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Ridley's Pokemon Adventure


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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I'm going to start posting the story of one of my characters set in the Hoenn region of the Pokemon universe. I will be updating this chapter by chapter on a semi-regular basis. Of course, the beginning is going to be absolutely terrible, but hopefully it will get better. Feel free to reply if you have any questions, concerns, or comments. Here's first chapter.

Chapter One: The Adventure Begins...

Morning arrived to the sleepy town of Fallarbor. The sun started to rise, bathing the town in the warm, golden rays of sunlight. Ridley sat up in his bed yawning, awakened by the rays of light filtering through his window. As he was rubbing his eyes to wake up, Ridley's loyal Vulpix, Flare, uncurled at the foot of the bed from where she was sleeping. Flare then stretched out and let out a cute yawn. Ridley smiled and leaned forward to pet pet Flare.

"Good morning Flare. This is the big day. Are you ready?"

Vulpix let out a enthusiastic cry, "Vulpix~!"

Ridley smiles and hops out of bed to change into his clothes. When he was done, he was dressed in a pair of khaki pants, a solid black t-shirt, a brown trenchcoat, and a pair of Running Shoes. Ridley grabbed his backpack, his Pokedex, which he slid into his pocket, and his wallet containing half of his life savings and his Trainer ID Card. He then made his way down the stairs, Flare trailing closely behind him. As they made it to the bottom of the stairs, they were met by Ridley's mother.

"So, it's finally happening. My boy is finally setting out on his own Pokemon adventure. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but it's so hard for me to accept that you're finally leaving."

Ridley's mother looked as though she was about to burst into tears as she gave her son a tight hug.

"Just promise me one thing. Promise me you'll stop by from time to time."

Ridley smiles and nods, "Ma... Can't... Breathe... Need air! I promise, I will stop by from time to time."

His mother returns a smile and hugs her son again, before letting go of him, allowing Ridley to finally leave the house. He grabs a toaster pastry for a breakfast on the go before leaving. Upon exiting the house, Ridley lets out an almost exasperated sigh as he turns to his loyal companion.

"Well, now since that's over with, I guess we should make our way over to Route 114. Just like old times."


And with that, Ridley and Flare followed the path through Fallarbor Town to its western outskirts. The path went through a a couple of patches of fertile soil, each filled with various small plants and shrubs. After following the path past the "Fossil Maniac's" house, Ridley and Flare were officially out of Fallarbor Town. From there, they followed the path as it curved southward, weaving between the murky ponds spread throughout the base of the valley path. Ridley enjoys the nostalgic scenery, watching the Fishermen fish at the ponds, hoping to make land a big catch. He looks up at the sky to the east as the early morning sun rises above the shrub-like trees, bathing the semi-arid landscape in bright, warm golden rays of sunlight, with the occasional stray ash flurry drifting in the wind. Flare pranced along happily, bringing a smile to Ridley's face every time she playfully bats around the occasional low-drifting ash flurry with her paws. They eventually arrive at large lake with a large sturdy wooden bridge spanning across to the other side. On the other side of the lake, the ground seemed to be covered in more grass and plantlife than the Fallarbor side of the lake. Ridley turns to his loyal companion.

"This is it. Once we cross this bridge, we'll be taking our first steps into the Hoenn wilderness. Are you ready for this Flare?"

Vulpix stood at attention and let out a cry full of confidence, "Vulpix!"

Ridley smiled and walked side by side over the bridge with his pokemon. On the other side, Ridley took the time to look around at their surroundings. The other side of the lake had a different landscape indeed. The terrain was rough with several jagged, lichen-covered rocks and small ledges. Scattered throughout the terrain were several patches of tall grass. The rest of the soil in the area was covered in a layer of lush green grass. Surrounding this rough, grass-covered terrain appeared to be the end of the valley with a terraced path winding up the U-shaped cliffside at the end of the valley. Ridley could only assume that somewhere on that cliff bore the entrance to Meteor Falls, which will lead to the path to Rustboro City. The sun was still on the rise, and there was alot of ground to cover. Ridley took a deep breath and began his trek through the tall grass in front of him, Flare following close behind. They walked through the grass for five minutes without incident, being sure to be aware of their surroundings.

Suddenly, Flare tensed up and got into a battle stance upon hearing a rustling in the grass. Ridley took notice and stood behind her. Then, out from the grass emerged an angry wild Lotad. Ridley quickly pulls his Pokedex out of his pocket and points it at the wild pokemon. This causes the Pokedex to spark to life.


Ridley looks over some of the basic Pokedex data for the wild Lotad, specifically it's types before deciding what to do.

"Hrm, it may be a Water-type Pokemon, but it is also partially a Grass-type. So we aren't at a complete disadvantage. Flare, hit it with an Ember attack!"

Vulpix springs forward into action and spits out several small embers from her mouth. The Lotad cries out and staggers backward as the tiny embers make contact, obviously having done alot of damage, but the Pokemon quickly gets back up again and lunges forward, stopping just before hitting Flare in an attempt to Astonish her. Flare winces as the attack did only a small amount of damage, but very quickly recomposes herself.

"Don't give up Flare, let's try and finish it off with another Ember attack!"

Flare inhales deeply and spits out another small cloud of tiny embers towards her foe. Making contact with her foe doing a large amount of damage to the enemy Lotad. The Lotad staggers as it stands up and scampers off into the grass towards the water as fast as it could. Vulpix sits down with her head held up high triumphantly, bearing an almost smug expression. Ridley smiles as he crouches down to pet Flare on a job well done.

"Good girl, Flare."

Ridley felt confident after winning his first battle with Flare, even if it was just against a wild Pokemon. Even though Flare only sustained a small amount of damage, Ridley decided it would be best to make his way out of the tall grass and let her rest up before continuing on.