans and the like. That's its explanation for carting a skeleton around all the time, and for the effort it puts into maintaining it's shape. This obviously doesn't end well for it, as every delicious human it gets it's hands on eventually pops out with a horn or tail or what have you. Heartbreaking! On the upside, though, it encourages higher acquisition rates.

It wants to build a "kingdom" like the humans apparently had, for it's people. Mostly that just means acquiring a fuckton of normal old critters to siphon off EP from and splitting a ton of times. Probably figuring out how to feed 'em all, too. Slime agriculture! House of Slime Lords and Slime Ladies!

The OOC section:

An entry for the theoretical SLLIIIMMMMEEEEE KINGDOM group thread.

Also, character shall be vaguely Dala: , and also .
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Mar 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Nerzalil
Class: Warrior
Race: Shadow Demon
^ Full Blood Demon, but take out RP flaw and shapeshifter for -8 mind. Take out selective fertility for night eyes. Swap out the pain resistant warrior talent for healthy.
Stat Adjustments: +8 Body, +8 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Sensitive, Mutated, Fetish (of the player’s choice)
Racial Mutations: Supernatural, Demon, Corruptive, Night Eyes
Racial Talents: Shadow Demons gain an additional racial Talent depending on their class. Warriors get Healthy, Mages get Efficiency, Spirit Wielders get Greater Energy Pool and Succubi get Succubus Magic.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Taking the Mutated Flaw with a character of this race does not allow the character to take an additional Talent.

Up to you whether that's alright or not.
Sex: F

Body: 40 (24 +8race +8exceptional)
Mind: 14 (14)
Spirit: 20 (12 +8race)

Hit Points (HP): 97 (57 + 40healthyx2)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 44
Spirit Energy (EP): 47
Speed: 17 (20 – 3EV)
Dodge: 27 (37 – 10easy to hit)
Armor: 10
Resistance: 28 (20 + 8resistant)
Perception: 22 (20 + 2glowing skin)
Stealth: 12 (20 – 2 – 3EVx2)
Grapple: 40

Corruption: N/A

Natural Spirit Wielder (Shadowmancer) (Shadow Armour, Piercer, Patch of Shadow)
Two Weapon Fighter (-4 attack and damage)
Resistant (+8 resistance)
Skill With One-Handed Swords (+12 to attack rolls with indicated weapon)
Healthy [Racial] (+20 hp)
Healthy (+20 hp)
Exceptional (+8body)
Skilled(Strong Willed Strong Willed STRONG WILLED) [*Wilhelm Scream* -Come at me, brO’Brien] (+36 resistance when resisting domination, charm and horny statues; +6 EP damage resistance)

Mutated [Racial]
Fetish [Racial]: Plant Lover (+8pp damage from plants)
Sensitive [Racial] (+5 to PP damage taken)
Fetish: Dominating (+8pp damage from being dominant during intercourse)
Easy To Hit (-10 dodge)
Mutated [RP purposes]

Night Eyes [Racial] (does not take perception penalties in dark areas)
Supernatural [Racial] The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
Demon [Racial] The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Corruptive [Racial] The character is able to corrupt even Supernatural creatures. A character with this is immune to corruption even from other creatures with Corruptive.
Glowing Skin (+2 Perception -2 Stealth)
Odd skin
Strange Face
Vestigial Wings
Claws (+2 unarmed damage –2 attack roll with weapons)

(From Body: )
Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this check, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this check as well.

Bladesinger: Your character can use their Body stat to determine their attack rolls instead of their Spirit stat when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

(From Skilled: )
Strong Willedx3 (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Spirit Ceiling: 6 (9 – 3)
Dark Armor
Armor formed of living, moving shadow coats the character, not weighing them down in the slightest but protecting them from harm.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The characters gets a bonus to their Armor, melee damage and Grapple equal to 3X. The character also gains a +X bonus to Stealth.
-The character may pay an additional 3 EP to grow wings formed of shadow. They can fly at their Speed. This increases the upkeep of this power by 1.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or held in a Submission Hold. This power cannot be Countered or Dispelled.

The character hurls shards of shadow at their enemies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they can pay 1 EP to target one additional creature with this power. This additional cost can be payed as many times as the character likes, but each creature can only be targeted once.
-One target creature within 80 feet of the character takes (1d12 + 2) * X damage.

Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

SD Shortsword x 2 (Attack Roll: 1d20 +46, Damage: 2d6 + 16)
Made out of the same strange, organic material as the carapace of the Shadow Demons themselves, these 60cm blades (12cm hilts) are fierce weapons. The blades are two-sided, with one side being smooth, sharp and straight, while the other is serrated and harshly uneven; it starts wide, thinning for the first half of the blade, and then suddenly becomes wide again, till thinning to a point. This unusual 'ditch' allows it to catch the blows of enemy swords and prevents them from easily sliding off and recovering, giving the wielder more time to hit with their off-hand weapon (or, for one-weapon users, it helps in pulling the opponent’s weapon away from them). The blade itself is thicker and wider than would be usual to cope with the structural stress of taking blows in such a manner, but the material is lighter than typical metals so it ends up evening-out. The weapon only has a guard on the uneven side, if the wielder isn’t careful they can lose a few fingers that accidentally creep up the straight side.

Ceremonial Golden Plate Armour (Chainmail) [AV = 10, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 5] Weak against Piercing. Strong against Slashing.

The origins of this armour are unknown even to the surviving Shadow Demons themselves, dating back to a time before the Devourer, believed to be either created as an experiment after seeing armour on the enemies of the Shadow Demons, or taken as spoils of conquest from some forgotten victory and modified for their use. The armour is probably not intended for anything other than ceremonial or decorative use, as it has a number of flaws none going into combat would want. Not only is it incredibly gaudy, marking the location of the wearer in any melee, but the armour has gaps in all the locations where the body of a normal spawn glows blue-white. It practically emphasises the weakest spots on the spawn’s body! Indeed, the armour does not seem to be designed to cover the whole body so much as shield some of the more likely to be struck spots. It does –look- really cool, though…
Due to this minimalistic design, the armour’s integrity and ability to absorb damage is lessened, but so is its weight; it also unintentionally solves part of the problem of plate armour’s tendency to turn into an oven in the presence of a heat source, but at the trade-off of failing miserably against anything able to pierce into the artistic gaps in the armour. The wearer themselves typically cannot sneak for hell in it, but due to its ability to attract a gaze, others in the battle have an easier time of it.
And it’s a right pain in the arse to get on.

The armour itself is not made totally out of gold as it looks, but a compound of copper, silver and gold, in unknown proportions, and created through a forgotten method. This left it with its golden colouration, and somewhat around the durability of steel, but without the ability to be tarnished. …In other words, the suit of armour is basically made out of Corinthian Bronze.
There is supposed to be a matching set of ‘horse’-armour for a Stag Beetle, but it was left back in hell…

Nerzalil is a Shadow Demon, one of a near extinct insect species from the world Beyond the Dark Portal. Like most of her breed of the species, she is a humanoid covered in a thick, black carapace, with a pulsing, blue-white glow coming from various places on his body; the location of her eyes, claws both hands and feet, ribcage both front and back, breasts, abdomen, and the underside of her tail. Unlike most of her species, she has a pair of fairly large, but ultimately useless ‘wings’ of black carapace growing from her back, three pairs viciously sharp, mildly mobile mandibles surrounding her mouth, and, finally, free will; while most of her species are tapped into the Shadow Demon’s all-controlling Hive Mind, Nerzalil was an experimental creation, forced to endure the autonomy her brethren went without. Nevertheless, she is fiercely loyal to her kind and wishes only for their safety and proliferation. She has a considerable dislike of both sex and demons, the latter of which is tempered, somewhat, with pity considering that they’ve recently lost their all-encompassing deity, something the Shadow Demons can understand… and demons are more familiar to them effectively everything else on this world.

Nerzalil is a warrior, and she is built like one; not a waif, but neither what amounts to an overly muscled man with breasts – her muscles are defined, but so are her curves.
Nerzalil has breasts that would look unrealistic on a thin, incredibly feminine form, but are believable if still large on hers; E is probably a good real-world measurement. While the rest of the insect is certainly attractive, to those who can bypass the inhumanity of her form, Her bust is the most standout aspect of her body’s inherent eroticism. She has a certain air of maturity and command, which combined with her body type, gives her a somewhat MILFy feel – but while certainly fulfilling the “I’d like to fuck” part of the acronym.

Fighting style:
There are two usual types of combat involving dual-wielders. The first is the berserker style, using the overwhelming ability of dual-weapons to overcome defences, attacking madly and without reservation, stopping the enemy from sufficiently retaliating simply by the maddened zeal of the blows. The second is the rogue style, which uses the superior ability of dual-weapons to block single weapons, allowing them to nearly never be hit with enemy attacks while still being able to get in parries now and then.

Nerzalil uses modified versions of either style depending on the situation. Unlike a berserker, when attacking all out with her twin swords, she is entirely in control of her mind. The main difference is she attacks more with finesse than berserk fury… though she still throws attacks as quickly as she is physically able. Despite being in control of her own actions, she still holds no regard for her own injuries, allowing her armour and natural resistance to soak damage as in one action, she makes a swipe, gets blocked, and guts the opponent with her offhand. She is similarly heedless towards her own damage while fighting in the rogue style, focusing on the movements of opponents and reacting in such a way as to block a decent portion of the attack... but allowing her body to take a good deal of the damage, if it means that she can strike back in the moment they are the most vulnerable. It would seem her self-preservation instinct is not all that strong…

The OOC section:
We’ve already got eggs in the basket, (or whatever the expression is,) what with the plant negotiations, minor demon incursion, random fey interference, probable alien invasion – and of course, a village to pillage. I’ll see about far-flung DG3 things once we actually know what’s going to happen in the near future. …Although I must say, a chance to use the higher-tiered shadow demons at some point would be grand. I still have to stat the things, of course, but everything in due time…
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Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

For Hafnium:

Maven of Soul Cleansing, the Singer of Demise, Alisha Silverstring

Experienced Version
Name: Maven (Alisha Silverstring)
Class: Holy Warrior/Psion (Sprit User)
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female

Body: 10 (20)
Mind: 10 (14)
Spirit: 30 (88)

Hit Points (HP): 20 + 14/2 + 88/2 = 73
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 20/2 + 14 + 88/2 = 68
Spirit Energy (EP): 20/2 + 14/2 + 88 = 105 + 30 + 20 + 20 = 175
Speed: sqrt(200) = 14.14 = 14
Dodge:122/2 = 61 – 10 = 51
Armor: 5
Resistance: 88/2 = 44 + 8 = 52
Perception: sqrt(800) = 29.66 + 2 = 31
Stealth: sqrt(200) = 14.14 – 8 - 2 = 4
Grapple: 20

Experience: 0 (32)
Corruption: 0


Talent 1: Psion(Telepathy, Mind Worm, Telekinesis, Empathy, Mind Cutter, Pyrokinesis)
Talent 2: Massive Energy Pool
Talent 3: Natural Succubus(Enthrall)
Talent 4: Greater Energy Pool
Talent 5: Greater Energy Pool
Racial: Pain Resistant
Class: Holy Mage(Holy Wall, Blessing, Cudgel of the Blessed, Binding, Fey Servant, Lay on Hands)
Flaw Talent 1: Spunky
Flaw Talent 2: Exceptional
Flaw Talent 3: Exceptional
Experience Talent 1: Exceptional
Experience Talent 2: Exceptional
Experience Talent 3: Exceptional
Experience Talent 4: Exceptional


Racial: Easy to Hit
Racial: Obvious
Racial: Open Soul
Racial: Mutated
Flaw 1: Infertile
Flaw 2: Mutated
Flaw 3: Mutated


Mutation 1: Vestigial Wings (Racial)
Mutation 2: Wings (Racial)
Mutation 3: Greater Wings (Racial)
Mutation 4: Tight
Mutation 5: Whip-Tongue
Mutation 6: Glowing Skin
Mutation 7: Tight
Mutation 8: Soft Skin
Mutation 9: Soft Skin
Mutation 10: Soft Skin
Special Mutation: Warped

Spirit Ceiling: 175/5 = 35 = 35


Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to pass at will.
-The character pays 5 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The wall appears, and any creature not allowed to pass through it must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check.
-The character may pay an additional 5 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to the Resistance check required to pass it. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3.

The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character and all allies within 30 feet gain a +3X bonus to attack rolls, Dodge and Resistance.

Cudgel of the Blessed
The character forms a weapon created from pure energy in their hands.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-A blunt weapon appears in the characters hands. This weapon deals (1d12 * X) + Spirit/4 damage. In addition, this power grants the character the ability to use the Ground Slam skill so long as it is active, even if they do not have that skill normally.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands. If the character has the Heavy Weapon Specialist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a one or two handed blunt weapon (depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus from either if the character has the Skill with X Talent.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature, across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP, and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, and the character can control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

The character moves objects using their mind. Can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet, and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 5 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per turn. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Mind Worm
The character invades another creature's mind. This can be used in any number of ways, either to gather information, transfer information without speaking, erase part of the target's memory, or completely wipe a creature's mind out and reduce them to a vegetable.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This sort of information

Potent Spirit: Spirit Powers used by the character that require that their target make a Resistance check gain a +8 bonus to their effective Resistance or DC. In addition, they may spend up to 5 additional EP, increasing this bonus by 2 for each additional EP spent.

Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.

Efficient Wielder: Buffs activated by the character cost 3 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep, or provide an additional bonus from the following list: +X Resistance, +X Dodge, +X bonus to attack rolls, +X bonus to damage rolls, +X Perception, +X Stealth.

Soul's Strength: The character's buff powers are more potent. Whenever the character's Powers would increase a Secondary Stat by X multiplied by some amount, increase the value of that amount by 1. For example: X becomes 2X, 3X becomes 4X, etc. If a power would increase a Primary Stat, it instead increases the multiplier by 2.

50 Denarii
Robe of the Saint(Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.)
A white hooded robe used to help mask her natural glow, and serve as a travelling outfit. Rumored to be of divine nature, as it mends even when destroyed.
A Set of Throwing Knives: Used to Facilitate Telekinesis Executions
(2d12 + Body/4, 20 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack)

The following is taken from a Therion intelligence report, prior to the coming of the invaders.

Alisha Silverstring, or Maven as the commoners have come to call her, is possibly one of the most dangerous mages to graduate from the Academy to date. Her Dragonkin origin alone, would have ensured her great success in anything she chose. Yet for the longest time, she proved one of the poorest students, showing no passion for anything whatsoever. The sword, the arcane arts…not even the magic of the soul seemed to pique her interest. That is, until her disappearance near the end of her teenage years. No one knows exactly what happened to her at that time, however…when she returned to the academy, it is said that a fire unlike any seen before burned within her eyes.

