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PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Each of the four young women awoke to the sound of humming electrical power, and a pre-recorded feminine voice loop.

"The city and planet have been compromised by enemy forces. All units please report to designated battle zones and attack on your commanders orders. All non-military personnel are hereby 'deputized' into service and are permitted to take up arms in the fight. Your weapons have been provided for you in compartment 32-C. Prepare yourselves for the combat ahead. This is a designated safe room."

The recording then looped around again, repeating the same message over and over. How long it had been doing so for the women couldn't tell. However, they only now began to realize their surroundings weren't from home.

For starters, the entire room seemed to be made from some form of metal that was blackish in color, and everything was reinforced like a military base. Then there was the compartment in question, which was opened to reveal the weapons the voice had spoken about. What was strange though, was that each weapon was labeled out!

Inside were the following weapons, and their instruments if needed:

A Staff with a label "Svenna Malheesh's" on it.
A Staff with the label "Jamie's" on it.
A Sword with the label "Mana's" on it.
A Set of Daggers labeled "Suzy Biggs's" on it.

There was also a single note left inside that apparently was addressed to all four women.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your human needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Eventually you'll get the honor of hearing my voice, assuming you last that long hahaha. Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

The note ended there, and about then each of you realized you knew who you were, what your skills were, and could tell via a mirror on the wall that each of you were in fact absolutely nude.

Party Options:

Grab your weapons and move on.

Grab your weapons and get to know each other a little before moving on.

Note: To move on, all party members MUST agree.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

As soon as Suzy awoke, she instantly sat bolt upright, warily taking in her surroundings, freezing as she caught sight of herself in the mirror, reaching her hands up to touch herself, before she looked down to confirm that she was, in fact, naked.

Shakily standing up, she noticed the other women in the room, all as naked as her, and with a silent curse, noted that they were all taller than her. She slunk quietly over to the chest, and prised it open, first noting the weapons, then the letter. When she had read it, she had to again, and once more, before the message sank in. "... What? Demons? Sex? Not right!" She muttered to herself, before turning to the other girls. "Wake up!" She yelled at the room, holding both the daggers in her left hand. When they had all stirred, she said again, in a normal voice with a little bit of fake humour, "Come. There's a freak that wants to rape you all! Time to get up and go!"

Considering her task done, Suzy span a dagger into each hand again, and walked to the door, ready to go when the others had gotten up and found their weapons.

((Action: Move on immediately, unless the rest of the group stays to chat))


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

After the initial confusion at waking up naked in a room full of strangers, Jamie composes herself and manages to read the note and pick up the staff assigned to her by... whoever it was that put it there.

Still not exactly comfortable with the whole "naked" situation, Jamie stands facing a wall while she thinks about everything else. Eventually she turns around to face the group while she speaks. "I went to sleep in my dorm after my econ final. I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming... so someone must have kidnapped me. I don't like the idea of playing along with whoever wrote that note, but staying here strikes me as an even worse idea. I'm Jamie, by the way."

While she waits for everyone else to get out of shock, Jamie considers the so-called powers mentioned in the letter, and is surprised to find 5 of them just sitting in her mind, as much a part of her as her arms or legs.

And that raises more questions then it answers. Maybe this isn't a dream... but I suppose that doesn't mean it's 100% real either. I'll also have to watch the others. I'm assuming they were kidnapped because they're also naked and bewildered looking, but one could easily be a plant.
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The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Suzy only said "Suzy. Suzy Biggs. I was drinking. Obviously too much..." at Jamie, using the pretence of covering the door to shield herself from the others view.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Mana take her time to recover from the weird event than is happening in front of her. Even when her family was a dynasty than was forged from fierce warriors, she never start the training to learn the skills passed from father to son not because she was a woman, the real reason was than she was restrain to her house thanks to a degenerative sickness who start in her childhood. The last memory of her was than her family maid help her to go to her bed, because even than was impossible for her to make alone.

She believe also than this was a dream or in the worse case she fall into a coma, after all that she prefer the first one even when she try to wake up in vain than she can be in this situation, after heard the other she try to introduce herself trying to cover herself with her new sword and hands
"H..Hi, I'm Mana, i also went to sleep. the last person than i remember was my friend Mist my housemaid who help me to sleep, but i cant believe than she kidnapped me"

Action: Grab the weapon(i also choice to Move on immediately, unless the rest of the group stays to chat)
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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

As opposed to the other's more calm awakenings, Svenna's is a bit more energetic. Rolling over and springing to her feet in a crouch, she shouts out, What? Have the animals gotten past the sentries? Wait... where? What is this place? The, hearing Suzy, she speaks further, now seeming to recognize what's happening. Ah... we must be in a shared dreamwalk. Given what you said about a freak, I would bet a demon has managed to gain control of the dream walk. We will need to find and beat him if we want to regain control of ourselves. She announces more confidently before moving over to grab the staff with her name on it. I agree with the chick with the blades, though. We should go. The longer the demon holds us in our sleep, the more time it has to fully gain control of our real bodies back home. She finishes before moving to the exit. Just remember, although physical wounds won't last once we wake up, death will, so don't be stupid.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

((Waiting for thetwo to confirm their character is ready to move on before posting here.))


