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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The old Training hall
Tag: Vel, Ventus

"Mmm... I enjoy it when you give commands, my love, but I have the advantage of sweet promises of undying delight to accompany such orders. Not so for our fiendish friends... but once they see what you could do with them... or to them... maybe they would prefer to know the sort of sexual discipline you could provide, instead of the fatal kind. Oh, my sweet mistress, I know how you struggle... how grateful they should be that you make the effort to hold back. Mmm, let me be the recipient of those frustrations though. Yes?"

Dasyra cooed in Ventus' ear, rubbing her hands softly across the deathknight to soothe her.

"Vel, my sweet tempter, we undead are intractable in our design, so you needn't busy yourself with trying to convert my Mistress from her ways to your own. You should find a way instead to enjoy us as we are. Fuck her. Fuck me. Fuck our cold, beautiful bodies together. Take whatever form you think will satiate us most and derive pleasure from our unearthly moans. I promise you, you will find passion enough in us, with kink to spare."

As the more quixotic, less orderly undead of the pair, Dasyra was open to manipulation where her Mistress wasn't, and was willing to act as a mediator and go-between if that was what was necessary. She preferred Ventus' straightfoward manner, but even she could tell that her darling death knight would need a little guidance now and then. Something that Dasyra was MORE than happy to do.

As Ventus removed her armor and clothing, Dasyra shifted out of her own clothes, keeping her red cloak on for the moment and ogling her Mistress' hermaphroditic body hungrily.

"Vel, you have a nice beastly form. I confess I've always wondered what it might be like to feel a beast take me. Mm... and perhaps my mistress would enjoy that pleasure as well?"
the dark ranger bit her lip, letting he hands begin to run across her body in anticipation.


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Asheroth, Xirce, Lena, Witch

(Oops... Didn't realize that!)

-But not quite in time to finish the spell before the witch weaved her own. Lior didn't have enough time to even escape the oncoming wave of thick dark slime as it slammed into her. It flowed around her naked legs, knocking her over and sliding her back towards the tentacles. She could feel it as she slipped deeper into it, the corruption clinging to her bare form as she struggled to overcome the new unnatural feeling that came with it and stand. Her feet were able to catch some friction on the cave floor, letting her pause, and finally stand back up, the black stain still stuck on her backside as she trudged back away from the tentacles and towards where Lena was.

"Lena! I'm here, don't worry. You're going to be alright. Save your potions for another time." Lior reached a glowing hand out to the poor angel. Asheroth was still going strong, and could probably wrap this up soon. She had better too; Lior could feel the power and reflex of her blessing finally begin to fade. "Hear me, Sethie. Grant this angel some faction of your immortal respite as You would to an angel of your own."

Finally, she pulled back, trying to keep balance on the new rubbery flooring with it's dark poison undoubtedly coursing through her. Her rubber coated feet squeaked against the uneven black surface. Sethie would provide; She always did.

Fort Check:
Total:12 (Sickened)

Tentacle Random Check:
Total:18 (Dodged)

Cure Moderate Wounds:
Total:20 (x1.5 = 30)

[4/4]Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

[1/8]Prayer: You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Vel and Kaila
Ballroom/Lyra's Room
Tag: Dasyra and Ventus/ Lyra

Vel watches Ventus then shakes her head bemusedly. "Theeeere is the problem. See, if you'd just used communication instead of threats we'd have solved this misunderstanding with less headaches. You said Lior is our peer. No she's not, she's a slave. We're not slaves, and we're certainly not your slaves if we were. So we by definition cannot be peers. If we're supposed to treat your slaves as equals... Well frankly that's a little insulting honestly, but you also told us to train her then got mad over how we chose to when you never specified how we were supposed to. But yeah, I don't know how you run slaves in this place, but where we're from, when a slave get's uppity and tries to sabotage you, you make an example. Otherwise, you get slaves who think they can get away with things."

She smirks and flutters back and lands on the floor. "I'm not trying to make her demonic. Waste of time, it'd take a more dedicated demon than myself, and probably stronger. I'm trying to get her to go from the first step of actually coming down here and being with us in bed, and to the next step of actually forging bonds. Fuckings fun, but slugs can do it. Slugs can't make friends though. So step one. Step two after this will be where actual effort needs to be put in. Oh if only the world worked like I stuck my dick in you and now we're bestest friends fivever."

She stretches a bit and smirks. "Shame we never met before all this. I think you'd have made a cute cultist, Dasyra. If you get a taste for it I can put you in touch with a... Well beast demon as they call em but more like bestiality demon. I'm sure he can get you all the demonic enhanced animal cock you can dream of. And hey you don't even have to worry about their survival right?"

She took to her wolven form, sitting down and eying the pair expectantly, watching to see what the pair would do with her. {Never slept with an undead before so this will be interesting. I mean, there's a few vampires in the Midnight Isles but I've never met em. And bodaks lose their junk.}


Kaila smiled and ogled the zombie as she allowed herself to be stripped herself. "You're very beautiful, Lyra. Hopefully I'm warm enough for you, hm?" Once naked, she pressed up to the zombie, their breasts squishing together and her cock up against her waist. "So... You the type to lie back and take it, or you prefer to be more active, hm...? I'm sure there's plenty things we can try together... And I've plenty magic to make it fun hm? Plenty steam to blow off together."

