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HF72 (RP stuff mainly)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Most likely to find derpgen, realchargen, and RP notes for DG and DLaby here. Maybe homebrew stuff if I ever get my current side project to the point where it's playtest-able and has lore that I can look at without going "EVERYTHING IS AWFUL FOREVER".

But for now, a random DG character sheet.

Faerie Knight
Name: Sylvia
Class: Warrior
Race: Sidhe
Sex: Female

Body: 50 = 42 + 8
Mind: 10 = 2 + 8
Spirit: 30 = 6 + 8 + 16

Hit Points (HP): 70
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 60
Speed: 22
Dodge: 47
Armor: 2 (9 with robes)
Resistance: 25
Perception: 25
Stealth: 38
Grapple: 50
Spirit Ceiling: 12


Exceptional x2: +16 PTD.
Sneaky: +8 Sneakery.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Shadowmancer): +4 Shadow powers.

Skill with One Handed Swords: +12 attack with One-handed Swords
Two Weapon Fighter: Dual Wieldan'.
Skilled: +3 Skills
Stealthy: +5 Sneakery.

[Extra] Honorable
[Race] Open Soul: +5 Soul Drain.
[Race] Sensitive: +5 PP damage taken.

Weakness (Iron): 1d4, lose turn on roll of 1 when struck by iron.
Excitable: Aroused at 1/2 PP.
Easily Tired: Weakened at 1/2 EP.

Mutations: Shapeshifter, Ironbane, Naturally Supernatural, Faerie, Selective Fertility

Quick Draw
Parry Mode
Scissor Defense
Whirling Death

Wielder Aptitudes: None yet.
Powers: Dark Armor, Patch of Darkness, Shadows Made Manifest, Shadowstalker

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 17
Foreplay = 2d4 + 13

2x Sosun Pattahs, OH: (+64) 2d6 + 27, DW: (+60) 2d6 + 23
Throwing Knives (+52) 2d12 + 13, 10 foot range, 5/5, +2d6 on sneak attack.
Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
50 denarii

Most commonly, Sylvia takes on the appearance of a simple, lightly-tanned Badarian human with short, jet black hair and a lean, athletic build. As a simple side effect of being a faerie, she's unnaturally pretty even though she makes no effort to emphasize it with her preferred appearance. She is also willing to make the most of her innate ability to shapeshift though, and picks up and discards appearances as simply as one might wear and remove clothes. The only constants are those which she can't change to any great effect with her natural abilities: being her height, slightly above the average for the race she's emulating at 5'7", and her golden eyes.

A former knight of the Autumn Court, Sylvia spent the majority of her life working toward joining her Queen's elite knights. Despite her relative youth in the immortal eyes of the faeries, she was succeeding at her goal as well. She was a cold and calculating woman with an eye for details and she fit perfectly into the political intrigues and skullduggery that made up the higher tiers of the Autumn Court. At any given point during her career she was manipulating others, pretending to be manipulated herself, and legitimately being manipulated in more plots than she could count on her fingers and toes, all while bringing ruin to the enemies of her court both inner and outer.

It all went well enough, and it looked like she might soon graduate to the higher ranks of the court, but it came crashing to an end when, during an attempt to kidnap one such threat out from under the nose of another faerie court, she made a grievous oversight that ended in the entire plot and effort being revealed to that court at large. Sylvia knew immediately that her hopes of taking her rightful place were destroyed, and wasn't entirely certain that she would be allowed to keep her life if she were to return to her home. So when she took flight in order to escape the retribution from the allies of the faerie she had come to kidnap, she also took flight from her own court as well, fleeing in the opposite direction of both.

Along the way, she faked her death, giving up all of her enchanted gear in the process. She knew that it would never fool the people of her own court for a moment, but gambled that it would throw her pursuers off for long enough to escape and that gamble paid off, allowing her to slip away to the southwest. She was initially left naked and weaponless, but along the way, to her luck, she found an Badarian woman returning home from adventuring in Anudor and, after tricking the adventurer with a story about having been captured and fleeing, killed her in the night, stole her gear and appearance, and made a path for the one place she wagered that her former allies and co-conspirators wouldn't chase her: Acheron.

She arrived in the city a month ago and has been watching her back ever since. While she hasn't managed to fool the demons who inhabit the place about her true race, she believes she's done a good job of hiding exactly why she took up residence in Acheron. She's also since taken up selling her suite of acquired skills, including tracking, bounty hunting, kidnapping, murder, and most anything else that those unassociated with the Acheron guard are brave enough to inquire after all in the pursuit of enough coin to arm herself to the teeth both so that she can continue to do her job and be prepared should her former allies ever come calling.
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