Soon after her return, Alisha would begin service at a covenant to the gods in addition to her studies at the academy, wherein she took a profound interest in the workings of the mind as well as scripture. Needless to say, the staff and scholars were more than happy…ecstatic in fact, to teach her, one of the most innately talented students had finally risen from their rut, and was finally willing to put her abilities to good use. It was everything they could have hoped for at that time, the opportunity to raise a Dragonkin…who would no doubt go on to accomplish great things, to live up to her destiny. No one cared where her sudden zeal had come from, only that a formerly dispassionate student was now the top of her class. No one could have foreseen what she would have become.

It was expected that she would remain at the academy after her graduation, to continue research in the workings of the mortal mind alongside likeminded scholars. Yet instead, surprisingly to all, Alisha would choose to enlist in the Therion military of all things. The reason cited? “To defend the land of one’s heritage and to purge evil in the hearts of men…” such was her claim. A noble intention surely, however…the execution was hardly anything but. The results of her first assignment would prove such.

A simple reconnaissance mission, tis all it was supposed to be. “Investigate the status of a captured scouting party in the locality of a Badarian Outpost. Report back immediately upon locating them or evidence of their demise.” Her squad succeeded in finding them, them…and an entire battalion of soldiers in the process. Communications ceased at that point in time, and their fate remained unknown until a larger force was mobilized in an attempt to collect their bodies before Badaria’s necromancers could seize them for their purposes. Yet…what the second force found was not the corpses of the fallen, neither of the Badarian battalion nor the Therion scouting parties, but an atrocity.

Proud men and women, save a lucky few, loyal to their respective countries had been reduced to naught but babbling or drooling shells of what they had been, pathetic shadows of their previous selves. A young soldier of the battalion, tall…comely, looked to possess great potential even despite being deluded by the empire’s lies… was said to have approached the commander of the operation with child-like tears in her eyes. “I-I… do you know where I am? I was watching my father in the forge…mother called…and then… Where am I? Why am I here? All I can remember is singing…singing…it won’t stop. Make it stop! Make the singing stop! ” Memory modification…no, eradication, that’s what our magicians determined later on. Nearly half of the child’s life had been stolen from her by force. Her…the rest of the battalion, and even that of the captives To be honest, if not for one lucky scout that, by some fortune, managed to hide themselves away… how such a tragedy came to be might still remain a mystery.

The witness reported the following: “The group had been surrounded, backed into a corner one by one. Yet amongst it all…she, the one whose skin glowed brilliantly, remained calm nonetheless. I was watching from the shadows, preparing to break away to fetch aid…but then, that’s when she burst out into song. A song that seemed to pervade into one’s mind…one that made one remember various things…only to steal them away one by one. It’s by sheer luck that I managed to get away from it, hit my head falling backwards and probably knocked myself out in the process. But when I awoke…this…this was the result of what I had seen.”

Needless to say, soldiers were immediately dispatched, by direct order of the queen, to locate and reclaim one of Crolia’s most powerful…yet atrocious creations upon such a testimony. Yet squad after squad returned, the orders having been erased from their minds time and time again. It wasn’t until a member of the royal assassins, fortunate enough to take the Dragonkin by surprise in its slumber, that she was finally retrieved and made to explain herself. Her testimony was as follows:

“Once I was an individual without passion or purpose. I wandered throughout the days with little sense of direction as I watched evil ones perform their evil acts without any remorse in their hearts whatsoever, having self-justified their actions long ago. However, one day I happened upon an epiphany. Those who perform evil deeds, do so only out of evil motivations that drive them to perform such. Thus, if such motivations were removed, would they not perform evil anymore? Hate not the sinner, but the sin. If I take away the intentions that drive them to do evil, would I not redeem them from performing any more evil deeds? I mean no harm in my actions Milady, I merely desire to see the cleansed world foretold by scripture unfold upon my beloved homeland, even if it requires me to take all the world’s evil into myself.”

…Diagnosis by the wizards suggests that magical modification was performed upon her at one point, though it is unclear when and how. As for her fate however, soon after her testimony she was publicly “exiled” for her atrocities…but in truth reassigned to the Queen’s personal task force. To this date, she has been stationed in a secluded covenant hidden amongst the mountains, to await further orders in the event of a national crisis. However, it is this agent’s fervent hope that such a thing never comes to pass.

With the invasion of the orcs, and the arrival of both aliens and demons…Alisha was recalled alongside many others into active service. And as to the an orcish raiding party that sought to take advantage of defenseless “sisters”… those are now planting turnips in the frosty snow.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Another girl, with RJ.

Name: Liezelotte Karieda Bachsmien
Class: Spirit
Race: Part-Demon
Sex: Girly girl

Body: 30
Mind: 12
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 91
Speed: 17
Dodge: 51
Armor: 1
Resistance: 28
Perception: 20
Stealth: 17
Grapple: 30

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Exceptional (+8 spirit)
Exceptional (+6 body and +2 spirit)
Soul Sense
Soul Sense
(Flaw) Hard to Hit
(Flaw) Resistant
(Flaw) Massive Energy Pool
(Spirit class) Psion

Open Soul
Demon Lover
(Race) Mutated
(Race) Tainted Bloodline

Whip-tongue: +2 pleasure damage from giving head
Soft-skin: +2 pleasure damage from non-head foreplay
Sadist: d4+1 pleasure damage when hurting something
Vestigial Wings > Wings> Greater Wings: Has wings and can fly and all that


Spirit Ceiling: 18

Wielder Aptitudes:
Harmful Spirit
Master Blaster


Fell Might: The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X-2 EP and X - 4 HP upkeep every turn. The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls so long as this power is active. They also gain a +X bonus to Perception.

Devil's Lightning: The character pays X EP. All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 4) * X damage.

Hellfire Blast: The character pays X EP, then chooses one of the following effects: 1) A directed attack against any one creature within line of sight of the character that deals (1d6 + 4) * X damage. 2) An explosion that deals (1d6 + 3) * X to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight of the character, or a 90-degree cone in front of her. 3. A touch attack for (1d6+5) * X damage.

Gorgon's Gaze: Caster pays 2+X. Target must win a resistance roll against 5X or be turned to stone. The DC does not get a d20 roll.

Telepathy: If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature, across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP, and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, and the character can control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Mind Cutter: (2d8 + 1) * X damage to one target within 50 feet. Only half of their AV applies against the damage. Mental blading huzzah. Lieze's favorite power.

Telekinesis: 1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet, and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 5 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per turn. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Empathy: Character pays one of the three varied costs and things happen. Target can resist the effects with a Resistance check. Neither target gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. 4 SP causes the target to take an equal amount of HP or PP damage when the caster takes said damages. 8 SP allows the caster to transfer the damages to the target of the power instead of taking them herself. 6 SP links two other creatures and cause them to damage each other like the 4 SP version.


Weapons and Armor
+64 to hit with powers
Executioner's Axe (Polearm): (+30)[2d10 + 18]
Stiletto: (+30)[2d6+15]
Badarian Handcannon (+30)[4d10 and 8-point AV ignore]

Fine Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Other Stuff
Spare dress
Small selection of dried foods fit for a lady
Make-up stuffs
Small mirror
50 cash

Fluffy stuff

Background: From some nameless province in the western Badaria hails Lady Liezelotte Karieda Bachsmien. A daughter of a demonic father and a human mother, she has lived in luxury for her entire life, almost pampered by the strangely doting father. This was further boosted by the fact that the father had taken over a small domain, allowing him to abuse the residents with his power and get whatever he demanded from them. Many of these things were used to grant luxuries to Liezelotte, and the girl began to see humans as mere possessions somewhere along the line, furthering her separation and bringing out her love towards demons.

But even with his power, the father was not able to prevent the destruction of his domain in the alien invasion. The relentless invaders scoured the realm clean, killing off the demonic defense force and Liezelotte's father while abducting all the females. The princess herself had been sent away before the atrocities could happen to her though. When she could reach the area again, nothing worthy of her attention remained. After having scavenged the remains of their luxurious mansion for useful things, the half-demon departed, not sure what to do with her life. Maybe some strange events will bring her some amusement in this boring travelling.

Biography: Possessing a noble and ladylike countenance, Liezelotte can turn from her demure standard state to a tantrum of violence and verbal abuse in barely a moment's notice. Her outbursts were a thing of terror to the servants of her former mansion, more often than not ending in bloodshed. The girl still possesses this particular trait, and it is triggered quite easily with even the smallest slight or denial, making her difficult to be around with. The princess is used to getting what she wants. Humans in particular are easily on the receiving end of this, since the half-demon still has her mindset about humans being mere playthings and servants to the more powerful, noble demons. Aliens are also a thing of hate for her, usually getting eliminated as fast as possible. Demons, on the other hand, are met with strange courtesy unless they are obviously brutish types. And as if all this was not bad enough, the blonde demoness has absolutely no scruples about behaviours. Murder, lying, torture, blackmail, backstabbing... the princess has no qualms with these things, using any means necessary to get her mind.

A beauty in almost all standards, Liezelotte possesses doll-like facial features. Her body is lean, pale and equally balanced in all areas, the only personal dislike being her average breast size. In character with her noble upbringing, she uses make-up and uses fine dresses and hats with plenty of lacy frills all over. Red eyes gaze from behind a fan when the girl is looking around, hiding most of her face while her long blonde hair hangs behind her. Underneath the dress, there is a garter belt and boots. Unusually for someone of her status, Liezelotte carries an assortment of things with her, most prominently her weaponry. Behind her back is a huge, crescent-bladed axe that had always been her favorite toy when dealing with unruly servants. On a thigh holster underneath her dress, she carries another piece. A dagger, resembling a large needle more than anything. The third piece of kit is hanging from a holster on her belt, an absolutely terrifying badarian gun. This sizey blaster was given to the girl one time as a birthday gift by the father, and she found it to her liking after blowing a hole in a disobedient servant's body with it. The bat wings behind the princess' back are not too large, but still work to propel her around as desired. This slightly hampers her dress style,forcing her to use open-backed dresses or cut some room into them.



4 xp for killing things with fire and mind blades
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Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Skye Seawolf (Naomi Wolfe)
Class: Warrior
Race: Half-Vampire from Badaria
Sex: Female

Body: 34+6+2 = 42
Mind: 6+2+2 = 10
Spirit: 10+2 +8 = 20

Hit Points (HP): 77
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 41
Spirit Energy (EP): 66
Speed: 20
Dodge: 36 (40 vs. enemy with a weapon, Skye has more than 1 weapon or 0 weapons); (46 w/ one weapon in use, enemy no weapons); (50 w/ one weapon in use, enemy weapon).
Armor: 6 (1 for clothes + 5 for pain resistant)
Resistance: 21 (33 against any attempts to control or alter actions, such as dominated, charmed, horny). (also +2 resisting EP dmg?)
Perception: 20 (32 for locating treasure!)
Stealth: 25
Grapple: 30 (50 for getting out of escaping grapples, submission holds, and bindings only).

Experience: 0 (8 spent on Pain Resistant talent; 2 spent on Body points, 2 spent on Mind points).
Corruption: 0

1. Healthy - Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.
2. Stealthy
The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple check against their target, and if they win this check the target is automatically placed into a Submission Hold.
3. Greater Energy Pool - Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.
4. Skill w/ One-handed swords - +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
5. Duelist - +10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand, and nothing in the other.
6. Natural Spirit Wielder - Demonologist.
7. Strong of Spirit - +8 to Spirit.
8. Skilled (2) - 6 more skills.
9. Pain Resistant - The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin. Increase the character's AV by 5.

Racial 1. Open Soul - The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Racial 2. Fetish:Feeding -
1/2. Mutated (2) - 3 mutations of your choice (6).
3. Infertile - The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
4. Poor Grappler - -12 Grapple.
5. Fey Lover - Any pleasure dealt to the character by Fey creatures is increased by +8.

1. Half-Vampire
(The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. All damage against the character is reduced to 1/4. Attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation, they can also inject venom while feeding. This can either be extremely painful, or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten, at the players choice. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP. The character can see perfectly in non-supernatural darkness). (No Daylight Weakness or Selfish Flaw).
2. Naturally Supernatural
The character was born supernatural, but don’t cause as much corruption as a demon or similar creatures would. They are immune to corruption as the Supernatural mutation, but only corrupt others as if they had the Warped mutation.
3. Sadist - The character takes 1d4+1 PP damage each time she inflicts health damage to something. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance.
4. Soft-Skin - Your character causes +2 pleasure during non-oral foreplay.
5/6. Whip-Tongue (2) - +4 pleasure damage during oral foreplay.
7. Fearsome Maw
The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 PP damage whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +6 damage.
8. Venomous Attack (Charmed)
The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation.
9. Night Eyes - Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.


1. Terrify
Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this check, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this check as well.
2. Strong-Willed
The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.
3. Disarm
The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding unless they win a Resistance check against the character, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist.
4. Head Over Heels
When the character makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon, they can choose not to do damage and instead knock the creature that they’re attacking to be knocked Prone. Creatures knocked prone in this manner take 10 points of damage that ignores AV.
5. Lightning Strikes
The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack roll and a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.
6. Quick Draw - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
7. Death from the Draw
The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
8. Sudden Strike
The character can take a -10 penalty to Dodge, attack, and damage until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -6 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win those attacks count as sneak attacks. Unlike normal sneak attacks, these attacks do not automatically hit.
9. Escape Artist (Passive) - The character gets a +20 to Grapple for the purpose of getting out of escaping grapples, submission holds, and bindings only. Requires Poor Grappler.
10. Nose for Treasure - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.
11. Fencer (Passive) -
You are more adept at facing an enemy that wields a weapon, as such you have a better chance at parrying and dodging their attacks as well as delivering your own. When fighting against an enemy wielding a weapon of any kind you gain +4 bonus to Dodge against their attacks, gain a +4 bonus to attack, and deal an additional +4 damage per attack. Requires Duelist.