She kissed along Lyra's throat with a sultry smile, her tail coiling around the zombies hips as her hands rubbed along her sides. "You'll be my first undead. Show me how much fun in bed you can be, hm? And I'll work to ensure I make such a nice girl like you completely satisfied..."
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Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Scouting Group

Recovering from the shock, Asheroth charges the witch, no longer giving the option of mercy.



55/88 HP Remaining. 0/7 Rounds of Rage Remaining. 0/8 Lay on Hands Remaining. Prayer is active. Blessing of Fervor is active.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The old Training hall
Tag: Vel, Dasyra

Ventus cleared her throat which, considering her undead nature, gave away more than it hid her nervousness. "Well, following commands should be just natural.. err.. sexual discipline?" She did lean slightly into Dasyra, a certain.. hunger undeniably in her eyes.

She raised a bit of a brow at Dasyras eagerness, deciding this was a lustfulness that would calm down after a few centuries.. though for now, why not enjoy it. "A beast? Hohumn.. naughty a ranger you make." Ventus cooed, not seeming to have grown tired of Dasyras naked form yet for certain. "Lior is not my slave either, not by right at least, I mean.. I think she might be Xirces, but the Scuccubus is a bit.. confusing, to say the least. Still we ought to treat our servants respectfully. Certainly, threatening her is getting nothing but adversarial results. It is all too tempting for me to make.. examples. I try to abstain from it. Something I should have educated Kaila on, yes, but I admit I was.. distracted.. at the time." She nodded at Dasyra.

"Hmnn.. Slugs have a rather extreme way of intercourse though." She mused. "What kind of demon do you talk about with a 'beast demon' though?" She tilted her head, watching Vel shapeshift. "Alright then, sensuality first, friendly relations after, can't be that hard, what say you?" She looked over to Dasyra, who had suprisingly been more of a driving force in this matter. Given no input, she would step a bit closer and examine Vel, cautiously putting her sharper armor and equippment pieces aside where they'd not disturb anyone.


Over with Kaila, amusingly, the zombiegirl showed more initative, infact, she seemed to like the womans warmth, nuzzling up to her. Lyra didn't seem intimidated by Kailas unusual sexuality, likely due to Ventus own equippment. "Uhmnn magic steaam?" She inquired.. she sitll wasn't the fastest, of course, giggling with a low chuckle when Kaila kissed along her neck, peeking at the tail curiously, poking the tip of the tail coiling around her.

"Fun!" Lyra enthused afterwards, slowly reaching out, one hand each cupping a breast of Kailas beginning to strongly, patiently massage, rubbing her nipples in slow circles.. she was neither the swiftest nor overly creative, but she was most certainly enduring and persistant. "Fun!" The zombiegirl enthused again, nuzzling up closer to Kaila to enjoy her warm body.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Tunnels
Tag: All

Lena gasped as she managed to get free and stumbled towards Lior, whose healing energies began to flow into her, letting Lena breathe a bit easier as she stood there, holding both of her swords and preparing to fight more if the masked witch didn't back down. "I... d-don't surrender that easily," Lena panted softly to the witch.

Lena could only watch as Asheroth was going toe to toe with the masked witch, taking and dishing out just as much damage from the looks of it all. "T-Thank you Lior. I appreciate it. I d-don't know how much longer I was gonna be able to stay conscious. I've lost... ngh... a bit of blood. Just... get me back in this fight," Lena panted softly to Lior, her skin more than a bite pale now from both the blood loss, and whatever the spell that had hit her before had done.

"And how are we ungrateful? We didn't Want your tentacles in the first place, or anything else from you for that matter," Lena called back to the witch.

Lena couldn't resist the strange goopy stuff though unfortunately as it covered her body, and she felt her stomach churning a bit and growing sick. Her body shook a bit all over, and she tasted vomit in the back of her throat, she was certain of it. She was however able to stand her ground and not get knocked off her feet thankfully, and as she felt her feet maintaining a firm grip on the ground, she knew that she could push up, despite the sickened feeling in her gut. "Damn bitch, gonna make her pay," Lena growled softly under her breath as she rushed forward to help Asheroth in taking the witch down, carefully picking her steps across the room to the witch on her opposite side to flank her, and swinging her katana out.

, Lena is sickened, but that doesn't really hinder her CMD enough to knock her back, as she has 26 CMD.

Her Move action is to take her over to flank the witch with Asheroth, moving to the exact opposite side to put the witch perfectly between them both.

, so she Is able to move across the rubbery surface to fight the witch in melee.

