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Burrito's Stories Comments Section


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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K, since I don't feel like comments popping up throughout the story, I am making a comment thread for my stories.

Announcements will also be given in this thread.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Well so far so good, I like where the stories going. Along the same lines as Lurker Wars, but different in a good way. The colors for the different people makes it a little difficult to read, line breaks would work better. That's just nitpicking a preference though really hopefully it continues on. Keep it up.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Update: Homeworld will be on hiatus until Friday. Have to work overtime Tomorrow and Thursday, and won't be able to write the story until then. Sorry, all you die-hard fans


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

The story is intresting, but its much too cluttered. Its hard to read when you have everything crammed into a single paragraph. Try to make a new paragraph after each piece of dialogue and after every complete idea. It makes it much easier to read.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Thanks for your input. Sorry, my writing style is trash. Too long has it been since my last story.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Yeah stories looking much better with less clutter, looking forward to the rest of it.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Sorry for the long ass delay. Can't update it when I got my family breathing down my spine and carrying on about christmas and new years and resolutions and random shit I don't give a damn about.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

i know the feeling, we can wait, its not like were gonna die while waiting
*oh, shit, i've jinxed it*


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

New story be up. Also rezing the thread so people can comment on the new story.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Alright... Quick review. Let's see what I can do.

What's getting me most about this story is the constant switch between past tense and present tense. Also, informal words usually turn me off when I'm reading a serious story (Which I'm assuming this is because it's a story with fights in it) so when I saw things like:

"All across America, vital landmarks and structures were being blown to smithereens."
And "After that, the ride was completely smooth, no enemies, no nothing."

It really takes away from the serious.

Also, the whole chapter felt... Well to be honest, it felt a little cheesy. He was randomly giving six molotovs before he began the mission? Gee, that was pretty convenient. However, it's the dialogue's where most of the cheese is.

"Come back alive. I owe you a Tequila."
"You did good kid,"
"I am here to purge this wretched country and cleanse your body and soul."

These all can be found almost word for word in numerous action movies. If we're going for realism, a military group designed for this combat wouldn't exactly be talking in clichés, would they?

The whole experience needs to be far more gritty and darker if I'm correct in that you want your story to have that "final stand against the Man" feeling to it.

Of course, this is just my puny opinion. I'm not that great of a writer either, so I can't really talk.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Before I rage, I gotta admit, it was very cheesy. That's cus the first chapter was a dream of mine. The real seriousness starts next chapter. I was just in a rush to put up the first chapter. The next one will be more detailed and I'll probably put about 2 days worth of effort into it.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

I'll probably put about 2 days worth of effort into it.
Okay. So only about a day's worth of effort. Hey, at least this chapter isn't as sheezy as the first.

Pardon the double post, but yeah. I prefer to alert others when a new chapter gets done.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Well, it's still a little chessy, but really there's nothing wrong with that. You've also been getting much better. Improvement with experience. Well done Burrito, I'm curious to see how this all turns out.

I also like the involvement of Canadians.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Thank you.

Also, I intend to take this story to at least chapter 10 before I even think about stopping. It's way too much fun writing a story like this.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

10 is a decent number to look towards. And stories like this are indeed fun to write.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

You're still doing it, Burrito. You keep mixing present tense words and past tense words together.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

I know. It's a bad habit. At least I'm not fucking it up completely like that first chapter.
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Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Hmm... lots of room for improvement in the first two chapters (that's as far as I read, kind of tired and would like to get to bed). I like the original idea, a lot. I haven't heard many modern civil war stories, especially in countries like America. So props to you for that. Definitely keep working on it, maybe if you're only going for 10 chapters, you could publish as a short story. Or expand it to a novel.

If the following comments seem too negative, I'd like to say that I'm a very good nitpicker at writing. I'd be a very good editor. But I'm not all that creative; thinking up the base idea is something I could never do. So the positive of that immediately, to me, outweighs the negatives of whatever criticism I might mention.

I won't talk about the cliche'd lines as they've already been mentioned. But there was something else that really really bothered me. Your sense of time seems incredibly skewed.

and noticed a car speeding up beside him. Before he could get a good look at the driver, he sped ahead and aimed a pistol out the window.
This is one example. You're saying that James noticed a guy pointing a gun at him from another car, and before the first man fires a single shot, James has the window down and has shot out the car's tire? Did the first man's gun malfunction, or something? Did he forget to load ammo? Seems like he would at least have squeezed off a couple shots in the few seconds that it takes James to roll down the window, bring his own weapon to bear, aim at the tire, and shoot.

The scene with the priest also shows some glaring discrepancies. First, you have James aiming his weapon at the priest before he shows any sign of hostile intentions. This is fine; he should be suspicious of some crackpot showing up coincidentally where the convoy's destination was. But then you have the priest somehow crossing the distance between himself and James, knocking him down from behind, then moving over to the driver and wrapping the kite string around his neck, all before either man is able to react, even when one of them has a loaded weapon pointed at him. Is this priest magic or something? If not, it definitely seems like you're trying to make him have some sort of arcane or superhuman powers. Or your sense of time was a bit off.