Spirit Ceiling: 13

Form of the Swarm
The character's body dissolves into a legion of tiny creatures of the casters choosing. Be it bees, locusts, rats, ants, bats, spiders, butterflies, or what-have you, the character becomes a swarm of them.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character can move at their Speed, but can fly and can generally get around obstacles very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. As such, directed attacks against the character have no effect. Area of effect attacks deal ½ of their normal damage. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form and falls to the nearest available location.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use Powers other than this one, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.
Gorgon's Gaze
The character lets their gaze linger on one creature within line of sight. A brief focusing of their energies and the targeted creature can be turned to stone and instantly killed.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The creature must win a Resistance check against the character or be turned to stone.
Summon Demon
The character summons a demon to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 3 * X * T EP, where X = the number of creatures that you would like to summon and T = the tier of the creature, which is indicated for each possible summon.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Soldier, Stalker or Goblin
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. Require that the character make them orgasm at least once as additional payment once their task is complete. Male characters will get female versions, while female characters can choose either or.
2) Succubus or Sorceress
Tier 2 creatures capable of using magic. Require that they be able to feed on the energy of another, though they will prefer the character who summoned them. The character can choose between a male or female version of this creature when they summon it.
3) Knight
Tier 3 warriors dressed in black plate armor. Require only that the task they are set on be meeting a goal that the demon shares, such as the release of another demon or the fall of an angel or a powerful faerie. Unlike other demons, only one Knight can be summoned at a time.
4) Greater Darkwalker, Greater Tentacle Horror, Nightmare, or Hellhound
Tier 3 monsters with great physical power. They require a host for their spawn in exchange for their service, and if the summoner is female they will prefer her over any other possible bearers.
5) Demon Lord
Tier 4 beings of immense power and unfathomable malevolence and/or insanity. Their price varies and is determined when they are summoned, but it is always high and almost always bad for the character that summons them in the long run. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
6) Nightmare Lord
Tier 4, and one of the most powerful beings in all creation. Only the angels are said to rival them in power. Their price is always the same: A woman to impregnate and a gateway to the mortal world for their true form. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.

: Scimitar, Badarian Revolver in holster, Clothes, Nose ring, Necklace, Bandana
1. Clothes - AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
2. Scimitar (One Handed Sword) - 2d6 + Body/2 (+16 to attack rolls for skill with scimitar and fencer and +6 to damage rolls for duelist and fencer).
3. Badarian Revolver - 2d8 + 4, 50 foot range, 5 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV (+4 to attack rolls and +6 to damage rolls for duelist and fencer).

OOC Stuff: Vampire Pirate Captain. What more needs to be said.

Biography and Appearance

Skye has short, shoulder length red-orange hair, often pulled back by a bandana. She wears a gold nose ring and wears a skull pendant around her neck attached to a leather necklace. Her attire varies depending on the weather, but she generally wears leather britches with a tunic and a black vest under her crimson overcoat. Like any other vampire, she has fangs, but they only show when she wants them to - or if she smiles widely. Her skin is lightly tanned, and her build is athletic but thin, about 5'9" tall. Her body is very attractive, but she rarely wears clothes that accentuate it.

Naomi Wolfe was brought up in Badaria, fifth daughter to a blacksmith and a loving mother. Unlike her sisters, Naomi loved working with steel in her father's workshop, sneaking out out of other chores and school whenever she could to help make swords and train on her own. For his part, Naomi's father took her in and trained her like the son he never had. All she ever dreamed of was to be a blacksmith, fashioner of fine steels for the noble classes - that is until one fateful night that turned her world upside down and ripped her life asunder. On that night, Naomi awoke with a start in the middle of the night, the smell of smoke heavy in the air and the sky ablaze with fire. As she got out of bed, head throbbing from what must have been an explosion all she could hear was chaos and a general scream of people outside, "Pirates!!" The redhead dashed outside to her beloved forge only to find a horrifying sight, her parents slaughtered on the ground and a group of pirates dancing about the place, rounding up her precious swords! In her night clothes, the redhead picked up one of her swords and shouted at the pirate captain. They jeered and taunted her, but the girl stood firm, pointing her sword at the captain's chest, enraged. They fought and she held her own for a while, more so than many of the pirate's notorious foes, but eventually he overtook her with his dirty tricks. Instead of killing her or worse, the pirate abducted her to serve as his personal blacksmith, and that was how Naomi Wolfe became a member of Vaodred's infamous pirate crew. Naomi quickly became a treasured member of the crew, and Vaodred made it known that no one could have her unless they could beat her in a dual. Many tried but none suceeded, and she developed quite a reputation with the crew. Naomi's adventures with Vaodred's men were numerous, fearsome, and fantastic - but those have been recorded elsewhere of course. For our story, the next fateful night came when Naomi met a vampire after ransacking a village off the coast of Badaria. He didn't take her with his teeth, however but with his charm. Naomi met with him in secret for weeks, but one night, Vaodred caught them in the act and shot the vampire on the spot. Not knowing he was a vampire, Vaodred left him to die, telling Naomi to get ready to meet the sharks at the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately for the vampire, death was creeping up fast on him, and his life drained away in Naomi's arms. After he died, the vampire tried to join his soul with Naomi forever to turn her into a full vampire. However, being an untrained spirit user, Naomi wasn't a proper host, and her body rejected him, spasming on the wooden floor. Part of her vampire lover's soul was embedded in her, but the other part was lost, tearing the vampire's soul asunder and leaving Naomi as a half-vampire. Enraged, Naomi stormed out of the cabin with her newfound powers and massacred the captain and much of the crew, ravaging them for their blood and staring down the few survivors with a gaze of pure malice.

It was from that point forward that Naomi Wolfe became Skye Seawolf, terror of the Badarian seas. Her ship, The Seawolf, sails with deep red sails, often leaving a litter of dead bodies in the wake of her travels. Though, the stories say that the fate for those captured by the Seawolf are much worse, too horrible to speak of! Of course, as a vampire, Captain Skye has to get her life essence from somewhere, and captured souls offer easy pickings. Skye often tires of feasting off of the same poor souls every day though and sails in search of new victims, many times traveling on land in search of more delicate flesh to feast on. The Seawolf crew pillages and plunders like any other pirate ship, but Skye largely leaves the loot to the desires of her crew as long as they leave the bodies to her. Without a true friend in the world, Skye is a ruthless captain with many tales and stories preceding her. But somewhere deep inside her tortured soul, Naomi Wolfe still lives. Perhaps that's why some of her captives get to live instead of meeting a quick death at the hands of her ravenous hunger.
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Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Iggy Vulpes:
Name: Iggy Vulpes
Class: Spirit Weilder
Race: Human
Sex: Male

Body: 10
Mind: 8
Spirit: 32

Hit Points (HP): 50 (30+20)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 29
Spirit Energy (EP): 139 (41+8+20+20+20+20)
Speed: 2 (10-8)
Dodge: 25
Armor: 0
Resistance: 8 (16-8)
Perception: 18
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10


-Massive Energy Pool
-Natural Succubus (Spunky)
-Greater Energy Pool
-Greater Energy Pool
-Greater Energy Pool

-Open Soul

-Soft Skin
-Fetish (Feet)
-Giving Soul
-Giving Soul
-Giving Soul
-Tail (Fluffy Soft Brown Fox Tail)
-Funny Ears (Fluffy Soft Fox Ears)

Spirit Ceiling: 28
-Life Leech
-Call Spirit
-Aspect of Spirit

Nothing but a smile~.

Deep in an underground facility near Achron, there is a special breeding program to make the perfect slave for succubi everywhere. After years of breeding, only one slave has escaped. This slave is that of the mutated human boy, with features like that of a fox's. He had finally escaped the countless days of embarrassing conditioning experiments, and his regular breeding schedule with the other subjects. His hope was to escape this destiny and start a somewhat normal life as he ran naked through the forests toward Achron.

The OOC section:
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Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Kiera
Class: Warrior
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 24 + 4 = 28
Mind: 12
Spirit: 14 + 4 = 18

Hit Points (HP): 28 + 6 + 7 + 20 = 61
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 14 + 12 + 9 = 35
Spirit Energy (EP): 14 + 6 + 18 = 38
Speed: 17 – 1 = 16
Dodge: 29 + 10 = 39
Armor: 5
Resistance: 14
Perception: 17
Stealth: 17 – 1 = 16
Grapple: 28 + 12 = 40

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Heavy Weapons Specialist
Grapple Expert
Natural Spirit User
Hard to Hit

Open Soul
Demon Lover
Tainted Bloodline


Supreme Might (Trade points from attack roll to increase damage)
Untemptable (+10 to Resistance checks against succubus powers)
Strong Willed (+5 to Resistance checks against controlling or altering actions)

Spirit Ceiling: 6 – 1 = 5
Summon Demon
Gorgon's Gaze (Pay 4 + x EP; Creature must win resistance check of 5X.)
Vampiric Futanari (Pay 2 EP to grow a cock! :D )

50 Denarii
Great Axe (2d10 + 3 + 14)
Leather Armor (AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3)

Cursed with demons or something.

I dunno, I'll type it up later.

The OOC section:
Her picture:


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: The Harlequin
Class: Harlequin (Warrior)
Race: Full Demon

Body: 46
Mind: 28
Spirit: 6

Hit Points (HP): 63
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 54
Spirit Energy (EP): 43
Speed: 29
Dodge: 47 (57 when dueling, 67 when defensive stance))
Armour: 7
Resistance: 23
Perception: 21
Stealth: 29
Grapple: 46

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Hard to hit
Skill with Weapon (Small Blades)
Natural Mage (Focus in Light)
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)


Whip-Tongue (x3) (+6 oral foreplay damage )
Soft Skin (x2) (+4 non-oral foreplay damage
Tight (x2) (+4 penetration damage)
Sadist (take 1d4+1 pleasure damage when deal damage)

Hypnotize - Once every three rounds, the character can make an opposed Mind check against a single enemy. If they win, their opponent loses their next action.

Base Casting: 14 (24 from light school)
Spells: Level 1 utility powers, Light School

Succubus Powers:

Drain Through Pain (on damage, drain 2d6+mod EP from enemy)
Desperate Avoidance (Can spend EP to boost dodge by double EP spent)
Charm (Pay 6EP, charm enemy)

Skills: List your skills which you get to choose below.

Thief (can disarm traps etc.)
Defensive Stance (+10 dodge, no attacks, counter enemies who miss)
Battlemage (use body rather than mind to hit with spells)
Quick Draw (Can draw weapons for free)
Death from the Draw (+6 attack and damage on weapon draw)
Lightning Strikes (-12 attack, -6 damage, attack 3 times)
Smite (Spend EP for damage boost, 1 for 1 on all attacks that round. Max 10)
Terrify (On kill, enemies who saw it make resistance check vs fear, if fail cannot attack that round. If fail twice in a fight, surrender/flee)

The weapons and armour you have, along with any other minor items you gain in your travels.
Please list them as either:

(dagger)Amadeus (+52) [2d6+22] {Slashing or Piercing Damage}
(dagger)Ludwig (+52) [2d6+22] {Slashing or Piercing Damage}

A matching pair of curved daggers, named after the sweet music they create when their victim screams.

(Throwing Knives) Shakespearian Tragedy {Lear, Coriolanus, Macbeth, Othello & Hamlet} (+52) [2d12+12] {On hit, DC 36 resistance vs blind, copy other stats from thread}

A set of six matching throwing knives, each of a delicate design; they take their names from a series of dramatic works about the same kind of violence and betrayal they are often used in.

Armour [AV = Armour Value; EV = Encumbrance Value; TP = Tearing Points; DU = Durability]
(Battlemage Robes) The Lost Monet [AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1. ]

Fine demon-crafted armour in a mock style stolen from the elves, this armour was forged from the essence of a lost artistic masterpiece, stolen by a greedy and evil power never to be recovered. This armour is decorated to blend seamlessly into The Harlequin's typical costume.

Minor item [quantity in digits]

140 Denarii

3 x Juggling Balls
3 x Juggling Torches


The Harlequin, as she is commonly known is a real piece of work amongst demons. Ruthless and malicious, she takes great pleasure in causing pain and suffering of others, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. She has a wide array of skills and talents to facilitate this and given the opportunity will always pick the one that does the most damage.

A lover of theatrics, she is often flamboyant and showy, especially in a fight where her techniques not only defeat but ridicule her opponent, often in such a brutal manner that it demoralises others; for despite all her bravado she is an incredibly elusive target. She is also far from incapable of stealth; after all, the best dramatic entrance requires patience, timing and not being seen until the moment in question; the last thing many have seen is her grinning face plummeting towards them with a blade flashing in her hand.

She stands at around five and a half feet tall, her bright red hair typically tied into bun behind her head and entirely covered up by the purple cap she wears over her head; which covers everything down to her neck save her face. A golden mask covers her eyes, obscuring her features further save for a cruel smile almost permanently painted onto her bright red lips. What little of her skin that is visible is incredibly pale; most mortals would require some form of powdered makeup to achieve this colour.

Her body shape is light but athletic, and typically covered by a deceptively protective suit of armour protecting her vitals. While the bottom of her neck opens out to a section of bare skin, allowing her to show off a modest bust, to further distract opponents, she insists, the rest of her body is covered in a mostly skin-tight suit of purple and gold patterned stripes. It fans out into a short skirt around her waist but her legs are also covered by the same pattern down to the pair of boots upon her feet. Out from under that skirt often extends a long, prehensile tail, which pokes out a small gap in the back of her pants covered by the slight skirting of her top.
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King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Another Character concept. Put in another post because it would bring the previous one over the character limit.

Name: Hammehra the Beguiler
Class: Incubus
Race: Full Demon
Sex: Yes Please

Body: 10 (5)
Mind: 10 (5)
Spirit: 54 (27)

Hit Points (HP): 42 (10 + 5 + 27)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42 (5 + 10 + 27)
Spirit Energy (EP): 64 (5 + 5 + 54)
Speed: 10 (aprox 10)
Dodge: 37 (5 + 5 + 27)
Armor: 0
Resistance: 30 (Spirit + 3 Lucky)
Perception: 26 (aprox 23.238 + 3 Lucky)
Stealth: 9 (aprox 10 - 4 + 3 Lucky)
Grapple: 13 (Body + 3 Lucky)

Unarmed Damage: 2d12 + 5
Foreplay Pleasure: 2d4 + 32 (aprox 13.5 + 12 + 6)
Penetration Pleasure: 2d8 + 36 (aprox 18 + 12 + 6)
Lucky: +3 to all non-damage rolls (already calculated above)

Experience: -

1 Natural Spirit Wielder - Demonologist: Despite his one track mind, Hammehra knows a few magical powers of his kind. He knows Form of the Swarm, Summon Demon and Hellfire Blast
2 Superior Spirit Wielder - Spirit Warrior: Hammehra has also picked up a couple of tricks from some warrior women he has seduced in the past. He knows Flight, Battle Aura and Instant Transmission.
3 Spunky: Instead of using Body as the base stat for determining the amount of pleasure damage he deals, Hammerha uses Spirit.
4 Enthrall: A creature made to orgasm by Hammerha must win a Resistance check against him, or be unable to take any further actions against him for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check. Creatures enthralled by Hammerha will follow his orders given as long they don't deviate too radically from what the creature would reasonably do.
5 Suck you Dry: Hammehra deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever he performs any type of foreplay.
6 Fuck Me: Hemmehra deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever he is engaged in penetrative sex.
7 Lucky: Hammehra is blesses, and has a +3 bonus to all non-damage rolls.
8 Natural Mage - Focus in Arcane: Hammehra ca cast up to 5th level Arcane spells. +10 to all Casting checks for those spells, they deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level and round up instead of down, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.