Standard action is to make a sword attack against the witch, flanking if possible with Asheroth. , and that's after all bonuses and detriments were taken into account, assuming she is able to move far enough to flank that is, if she can't flank, then it's -2 from what I rolled. And damage, assuming it hits, ( + 1 = 8 cos I forgot to add in Lior's +1 bonus to it after taking the sickened part into account, and had already rolled it.)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


"See, part of the blood loss issue is that lots of your blood is going to another part of your body, don't you lie to me." The Witch sounded smirking. "It only feels bad because you weren't a good girl. It can feel quite wonderful to be enceased in it. oh my." She chuckled at the charging foe dashing at her, before trying to raise her staff in a block, but for all her bravado, strange powers and admittedly dangerous spells, the Witch was not a melee fighter, so the best she could do was lift her arm, blocking the blade, with a cut into her flesh. "Grnnnnn...." Sadly, whatever this goo was, it weakened Lena too much to do any serious damage, the Witch brushing the swordcut aside, with admittedly a bit of damage on her arm.

Next up was Lior, who busied herself keeping Lena going. "Heh. Can you feel it? The blessings of your deity are fading. And I still stand." The figure flexed. It seemed the prayer alone had bothered her more than she had let on.

Xirce squirmed and struggled in the tentacles embrace, whilest the rough fucking didn't seem as.. unusual to her as it might to most, infact, she might even seem to enjoy the situation, she also looked rather exhausted. Clearly, her powers, whilest capable of great destruction, were no good at prolonged combat like this. Perhaps the exact opposite of Ventus, The Deathknight one might idly muse.

Thus it came to Asheroth, Who was also hit by the sticky goo, however, she raised her blade, cutting into the witch, who simply grinned at her, reaching out for her last remaining mask, touching it, though as it crumbled away, Asheroth turned her blade, cutting at the witch whom Lena had distracted beforehand, the witches last mask crumbling, she stumbling back, this time, it seemed, those injuries would stay.

"Well then.. I .. *ackh* would say you can be proud, mortals.. a shame you had so many holy magic users. Really thought those two mercenaries would hold out longer, but .. ugh.. things.. don't always go your way." She growled slightly, holding her side.

"Hey, want a dying curse placed on you, palabitch? Eh, just kidding, if I do that... Anyway my ugh.. damn it.. can't maintain this form..

Any.. CKhh.... Thank... You..."
The Witch exhaled, her body twitching and spasming violently, there was a bursting of black goo, that, just like the one on the ground and the tentacles, slowly faded away, dropping a rather exhausted looking Xirce to the ground, whilest the Witch continued to jerk in almost unnatural ways, her body bending backwards..

And then collapsing.

Or rather, her clothes collapsed, as if there had never been a person inside to begin with, a pristine ivory mask rolling out of the empty hood, lying there on the ground.

Carefully examining the remains you find the staff the witch had been using, a cloak, a slightly torn robe, a small sack that contains what you think is a thunderstone, some grey dust and a set of tools that, all things considered, apparently were used to make and decorate masks. There is also a pair of clawed gloves and boots in a similiar style. Finally, you find a necklace with three gemstones set in it, two glittering diamonds, one diamond that is cracked and dull.

"Jackpot. Necklace of wishes." Xirce remarks. "That cloak is propably some protective thing, Staff.. random guess, any of you like casting quickened spells? The Witch was using a bunch.. no clue about the claws or whatever, but thats a Necklace of wishes, ever seen one before and it had all but one gem cracked. Basically that thing fulfills its wearers wishes, you put it on, say a wish, and crack goes a diamond. Its power is limited, though, plus you gotta be careful wearing that thing, if you randomly mumble to yourself 'I wish you'd shut up' .. badabum, suddenly it casts silence and you are down a gem." Xirce struggled to stand up and retrieve what little clothing she had. But why didn't she use such a powerful item to defeat us or get away? Also, that mask gives me a really eery feeling. Eh, no reason to worry the others.

"Pfeww.. you can have the stuff if you wanna. And hey, bonus, we got rid of the Mindflayers attack force. I don't particularly feel like fighting more.. also, if you got some healing left that'd be swell.. not that I truly need it." She said, barely not staggering. "But .. you know, you should train your healing skills, to one day impress me, your amazing leader."

The Drow Assasine and earth genasi must have taken the time during the fight to retreat. Whilest you could pursue them, you are arguably in more of a state to rest for now.

Boring rules stuff in spoilers.:
~As I said earlier, that fight was enough to let you reach the next level, that's level 9 before adjustments, yey!~ remember though that you need rest before you can use new spells and etc.
Some combat stuff:
Lena: Aren't you dual wielding? You can make two attacks with that, wasn't sure, but its over anyway.
Asheroth: As your turn comes around both fervor and blessing ended already as they run out on Liors initative. As you did not roll the save for balance or sickened condition, I did for you. You resist being pushed back, meaning you don't have to move, but you fail against the sickened check. This also reduces your damage to 18, however, you can do a full attack, your secondary attack hits and also deals damage, that said that said, do keep in mind that some roleplay interaction can make things a lot more interesting.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Vel and Kaila
Ballroom/Lyra's Room
Tag: Ventus and Dasyra/Lyra

Vel looks bemused in her wolfen form. {Did you not trade Lena for her? And Lior is adversarial by nature, her goddess demands nothing less than dominance over everyone. If she had just worked with us on helping you instead of trying to sabotage our attempts to give you both a good wedding it'd never have happened. Well not every example has to be lethal you know.}

She looked over at the question. {Beast Demons? Kithangians. They're born of the souls of those who abused animals in some manner or other. They spend their time finding animals to impregnate, birthing half demon beasts all over. I admit to finding their focus interesting though I personally prefer intelligent prey. Though there is a certain perverse joy in knowing they can use Baleful Polymorph to turn you into a cute little bunny then impregnate you with fiend bunnies. Nasty things, fiend bunnies. They've got teeth about... they can leap about... Well just imagine the bones!}

She sat patiently, ogling the naked pair, waiting patiently as she sat, curious how they'd make their moves or if she'd have to take the initiative.