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

(Oh, forgot to include the explicit ooc at the end.)

(Move on as soon as everyone agrees (which they now have done))


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Svenna's 'explanation' managed to get Suzy's attention, and she slowly turned around, staring confusedly at her. "That... That may just sound even crazier than what we're being expected to do..." she muttered, quickly turning back to slowly open the door.

((If Mana's not going through first, Suzy will.))


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Trying to make distance of Svenna after her weird introduction, Mana decide to go first through the door

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

What? You don't mean... Oh fuck me with a lusty boa constrictor, you're all a bunch of ignorant city dwellers are you? Just my luck. I'm stuck in a possessed dreamwalk with a bunch of people who haven't even heard the term before. Svenna growls in frustration before following the others the rest of the way through the door. I mean, really, how the hell am I supposed to break free if you all don't even know how to meditate and focus your intent within a dream. She says before sighing. At least the demon was kind enough to teach you some skills, although I be he altered the way my traditional dreamwalking skills work. I did so like sneaking up on other dreamwalkers before growing a snake from my crotch and fucking them with it. The look on their faces was always priceless. She says with annoyance.

(So yes, everyone is through the door and soon we can get Svenna complaining about how she can't enjoy this rape fest due to the 'demon.')


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

The party steps through the portal, and as soon as they do a mini map pops up and informs them they are in a place called the Blood Moor.

Immediately they take note of two vital details. The first is, the area is totally deserted. The second is a number of footprints that suggest a patrol frequents the area quite often, and may be visiting soon.

Party Options: (Unanimous Decision applies)

Move Onward.

Wait a bit and attack the Patrol.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Jamie stares at her hand for a moment, wiggling her fingers as if counting them.

"I don't think this is a dream. But I also don't think it matters with regards to what we plan to do. If that note was telling the truth, then that patrol is a bunch of 'demons' that we don't want to meet. If the recording was telling the truth then the patrol probably someone who's attacking this place, and we don't want to meet them. Especially, you know, without a scrap of clothing between us. We should get out."

(Move Onward)


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Suzy is already a few steps ahead of the others, looking at the tracks. "Whatever these things are, I bet we don't want to run into them, I'm with Jamie, let's go." she said as she stood up, spinning the dagger around her finger, bringing it to a stop pointing forward.

((Yes yes, onwards!))
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Mana nods and say "yes, lets move before they find us. I hope than we be far away before they note our footprints"


Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

Yes well, if they are going to find us, they will and footprints make no difference. It's a matter of your dream imprint. Still, the sooner we get to the demon responsible for this, the sooner I can wake up and not have to count on you all to watch my back. Svenna says, agreeing with the common wisdom of not starting a fight that has no reason for occuring.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

The party decides to move on, and soon enough enter a new area. Almost immediately they spot a group of enemies, 4 in total, even as the mini map warns them of the enemy.

Initiative Rolls (with stats):

1. Suzy Biggs - Assassin (Hero-in-the-Dark) Strength: 30, Dexterity: 30, Vitality: 30, Energy: 20, Intelligence: 40, HP: 90, Mana: 40, Sexual Stamina: 150 (40+50=90)

2. Jamie - Necromancer (Thetwo) Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25, Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 145 (35+46=81)

3. Level 3 Werewolf Strength: 30, Dexterity: 45, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 120, Intelligence: 30 (30+50=80)

4. Level 3 Tar Demoness Strength: 25, Dexterity: 40, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 130, Intelligence: 30 (30+42=72)

5. Level 1 Giant Kraken Strength: 30, Dexterity: 45, HP: 400, Sexual Stamina: 20, Intelligence: 35 (35+32=67)

6. Mana - Warrior (Plmnko) Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210 (10+45=55)

7. Level 3 Slurper Strength: 40, Dexterity: 45, HP: 300, Sexual Stamina: N/A, Intelligence: 30 (30+16=46)

8. Svenna Malheesh - Ritualist (Pheonix) Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 25, Energy: 25, Intelligence: 40, HP: 75, Mana: 50, Sexual Stamina: 125 (40+5=45)

Party Options: (Since you have initiative, you may choose to attempt to run without losing a turn, or simply attack. Remember all members of the party MUST be able to escape themselves, from EVERY enemy for this to work. I need your choices, followed by an attack target should you attempt to run and fail.)

Suzy and Jamie both have their turns first. All must agree to stay or run, so consult with your team mates first before choosing.

Enemy Descriptions:

Tar Demoness: This is a Female Version of the Tar Demon, and she carries the Futa Spell on her. If she futa's you, she'll grip you inside of her tight, warm Tar made pussy, milking you toward corruption every chance she gets. Surprisingly she doesn't attempt to suck you off, but then again why bother when she probably doesn't have to worry about you escaping?

