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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Sign ups go here. Please look at the Rules & Character Thread if you want to see the current rules and important characters at the time of your sign up. Note, unless specifically asked for. All characters start without being magic girls and within the first session/arc they gain there magical girl powers through the events. I ask for the Power Theme and Magical Girl Description at the start because it makes things go faster.
Character Creation Rules
Name: Character Name Here
Image/Physical Description: This is for your non-magical girl form, so what you look like on the average day.
Magical Girl Description: Same as above, but for your magical girl appearance. It does not have to look even close to your normal appearance as the transformation magic can effect everything from breast size to body type, to outfits.
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: These can be anything, an example will be provided below. These two people and or items will be major parts of the players game.
Power Theme: Again this can be anything, it just controls the appearance/type of powers you have.
Region of Operation: Pick a region from the Rules and Locations thread
Example Character (Cross_Grave's Character)
Name: Yukiko Amamiya.
Image/Physical Description:
Magical Girl Description:
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: Hibiki: Long Time Friend
Tsubaki: Mother
Power Theme: Oni/Fire
Region of Operation: Northwest
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Branimera Morrigna Synclair
Image/Physical Description:
Magical Girl Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1051&pictureid=15811
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: Her Tamaskan Dog, Lyn. Her silver pendent of a sword with an emerald in the middle.
Power Theme: Dullahan/Life
Region of Operation: North
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Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Ami Wildgrace
Physical appearance:
In warm weather
For colder months
MG appearance:
Two attachments: Kaoiri, her childhood friend.
Iaziihus, The spirit protector of her family. Represented by a medallion she carries with her at all times.
Power Theme: Water
Region of Operation: West
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Helen Anaise Richards
Image/Physical Description:
Magical Girl Description:
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: Her best friend Yuki who insists on using her middle name, her ruby and sapphire pendant
Power Theme: Madness/Sexuality/Illusion/Chaos/Darkness, fuck it she's a sexy jester basically.
Region of Operation: East Region

Seeds Consumed: 2
Prey Slaughtered: 1 wolfdude youma, 1 bigger wolfdude youma
Corruption: 12
Bonuses: +1 defense +1 attack

Haling from a remote area, Helen was an immigrant from a foreign land, displaced by family issues that caused her to move in with an uncle who had married someone in the city. Growing up and going to high school in a foreign land, Helen suffered a culture shock on arriving that she still hasn't fully recovered from. She was fairly promiscuous in high school, but since coming to her new home has suffered a two year dry spell that has carried on through her first two years of college. Even so, she has kept herself engaged and made some friends, most notable of which being Yuki, a girl she met at the airport upon arrival but then went to college with.

Her only real carryover from home is the pendant she wears, a small heart pendant from an ex she still holds some feelings for, though he disappeared after only a few months. It has two halves inside, one holding a red ruby and the other a dark blue sapphire, and she rarely takes it off other than to shower or sleep. Despite her foreign upbringing, Helen tries to keep engaged at school, both academically and physically, and excels in dance and gymnastics. She currently dorms, but still occasionally speaks with her uncle and his native born wife, with whom she is on good terms despite that they live in a fairly remote area.
Am all for going occasional session over PbP, or maybe occasional bouts of PbP when a block happens, you can get most of my contact information on here or from RJ, or just PM me.
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Lan Shuriai
Image/Physical Description:
Lan is a very bright, intelligent, and gifted 18 year old high school student in her senior year. She is a talented artist and skilled with computers. She has a somewhat quiet personality when not around her friends, Jyun and Shiino. When hanging out with her friends she can be somewhat talkative. She has a very dry sense of humor, quick with comebacks and insults, and generally snarky and sarcastic. She is also surprisingly logical, and is less likely to take action without thinking things through carefully first.
Magical Girl Description:
like this only with a silver knee length skirt.
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: Her crush, Jyun Makizashi (male) and her best friend, Shiino Takashi (female).
Power Theme: Gravity
Region of Operation: West Reigon

I would prefer a PbP session.
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Tentacle Monster
Oct 23, 2015
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Re: Sign up thread

If you're still taking new players, I'd like to do a PbP.