Kaila giggles as the zombie snuggled up into her, giving a slight shiver as her tail's poked, it sensitive by the tip. "If you want, sure hehe. Would you like some magic steam? Make the room into a sauna?"

She coos as her chest is groped, her smiling as she gropes the zombie back, her reaching down to hook one of Lyra's legs around her hips with a smile. "Or maybe you just want me to warm you up personally... So.. Steam or me... or both?"

She presses her shaft to glide up and down Lyra's folds, not pushing in yet as she enjoys the cuddling, very much enjoying the simple attention of the zombie girl, glad she was making her happy.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Ventus and Vel

The undead ranger glanced sidelong between the two other women, one in beastform and the other standing tall, nude and lovely, but relatively motionless. Funny this, she thought. A demon and a lust-driven death knight both unsure of what to do next.

Dasyra took her mistress' hand and led her gently towards where Vel sat staring at them as a beast.

"A cute cultist, you say?" The elf said as she strode up to the shapeshifted quasit.

"I suppose I am quite good at worshiping things," she said as she idly took Ventus' stiffened cock into her hand and rubbed it. "Why don't you get familiar with our bodies. As close as you like, you sexy beast.~ Here, let me show you. This is Ventus' cock, it's thick, pulsing, and deadly if not handled with care. I personally adore it, and think about it all the time."

She glanced up softly at Ventus as she took a kneeling position in front of the death knight.

"Because if I'm very obedient, I will get to play with it and be given meals from it. I look forward to it quite a lot. But maybe you would be more interested in the Mistress' ass? It's very shapely and lovely. I bet she'd quite enjoy having *this* played with."

Two slender undead fingers slid up and spread the gap in Ventus' cheeks apart to reveal her anal pucker. At the same time, Dasyra giggled and held up her own ass in the direction of Vel.

"Or maybe she'd prefer you start with me? Like I've said, I've never been taken by a beast before, but maybe my Mistress would like to see her dark ranger on all fours, being bred like a pet? Mmm... the idea of being knotted and taken roughly... it's so nice to think of..."

Vel would be able to see that Dasyra wasn't merely acting out this thought, as her blue-tinged slit was moist at all this talk and exhibition. The undead elf was on her hands and knees now, with only one of them occupied, still stroking Ventus' hardened shaft. The dark ranger's extended, prehensile tongue licked habitually upwards out of her mouth, dripping with lubricating, venomous saliva, which she intended to put to good use one way or another on her mistress' body.


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Asheroth, Xirce, Lena

Finally, in the last desperate flurry of attacks her allies had felled the witch. They would all survive, and without any pressing medical concerns Lior was free to inspect what was left. She half-limped over to the fallen witch, still naked. She couldn't count the number of times she'd been disrobed on one hand and he wouldn't mind so much if it weren't so damnably cold! Lior snatched up the Witch's cloak and the mask, using the commotion of the cloak as a distraction. Of course she'd check the inside of the cloak for slime and evil and such. Baring any unfortunate discoveries she'd slip into it.

"What are we going to do with the wishes? Other than keep them out of Kaila's hands, I'd rather not wake up one morning with a sudden craving for demon doggy cock. I mean, I took the cloak but I wouldn't mind the staff. I'd get more use out of it than my mace. It'd help with keeping all of you alive too." She looked up, taking stock of her friends conditions. "Well if you wanted my hands on you Xirce you only had to ask. Prayer works too." The offer hung in the area a second before she Channeled her divine power twice, if not three times to top off her companion's health. "Don't worry Xirce I'm just playing. Sort of. I'm happy to have have been assistance to the great and unassailable Xirce. is probably what you were looking for right? I'm glad we had you on our side, seriously."

Lior turned to her other companions, excluding the ghost who seemed to have departed for the time being. "And you two, wonderful performance. Asheroth, you embodied Se- ahem, the principal of a goddess' wrath made manifest and Lena, such endurance! You truly are a paragon of virtue. I could stand to learn a bit from your example; the straight and narrow is not an easy path to tread but I'm sure you'll make it despite any temptations waiting for you back at camp." Lior's words were authentic but her goals were less altruistic. Xirce would hopefully start associating praise with more helpful actions. Lena and Asheroth were both now pet projects of the Priestess of Sethie and she had great plans for the two if she could keep them close to her and away from Kaila.

