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Species and Subspecies


Apr 12, 2009
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There are five species involved in Madrigal, but all (save humans) have a variety of sub-breeds that are fairly different from one another. Daemons (not to be mistaken for 'demons') are the wild-card group: some may try to mimic humanoid shape, while others are distinctly alien.

The 'basic' slave character, versatile in appearance but not very strong compared to many races. Their anonymity is their strength; nobody suspects a human to cause problems when they are considered weak. Humans are desirable 'pets' and may gain a small bonus to seduce others into the sack!
Base Stats: 3/3/3/3

Humanoid in almost every way, Elementals are aligned with one element in particular, taking on more of their chosen elements traits over a long period of time.

Air Elementals
Generally slight of build, with excellent control over their bodies, Air Elementals suffer from the assumption (mostly garnered from experience with Air Demons) that they are stupid -- and many do possess short attention spans or even an inability to solve complex problems. Air Elementals tend to want to act rather than think. Appearance-wise, they tend to have paler bodies, hair and eyes. Older Air Elementals may begin to fade in high winds, gaining first a kind of invisibility, then an ability to dissolve on winds and reform in quiet places.
Base Stats: 3/3/2/4

Earth Elementals
Often stocky or muscle-bound, Earth Elementals are tough hitters and generally tough lovers, too. They are considered the work-horses of the elemental sub-breeds, capable of many tasks... so long as said tasks don't need to be accomplished immediately. Earth Elementals tend to have darker bodies, hair and eyes. As they age, they may gain rocky or crystalline armor. Older Earth Elementals may even begin to sprout with plants. Which rocks and plants the Elemental possesses depends upon its heritage.
Base Stats: 4/3/3/2

Fire Elementals
The least predictable of the elemental sub-breeds, often carried by their own whims. They are very difficult to tame but make excellent slaves when their allegiance is won. Because of their potentially dangerous powers, they are often kept on a short leash and used extensively as guards or in positions where combustion is required. Fire Elementals tend towards warm body, hair and eye tones. As they age, their flesh may begin to possess coal-like properties or even to come alight without harming the Elemental. Older Elementals can dissolve into fire and reform at will.
Base Stats: 2/4/3/3

Water Elementals
Intelligent and emotional, Water Elementals only suffer from looking at the bigger picture. They tend to be very goal oriented, and within their strengths they are natural problem solvers, but they also tend to approach problems intuitively and rarely go without addressing feelings as opposed to logical thought. Water elementals' skin, hair and eyes tend to run a range of cool colours. As a Water Elemental ages, its body may begin to grow more translucent. Older Water Elementals can dissolve into and reform from actual water, and to manipulate its body shape in a semi-solid state.
Base Stats: 3/2/4/3

Demons are monstrous, four-legged creatures that vaguely resemble hyenas in build. They have the ability to shape-shift to a humanoid form and often do. In their four-legged form, the stand roughly 5' to 10' at the shoulder (placing humanoids somewhere at chest-height.) In humanoid form, they tend to carry the same colours of their natural form, marking them instantly as different from regular humans or even elementals.

Air Demons
Air demons run in packs! They do everything as a group, preferably with other air demons. They tend to be very prone to mob-mentality, and love to follow leaders. They're a bit slow to react to things individually as a result, and can thus come off as a bit stupid. Physically, they're barrel-chested and long-legged, bearing wide wings and fins at the tips of their tails. Bony armor surrounds their eyes like a mask and runs down their spines, dark brown and shiny. All have dun-yellow, springy fur, but females are adorned with white stripes wheras males are adorned with dark yellow-brown stripes.
Base Stats: 4/4/2/6

Dark Demons
Darks are xenophobic personally, but domineering socially. They see the value in subduing others, of all races really, but are very hesitant to consider non-Darks part of their packs -- and never non-demons. They're also quite sexual creatures, and often use their humanoid forms for sexual sport. Darks have balanced physiques with a variety of smaller traits adorning a slim form, anything from wings to ram-horns to tailfins. Their chests are characteristically wide and rounded, but their slim muzzles and upright ears give them a sleek and perhaps elegant bearing. They are always black.
Base Stats: 5/5/5/5

Earth Demons
Earth demons are creatures whose minds are always working. They're crafty creatures and many Earths have become entrepreneurs. They're very homey demons, though, preferring to let others do the exploration so that they can stay home in their caverns and enjoy all kinds of sensual pleasures. Their bodies are low and wide, with short, powerful legs that hold up an expansive chest and a slim waist that tapers into a short, powerful tail. They carry their short-muzzled heads low and have small, bearlike ears. All are brown, with mottling along their bellies and legs like splattered mud -- grey, or brown, or yellow.
Base Stats: 5/3/5/3

Fire Demons
Fire demons are wickedly intelligent. They push boundaries wherever and whenever they can, enjoying stirring things up. They aren't very family-based, as far as demons go, and there are very few bona fide Fire packs out there. Most Fires are lone wanderers. Their bodies are powerful on tall, sturdy legs, and at the rump, their spine splits in two to form twin tails. Their ears are small and pointed and their eyes are intelligent in their long, thick faces. They are always red, though the shade and tint can vary from pure vermilion to dusty purplish.
Base Stats: 4/3/6/3