Name: Sammy Takenaka
Image/Physical Description:
Magical Girl Description: (except blonde)
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to:
---Noriko Takenaka: Sammy's mother; blames herself for her daughter's rebelliousness
---Haruko Ito: Sammy's only 'good girl' friend and her loyal groupie; Sammy saved her from bullies in elementary school, and Haruko has nursed romantic feelings for her ever since.
Power Theme: Wuxia martial arts and Ki
Region of Operation: Northeast Region

A 19 year only high school junior and serial delinquent. The illegitimate daughter of an American businessman and a Moonlight City woman. She's living with her older boyfriend, and is on bad terms with her mother.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Sayukai Quinn, the Bright Witch Aliday
Image/Physical Description: Dark-skinned and with dyed blue hair with purple highlights, Sayukai is a relatively short woman, only about four foot six even having matured to her current age of twenty-seven. Her typical attire is rather punkish, including miniskirts, long socks and gloves, and a pair of purple glasses with a neck chord.
Magical Girl Description: For being referenced as 'Bright' and 'Witch' Aliday doesn't feature a lot of bright or witchlike elements to her costume. Her primary weapon is the fully-focused Lightheart Blade, while her main attire is simple black clothes, a light jacket-dress with a bikini top and shorts beneath. Armored gauntlets and leg gear keeps her with extra armor, and a energy projector hovers over her right shoulder which fires deadly beams at the opponent while on the run. She can also project beams from her hands as well, or from the Lightheart Blade itself.
A close guesstimate of her appearance would be Lunastashia from Cosmic League, but still with the normal hair.
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to:
The Lightheart Blade - The object responsible for her discovering her magical girl heritage, Sayukai believes it to be the source of her power, and thus tends to keep it close to her at every moment. The blade is about six inches large, more of a shortsword or tanto than a true sword, but when channeling her magic girl powers, it becomes a mighty beam sword capable of striking down evil, burning the souls of the corrupt without dealing damage to the body.
Mercy Quinn - Sayukai's older sister by a few years, Mercy was always busy whenever the younger sibling wanted to play, and the divide only grew when Mercy became an archaeologist. Eventually, the two lost touch, but Sayukai's always been curious what's happened to her, especially after the discovery of her magic girl powers while abroad. In fact, it was part of the reason she came back to Moonlight City, to try and get back in touch.
Power Theme: Light Rays and Energy Projection, Swords
Region of Operation: Southeast Region, as it holds her childhood home and where she headed towards as soon as she arrived back home.

Having spent her education days from a foreign exchange program to the peaceful, prosperous US town of Nirvana, Sayukai did not know of her heritage until she was accidentally given the Lightheart Blade after a train she was riding in collapsed to a tunnel under the city. While there, she discovered her magical gifts, and gained many friends with the heroes that dwell there, before finally deciding to head home to Moonlight City. While she discovered her gifts on accident during her stay in Nirvana, she has used them to some effect similar to her other superhero friends, and has kept a mostly pure heart because of it, meaning she has reached a few years in somewhat ineptitude of her true powers.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Margaret
Image/Physical Description:
Magical Girl Description:
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to: Father and her secret harcore doujins
Power Theme:.Purify
Region of Operation: East

Margaret has been in the outside a girl who always tried her best to fit in the society. Being succesful on this until she reach her 18 aniversary. When most of her family died in an accident and most of the people than she know give her back or a false pat in her back... That was her limit, as always deep inside her the world looks to be just plain with false and boring people, completely different of what she has seen in doujins and internet in secret.

With most of her lover ones dead, only his busy father remain, who even not cried when Margaret's sister, brother and mother died. Margaret Deep inside wanted to end this cruel world and change it into something better at her eyes.
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Feb 1, 2013
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Re: Sign up thread

Name: Reina Amemiya
Image/Physical Description: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2202564
Magical Girl Description: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1555985
---NOTES: Amemiya's weight triples when in her magical girl form, for better or for worse. This is due to most of her soft tissue and skeleton from the neck down being replaced by a sort of metallic alloy. Amemiya has yet to explore her magical body's properties, but she at the very least has full mobility from before the accident.
Two People/Items that your girl is attached to:
-Her more than friend, not quite lover, Matsuda Kenichi. Currently comatose.
-A red scarf given to for her birthday, hours before her the accident that put her in a wheelchair.
Power Theme: Repulsion
Region of Operation: West, but will occasionally patrol another area if she gets a moment to train against different Youma types, most frequently the Northwest region, but sometimes will go as far afield as the eastern regions if she has a break.

Reina Amemiya was nothing special; no particularly close friends, loving but not entirely close with her family and polite and unremarkable to her peers. A plain girl with plain dreams of settling down one day some time in the future. Whilst she was still in school, somewhat contrary to her domestic dreams she trained in a kickboxing gym, mostly for fitness, though she did have a rather uninteresting run in the ring during one summer break. It was in college where she eventually met her Matsuda Kenichi. The two of them seemed to be on the way to becoming a couple when disaster struck on her twentieth birthday; they were involved in a huge pileup on the highway, which put Matsuda in a coma, and left Reina paraplegic. Though the official word was a gas explosion set off the accident, Reina was sure that she saw a strange beast running with the traffic as the accident occurred. Ironically, her drive to get to the bottom of this, and to take revenge for what happened to her has finally come when she can't even stand under her own power.

EDIT: PBP preferred most of the time, but can Skype if schedules allow.
EDIT2: Decided to throw in something about the magical girl form, if its alright. I can revert this if needed.
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