If they started back to base soon, Lior would make sure to pray for Sethie to reveal and detect magic on Lior's new mask. It was the first progress she had made in her real mission and she wouldn't let it slip away if she could even get the slightest bit of power from it.


Feb 9, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Scouting Group

Asheroth breathed heavily, leaning lightly on her halberd to keep her upright. She had done it. That last strike from her ended the witch, leaving everything she had on her, except a body. Interesting. She could have survived this encounter, teleporting away before she had perished. Or... she wasn't anything close to a human and that was her natural death. She'd have to think on it later, for now... we had all won.

"I'm sure a significant portion of these items are magical, would any of you happen to know any identification spells?" She asks the group, her eyes flicking from item to item. Since she was a magic user, there was no doubt some of these items were enchanted...

Asheroth casts detect magic on the pile of items the Witch had left.

After that, a quick look around revealed that the Drow had in fact managed to escape. That was unfortunate. She'd pursue... however, none of them were in any shape to do such.

"I would wait on using that necklace. It's power is great, but I see it as being best used in emergencies. A wish is a great power when you need it most, let's not waste it on luxuries."

Asheroth gave Lior a smile, worn with exhaustion. "Thank you, we all did an excellent job in this battle. We all deserve a rest.... we most certainly need it..." The Paladin utters off, before walking to the rocky wall of the cave and resting against it.

With one final look at the items, Asheroth decides to take the boots, leaving the rest for the others.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Lior and Asheroth

Lior examines the mask, whilest Asheroth remembers that she can't just cast detect magic on a pile of items and hope to discern their purpose effectively. There is a mixture of different magical auras making individual judgements impossible, like staring into a kaleidoscope of magical colors.

The cloak is devoid of any evil leftover goo-stuff within it.
The mask, on closer examination, looks to be of high quality but old, scratchmarks and ancient scars giving the androgynous face a rough texture. If Lior hadn't seen what its wearer had done, she'd judge it of low value. Until she aimed her magical detection at it, shortly before covering her eyes out of reflex, like one would when looking at a sudden bright light. The mask had an overwhelming magical aura, exceeding that of the rest of the witches equippment combined and unless Lior had taken a sneak peek at Ventus blade, or had seen the aura a genuine, powerful relic of her church before, nothing would compare.

Tag: Lior, Asheroth, Lena

"Pfeww.. that was fun.. ugh.. Welp, whos ready to head home? Cause I am. Unless you are peculiar to these dark tunnels, I'ma make our way back. Anyway, I can use any kind of magical item, but not that good at revealing them without proper study, which is boring. Just put 'em on and see what happens, that makes it funner." She grinned weakly, then pulled out a wand, pointing it at herself, suddenly, on top of Liors healing, looking rather refreshed, flexing and invigorated as her wand.. Lior at least could guess it was a wand of restoration, cleansed her of the hellish drain on her lifeforce with two shots. "Haah yeah.. thats the stuff.. Thats what you get for sending Assasines after Me, Xirce.. anywhooo, yeah, that worked out for the best I'd say, hoi, paladin, remind me not to annoy you. By the by. Us two aren't through." She pointed at Lior. "I dun care if you can heal it, I don't appreciate intense influxes of holy energy, it's like.. a bad hair day times a thousand, and your hair is really long.. if err, you follow. Anywhoo. We should head back. Sylvia likely retreated underground to alert Ventus as soon as the combat went downhill and she didn't seem to make a difference, the Deathknight usually has her minion use this kind of strategical nonsense. Plus, the ghost can't stay away from Everfrost without a host body for long or something or another."

Xirce stretched, looking everyone over, then, if there were no objections, she'd grab whatever the other three hadn't laid claim to, then prepared to head back to Ventus Icy fortress.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The old Training hall
Tag: Vel, Dasyra

"True of course, though adversary needn't be a bad thing if it inspires ~healthy~ competition. Beyond that, matters are in the past." She crossed her arms. "Considering some demons.. pasttimes I'd say the undead can't seem all that intimidating." Ventus mused, before being distracted by the idea of fiend-bunnies, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Err.. I see." Ventus, albeit somewhat aroused, moreso with the.. unusual description seemed more in a thoughtful than seductive mood right now. Luckily, the one least desiering to be in control took the lead, Ventus gently taking the offered hand, with a: "Hrmnnn?"

"Hamnnn... oh my." She exhaled, when her shaft was enticed into full rigidity again. "I can't deny that.. hmnn.." She cooed, leaning over to suckle on Dasyras neck playfully. She exhaled slightly, her grin turning lewd as Dasyra knelt down and professed her desires. "Hmnn.. Quite. .. Nyah!" She mewled a bit at Dasyras fingers playing over her backdoor and exposing her pale cheeks, her shaft twitching. "Hooh, you naughty girl." Ventus tipped her chin, grinning slightly. "It's a bit of an odd fantasy to indulge in, so soon after our ceremony, that said, if you'd enjoy the act, who am I to stop you from debasing yourself before me." The deathknight grinned.