Racial Lustful: Hammehra is an incurable womanizer, and seeks to bring pleasure to all of the female gender.
Racial Mutate: Hammehra isn't human, and has a number of odd physical features.
Racial Fertile: Hammehra is twice as likely to impregnate women as most other supernatural. Roll Twice!
1,2,3 Mutated: Definitely not human.

Physical Mutations:
Racial Tail:
Like many demons, Hammehra has a spaded tail.
Racial Dangerous Tail: It is sharp, and he can use it to deal unarmed attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but has a -3 penalty to the attack roll. Using their tail to attack is optional.
Racial Natural Attack: Hammehra's unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + 5 damage.
Racial Venomous Tail: Hammehra's tail secretes a a powerful contact poison when fluffy. He may poison someone with an attack with it, but deals -10 damage. His target must make a resistance check against him or become Paralyzed.
Racial Corrupting Venom: Hammehra's tail venom can also cause corruption equal to the amount of damage he would have dealt without penalties (+10). In addition, Hammehra can choose to deal attacks that cause no damage to the recipients when using this ability.
1 Double-cock: Two dicks are better than one! Hammehra has two titans in his trousers.
2 Multy-Orgasmic: When Hammehra cums, he cums buckets. When he orgasms, reset his PP level to max - 10.
3 Pheromones: -4 to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex.
4,5,6 Large: Hammerha is a big boy. He deals +6 Pleasure in penetrative sex.
7,8,9 Whip-tongue: Hammehra's tongue is very long and agile. The lucky lady that gets his mouth's attention takes +6 Pleasure.
10,11,12 Soft Skin: Hammehra has magic fingers. He deals +6 Pleasure during foreplay.

Special Mutations
Racial Supernatural:
Hammehra is magical in nature. He does not take corruption, and causes any pleasure he deals to another creature to cause an equal amount of corruption in them.
Racial Demon: Hammehra is a demon. He gains resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Racial Shapeshifter: Hammehra can change his physical form in many ways, but doesn't out of incurable narcissism.
Class Soul Eater: Hammehra is a type of demon that must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. He cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever he is at 1 EP, he must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences via sex (so basically how he acts all the time). Whenever he deals pleasure to a woman, he drains half as much EP from that woman. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as Hammehra is not at 1 EP, he can willingly suppress this effect (if he wants).


Base Casting: 5
Favored Elements: Arcane

Spirit Ceiling: 13 (aprox 12.8)
Hellfire Blast: X EP either:
[*]deals (1d6 + 5) * X damage to one creature within line of sight, or
[*]deals (1d6 + 3) * X damage to all creatures within 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight
Form of the Swarm: 6 EP, transform into a swarm of Swallows.
Summon Demon: EP cost is variable, and it summons another Demon or more that will require payment. When bored, he summons a menage of Soldiers, Stalkers or Golbins to have sex with, and pays with sex.
Flight: 5 EP, upkeep 1 EP/round. Grants flight at twice movement speed while active
Battle Aura: X EP. X - 2 EP upkeep every round, bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance. Cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks.
Instant Transmission Can teleport himself and anyone he's touching to any location that he has been previously, or can see from where they are.
[*]Out of combat, 6 EP, and teleports to any location previously been to or can currently see.
[*]In combat, X EP, teleport to any location up to 15X feet away from current location they can see.

Succubus Powers:
Charm: For 10 EP, Hammehra chooses one target creature within 20 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against him, or gain the Charmed status.
Dazzling Beauty (Passive): Hammehra is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see him take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat, and whenever he deals Pleasure damage to one of the ladies, it is increased by +6.
Self Control: Sometimes, Hammehra has to do a marathon of sex. He can attempt to resist orgasm when not resisting whatever pleasure he is receiving. He must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding his PP. His PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if he wins the check, and any pleasure he deals for that round is increased by 10. If he loses that check, he orgasms normally.

Pants, shirt, shoes, cape, and a plethora of mementos form his lovers.

In an ancient times, a number of wars were caused by a lesser noble's conniving schemes. As it turned out, he had summoned a demon to aid him in taking the throne of some minor kingdom. Hammehra instead brought about tension among the nobles by inadvertently convincing nearly every lord, duke, king and prince in the area that is now Badaria in thinking their spouses and mistresses were cheating on them. It took thirty bloody years of war before people caught on to who the real adulteree was, and a strike team of Angels was sent to slay him. He was never heard from again.

As it turned out, the Angels had not killed him. They had all been women, and he managed to seduce them. Instead, they decided to seal him away, trapped in a magic jar locked in a chest, within a vault behind a secret door, in a cavern, led into by a hole at the top of a hill covered by a massive stone. He agreed, if only because he has a lot of trouble saying 'no' to a pretty face.

Of course, secrets are difficult to keep. Maybe an angel got drunk and blabbed, and another angel comes to finish the job! Or perhaps his lovers started a sex cult, and their decadents are looking for him. Or maybe a treasure hunter has stumbled onto the Demon King's greatest gift to mortals.

Physical Description
Hammehra looks like a typical human male that decided to stuff his pants with two pairs of socks. He has short blond hair, a subtle moustache, sun-kissed tan and a well chiselled physique. Damn, he looks fine!

The OOC section:
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Celeste, Crolian Mage/Succubus
Name: Celeste
Class: Mage
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 14
Mind: 40
Spirit: 20

Hit Points (HP): 44 (14 + 20 + 10)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 57 (7 + 40 + 10)
Spirit Energy (EP): 47 (7 + 20 + 20)
Speed: 20 (12 + 8)
Dodge: 37
Armor: 1
Resistance: 20
Perception: 12 (20 - 8)
Stealth: 10 (12 - 2)
Grapple: 14

Experience: 6
Corruption: 0

Exceptional x3 (+24 stat points)
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Natural Succubus: Succubus Magic
Experienced Caster: The character can cast up to 3rd level spells in any Element.
Evoker: Whenever the character casts a spell that deals damage, increase the effective spell level of that spell by 1 for the purpose of determining how much damage the spell does. This has no effect if the character casts a spell that can either heal or do damage and the character chooses to heal.
Concentration: The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.
Focus in Water: Cast up to 5th level Water spells, +10 casting checks, +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level.
Superior Succubus: Enthrall: A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against them or gain the Charmed status, except that the status lasts for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check and resets the duration as if they had used Charm on their partner.
Inherent Succubus: Energetic Foreplay
Manifested Succubus: Deny Release

Oblivious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Perception stat.
Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Mutated: (Pheromones, Multi-Orgasmic, Sadist)
Fetish (Foreplay): The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.

Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.
Multi-Orgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value rather than full.
Sadist: The character takes 1d4+1 PP damage each time she inflicts health damage to something. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance.
Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
Soul Eater - The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

Base Casting: 28 (20 + 8)
Favored Elements: Water
Magic Feats:
Maximize Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 2 EP in order to cause the damage dice for any spell to be treated as if they’d rolled the maximum possible result.
Quicken Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 4 EP and take a -10 penalty to casting for their round in order to cast an additional spell per round. Other activated metamagic feats cannot be used in the same turn as this metamagic feat.
Borealcaster (Water) – Spells that deal damage of the Cold type deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, and those spells that have a check to cause their targets to become Weakened gain a +8 bonus to their checks. Requires Focus in Water.

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.
Lead from the Bottom (Passive) : The character only takes 1d4 damage when resisting pleasure, and gains a +10 bonus to Resistance when determining how much PP damage is negated. In addition, as long as the character isn't unconscious or otherwise helpless they can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls when a creature penetrating them orgasms.
Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Deny Release: The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the character ceases using this power.
Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10; when performing foreplay the maximum value is increased by 1 for every partner brought to orgasm or each time deny release is activated but resets if this character goes more than 3 rounds without performing foreplay on another character.

37 denarii
Skimpy Dress (Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2)
Dagger: 2d6 + 7
Unarmed: 2d4 + 3

Standing 5'10", Celeste would be imposing, if not for her generally pleasant demeanor and reputation for ditziness. Her long blonde hair falls to her waist, and frames her curvy hourglass figure perfectly. Her large breasts, shapely legs, and round butt always draws eyes. Her blue eyes sparkle with mischief and her lips often curve into a smirk. She prefers to wear revealing dresses, kept immaculately clean at all times, in addition to high black stockings.

Impatient, impulsive, and gullible. All words that describe Celeste, but none which should describe a mage. Especially one talented enough to garner special attention at the Croalian Academy. After all, she had been there almost her whole life and still hadn't managed to shake off these most unbecoming of traits. In fact, these traits have become synonymous with her name, almost as much as her proclivity towards the magical arts are. So much so, that she was rather often the victim of pranks, both naughty and mean, yet she never managed to learn her lesson, always trusting people she shouldn't. It was this overly trusting nature that changed her life, after nearly ending it.

A group of young mage apprentices in the Academy, some of the most disreputable in the school, approached Celeste one afternoon and asked for her help with a ritual. When asked what it was, they told her it was to summon and bind a succubus, one of the types of demons who had recently invaded Badaria. Interested in seeing such a dangerous creature, as well as what the boys intended to do with it, Celeste agreed and followed immediately. The preparation was intriguing to the young sorceress, and she spent so much time inspecting the various magical sundries involved, she didn't notice the dirty leers and comments directed at her, nor the locking of the doors and windows. When the ritual began, the boys asked Celeste to stand in the middle of the circle they had formed, for the summoning of the succubus required the presence of a young, attractive woman, such as herself. Grinning at the compliments, she knelt in the center and waited while they began to chant and focus their magics. It wasn't until the boys stood and approached her, hands furiously working their hard members which they pointed at her, that she realized something was wrong. The ritual was never meant to summon a succubus, but to change Celeste into one! She panicked, and released a burst of energy, but rather than harm the boys surrounding her, it interacted with the ritual's magic and succeeded in summoning a succubus, which appeared in Celeste's lap.

Although this was the first time any of the young mages had ever seen an actual succubus, they all realized right away that the being before them was one of the demonkind. Besides being extraordinarily beautiful, she had the long spade-ended tail, curled demonic horns, and bat-like wings common to her kind, but a number of other less common features as well. Her silver hair was ear-length, but she had three long purple locks falling down past her shoulders, one at the part in her bangs, and the others just before each of her pointed ears. A small tattoo graced her bottom, a crescent moon with small stars inside of it, purple like the distinctive locks of hair. Likewise were her eyes purple, but they seemed to shimmer and glow slightly, as though a hidden power was barely being held within.

The succubus, surprised by her sudden appearance in the room just as much as everyone else, gaped around for a second until one of the stunned boys lost control and released himself, his seed landing on the demoness' face. Grinning at the scene before her, she immediately leaped up and began attacking the boys, draining their spiritual energy in the way demons do. Some tried to resist, others to flee, but they all collapsed finally, under her assault. Once done with the boys, the succubus approached Celeste again, who had still not moved from her position in the center of the ritual circle. "These boys weren't going to be nice to you, so I wasn't nice to them," she said with a smirk. "Would you be nice enough to send me back? I really don't want to be stuck here. I'll even give you a portion of my essence in thanks." At first terrified of the demon, Celeste quickly began to ponder what exactly it would mean to have a portion of the succubus' essence, and agreed, sending the demon back from whence it came. When they were found, Celeste told the Academy's superiors that the boys had summoned the succubus purposefully and then fallen to her wiles, while she alone had managed to fend off the demon and destroy it. None of the boys spoke against her story, too afraid of the consequences of revealing the truth.

At first she felt no different, but after some time, she began to notice some things. While before she had sometimes caught a student eying her body up appreciatively, it was becoming more and more frequent, and even the teachers and townsfolk had taken to staring. Likewise, the naughty pranks increased in frequency, as well as severity. She had found the pranks amusing before, but they were beginning to get out of hand. Her words seemed to carry more weight than ever, and she seemed able to convince people of things they otherwise would never agree to. While not an undesirable effect, it did make her wonder just what else the succubus' essence may have changed about her. She began to study what she could about the demonesses, but could find no concrete answer, only that the succubus she had encountered was not an ordinary example of their kind. Frustrated, she began to look for other sources of information. It wasn't until she heard rumors about the demon invaders taking control of the destroyed Badarian city of Artmirst and making it their own that she began to form a plan.