Werewolf: He's pretty self explanatory, roughly six foot six, and covered in fur, the werewolf is one tough son of a bitch, and capable of reproducing with you too. Luckily he doesn't try to bite you and turn you, otherwise you'd have even more troubles.

Giant Kraken: This is a gargantuan squid found in large bodies of water. Easily ten to fifteen feet in length, it resembles the Karsetti in appearance and it's tentacles, only this creature is under water. Somehow, when the thing grabs you, it pumps oxygen into you while it has a hold of you, preventing you from drowning while it drags you under the surface to rape you.

Slurpers: The slurpers are females who move on all fours, red hair and what seem to be red vines sticking out of their backs. They attack by sending these vines out to entangle you, knocking you down. Once your on the ground and grappled, they use one long vine to wrap around one of your ankles, forcing your legs open. Once that is accomplished, they will send their red tongue flying out, and penetrate your pussy with it, eating you out rapidly. Or, sometimes they will cast their Futa Spell, and if successful they will draw you close to them, then proceed to suck you off while your on your back. Since their mouths are on an angle, this is actually quite possible, and it's something you really want to avoid since their attacks are very pleasurable.
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The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

((Wait, have they seen us yet? Sneak attack critical?))

Suzy lays a hand on Mana's shoulder, pushing her gently as she slipped past, daggers both held backhand. Sneaking along, she wrinkled her nose in disgust as she approached the demons, moving quickly towards the one she considered most disgusting, the red haired... imitation. The moment she was in striking range, she lunged at the Slurper, driving both daggers to their hilts in the abominations neck.


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

"Holy hell those things don't look nice. Maybe we should..."

When Suzy suddenly bolts towards them, daggers raised, Jamie curses. Then she remembers the note's claim that she had been granted some sort of power, and she curses again.

(Amplify Damage on the slurper, lets take that one out first)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 3: Svenna Malheesh, Jamie, Mana & Suzy Biggs

((No sneak attacks, they know your there, you just happened to be able to react a little bit faster to their presence this time.))

Suzy's Turn:

Attack Roll:

Suzy: 30+44=74 and 30+39=69 Vs. Slurper: 45+16=61 and 45+38=83. 1st HIT, 2nd MISS.

Damage Calculations:

13+6=19x2=38. Suzy deals 38 damage to the Slurper, which growls in pain, leaving it with 262 HP left.

Jamie's Turn: (Non Damage Spells are auto-success)

Jamie points in the direction of the Slurper, and a moment later an orange icon appears over it's head, indicating Amplify Damage has taken effect for 5 turns (counting from this turn.)

Werewolf's Turn:

Werewolf: 45+38=83 Vs. Svenna: 35+11=46. Svenna is tackled by the Werewolf, pinned under it!

Tar Demoness's Turn:

Tar Demoness: 40+45=85 Vs. Jamie: 35+14=49. Jamie's casting costs her, and she is unable to avoid suddenly being tackled and covered by the Tar Demoness! (Spell does NOT break until Jamie is being actively raped.)

Giant Kraken's Turn:

Giant Kraken: 45+40=85 Vs. Suzy: 30+24=54. Suzy is unable to dodge the Kraken in time, as it took her too long to remove the first dagger out of her target's neck, and is suddenly dragged into the water, tightly held in the multiple tentacles of her aquatic would-be rapist!


Mana has her turn, then another update. Mana is the only free person, and the only target she has to attack is the Amplified Slurper. She may either attack, or forgo her turn.

Initiative Rolls (Updated Stats):

1. Suzy Biggs - Assassin (Hero-in-the-Dark) Strength: 30, Dexterity: 30, Vitality: 30, Energy: 20, Intelligence: 40, HP: 90, Mana: 40, Sexual Stamina: 150 (40+50=90) Grappled by Giant Kraken.

2. Jamie - Necromancer (Thetwo) Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 30, Energy: 25, Intelligence: 35, HP: 90, Mana: 75, Sexual Stamina: 145 (35+46=81) Grappled by Tar Demoness.

3. Level 3 Werewolf Strength: 30, Dexterity: 45, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 120, Intelligence: 30 (30+50=80) Grappling Svenna.

4. Level 3 Tar Demoness Strength: 25, Dexterity: 40, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 130, Intelligence: 30 (30+42=72) Grappling Jamie.

5. Level 1 Giant Kraken Strength: 30, Dexterity: 45, HP: 400, Sexual Stamina: 20, Intelligence: 35 (35+32=67) Grappling Suzy.

6. Mana - Warrior (Plmnko) Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, Vitality: 50, Energy: 10, Intelligence: 10, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210 (10+45=55)

7. Level 3 Slurper Strength: 40, Dexterity: 45, HP: 262, Sexual Stamina: N/A, Intelligence: 30 (30+16=46) Amplified 5 Turns. (2x damage factored in AFTER all other factors.)

8. Svenna Malheesh - Ritualist (Pheonix) Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, Vitality: 25, Energy: 25, Intelligence: 40, HP: 75, Mana: 50, Sexual Stamina: 125 (40+5=45) Grappled by Werewolf
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