".... Fine then." The Deathknight finally nodded, one hand gripping Dasyras hair.. not that there was need for it.. but she wanted to. "I think I need remind you that, all lustfulness aside, I am the mistress of this castle of ice." Not denying the temptation of the things before her, Ventus went on with a determined resolve, holding Dasyra in place. "'tis not your place to present me to others so casually." She extended her left hand, snipping it in the air towards Vel.

"It never crossed my mind to aquire an undead hound to help teach you your place, luckily we got a replacement. If its with beast you wish to lay, then learn your place beneath them and your mistress." Ventus nodded, smirked and kept Dasyra on all fours and presented, whilest in turn, having her throbbingly eager shaft and strong form on display for that unholy tongue.

"I'm certain you will be quite eager for the big bad wolf, hrmnn?"


Lyra seemed confused at first at Kailas proposal about steam, though she did curiously follow on the tail, giving it another poke, the next chance she got. The swaying thing seemed to fascinate her. When Kaila renewed her questioning and leaned in closer the undead grinned slightly. "Fuuun!" She enthused, nodding in agreement that Kaila could do that steam stuff if she was into it, cooing and parting her legs slightly as she felt the hardness of the fiendish shaft rub up to her. "Ohmnnnnn.." She tipped her chin, peering down, one hand wandering to feel and caress along Kailas shaft with the deep curiosity of a slow thinker. "Hmnn.. nice fun time!" She added decidedly, happily nuzzling up against Kaila and letting her rub up close and lewd.


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves
Tag: Asheroth, Xirce, Lena

"I have a few spells that might help identify more of this. It'd take a while to get an accurate read on all of them so I think we should stick to the most important, or mysterious items." Lior glanced, almost imperceptably at the mask she held underneath the witch's former cloak. "As for that rest, I think it'll have to wait at least until we get back to base. This ambush doesn't have me too excited about staying in the open much longer especially now that we know there are people out there looking for us. I don't think any one here- sorry, except the great Xirce is up for another fight like the last. Besides I think we've kept the folks back home long enough?" She turned to Xirce, hoping to get affirmation on her claim.

Fortunately, she was of the same mind as Lior. It looked like they had another long hike ahead of them. There would be plenty of time later to really dissect the immensely powerful artifact in her hands. Lior was sure that it held secrets that could, should, must, and will be bent to the goals of Sethie and herself. Seeing that no one had really snatched the staff either, she picked it up as well.

"And Xirce, I'm sure you'll get used to the holy energy after a while. My goddess is well known for helping devils and demons even 'adapt' to living with vast amounts of holy energy. Even a demon as great as you could enjoy some greater resistances to holy magic could you not?" Lior wasn't exactly lying. Of course, being mentally and physically aligned with the holy magic coursing though you did make you less bothered by it. Lior knew from experience! From there, she would wait for the rest of them to gather their own things and join them in travelling back to the castle.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Vel and Kaila
Ballroom/Lyra's Room
Tag: Dasyra and Ventus/Lyra

Vel smirks, watching the display amusedly. "No, we're roughly on par with each other. Fear is somewhat subjective obviously, but there's plenty awful things both sides get up too. That there's many undead amidst demons kinda helps too."

She smirked at Dasyra's displayed rump as she got up and lazily stretches, dragging it out as she slowly meandered forwards towards the undead elf, before lifting herself up and dropping her weight heavily onto Dasyra's back as she hooked her legs around her hips.

"Guess your mistress says you're my bitch for now. Well, our bitch I suppose. Price you pay for getting exactly what you want."

She gives a canine grin before thrusting forward, her canine cock prodded forward to push herself into Dasyra, it seeming small and hard now, but it swiftly began engorging inside the elf as Vel began thrusting hard and fast immediately.

"Might as well give you the realistic experience. No restraint, no build up, just hard fast fucking from the get go, pounding you hard like a beast. If you guys want to go undead hound route though, you should pick up a Shadow Mastiff or 12. I'm sure Ventus would rather a hellhound for the obedience and the fact they could easily pass for undead even while alive, but fire breath can't compare to the ability to be able to have guard dogs who can't be noticed anywhere in the Underdark. Hellhounds could be seen from miles away cus of the whole being on fire."

She grins as she soon reaches her full impressive length in the elf. "Mmm, canines sure get big huh? Pity I can't transform into a dire wolf. Wait til you take the knot. Maybe Ventus will go in for some localized alterations once she sees how much fun they are. No choice but to lay there and take it, having to snuggle with your partner for hours as they slowly pump you rounder and rounder... Forcible pillow talk, such fun hehe!"


Kaila chuckles as she let's the zombie follow her tail around. That was cute, was like a kitten with a learning disability. She shivered as her cock was stroked and Lyra rubbed against her, them grinding against one another as Kaila cast a spell over to the side, summoning a fire elemental away from anything flammable. "Just make steam from the ice, we can warm this place up a bit."

She grinned at Lyra, grinding against her, before angling to push into the Zombie's body. "Why don't you do the honors of taking me in you hm? Feel the nice warmth inside and out..."