As luck would have it, the Academy had decided to send a research team to Artmirst, now called Acheron, to learn of why the demon town had managed to remain safe from attack by the alien invaders that had wrought so much havoc in Crolia. Using her reputation as a prodigious mage, as well as her new found ability to sweet talk, Celeste managed to have herself nominated as a researcher. Eager to learn more about her condition, as well perhaps how to control it better, she quickly begins packing her things and preparing for the journey. It would be a long and difficult trip to Acheron, passing through the currently orc controlled areas of Crolia, then into the alien infested Badaria, before finally reaching the demon city.
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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

=Kherem, Kitsune Swordsman=
Name: Kherem
Class: Warrior
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Male

Body : 50
Mind : 22
Spirit: 18

Hit Points(HP): 90
Pleasure Limit(PP): 56
Spirit Energy(EP): 54
Speed: 22
Dodge: 45
Armor: 12, +10 VS Slash, -5 VS Pierce
Resistance: 33, +12 VS Mental/Domination Effects, +2 VS EP Damage
Perception: 20 (22 Base, -2)
Stealth: 29 (22 Base, +7)
Grapple: 50

Corruption: 0/100, 1 Mutation through Corruption
Experience: 32 [Spent], 0 [Unspent], 32 [Total]
6XP from Solo Arena Round 1(Victory VS Goblins)
4XP from Solo Arena Round 2(Victory VS Hellhounds & Ogre)
2XP from Solo Arena Round 3(Loss VS Draconis)
6XP from Team Arena Round 1(Victory VS Demon Knights)
8XP from Team Arena Round 2(Victory VS Prancing Paingivers)
6XP from Team Arena Round 3(Victory VS Blackwing)

8XP Spent on Skilled(+Smith, Flurry & Spirited Warrior)
8XP Spent on Resistant
16XP Spent on Superior Wielder to get Skilled Wielder
+50 Base
+3 from Berserker
+12 if 1H Sword
+8 when using Whirling Death
+10 when using Rage
-4 if Dualwielding

2d6+25 Base(Source: 1H Sword+Body)
+3 Passive(Source: Berserker)
+8 when using Whirling Death
+10 when using Rage
-4 if Dualwielding

-Armor Value-
2 Base (Source: Smith)
+10 from armor, +10 VS Slash, -5 VS Pierce (Source: Chainmail)
+8 when using Whirling Death
+12 when using Scissor Defense
+4 when using Rage
Exceptional*2(+16 Body)
Skilled*2(+6 Skills)
Resistant(+8 Resistance)

Two Weapon Fighter(Can attack with two weapons per round at a -4 Penalty to Attack/Damage Rolls)
Stealthy(+5 Stealth, Successfull sneak attacks deal double damage before armor, automatically hit if Melee or gain +10 to Attack if Ranged, Stealth Grappling gets free check for submission hold)
Skill with 1H Swords(+12 to Attack Rolls w/ 1H Swords)

Nat.Wielder(Shadowmancer: +3 Shadowmancer Powers)
Sup.Wielder(Skilled Wielder: +2 Spirit Ceiling, +1 Spirit Aptitude)

Bloodthirsty(RP): Kherem is unrelenting in combat, refusing to back down whatever the circumstances!
Mutated(Shadowy, Night Eyes, Odd Skin)
Fetish(Kitsunes)(+8PP Damage taken when a Kitsune other than himself is involved)

(R)Fertile(Rolls of +2 equals successful impregnation)
(R)Sensitive(+5PP damage taken)
(R)Tainted Bloodline(x1.5 corruption gain)

Night Eyes(Kherem doesn't take Perception penalties due to low-light conditions)
Shadowy(+2 Stealth, -2 Perception)
Odd Skin(Grey Body Fur)
(C)Multi-Orgasmic(Kherem's PP resets to half of maximum value instead of full when orgasming)

(R)Funny Ears(Grey-Furred Fox Ears)
(R)Tail(Grey-Furred Fox Tail)
(R)Naturally Warped(Does not inflict corruption through sex, does not recieve corruption from Warped creatures)
(R)Shapeshifting(Can hide mutations, or trade one normal mutation for another)
(R)Kitsune Heritage(Can Drain EP through PP damage done like the Soul Eater Mutation. May continue to drain a creature past 0EP for 5 additional rounds, making a Resistance check each round. Winning all Checks results in absorbing the creatures soul, gaining another tail and a bonus to Mind/Spirit, if all 5 checks fail the draining backlashes and the kitsune is reduced to 0EP and the creature gains all the kitsunes EP. Any children concieved will be a Kitsune except under extraordinary circumstances)

Flurry(A) May strike twice with each weapon at a -12 Penalty to Attack and a -6 Penalty to Damage. The attacks may be divided freely amongst targets.

Spirited Warrior(A) May pay XEP to increase Dodge & AV by X and Resistance by 2X, OR increase Attack by 2X, OR increase Damage by 2X. X may not be greater than 10, may divide EP spent among choices. Does not affect EP Ceiling, useable even when Sealed or when wearing a Sealing Collar.

Sudden Strike(A) When attacking in melee, may take a -10 Penalty to Dodge, Attack and Damage until their next turn, to make a Stealth check with a -6 Penalty against their opponent. If they succeed, the attack(s) counts as a sneak attack, except not guaranteed to hit

Guileful Strike(A) May trade Sneak Attack's Double Damage benefit in favor of forcing a Resistance check. If the enemy loses this check they recieve any two of the following status effects, chosen when attacking: Blinded, Stunned, Paralyzed, or Weakened. Even creatures normally immune to sneak attacks take this extra damage.

Scissor Defense(A) Forsaking all attacks the character takes a -10 Penalty to Dodge, but gain +12 Bonus to AV and automatically strike back with both weapons against any enemy that hits them in melee or tries to grapple them. If a grapple, the counter attacks resolve before the grappling

Rage(A) Forsaking dodge entirely, the character gains a +10 Bonus to Attack Rolls, Damage, Grappling and +4 to AV, and can't be afflicted by Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned Statues. The character must attack every turn while raging

Bloodbath(A/P) Can pay 4EP when raging to gain the following benefits; Any successful attack for the round heals 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. In addition, as a passive effect during rage, if the character is hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against a DC equal to the damage above their maximum hit points. If they win, their HP becomes 0 and they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP, but will automatically fall unconscious when their rage or the encounter ends. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit Ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.

Whirling Death(A) The character gains a +8 Bonus to Melee Damage, Attack Rolls and AV, but takes 4 AV Ignoring damage each turn, requires two weapons

Smith(P) +2 to AV, may Smith their own items including creating or improving existing ones at half the retail price.

Strike the Weak Spot(P) Sneak Attacks ignore AV from worn items, but does not ignore Natural Resistances)

Berserker(P) +3 to Attack/Melee Damage

Strong Willed(P) +12 Resistance VS Mental Effects, such as Dominated, Charmed and Horny statues. +2 Bonus when Resisting EP Damage

Spirit Ceiling: 9 (10 Base, +2 from Talent, -3 from Armor)

Dark Armor(Costs X EP, X-2 EP Upkeep)(+3X Melee Damage/Armor/Grapple & +1X Stealth Bonus)(May pay additional 3EP/+1EP Upkeep to gain Flight and double Speed)(Can be used when Bound or in a Submission Hold, Cannot be Countered or Dispelled)
NS Extra: May gain any of the following for 3EP a piece: Tentacles, Razor Fingers, Spider, Dangerous Tail+Venomous Attack(Paralysis) or become able to Phase through walls, Dark Armor now also automatically grant Sneak & Shadow Striker skills.

Patch of Darkness(Pay 5EP)(Creates a field of supernatural darkness within 100 feet range of the character, with an area equal to a 30x30x30 foot cube shaped however the caster desires. Characters not designated as friendly have the Blinded status as long as they remain in the designated area)
NS Extra: May be used as a Move Action for double cost

Shadowstalker(5EP Cost)(The character can move to any position within 100 feet, as long as the movement begins and ends in a spot not under direct light. This movement is completely silent, negating any Perception Checks to detect it unless reappearing in plain view)
NS Extra: May be used as a Move Action for double cost


Nightstalker: When using Dark Armor, the character may choose to gain any of the following for 3 EP each: Tentacles, Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis), or become capable of phasing through walls (as per Phasing), in addition they automatically gain access to the Sneak and Shadow Striker skills. * The character may use Patch of Darkness or Shadowstalker as a move action for double the cost.

123 Denarii

Steel Scimitar: 2d6+28DMG, +65 Hit

Javelins: 4d6+13DMG, +53 Hit, 25ft Range, 4/4 Ammo, Inflicts -4 Speed to struck victims

Chainmail: AV = 10, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 5. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Slashing.
Robes: A Robe to wear over the chainmail

1x Infertility Potion: Imbiber is Infertile for 2 Days
1x Greater Healing Potion: Restores 80HP
2x Healing Potion: Restores 50HP
1x Energy Potion: Restores 50EP
Kherem have no knowledge of whom his father is or what happened to him, only that he were long gone by the time his mother brought him to the world. Clearly not of human descent, Kherem was met with distrust by the other people of the small, isolated badarian village. His mother cared for him at least, as did her father. Born to a simple blacksmith's family, and spurred by his inhuman growth into maturity, he quickly found his place, and his peace, in working the forge. He learned eagerly what his grandparent had to teach him, and not long after he picked up one of the blades he had made with his own hands, further peace found him as he swung, slashed and sliced about with the blade.

As his mind matured to fit his body, he grew adverse of the daylight, the only light he needed was that of the forge. His powers manifesting fully when the invasion came, as the countryside was swarmed by alien creatures. As he saw the creatures come to the village, he did the only thing he could think of. He woke his mother and grandparent, and fled with them, and when surrounded by the creatures, he stepped into the shadows, appearing far away with his now dazed and slightly nauseated family. From here, they managed to stay away from the creatures, thanks to Kherems shadow abilities. They managed to survive until things settled down, and found their way to Lockacre.

Kherem did the only thing he could, he took up smithing once again, forging nails and tools as much as he forged blades, but never armor. Strange as it may be, he felt no connection to plates and mails of armor, and while he found none for simple tools either, at least those he had swallowed his pride to make so that his family could thrive. His grandparent fell ill over the following year, and passed away after having made his peace. By now, the fleeting, adventurous spirit inherent to his kitsune heritage had begun to grow on him, and he made sure that his mother would have enough to go by, and care for herself, as he set out in the world, to forge his own path, with steel in his hand and fire in his heart.

The rest, as per usual procedure, is history.
Kherem stands roughly 7'0'' tall with a lithe physique that gives little hint of his physical strength. His head is adorned with a pair of dark-gray fox ears, and a 5'0'' long tail of similiar coloration can be found above his ass. His body is adorned with thin, smooth fur that matches his ears and tail. His eyes are yellow-orange in color with dark sclera. His hair is cut short, somewhat unevenly as he cuts it himself, and black in color. He got a short and scruffy beard going for him.
Mother lives in Lockacre. Have a deadbeat Father out there thats likely up to no good.

Has come to Acheron in search of both work and a chance to improve his Swordcrafts. I intend for him to have 'dreamvisions' as he sleeps in order for him to get ideas of what to craft.

Would also prefer if he did not recieve the Bakan Treatment(tm) and have bitches fall all over him at every opportunity, as he doesn't need a harem to look after. I am okay with him getting a romp every now and then though, it is Acheron after all.

And I have no particular good idea of what else to write here.​
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Cat girl sniper, because I can.
Name: Raith
Class: Neko Sniper (Warrior)
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 6 + 32 + 8 = 50
Mind: 2 + 8 = 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Speed: 22 + 8 - 1 = 29
Dodge: 35 + 2 = 37
Armor: 4 (5)
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22 + 8 + 3 = 33
Stealth: 22 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 32 (44)
Grapple: 50

Experience: 20 spent 12
Corruption: 0

Gained 2 exp and a Chameleon Skin for stabbing a hunter.
Gained 6 exp, a Chameleon Skin, a greyheart, and a Slime Amber for an effective ambush from the top of a tower.
Sold a Greyheart for 25 denarii, bought a Slime Amber for 45 denarii, traded two Ambers for increasing the range of the carbine by 20 feet and two chameleon skins to make her skimpy outfit grant a +6 bonus to Stealth.
Gained 6 exp and 2 chameleon skins for the battle in the desert.
Spent 4 exp on increasing Body and 8 exp on Skilled. Gained Guileful Strike, Shadow Striker, Sneak, and Strike the Weak Point
Gained 6 exp from killing a bunch of juggernauts and a slime.
Got 4 sealing and 3 obedience collars, all basic DCs, 4 denarii after even splits, a chameleon skin, and a bunch of grayhearts and potions. Assuming Termite okays it, the majority of that was sold while the 3 chameleon skins were traded to upgrade Raith's clothing again. Also spent 8 exp on Skilled to gain Sudden Shot, Sudden Strike, and Quick Reload. Total dosh gain is 63.

*Quick (+8 Speed)
Exceptional (+8 Stat points)
Skill With Rifles (+12 to attack with rifles)
Stealthy (+5 Stealth, can sneak attack)
Perceptive (+8 Perception)
Skilled x4
Sniper x2 (+16 to damage with ranged attacks)

*Mutated (Choose 3 mutations)
*Fetish: Beasts (+8 PP damage taken from beasts)
Fertile (Gets pregnant on a roll of 2 or more)
Open Soul (Takes +5 EP damage)

*Odd Skin (Tattoos covering most of her body)
*Tail (Cat Tail!)
*Funny Ears (Cat Ears!)
*Night Eyes (Can see in the dark)
*Whip Tongue (+2 PP damage dealt when giving head)
Chameleon Skin (+2 Stealth, looks kinda creepy when used)
Tight (+2 PP damage dealt when being penetrated)
Armored Hide (+2 AV, -1 Speed)

Skills: 1 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 Skills
Ranger (+3 Perception, can track and make special bullets)
Thief (+3 Stealth, can pick locks and disarm traps)
Sudden Strike
Quick Draw (Draw a weapon for free)
Rapid Shot
Deadly Aim
Called Shot
Far Shot (Halve penalties for range increments, one extra range increment)
Weapon Focus: Rifles (+6 to attack rolls with rifles)
Specialized with Rifles (+4 to damage rolls with rifles)
Knight (+2 to attack rolls, melee damage rolls, Dodge, and AV)
Guileful Strike
Shadow Striker
Strike the Weak Point (ignore armor AV when sneak attacking)
Sudden Shot
Sudden Strike
Quick Reload (reduce reload times by 1 round)

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2, grant a +6 bonus to Stealth
Enhancements: +12 bonus to Stealth for 5 Chameleon Skins (75 denarii)

Combat Knife [One Handed Sword] (+52) 2d6 + 27

Carbine [Enhanced Su-Ku-Ta Assault Rifle] (+70 attack, 2d8 + 26 damage, 30 foot range, 10 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 EV)
Enhancements: +10 foot range for 2 Slime Ambers (60 denarii)

Sniper Rifle [Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle] (+70 attack, 4d10 + 20 damage, 60 foot range, 1 shot, 3 round reload, ignores 16 AV)

93 denarii
Paralysis Poison x2
A comb.
Simple tent consisting of a cloth tied to some sticks, a blanket, and a bedroll.
Rifle care kit and gun oil.
Blade care kit with a whetstone, an oil rag, and grease.
Extra panties.

The name that Raith was born under is lost at this point. When she was extremely young, barely old enough to walk, she was sold to a slave trader by her father. Being too young to understand what had happened to her, she attempted to escape numerous times only to be caught and punished. Despite the annoyance of having to repeatedly track down the child, however, the slavers were both surprised and impressed by Raith's natural resilience to pain, as unbeknownst to them her father had been highly abusive towards her already, prompting her to learn to run and hide to avoid the pain as soon as the opportunity came up. They equally surprised by her continued attempts to escape, which grew increasingly sophisticated as each plan failed one after the other. After a long series of misadventures, she was eventually sold to a nobleman who at first intended to make the battered but still willful young slave one of his concubines.