Water Demons
Waters are fair-minded but downright mean. They have a complex structure of laws for their own packs (as well as anyone who happens to break one of their laws in one of their settlements, whether they know the law or not!). They also tend to hate outsiders, but don't get many visitors anyways, living on the bottom of the seas as they do. Water demons bear armor that covers their deceptively slim bodies, and flaps of skin secure their legs to their body from elbow and ankle up. They have ram-horns that curl under and forward, and they are always pale, cool colors, from blue-green to greyed purple.
Base Stats: 5/2/5/4

Dragons are large, lithely-built four-legged creatures with elongated necks, ears, tail, legs and wings. Like Demons, Dragons possess a humanoid form which they often use, though also like Demons, their humanoid forms retain the colours of their natural bodies. In their natural forms, they reach 7' to 12' feet at the shoulder, meaning that some humans don't even reach the base of their chests!

Air Dragon
Generally considered playful by nature, air dragons are fairly laid back, optimistic, and take on the world with a 'fly by the seat of your pants' attitude. They are built sleekly, with short, yellow fur and large, silver-webbed wings. Chitinous, brown armor covers the front of their forearms and up to the ankles of their hind-legs, as well as creates a mask from the tip of their muzzle, over their faces, to the nape of their necks. They also display two silvery coloured fins -- one sprouts between their eyes and runs to the base of their neck, while the other grows horizontally from their tail-tip. They tend to have yellow skin, and silver hair and eyes or brown hair and eyes in human form.
Base Stats: 2/5/3/6

Earth Dragon
Considered thoughtful loners by nature, earth dragons like to spend most of their time alone, in their own territory, and only tend to run across others from time to time. They are vaguely xenophobic, but also fairly placid. They tend to think outside the box more often than not. They have long, slender bodies that come in a range of rich brown colours. Green, armor-like gems thickly adorn their backs, running from just over their eyes, across their backs (including shoulders and haunches) and down their tails. About one third to one half of the way up from the tip of the tail, an earth dragon's tail becomes semi-translucent, gelatinous green in colour -- it can be used to root the dragon in times where hibernation is the best option. Earth dragons also have darker, harder plating running along their undersides. They sport two green, gem-like horns over their eyes. In human form, they tend to have brown skin and green hair and eyes.
Base Stats: 6/3/5/2

Fire Dragon
Fire dragons are fiesty, passionate creatures who tend towards tradeswork -- making of things -- and traderwork -- selling the things they make. They have thick, red fur that fades towards a yellow colour on longer hair. Their longer fur is most often seen along their necks, like manes; on their wings (which are webbed beneath all of that fur); at elbows and hocks, as well as in the form of a long plume from the tip of their tails. In human form, they have red skin and hair that fades to yellow, and eyes the same colour as their natural form.
Base Stats: 5/2/6/3

Light Dragon
Arrogant and overbearing at times, light dragons are otherwise interested in mediating the affairs of others. They are by turns cerebral and passionate, and are quite invested in guarding their own values, and instilling them upon others. They have short, iridescent white fur, though their wing-webbing, furry tail plume, a stripe along their bellies, along with a single back-swept horn jutting from between their ears, is tinted with a different colour -- usually gold. In human form, they have the same faintly opalescent white skin, while their hair and eye colour mimics the secondary colour found in their natural form.
Base Stats: 5/5/5/5

Water Dragon
Natural explorers and social organisms, water dragons are also known for their family values, as well as their general xenophobia of interbreeding with other races and species. They're fairly intellectual, though also quite affectionate within their ranks. Water dragons have seal-short blue fur, with webbed tines running the length of their spines, fanning their heads, and forming fins along their tails. Their long toes are also webbed. This webbing often fades from a purplish colour, to coral pink, to white, though variations on these colours are not uncommon. In human form, their skin is blue, while their hair and eyes mimic the colour of their webbing.
Base Stats: 5/3/5/3

Truly strange creatures, Daemons are often born to fit their niches, and come in every shape, size and colour. Most that are encountered within slave barracks are used for pleasure, meaning that many encountered Daemons mimic humanoids or Demon-types in appearance. There are a few varieties that fail to mimic anything a humanoid would recognize.
Base Stats: Vary

Tree: A rare, specialty-bred Daemon which is mostly immobile, Tree looks something like a huge tongue lined with sinuous, prehensile tentacles. Its modus operandi during sex is to wrap its 'victim' up against the flat of its body, nubbins of flesh used to massage the victim pressed against it. With extra tentacles, it finds more common methods of penetration and stimulation. Tree also exudes aphrodisiacs from vents along its back, causing those who inhale this reddish mist to grow lustful and sensitive. Though intelligent, this Daemon can communicate only through a limited sign language. It typically needs to be fed and watered by a caretaker.
Base Stats: 8/8/2/2
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