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Order of the Argent Flame

Based on the Shrine World of Sanctora, second in a system of five planets, the Order of the Argent Flame is a relatively recent addition to the minor Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas. Created at the urging of Inquisitor Castella Kaltos for the purposes of standing against, and hopefully completely stopping, the rise of a Cult she had foreseen, the new Order drew its initial leadership from selected veterans picked from the Order of the Argent Shroud. The Sisters, perhaps in reaction to information passed to them by the Inquisitor, have varied slighty from the standard image of the Sisters of Battle, focusing more on disciplined responses to situations, rather than rabid zealotry. Make no mistake: The Order of the Argent Flame is just as devoted as their Sisters in other Orders. They're just less likely to rage about screaming and more likely to use controlled bursts to kill while whispering prayers to the Emperor.

The Order's name stems from an incident that occurred while the veterans were training the initial pass of novice-initiates. During the first firing of the flamers, every single burst of flame shot out a silvery-white color, and the burn pattern on the firing range was that of the Aquila itself. As the veteran Sisters were still deliberating on a name, they took that incident as a sign, and proclaimed that their order would be called the Order of the Argent Flame. Despite these perhaps auspicious beginnings, the Order has had a rough time, as Sanctora seems to frequently in the path of Ork WAAAAGHS!, as well as other occasional xenos threats. However, the first of the battles against the xenos led to one of their early numbers, a Celestian named Galatia, becoming something of a legend amongst the Order for her efforts against the Greenskins. Although the Orks did manage to martyr Galatia upon the battlefield, the Celestian sold her life dearly.

The Order has, in the past, often found itself saved by timely arrivals of allied Imperial forces summoned by Astropathic pleas, as well as the occasional help from battle psykers, it is perhaps slightly better disposed towards psykers than some other Orders, only sharing the normal Imperium suspicion towards Sanctioned Psykers, rather than the trigger-happy watchfulness that the other Orders Militant tend to have. Against the unsanctioned psykers, though, only the newly "awakened" have hope of mercy, and those find themselves swiftly prepared and sent to the Black Ships, if they prove clear of taint (aside from their psychic ability). In addition, their frequent clashes against xenos have lead to relatively strong ties with the Deathwatch, and while uncommon, it is not unheard of for certain members of the Deathwatch to have been tasked to train small teams of Sisters from the Argent Flame in tactics that have proven highly effective against the xenos invaders. Given their origins and primary training against the Enemy Within, they are highly suspicious of any Astra Militarum Regiments with cultural practices that edge towards the forbidden, such as the Brontian Longknives.

The Argent Flame's livery is silver armor, with flame red robes that have orange inner linings. Their heraldry is that of a silver flame resting upon the Aquila, upon a black background. In addition to the other trappings of their position, those Sisters who have received training from a member of the Deathwatch are allowed to place a small charm upon their weapons: that of a small fleur-de-lys, dangling from the pommel of the grip for the weapon. This charm is often marked by a slight scar, in memory of those Sisters lost to the xenos. As a side note, flame-colored hair seems exceptionally common among the Argent Flame's Sisters, with some even dyeing their hair.

Currently, the Order is recovering from a major Ork Freebooter assault. During the fighting, many of the Order's fallen had their weapons stolen by the Orks. As such, the Order is currently fielding more Flamers, which are being replaced faster than the Bolters. They also currently have a proportionately higher number of novices than veteran members, and are considered under-strength.