When he discovered her natural talent for stealth and her high tolerance for pain, however, he decided to enroll her into the Temple of Scorpio, a program in which slaves were trained to serve as personal bodyguards and assassins for their masters. In doing so, her old name was abandoned, and at the age of nine the girl became Raith, named for an ancient hunter demigod worshipped by the Su-Ku-Ta in ages past. In the process of her training, which took six years to complete and had a nearly 70% casualty rate, Raith's body was covered in a series of intricate tattoos drawn in enchanted inks, allowing her to change the color of her skin in order to blend in with her surroundings and even partially spread that illusionary cover over her clothes. She was trained in hand to hand combat and the use of long ranged weaponry, especially preferring the long rifle though she could be quite deadly with a knife if pressed. More than her physical training, however, was the discipline enforced upon her mind, methods both mundane and magical worked upon her to ensure her disobedient nature was directed into her service rather than towards finally making good on a bid for freedom. When her training was completed she rejoined her owner as his loyal bodyguard, a position that she never once complained about since it meant an end to the beatings and her willfulness had been so effectively been tempered. This continued for another eight years before the invasion happened, and her lord and the civilization that had created him ceased to be.

Raith, again through a series of misadventures, escaped Shry-Kuth-Lus and began a new life in the desert, showing no outward signs of distress at the deaths of all whom she had ever known and the destruction of her people's civilization. In fact, those few other survivors who met her often thought that she didn't care at all, or was even happy about it perhaps. Having little better to do, Raith began a singular guerrilla war against the invaders, seemingly hunting them for sport rather than for any feeling of hatred for them as experienced by many of her surviving kin. She constantly sought new challenges against which she could test her skills, seeing the aliens as the ultimate test rather than an adversary to destroy.

Physically, Raith favors the human over the feline, possessing only a tail and a pair of cat ears situated amidst her short black hair to mark her inhuman heritage. Her figure is decidedly athletic, and she is physically stronger than her short stature and femininity would initially suggest courtesy of her extensive and demanding combat training. She often wears very little clothing, currently adorned in a pair of short shorts and a thin sleeveless top, thus showing off a great deal of her naturally dark skin and the enchanted tattoos that adorn it. Despite her circumstances, Raith never fails to be cheerful, and often makes quips or jokes even at times in which such things aren't appropriate or practical.

The OOC section:
Squid. Get the warthog.

Cat girl Saracen knight
Name: Chocolat
Class: Warrior
Race: Half Breed (Su-Ku-Ta/Nymph)
Sex: Female

Body: 8 + 36 + 8 = 52
Mind: 4 + 6 = 10
Spirit: 2 + 8 = 10

Hit Points (HP): 62
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 41
Spirit Energy (EP): 41
Speed: 23 + 8 - 1 = 30 (25)
Dodge: 36 + 10 + 2 = 48 (potential +10 from Duelist, +10 from Skirmisher, +4 from Fencer)
Armor: 8 (strong against slashing, weak against piercing) 21 in armor, with only the 8 of it affected by dem strengths and weaknesses
Resistance: 26
Perception: 23
Stealth: 23 (13)
Grapple: 52
Spirit Ceiling: 8 (3)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Heavy Weapons Specialist (+10 damage when wielding a weapon in 2 hands)
Duelist (+10 Dodge and +2 damage when wielding a weapon in 2 hands)
Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
Exceptional (+8 stat points)
2x Skilled (3 skills get)
Skill with Bastard Swords (+12 attack with her sword)
Skill with Polearms (+12 attack with her spear)

*Fertile (gets knocked up on a 2 or higher)
*Mutated (3 mutations get)
*Lustful (press button, receive nyan)
*Fetish: Beasts (ooh a doggy! +8 PP)
Fetish: People stronger than her (+8 PP for anyone that beats her in a fair fight.... Or can hold her down well enough in bed)
Sexual Weakness (Gets an instance of weakened every time she cums)
Sensitive (+5 PP damage get)
Honorable (You know the drill)

*Ironbane (+8 damage from steel/iron weapons, can't use guns)
*Faerie (Resist Cold/Lightning 5)
*Natural Attack
*Night Eyes
*Funny Ears
*Odd Skin (furry lite)
Tight (+2 PP for people that fuck her!)
Armored Skin (+2 AV, -1 Speed)
Natural Armor (+4 AV, natural armor good against slashing and weak against piercing)

Skills: 1 + 52/10 + 3 + 3 = 12
Supreme Might
Lightning Strikes
Knight (+2 attack/Dodge/AV/melee-damage)
Defensive Stance
Quick Draw (draw weapon as a free action)
Skirmisher (gets +10 Dodge and +4 attack if has moved at least 10 feet that round)
Weapon Focus: Polearms (+6 attack rolls with polearms)
Fencer (+4 attack/Dodge/melee-damage against armed opponents while Dueling)

Wielder Aptitudes: None
Powers: None

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 19
Foreplay = 2d4 + 13
Succubus Powers: Charm, Siren Song

50 denarii
Lance/Polearm (+72) 2d10 + 41
Large Scimitar (+63) 1d12 + 29 (+16 if used in 2 hands, +2 if used in one hand)
Throwing Axes (+54) 3d10 + 13, 15 foot range, come in packs of 3
Claws (+54) 2d12 + 19
Scale Mail: AV = 13, EV = 5, TP = 40, DU = 5.

Casual! (Chicks totally hang around in outfits like that and in that pose irl, right!?)

Battle modo!

The daughter of an impoverished su-ku-ta noble from an ancient line of warrior-priests and a nymph, Chocolat was born to a position of respect and power, but no wealth. Were her father a lesser man than he was, he'd have sold his beautiful and exotic daughter to the highest bidder by the time she was thirteen, but fortunately such was not the case. Coming from a long line of warriors who had served the ancient kings of Anudor, Chocolat's father raised her after her mother abandoned her to him shortly following her birth with the aid of only a single servant, the only one who refused to leave after the last of her family's coin was spent. Poor as he was, Denrius was still one of the mightiest individual fighters in all of Anudor, and was one of the last Dok-Cat riders in recorded history, and so he attempted to raise his daughter as best he could on his own, waiting for the day that he would marry her to a worthy husband.

Slightly tomboyish despite her exceptional looks and noble upbringing, Chocolat was often regaled by tales of her father's exploits growing up, and as soon as she was old enough to do so she started training in secret. Their servant, of course, found out about this quickly enough, as she did the brunt of raising Chocolat, but rather than try to quash it the woman gave the young neko what instruction she could. This, in turn, caused her father to find out after about a year or so, but upon seeing the passion and energy that she put into martial pursuits, Denrius opted to show her all that he knew in the ways of war. His line was possessed of a rare mutation, one that made their hair thick and bristly, such that it could even turn aside the blade of a sword if one was trained properly, and as such Chocolat learned through training with real weapons rather than fake ones, and soon learned to respect the cut of a blade or the stab of a spear.

Her martial training was accompanied by more traditional education, as her lineage was one of a noble line and thus required such teachings, and though it was forbidden, Chocolat learned more than most Su-Ku-Ta women that were possessed of far more rich blood than her own. This included the ancient hymns of her people, ones that had been sung in battle by their ancient ancestors, and she took to them immediately, incorporating them into her fighting style in a manner that was only augmented by the fey blood that ran through her veins. That part of her lineage had its own problems however, as she learned when she hit puberty and her budding beauty and the hormones of a young half-nymph started getting her into a different sort of trouble. Her father and their servant's watchful eyes kept her from actually losing her virginity, but she'd tried a number of other things besides even if she'd never allowed anyone to claim her. The warrior girl's upbringing had left her with a sense of self-worth that had made her believe that a right to her body ought to be earned, not simply given, and as such she herself did a great deal of work in protecting her purity given that few and far between were those capable of defeating her in an even fight.

Her life of relative ease was not to last, however, and like so many others she lost everything when the invasion came. She was made to see the real horrors of battle then, and Chocolat's courage was sorely tested when she watched the woman that had been as close to a mother as she'd ever had die before her very eyes. Fighting the aliens off, her father instructed her to run, to flee the city for her life, and Chocolat did as much without thinking. She did not escape without battles of her own, however, and she learned to respect the difference between her mock battles in training and the life-or-death nature of real battle. She'd expected her father to follow her out of the city, but when she finally escaped the devastation of Shry-Kuth-Lus, she did so alone. The young girl watched for days, until what few supplies she had were almost exhausted, but no sign of her father came from the desolated city even as the aliens looked to be moving in permanently, and so she departed, seeking her fortunes across the desert and trying to find a way to gain revenge for the destruction of all she'd ever held dear to her heart.

The OOC section:
For knights!

su-ku-ta/nymph half breed stats:
Stat Adjustments: (8 + 6)/2 = 7 round up = +8 Body, (4 + 2)/2 = 3 round up = +4 Mind, 4/2 = +2 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Quick
Racial Flaws: Lustful, Fertile, Beast Lover, Mutated
Racial Mutations: Faerie, Ironbane, Natural Attack
Optional Racial Mutations: Tail, Funny Ears, Odd Skin, Reverse Jointed Legs, Fearsome Maw, Strange Face, Whip Tongue, Night Eyes and Claws. All of the chosen mutations have to be generally cat-like.
Racial Succubus Powers: Charm, Siren Song
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Jungle Girl
Aug 15, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Kaylynn
Class: Peasant (Warrior)
Race: Anudorian
Sex: Female

Body: 20
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 25
Spirit Energy (EP): 25
Speed: 14
Dodge: 30
Armor: 0
Resistance: 10
Perception: 14
Stealth: 25
Grapple: 8

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Duelist (+10 Dodge, +2 Damage when wielding a single weapon)
Stealthy (+5 Stealth)
Sneaky (+8 Stealth)
Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
Lucky (+3 to Non-Damage rolls)


Poor Grappler (Grapple -12)
Sensitive (Additional 4PP)
Sensitive (Additional 4PP)
Easily Aroused (Skip Aroused Status)
Weakened (Status Change when HP falls below ½)
Bondage Fetish (+8PP)



Thief (+3 Stealth)
Quick Draw (Draw weapon without spending a turn)
Untemptable (+10 Dodge and Resistance against succubus powers)

Bio/Description: A warrior from the Anudor desert, Kaylynn stands a lithe 5-4, with a very trim musculature. Her skin is lighter than most of her race; her dark hair is tinged with red, and is usually kept up in some form of ponytail. She is an expert at keeping in the shadows, in and gone with whatever she wants before anyone notices it’s gone. She is masterfully adept with an array of small knives and daggers, as well as a few short swords. She holds disdain for any larger weapons, shields, or any heavy armor altogether – her style of fighting is done with quickness, agility, and a determined strike.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

My solo game character.

Elise Langray
Name: Elise Langray
Class: Warrior
Race: Part Demon
Sex: female

Body: 30 + 4(race) + 2(exceptional) = (36)
Mind: 10 + 6(race) = (16)
Spirit: 10 + 6(race) + 6(exceptional) = (22)

Hit Points (HP): 55 + 20 = 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 48 + 20 = 68
Speed: 19 (15)
Dodge: 37
Armor: 0 (12)
Resistance: 18
Perception: 19
Stealth: 17 (9)
Grapple: 36

Whatever is inside parentheses is after armor.

Quick status copy and paste : HP = 75, PP = 45, EP = 68, Status = Fine

Experience: 8
Corruption: 0

Two weapon fighter - Wield 2 weapons at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.

[Skilled] : choose 3 additional skills.

Skill with one handed swords : +12 to hit with one handed swords.

Natural Succubus : Succubus magic

Natural spirit wielder: Demonologist: The character chooses 2 + Sprit/20 Powers from the Demonologist list... 2 + 1.1 = 3, after rounding down.

Healthy : +20 HP

Greater Energy Pool : +20 EP


(racial) Mutated

(racial) Tainted bloodline



Easily aroused

Fetish: Alraune

Mutation Counter: 6/12


(racial) Naturally warped

(racial) Demon

Futanari: Elise has an 11 inch long and inch and a half thick cock

Tail: Elise has a black succubus tail, about 4 feet long or so

Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.




1. Whirlwind

2. Rend

3. Flurry

4. Scissor Defense

5. Quick Draw (Passive)

6. Weapon Focus [one handed swords] (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with one handed swords.

7. Specialized [one handed swords] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with one handed swords.

Spirit Ceiling: 14 – 4 = 10 (13.6 rounded up to 14)

Spirit Powers:
1. Hellfire Blast

2. Summon demon

3. Vampiric Futanari

Succubus Powers:
1. Dazzling Beauty (Passive)

2. Apparent Innocence (Passive)

3. Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) Elise has 1/3 instances of this

44 denarii
Scimitar [currently dual-wielding] (2d6 + Body/2.)
Scimitar [currently dual-wielding] (2d6 + Body/2.)
Throwing axes (3d10 + Body/4, 30 foot range, come in packs of 3.)
Breastplate [currently wearing] (AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.)
Elise's crescent moon charm pendant she wears around her neck. (it was a gift from her parents from when she was little and she has it with her always. It is her only reminder of her parents)

Cheat Sheet for attacks and such:
Basic weapon attack while dual wielding one handed swords (to-hit) : 1d20 + 36(body), + 6(weapon focus), + 12(skill with 1 handed swords), - 4(from dual wielding), all for a total of {1d20 + 50 to-hit.}

Basic weapon attack while dual wielding one handed swords (damage) : 2d6 + 18(body/2), + 4(specialized 1 handed swords), - 4(from dual wielding), all for a total of {2d6 + 18 damage.}

Basic ranged attack with throwing axes : 1d20 + 36(body) to-hit, {3d10 + 9(body/4) damage.}

PP dmg : (foreplay damage) 2d4 + 9(body/4) + 6(from dazzling beauty), + 2(from soft-skin), all for a total of {2d4 +17 foreplay PP dmg.}

PP dmg : (penetrative sex) 2d8 + 12(body/3) + 6(dazzling beauty), + 2(from tight/large), all for a total of {2d8 + 20 penetrative sex PP dmg.}

Elise takes +4 PP dmg from any kind of pleasure (from Sensitive)
Elise deals +2 PP dmg during non-oral foreplay (from Soft-skin)
Elise deals +2 PP dmg from during penetrative sex (from Tight/large)
Elise resists 5 fire and force damage (from Demon)

Elise is 19 years old, she stands at 5'6" tall, has perfectly rounded DD-cup breasts, slightly tanned skin, raven black hair that hangs unbound and falls to her mid back, she has hazel colored eyes, and a black succubus tail, Elise also has an 11 inch long and inch and a half thick penis between her legs. Kind of like this And this is about what I imagine her to be fully clothed

Elise was born to a full blooded succubus that had secretly left hell before the Artmirst invasion and a human woman. She lived with her parents in eastern Badaria in a small out of the way town that wasn't really worth mentioning and was barely even on the map, though while living there her father used her own abilities to keep herself and her powers a secret to all but a small few people that she and Elise's mother could trust. Elise was an only child and growing up she didn't have very many friends, save those few whose parents knew about her father being a full blood succubus demon that is.