Then, in the same scene, you have James firing and missing the priest at close range. This is fine, except for the fact that you've sandwiched that between two acts where James seems to have incredible, superhuman accuracy. First, using only one shot, he shoots the tire, an incredibly small target, from a moving vehicle while in a moving vehicle *and driving*. Then, you have him killing an unknown number between five and fifty people with an automatic rifle before they can even react. Okay, sure, you can mow down people fast with a rifle, but only if you can aim it, and even then, only if they're standing in a line. And even a small .22 rifle with a scope is hard to be accurate with when you have all the time in the world (at least for me. Maybe I just suck at shooting =p) And these two acts seem to show that James has incredible accuracy with any type of gun. Yet, he misses a target that is relatively still (barring struggles with the strangle-ee), from near-point blank range, while he himself is not moving? That just struck me as extremely unrealistic. Either he has some innate skill that approaches the supernatural with guns, or he doesn't - can't have it both ways.

Another example of the time-sense being a bit skewed - the priest is strangling the driver, James gets up from where he was knocked down, fires a shot, closes the distance, picks up the kite line, then strangles the priest while giving a semi-melodramatic line about religious beliefs, all before the first guy finishes dying from the priest's strangulation. You might just want to rework your action scenes a bit.

All that being said, looking forward to reading your next few chapters =)


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section

Hmm... lots of room for improvement in the first two chapters (that's as far as I read, kind of tired and would like to get to bed). I like the original idea, a lot. I haven't heard many modern civil war stories, especially in countries like America. So props to you for that. Definitely keep working on it, maybe if you're only going for 10 chapters, you could publish as a short story. Or expand it to a novel.

If the following comments seem too negative, I'd like to say that I'm a very good nitpicker at writing. I'd be a very good editor. But I'm not all that creative; thinking up the base idea is something I could never do. So the positive of that immediately, to me, outweighs the negatives of whatever criticism I might mention.

I won't talk about the cliche'd lines as they've already been mentioned. But there was something else that really really bothered me. Your sense of time seems incredibly skewed.

This is one example. You're saying that James noticed a guy pointing a gun at him from another car, and before the first man fires a single shot, James has the window down and has shot out the car's tire? Did the first man's gun malfunction, or something? Did he forget to load ammo? Seems like he would at least have squeezed off a couple shots in the few seconds that it takes James to roll down the window, bring his own weapon to bear, aim at the tire, and shoot.

The scene with the priest also shows some glaring discrepancies. First, you have James aiming his weapon at the priest before he shows any sign of hostile intentions. This is fine; he should be suspicious of some crackpot showing up coincidentally where the convoy's destination was. But then you have the priest somehow crossing the distance between himself and James, knocking him down from behind, then moving over to the driver and wrapping the kite string around his neck, all before either man is able to react, even when one of them has a loaded weapon pointed at him. Is this priest magic or something? If not, it definitely seems like you're trying to make him have some sort of arcane or superhuman powers. Or your sense of time was a bit off.

Then, in the same scene, you have James firing and missing the priest at close range. This is fine, except for the fact that you've sandwiched that between two acts where James seems to have incredible, superhuman accuracy. First, using only one shot, he shoots the tire, an incredibly small target, from a moving vehicle while in a moving vehicle *and driving*. Then, you have him killing an unknown number between five and fifty people with an automatic rifle before they can even react. Okay, sure, you can mow down people fast with a rifle, but only if you can aim it, and even then, only if they're standing in a line. And even a small .22 rifle with a scope is hard to be accurate with when you have all the time in the world (at least for me. Maybe I just suck at shooting =p) And these two acts seem to show that James has incredible accuracy with any type of gun. Yet, he misses a target that is relatively still (barring struggles with the strangle-ee), from near-point blank range, while he himself is not moving? That just struck me as extremely unrealistic. Either he has some innate skill that approaches the supernatural with guns, or he doesn't - can't have it both ways.

Another example of the time-sense being a bit skewed - the priest is strangling the driver, James gets up from where he was knocked down, fires a shot, closes the distance, picks up the kite line, then strangles the priest while giving a semi-melodramatic line about religious beliefs, all before the first guy finishes dying from the priest's strangulation. You might just want to rework your action scenes a bit.

All that being said, looking forward to reading your next few chapters =)
*dies from the wall of text*

At least you all give me some feedback. Which I like. It shows that I need to improve myself and try to write better.


Jun 14, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Burrito's Stories Comments Section



Wall of Text Wins!!!

Sorry =( you know I wouldn't spend so much time on it if I didn't think it was worth it.