She continued to massage and grope the zombies breasts, as she continued to let the zombie play at her tail. "You can hold it if you want. It's sensitive though so be careful with it."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Tunnels
Tag: All

After moving up to attack the masked woman, Lena was a bit surprised that they were managing to beat her back from the looks of it. "J-Just fuck off and leave us alone. We don't even know who the hell you are," Lena said to the masked witch woman. "And... maybe some of my blood was going to somewhere I didn't want it to. But what's that got to do with anything? And I don't want to be encased in anything by you, you crazy witch," she then growled at the witch.

Glancing over at Xirce, Lena wanted to go help her get free, but she knew that she'd be better here helping to get rid of the witch, which would therefore help them all. Lena watched as Asheroth's blade whipped out and slashed the witch bitch twice in quick succession, where her last masks crumbled away to dust. As the witch spoke, Lena started to step back, just in case, especially when the witch mentioned a dying curse, but it seemed there was no reason to be That worried, as the witch seemed to... burst into the blackened goo that was kind of all over the place at the moment. The moment that she was released, Lena rushed over to Xirce to check on her, helping her back to her feet and offering her a shoulder to lean on if she required it.

"Are you okay, mistress?" Lena would ask Xirce before the succubus pointed out the different items that the witch had dropped and left them essentially.

After it was explained what everything was, Lena looked towards the necklace and sighed softly to herself. She'd always wanted to have a wish or two that she could use. But using it for herself now just Wasn't an option any longer really, at least that's what she kept telling herself anyway. "I... can hold onto the necklace. Just keep it in my pack with the rest of my things, hidden in one of my boxes. Unless one of you would rather put it elsewhere that is. And I think I'll take those gloves and boots, if nobody else wants them. Probably help with climbing, and since I'm a pretty decent climber, they'll come in real handy, if that's what they're for at least," Lena suggested as she watched Xirce healing herself.

Collecting the necklace, Lena put it in her pack for now, along with the gloves and boots, before she collected her gear and looked to the others, preparing to move on out and back to home, or the closest thing they had to a home down here right now at least. "Mistress, if you need someone to lean on, use my shoulder. I'm still a bit weakened myself, but... I'm good for now, I think," Lena told Xirce as she walked beside the demoness, or half demoness rather.

Lena's taking the gloves, boots, and necklace of wishes, though the latter only to hold onto for now, as she doesn't really have much she'd want to use it for at the moment.

I wasn't sure if I could make two attacks After moving or not was the problem, since I'm more used to 4e's rules and whatnot. So I just went with the single attack just in case I couldn't. Also apologies, just stress and other irl issues I've had to deal with on top of my streaming and everything else. Really makes me brainfart when I Get the chance to sit down to post.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ballroom/Lyra's Room
Tag: Ventus and Vel

"Ah!" Dasyra's head jerked upwards as her Mistress caught hold of a clump of it in her ice cold hands. The ranger's red eyes trailed upwards to connect with Ventus' wintry blue orbs, and she bit her lip in playful obeisance.

"My mistake, Mistress! Please forgive me~" She added, breathlessly as she was held in place before the now dominant death knight, who was once again taking up her role as the top in their lewd and exhibitionist relationship. Dasyra felt a shudder of bliss as the weight of Vel's paws fell upon the small of her back, the beastly haunches connecting with her cold hips one either side and the pressure for Vel's beast cock pressing against her slit. The demon's words also heightened her anticipation.

"Mmn, thank you~" she replied, as the greedy submissive slut that she had undoubtedly become and perhaps in some secret sense, always had been, even when alive. Her undead lustful hungers had brought her lewdness to the fore, and now she could not hide her eagerness to be spitroasted by these two cocks set before and behind her. Yes. It was exactly what she'd wanted, there was no denying that.

"Hyuhh... Gunnhuh... Nnnfh.. nnnhfh! Oh my... it's - it's growing inside! Huhnnh! Nnnh! Nnh! Nnh! Nyyyahhh!~~~"

Vel wasted no time falling into a fast and hard rhythm, once she'd pushed herself fully inside, hilting her growing and engorging beastcock inside the dark ranger. Dasyra rolled her hips, and liberally let loose some pleased moans as her naked body heaved from the repeated impacts, her breasts swinging rapidly back and forth as she was doubled over, on hands and knees, with her ass high in the air to let Vel have the perfect leverage to slam into her over and over, the strangely shaped cock feeling so alien and strange and forbidden as it slid along her inner walls and pressed against her g-spot.

As Vel casually talked over her to Ventus while rapidly fucking her, Dasyra's flower felt like it was flooding from how wet and horny she was. She was just some beast's play thing. A bitch to be bred with while her mistress discussed matters too important for her slut mind to think about - at least, that was the thought that sparked lightning bolts of sensuality and ecstasy in the bottom's mind.

"Nnhhha... s-s-sounds lovely~" she moaned, as Vel talked about the idea of being forced to be attached to Ventus as load after load of cum was pumped into her. That sort of obsessive connection to Dasyra's eternal mistress was not at all at odds with the undead elf's desires, though the idea of body modification to Ventus did conflict with her internal certainty that the mistress' pure high elven appearance was the most beautiful and most appropriate for her.