While she was growing up, Elise's father trained her how to fight and when she came of age, she taught Elise everything she herself knew about being a succubus and how to use her spiritual energy to help her fight with, while also teaching her to keep her heritage a secret when she needed to. Though Elise was only a part demon and would never be able to learn all of her father's techniques, she was fairly adept at learning how to utilize some of both her inherited succubus powers and spiritual powers, but she was no where near her father's power level of course.

One day, when she was on her way home from hunting, Elise came home to find her village mostly in flames. Elise and her family had heard about the alien invasion, but didn't ever think it would come this far out in the middle of nowhere. She immediately rushed to her home to find her mother laying unconscious and a strange slime covered woman hovering over her, doing what looked to Elise like she was kissing her mother. Elise drew her swords and rushed over, swiftly cutting the strange woman down and kneeling beside her mother to see if she was okay. She tried to wake her, but wasn't able to, though she could tell she was still breathing and very much alive. Just as she was about to try and pick her mother up and carry her out, her father came in and saw what had happened and rushed over to the two.

Elise's father told her to go and get anything she might need to travel and Elise rushed to her bedroom and grabbed only her money pouch, a bedroll, and her water skin and rushed back, while her father grabbed a pack and put some food in it. Elise's father told her to carry her mother and she would keep an eye out for any more of the aliens that had attacked their village.

They didn't make it far when they were spotted by the aliens and Elise's father saw that there was no way that she could get all three of them out of there without her or Elise being very badly hurt... with it most likely being Elise that got hurt. She told Elise to set her mother down for a moment and then pulled Elise over and hugged her and told her she loved her... then she told her to go... to leave them and run.

Elise of course wasn't about to leave without her parents, so her father summoned a couple of her old succubus friends from hell from when she lived down there.

"Hazel... Alluria... I want you two to take Elise as far from here as you can, she'll pay your prices when you get her to somewhere safe," Elise's father said to the two succubi she'd summoned.
"Elise... go... find somewhere safe to live in peace."

The two simply nodded to her and Hazel snatched Elise up before she could do anything, then they both spread their wings and took flight. The last glimpse of her parents Elise got was her father preparing to fight. While in flight, Elise cried and kept telling the two that were taking turns carrying her to take her back, but they simply told her no. When they'd taken Elise as far as they could, several miles from where she'd left her parents, they took their payment... which consisted of some of Elise's spiritual energy.

Elise laid back to rest after that and the two told her to head eastward towards the city of Glassmoor, that they were the closest that were still fighting the alien invaders and she may yet be able to get her revenge for her parents if she went there. So, once she had rested and recovered her energy, Elise took their advice and headed towards Glassmoor, just before she went to sleep, they told her to summon them whenever she needed them, or if she just wanted to have some fun with them. Even through her fitful sleep, Elise was able to rest enough to regain all of her energy. When she woke up, Elise hoped that it had all been only a dream, be she then realized that she was in fact all alone now, she'd left her parents and what few friends she did have behind. With a heavy heart, she got up, got herself a bite to eat, then she got what little she had in the way of gear and headed east towards Glassmoor. Hoping to maybe find someone that could either help her search for her parents, or help her get revenge on those that took them from her.

(The story would pick up pretty much right there if that's okay.)

My character for mine and plmnko's thread.

Evangeline Sangriella
Name: Evangeline Sangriella
Class: Spirit user
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Female

Body: 10 + 8(Racial) +2(exp) = 20
Mind: 10 + 8(Racial) +2(exp) = 20
Spirit: 30 + 8(Racial) +8(exceptional) +6(exp) = 52

Hit Points (HP): 56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 56
Spirit Energy (EP): 68 + 30 + 20 = 122
Speed: 14
Dodge: 43 (53 with Duelist)
Armor: 7
Resistance: 26
Perception: 24 (23.66 rounded up)
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 24 (24.4 rounded down)

Quick status copy paste: Eva: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Experience: 2
Corruption: 0

Natural Succubus: [Succubus Magic]

Demonologist: 2 + 52/20 = 4.6, giving her 5 powers.

Spirit warrior: 2 + 52/20 = 4.6, giving her 5 powers.

Psion: 2 + 52/20 = 4.6, giving her 5 powers.

Holy Mage: 2 + 52/20 = 4.6, giving her 5 powers.

Shadowmancer: 2 + 52/20 = 4.6, giving her 5 powers.

Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP

Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP

Exceptional: gain +8 stat points

Natural Warrior: [Duelist]

(racial) Sensitive *3: 2 of these instances are chosen flaws for extra talents.

(racial) Open soul

(chosen)Easily Aroused

(extra) Lustful

(extra) Mutated – 1/4

(extra) Hatred: Male orc slavers

(extra) Fetish: urethral insertions

(extra) Fetish: titfucks

(extra) Fetish: tentacles

(extra) Fetish: gangbangs

(extra) Fetish: large breasts

(extra) fetish: tickling

(racial) Naturally Supernatural

(racial) Faerie

(racial) Shapeshifter

(racial) Selective fertility

(racial) Ironbane



Futanari: Evangeline has a 10 inch long inch and a half thick penis

Spirit Powers:
(Demonologist powers):
Devil's lightning

Hellfire Blast

Summon Demon

Vampiric Futanari

Gorgon's gaze

(Spirit Warrior):
Battle Aura

Energy Blast


Instant Transmission

Energy Blade


Psychic Shield




(Holy magic):

Fey Servant

Holy Fire

Lay on Hands

Holy Wall

Dark Armor

Patch of Darkness

Shadows Made Manifest



Spirit Aptitudes:

Energy Shaper

Master Blaster

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling beauty

Apparent Innocence

Stunning Gaze

a bronze katana: 1d12 + 1 + Body/2, deals +6 damage if used in two hands. Takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls.

A repeating crossbow: 3d6 + 7, 40 foot range, 8 shots, 2 round reload.

(currently wearing) Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

10 denarii

3 Chameleon skins

Cheat sheet:
Eva's bronze katana: 1d20 + 50(spirit) +4(Multifocused) to attack (1d20 + 54 total)

1d12 + 1 + 2(Duelist), + 9(body) to damage, +6 more if in both hands.([1d12 + 12 total)

Eva's repeating crossbow: 1d20 + 50(spirit) +4(Multifocused) to attack, 3d6 + 7 dmg.

Eva's spirit power attacks: 1d20 + 50(spirit) +4(Multifocused).

Eva's foreplay dmg: 2d4 + 5 (body/4), + 6(Dazzling beauty) = 2d4 + 11 PP dmg.

Eva's penetrative dmg: 2d8 + 7 (body/3), +6(Dazzling beauty), +2(Tight/large) = 2d8 + 15 PP dmg.

Eva resists 5 cold and electricity dmg (Faerie)
Eva takes +12 PP dmg whenever she would take any (Sensitive x3)
Eva takes 4 EP dmg more when taking any (Open Soul)
Eva takes 8 HP dmg more from any iron or steel weapon (Ironbane)
Eva takes 8 PP dmg more from her urethra being penetrated by any means, receiving titfucks, banged by tentacles, has sex with girls with large breasts, and gangbanged, as long as it's done in a pleasurable way of course. (Fetish)

Evangeline normal base appearance: Eva stands at 5'8” tall, has perfectly unblemished silky smooth white skin, she has long blonde hair that she lets fall unbound to her upper back, she's 20 years old, has forest green eyes, D-cup breasts, and she's a futanari that has a 10 inch long and inch and a half thick cock. Kind of like this here.

Evangeline is one of the young sidhe that was sent out from Therion to aid the village near the Pass of Ghosts around the border between Crolia and Badaria in any way she could, to try and convince them to move to Therion if need be for their own safety. She comes from a lesser noble family in the grand scheme of things, but she was still a noble, even though she never really acted like it. She was born with a dick between her legs, much to her parents dismay, though they still loved her all the same. While growing up, Eva learned many things and when she started showing signs of being a spirit user, her parents had her trained to utilize that power so that she could use it one day in defense of Therion.

While Eva was training to use her spirit powers, she learned several different ways to use it and one day she saw one of the books about spirit powers laying on her teachers desk and read it for a while. She found the spellbook that contained the spell to use demon powers and to summon demons to fight for her, for a price. She memorized the spells and went off to a secluded area by herself one day to try the summoning spell out and decided to summon the succubus, as they seemed the least likely to her that would hurt her if something went wrong. She keeps it a secret from her parents that she can summon demons to fight for her, because she knows that they don't really like them very much. It wasn't so much they hated them, but simply didn't trust them at all.

Evangeline herself doesn't see why the demons should be hated really, but some of course needed to be approached with great caution. She of course found out the hard way what demons could be capable of because the succubus she'd summoned wanted to have sex with her as well as some of her spirit energy, which of course she didn't really mind giving up either of, so long as the succubus kept her end of the deal to fight for her when summoned, which of course she agreed to for more sex and spirit energy.

Evangeline's family along with many of their supporters and along with many of the soldiers that had ended up being cut off during the conflict when the aliens invaded Therion, or rather tried to invade and failed, managed to weather the attacks and with the help of the other pockets of resistance and the help of divine powers managed to force the alien invaders out. Though much to her chagrin she was forced to stay at home with her mother while the fighting went on, her father telling her that she was too young to fight, which was stupid because she was already eighteen and more than capable of fighting. It angered her to some degree, but she kept silent because she loved her father and her mother and decided to respect their wishes about fighting, so she stayed with her mother and protected her, but never saw any fighting at all unfortunately.

After the invasion was over and Therion had begun rebuilding, Evangeline helped as much as she could and when the opportunity to head to the hidden village near the Pass of Ghosts came along, she jumped at it, telling her parents that she was a lot stronger now than she'd been during the invasion. So after much debate with them and after showing them what all she was capable of, showing only her mother her ability to summon demons and use their powers as she was very understanding, she set forth to the hidden village. Her reasons for showing her mother were to show her just how strong she really was and she explained to her that the reason she even learned them was because she wanted to learn more powerful magics so she could prove herself capable of fighting to her father, but she also feared letting him know that she could use those demon powers. She also told her mother that she felt that not all the demons were as evil as everyone told her all these years, or they wouldn't have been fighting the aliens alongside most of the world. Evangeline told her mother that she didn't mind her telling her father about it, but to at least wait until she had left so he didn't try to stop her, and to please explain her reasons to him as well and get him to understand why she'd done all she had.

The OOC section for all my character: Just no dismemberment or heavy gore and scat is all I ask for whoever GM's for me, I've changed my decision for the slavery bit around. If it can go well with the story, then go right ahead, but I'd prefer it to at least not be male slavers that get my characters please.
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Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Vanilla: Companion character for SirOni's "Lani" character.
=== Character Sheet ===
Name: Vanilla
Class: Mage
Race: Neko-Nymph (Su-Ku-Ta + Nymph Half-Breed)
Sex: Female

Body: 10 (2+8)
Mind: 60 (40+4+8+8)
Spirit: 10 (8+2)

Hit Points (HP): 45 (10+30+5)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 70 (5+60+5)
Spirit Energy (EP): 95 (5+30+10+20+30)
Speed: 18 ((√100)+8)
Dodge: 40 (80/2)
Armor: 7 (0+7)
Resistance: 30 (60/2)
Perception: 24 (√600)
Stealth: 8 ((√100)-2)
Grapple: 10 (10)

Spirit Ceiling: 19 (95/5)

Base Casting: 38 ((60/2)+8)
Favored Elements: Light, Nature

- Current: 8
- Total To-Date: 6+10 (16)

- Current: 0
- Total To-Date: 200 (200)

Spending Log:
- 8 for Magic Feats Talent

- 200 for 2 Mutations; Odd Hair, Odd Skin

=== Talents ===
- Quick (+8 Speed)

- Exceptional (+8 Mind)
- Exceptional (+8 Mind)
- Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)
- Natural Spirit Wielder {Massive Energy Pool} (+30 EP)
- Natural Succubus {Succubus Magic} (Apparent Innocence, Dazzling Beauty, Selective Fertility)

- Focus in [Light]
- Focus in [Nature]
- Concentration (+8 Base Casting)
- Magic Feats (Empower Spell, Druidic Secrets)

=== Flaws ===
- Mutated (Soft-Skin; Soft-Skin; Soft-Skin)
- Fetish {Beasts} (+8 Pleasure taken vs. Beasts)
- Fertile
- Lustful {RP}

- Mutated (Tight; Tight; Tight)
- Mutated (Whip-Tongue; Pheromones; Venomous Attack {Paralyze})
- Idealistic {RP}
- Weakness {Little Red Dots} (The character has a chance to become distracted at the sight of a little red dot on a surface, such as from the Laser Pointer spell.)

=== Mutations ===
Racial Normal:
- Natural Attack
- Tail (The character has a long fuzzy cat tail. :3)
- Funny Ears (The character has a pair of fuzzy cat ears. :3)
- Night Eyes (The character can see very well in the dark.)
- Fangs (The character has a pair of cat-like fangs. :3)

Racial Special:
- Ironbane
- Faerie
- Naturally Warped

- Soft-Skin
- Soft-Skin
- Soft-Skin
- Tight
- Tight
- Tight
- Whip-Tongue
- Pheromones
- Venomous Attack {Paralyze}
- Odd Hair (The character has several dark-pink streaks scattered throughout their hair, giving it the appearance of being naturally pink with dark-pink “highlights”.)
- Odd Skin (The character has a series of dark-pink, tribal-patterned tattoo-like markings on their cheeks, lower-back and midriff, and running down their arms and legs.)

- Warped
- Selective Fertility

=== Feats/Powers ===
Metamagic Feats:
- Empower Spell (Activated)
- Spell Control (Activated)
- Quicken Spell (Activated)
- Heighten Spell (Activated)
- Mana Sculptor (Light)
- Druidic Secrets (Nature)

Succubus Powers:
- Charm
- Siren Song
- Apparent Innocence (Passive)
- Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
- Selective Fertility

=== Inventory ===
Melee Weapons:
- Unarmed [Unarmed]: (To-hit = d20+10; Damage = 2d12 + Body/3)

- Parvani [Enchanted Staff; Two-Handed Blunt Weapon]: (To-hit = d20+10; Damage = 2d8 + 5 + 10/3)
- Attack Bonus (+6 to-hit; +6 damage)
- Status Effect {Stun} (A creature hit by this weapon must win a Resistance check against DC 36 or gain the Stunned status.)
- Arousing Aura {RP} (This object will sometimes emit a subtle aura when not in combat, giving nearby characters a pleasant feeling and making them more interested in sex.)
- Sentience {RP} (This object possesses a limited degree of consciousness due to the magical energies infused within it. It has a fairly mischievous and perverted personality, often teasing its master with lewd and playful comments when they’re alone, and sometimes during less-than-appropriate times when in public or in the presence of company. It also occasionally likes to play what pranks it can on its master, sometimes emitting a subtle aura that can lightly arouse both her and anyone around her, or randomly knocking her lightly on the head and leaving her stunned for a short period of time – which it also sometimes does when it gets annoyed with her about something. It is very loyal and protective of its master, however, and would never do anything that would put her in any real danger, and even actively resists any attempt to be picked up or used by anyone else.)
- Lunar Mage’s Outfit [Battlemage Robes]: (AV = 7; EV = 0; TP = 25; DU = 1)

- 560 denarii
- 2 Moonstones
- 2 HP potions
- 5 EP potions
- Miscellaneous potion ingredients

=== Bio/Description ===
Vanilla stands at a mere 5’1” and has a slender, petite build, with small breasts to match. She has pale vanilla-colored skin and very light pink hair after which she was named, and her eyes are a deep midnight-blue. As the daughter of a hermaphrodite Su-Ku-Ta and a fey Nymph, she carries both the physical and mental characteristics of both races, the most notable being her cute cat ears, tail, and cat-like fangs that she inherited from her Su-Ku-Ta ‘father’.

Ref: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=581&pictureid=9285

Vanilla has is very kind-hearted and playful personality, and isn’t one to become discouraged very easily. She enjoys helping people and travelers whenever she can as they pass through her home village of Chander, and owns a small shop there where she sells potions, lightstones and moonstones that she crafts. She is fairly shy, however, usually trying to hide from or stalk new people in order to gauge them before meeting them – although she tends to simply avoid demons whenever possible due to a general fear of them. She is a bit clumsy and awkward, though, and usually fails to stay hidden long enough to learn very much before doing something that gives herself away, forcing her into an often embarrassing situation with whomever she was trying to stalk – usually receiving little help from Parvani, her mildly perverted sentient magical staff, in such situations as it proceeds to teasingly spout how attracted its master supposedly is to the person (or persons) in question, embarrassing her further.

Depending on the nature and the reaction of the person(s) involved, these encounters occasionally result in the lustful Nymph half of Vanilla’s nature gradually taking over, playfully flirting with them before either bashfully following them to the local inn, if offered, or timidly inviting them back to her own house for some wild and sexy fun. Fortunately, one trait Vanilla did not inherit was her Nymph mother’s naturally high fertility, and was instead born with the unusual ability to choose her state of fertility at any given time, meaning she never had to worry about getting pregnant from these occasional sexual encounters unless she wanted to.
=== Starting Location ===
Chander, a town near the Anudor/Badaria boarder.

=== OOC Information ===
Companion character for SirOni’s “Lani”.
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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

'Sup Smoke.

Kitsune wizard/thief
Name: Lumi
Class: Mage
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female

stats and such

Hit Points (HP): 55(18+26+11)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):72(9+52+11)
Spirit Energy (EP):57(9+26+22)
Dodge: 46(9+26+11)

Total: 22 Spent: 18 Remaining: 4
Spending log:
16 for skilled
2 for +2 mind


Natural Warrior(Stealthy)
Natural Succubus(Succubus magic)
Focus in Light
Focus in Force

Tainted Bloodline(R)

Naturally Warped(R)
Kitsune Heritage(R)
Funny Ears(R)

Nose for Treasure

Base Casting:26
Favored Elements: Light, force
Magic Feats:
Silent Magic
Intensify Spell
Blood Magic

Spirit Ceiling: 11

Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence
Pull Out
Dazzling Beauty

Inventory: 25 denarii
Dagger: +18 to attack, 2d6+9 damage
Throwing knives: +18 to attack, 2d12+5(+2d6 if sneak attack) damage
Tattered clothes: 1 AV TP 25 DU 2
Library card, silver membership
2 sets of new clothes
A set of lockpicks
A glass cutter
A grappling hook + 30ft of rope
5 distraction beads(Each bead is one use only and lasts for up to five minutes, and has its own sound but can be programmed with new ones)

Bio: Lumi knows not of her father, and her mother died or disappeared soon after her birth, when the demons came. "Luckily" a gang of thieves found and raised her in the streets, where she proved none too adept at the ordinary skills of thieves, but her blooming magical talent proved more than worthy of her upkeep after only a few months. She learned quickly out of necessity, and got whatever training could be had under the circumstances, mostly focusing on the aspects most useful to her fellow thieves, of course. For for years the crew of thieves was her only family and the streets the only home she had ever known. Then the crew made the mistake of trying to rob a powerful demon and most members were killed, the rest scattering to all directions and leaving Lumi alone, to find a new way to produce livelihood. Though she had grown enjoy sex when it was of her own free will - and her will became the more important to the gang the more her powers grew, so she was seldom forced - she had steadfastly refused any suggestions to sell her body, and she wouldn't stoop to it now, leaving her with few options...

Description: Lumi's appearance is quite youthful, only enhanced by her skinny figure and fair, unmarred skin, though her grey eyes show much greater age, unblinking and constantly searching for something. She has a pair of white fox ears surrounded by blonde hair that's been cut short, instantly turning towards any surprising noise. A long tail of the same color sometimes trails behind her, and she often makes it as bushy as possible, especially during nights when she covers herself with little else. Most of the time it's gone, not only for being noticeable, but also for getting to her way.

The OOC section: I have no idea how much the leather clothes were supposed to cost
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RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

My catburgler:

Name: Amira
Class: Warrior (Thief)
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 44 30+6(racial)+8(exceptional)
Mind: 28 10+2(racial)+16(exceptional)
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 63
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55
Spirit Energy (EP): 46
Speed: 28 21+8(quick)-1(EV)
Dodge: 41
Armor: 5 0+5(armor)
Resistance: 30 22+8(resistant)
Perception: 19 21-2(shadowy)
Stealth: 43 21+5(stealthy)+8(sneaky)+3(thief)+2(shadowy)+6(enchanted armor)-2(EV)
Grapple: 44

Experience: 0 (Earned 0, Spent 0)
Corruption: 0 (Earned 0, Spent 0)

Quick - +8 speed
Exceptional (3x) - +8 body, +16 mind
Sneaky - +8 stealth
Resistant - +8 resistance

Stealthy - +5 stealth. Enables sneak attacks.
Skill with [one-handed swords] - Gain +12 to-hit with one-handed swords.

Natural Mage: Focus in Light - Light is favored.

Mutated - gain 3 mutations
Fetish [beasts] - Take +8 PP damage when you encounter your fetish.

Fertile - Increased chance of pregnancy.
Sensitive - Take +5 PP damage.
Easily Aroused - Gain Horny when you would otherwise gain Aroused.

Night Eyes - No perception penalty in the dark
Fangs - A pair of cat-like teeth sometimes visible when Amira smiles
Tail - Cat tail
Funny Ears - Cat ears

Shadowy - Amira blends into shadows. -2 perception, +2 stealth
Potent - Messy orgasms, +1 to pregnancy rolls.
Multi-orgasmic - After orgasm, PP returns to 1/2 maximum.

(3/6 towards Warped)

Thief - +3 stealth, can pick locks and disarm traps. (Passive)
Strike the Weak Spot - Sneak attacks ignore worn armor. (Passive)
Sudden Strike - Take a penalty of 10 to dodge to force a stealth check at -5. If you win, your attack counts as a sneak attack.
Sneak - Forsake other actions to make a stealth check at -10 against each enemy. If you succeed, they lose sight of you.
Battlemage - Use body to determine attack roll with spells.

Base Casting: 13 14 - 1(EV)
Favored Elements: Light

5 denarii
Leather Armor (5 AV, 30/30 TP, 3 DU: 1 EV)
-Enchanted +6 stealth (45 denarii for 2 chamelon skins)
Dagger (1-h sword) : (44+12) = +56 to-hit, 2d6+(44/2=)22 damage
Shortbow (Bow) : +44 to-hit, 2d8+(44/3+6=)21 damage, 50' range

Amira is about five feet tall with dark red hair, out of which poke a pair of feline ears that twitch and turn to follow noises. Her eyes are amber, and reflect light at night, with slitted pupils. The long 'canine' teeth would be remarkable on a human, but on a su-ku-ta are little more than an accent for her smile. And of course the long feline tail is a bit of a giveaway. Other than those distinguishing traits, her body is fairly human.

She is lithe, with small breasts and almost no ass, but also no outstanding muscles. When she's 'working', she tends to wear tight-fitting dark brown leather, and wields a long dagger with a blackened blade for the rare occasions when she has to fight. The mask she wears out of habit rather than any real utility.

Amira tends to be a bit of a loner. It wasn't always so, but since splitting up with her first lover, Jacob, after a job that went bad, she hasn't worked with others. And since she had left her friends and family behind shortly before that, there really wasn't anybody left.

She tends to be nocturnal, and sticks to shadows even more then they stick to her. She dislikes fighting, but is reasonably skilled nevertheless, wielding her dagger from the darkness or her bow from the rooftops.

She also learned that the brightest lights cast the deepest shadows, and applied this concept to an otherwise minor magical talent. Illusions, blindness, and most of all invisibility are valuable tools in her kit.

Amira was born to a family struggling on the edge of poverty in Shry-Kuth-Lus. Still, as she grew to adulthood her quick wit and quicker hands promised that her one-day children would have a better life than she did. Or so it seemed, until the merchant her father worked for invested heavily in a shipment to Artmirst, shortly before the events that would cause the city to be reborn as Acheron.

For a while her father worked odd jobs and they got by, but one day Amira woke up in the night to hear her parents arguing about money. Not unusual. Then she heard her mother mention slavery. Her ears perked up. Were they discussing selling her into slavery? She slipped out of bed, and went to argue her case. And found the door to her bedroom locked from the outside.

She realized, suddenly, that it hadn't been idle speculation out of desperation. Her parents were seriously considering giving her to the slave traders. If they decided to do it and she was still in her room, she would be on the block by dawn and her maidenhood would be gone by noon. Instead of waiting, she scrawled a hasty note and slipped out her window.

Her maidenhood was still gone before noon, but she had lost it giving her "goodbyes" to a friend, and by dusk the two of them were out of the city. A year later Jacob was back in the capital, but Amira never went back. The next year she had amassed a small fortune. And when the Invaders came, she was smart enough to use her talent at being unseen to escape rather than fight.

She lost everything she had gained in terms of material wealth, and watched as the entire society that had raised her collapsed in hours. But she was still alive and unharmed, and she still had the talent that had earned her all that was lost in the first place. She went North, to Badaria. Things did not go so well for her in this new land, but she managed to keep one step ahead... so far, at any rate.

Starting location: (Probably in Badaria, to be discussed with GM)

The OOC section:
Racial Talent/Flaw/Mutation
Main-class talent
Off-class talent


Change log:
2012/04/21 - Created, specified "natural mage", Enchantment!
2012/05/07 - edited biography, OOC.
2013/10/11 - Tweaked equipment, mutations, and biography.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Daughter of Lani and Amunta.
Name: Kaliyah
Class: Alluring Songstress (Succubus)
Race: Part Demon Vampire
Sex: Female

Body: 18 = 10 + 8
Mind: 10 = 4 + 6
Spirit: 40 = 36 + 4

Hit Points (HP): 63 = 43 (18+10/2+40/2) + 20
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 39 = 39 (18/2+10+40/2)
Spirit Energy (EP): 84 = 54 (18/2+10/2+40) + 30
Speed: 13 = Sqrt 180
Dodge: 34 = 34 ((18+10+40)/2)
Armor: 0
Resistance: 36 = 20 (40/2) + 16
Perception: 20 = Sqrt 400
Stealth: 13 = Sqrt 180
Grapple: 18 = 18

Experience: -/-
Corruption: -/-
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Healthy – Gain +20HP.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Psion) – Mind Worm, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Telepathy.
Superior Spirit Wielder (Massive Energy Pool) – Gain +30EP.
Enthrall - A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against them or gain the Charmed status, except that the status lasts for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check and resets the duration as if they had used Charm on their partner.
Fuck Me x2 – +24 pleasure damage when engaged in penetrative sex.
Succubus Magic – Charm, Deny Release, Self Control.
Resistant x2 – +16 Resistance.

[RACIAL][PART DEMON] Tainted Bloodline – The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Open Soul – The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Fetish: Feeding - +8PP damage when the fetish is involved during sex.
[CLASS] Lustful (RP) – The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
Fetish: Incest – +8PP damage when the fetish is involved during sex.
Fetish: Creampie – +8PP damage when the fetish is involved during sex.
Fertile – The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

[RACIAL][PART DEMON] Demon – The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
[RACIAL][PART DEMON] Naturally Warped – The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Vampire – The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation they can also inject venom while feeding, and may choose the Charmed effect for what their venom does. This can either be extremely painful or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the player’s choice, and if the player chooses pleasurable the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP.
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Damage Reduction ½
[CLASS] Soul Eater – The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.
Vestigial Wings (tiny bat-like demon wings)
Fangs (Vampire/demon fangs)
Venomous Bite (Aroused/Horny) – The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation.
Selective Fertility - The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.
Spirit Ceiling: 17
Mind Worm
The character invades another creature's mind. This can be used in any number of ways, either to gather information, transfer information without speaking, erase part of the target's memory, or completely wipe a creature's mind out and reduce them to a vegetable.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This information must all be of the same subject: it cannot be used to grant someone else the entirety of the character's memories.

The character controls fire with their mind.
-The character can do any one of the following. Note that all costs increase by 2 if the character has to conjure fire of their own, rather than manipulate flame that is already present.
1) Pay X EP. The character then can choose to target either all creatures within a 10 foot radius explosion that starts anywhere within the character's line of sight, or all creatures within a 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character. Those creatures take Xd6 + 6 points of Heat/Fire damage.
2) Use it to conjure a fire elemental. This summon behaves exactly like the Spell Summon Fire Elemental, including its EP cost and the stats of the summoned creature. For the purpose of this power, assume that the character has the Focus in Fire Talent.

The character moves objects using their mind. This power can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.
Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (passive) – The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.
Shapeshifting (futa only) – Allows the character to sprout a penis.
Selective Fertility
Charm – The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.
Deny Release – The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the character ceases using this power.
Self Control – The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.
The OOC section:

Not an actual character I'll be playing yet, just something I whipped up for Lani and Amunta's child. Will eventually fill in the bio.