This was, admittedly, a purely high elven thought, and hypocritical of her, for she had lain with humans and half-elves before and made no complaint. But she couldn't help it if her vision of ideal beauty was the elven form, which her mistress pulled off so well. Her eyes beheld Ventus, and in the midst of being fucked roughly by Vel's beast form, she desired fervently that Ventus would join in and make use of her soft, wet mouth.

Her tongue licked forward and she waited expectantly to be made use of.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: The returning group.

"Tell you what, I get used to holy energy, you get used to bathing in acid." The half-demon complained, flexing her neck and picking up what the rest of you hadn't, as well as her clothing, re-dressing and sighing as she, more or less, cleaned herself off of the sludge the witch had used against them, even as most of it magically evaporated with the spell ending.

"I think I'll heat up some of Ventus ice, make a nice steam bath, whos with me? Anyway, collect all your things and any bits you lost, and lets make our way back." And that, she did. "I'm pretty fine, don't worry about me." She chuckled and gave Lena a weaker smile, showing a bit of .. well, humanity with how exhausted she was right now. "The offer is appreciated, but I'm fine-ish really, between Liors healing and my own anti-hellfire drain.. powerful weapon, but dangerous, trust me there. .. unless you ~want~ me to lean on and molest your shoulders, heard you had some fun with a quasit, I'll have you know, those are the lesser kind of demons. Just imagine what a greater can do." She grinned slightly.

Either way, with things gathered, you made your way back, luckily without further incident, to the ice-fortress, specifically, the throne room, were you met with Sylvie, who (rather sucessfully) tried to hide her relief at seeing everyone in one piece.

"I'll go report to Ventus though she is .. ahem.. occupied. Unless you want to go yourself." "Eh, I feel like a hot bath and a good nights rest after all of this personally.." Xirce looked at the rest of you and yawned demonstratively.


Sex Demon
Feb 4, 2017
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dark Caves -> Ventus' fortress
Tag: The returning group.

The walk back may have been uneventful, but it was not one free of anxiety. Lior had plenty of things to worry about when she got back. Her rival may have traded for information about Lior's weaknesses on her trip. And with the mask? Everyone was a liability. Any word got out and Lior would be right back to square one on her quest. Not to mention the sadistic punishments Ventus and Xirce would visit upon her. Kaila would even find some way to gloat about it. She'd talk about how she was right for not trusting Lior all along. Lior supposed that would be the worst part of all of it. Fortunately, her maladaptive daydreaming carried her the rest of the way back safely into the fortress.

Lior looked over her fellow adventurers as she considered her options. She hadn't the ability to contact her superiors about her findings and barring just heading to bed there was little she could do. Well, little she could do that would avoid the ire of Kaila or even Ventus. Lior and Kaila were like magnets, they always managed to find each other given the opportunity. So, logically Lior ought to take Xirce up on her offer. Lior's guard was even down a tad after all that fighting together with the arch-succubus.

"I actually think I'll take you up on that Xirce. I think we could all use a little time to unwind after that. If you turn it into some sex game again like- well most things I will not hesitate to bless the entire sauna into holy water to the astral plane and back. I'll gotta drop my stuff off though. On that note, are we all agreeing to keep the wish necklace a secret? And where are we meeting?"

A few minutes later she was burying her mask under her assorted magical items and holy text, wrapping the bundle in one of the tattered, half-frozen curtains she had pulled down on her way. The dark mound of cloth was a little conspicuous, but any would be detectives would be bored of her own belongings before they found the mask.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus' Fortress
Tag: All the away party

"I... would love a hot and steamy bath, mistress. Regardless of who it's with to be honest. I'd be willing to let you do whatever you liked with me in bed, if only for the chance at a nice relaxing bath, I've not had a true one since before the drow took me I think, not one like I like to take anyway," Lena replied, blushing profusely at Xirce's next words as she offered her shoulder to lean on. "I-If you wish to molest me, mistress, I d-don't really have much choice in the matter. Do I?" she went on to say, blushing more, but not looking against the idea of Xirce doing any such of a thing.

With that, Lena would let Xirce lean against her as much as she wished, sighing softly as she helped her new mistress along. It was a strange thing, but she'd felt... worried about Xirce when she saw how hurt she'd been, and that thought both surprised and worried her, but in a way, she didn't truly dislike it. She didn't dislike Xirce really, nor Ventus to be honest, as they had both probably saved her and the others from an even worse fate. That didn't of course mean that she Wanted to be their slave though. But as it stood, they were better than she probably would have gotten had neither of them been there to buy her and the others.

"Aye, I think that's for the best perhaps, because we should Only use it as a last resort or something, I think," Lena replied to Lior along the way, giving a firm nod. "If nobody is against it, I'll keep it hidden in my bags, since I have a few of them and stuff. I can slip it down into one of my kits or something for safe keeping for now," she added as they walked.

When they arrived back at the fortress, Lena nodded in agreement with Xirce's words. "Aye, I'd like a bath myself, and perhaps something to eat afterwards. But bath first. I feel... filthy," Lena said to Sylvie, following Xirce to the bath.