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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Keep an eye out for a major update to Mahou Shoujo Ruruka (RJ077887), ver 2.00 will be released next week. (via dev blog)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

any1 know how to enter the tower in the 3rd-ish town in Intrigue+ game ? the one everybody is arguing about (RJ104035)
says something about ... i cant dispell this magic or smth ... help please ^_^"

make sure you are properly dressed and go into the door with the stone wall, the one that is in the ame area as the tower. then head top left till you see a guy guarding the stairs. go up the stairs.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I have a question about RJ101930... I've talked to the women who you save from the demon in the previously empty area that had the house and field with a scarecrow in it. I saw the scene with the four other girls but now I'm not sure what to do, anyone have any hints on where to find something to help me advance? Possibly using a translator would help me. XD
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

make sure you are properly dressed and go into the door with the stone wall, the one that is in the ame area as the tower. then head top left till you see a guy guarding the stairs. go up the stairs.

thank you very much ... i turned back after he said "important meeting something" had no ideea i could go >_<
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

It's not that we dislike loli. It's more that there are amoral "moral" busybodies that make laws that enslave people to ridiculously lengthy jail terms for no reason, and seize their property and assets, all in the name of "The Children." The country that hosts the server makes inane rules that are followed. Hence, ban.

If you don't like it, take it up with the world that outlaws thoughts while sanctioning murder.

Whoever did the full save for Ghost Sweeper Town didn't get all the CG gallery.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I thought posting links to Loli games was forbidden though... So why would you rep someone for breaking the rules?

Well from what I heard it's not tagged loli and from what everyone else is saying, she's supposedly flat chested by a curse, and plus he took the time of posting the game link for us, so wouldn't that be considered rep worthy? and every other post from the last page had someone asking for a link and I'm sure he made a lot of people happy from that link, so yes I repped him.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

do you reallllllllly want us to answer that =/
if you have to ask then something is wrong with you

Well... if there's so many games about loli, there's nothing wrong about that as it's just fantasy...
Do you like guns? Well, i like call of duty, but you don't see me shoting everyone in the street \`-´/
Just 'cuz someone likes loli characters doesn't mean he's gonna rape a fundamental student or something =/
If it's forbidden in the forum, because of some american law that can close the forum, ok, let's avoid that
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Theoretically M N M is right.. she's not loli by mental age (as seen in the previous game, which was rather decent given the lackluster level creation).. but undergoes age degeneration through a curse in +..

In a way, the game still targets the loli audience though.. which is a shame, I did like the girl from the first game.. She kinda looks stupid shrunk.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.

Stupid Mediafire...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Sorry for the random question but in Sankegi no Gear is there any way to have sex with the kids?, i've had sex with the shopkeeper in front of them but all Ellen does now is think about it to herself.

Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well from what I heard it's not tagged loli and from what everyone else is saying, she's supposedly flat chested by a curse

Anything under size DD is pretty much considered "loli" by many people. It's a profound misuse of the term, but what can you do. Stupidity builds mountains.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

To clear things up with people who haven't played Intrigue+. The girls entire body gets much smaller, not just her breasts. I personally have to go with loli or age regression because of this.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Anything under size DD is pretty much considered "loli" by many people. It's a profound misuse of the term, but what can you do. Stupidity builds mountains.

the funny thing is some of those same folks are split on whether alot of Arekishi's art is loli or not :rolleyes:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

the funny thing is some of those same folks are split on whether alot of Arekishi's art is loli or not :rolleyes:

You can not have oppai lolita. I'm sorry. Doesn't work. At least not for me.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well... if there's so many games about loli, there's nothing wrong about that as it's just fantasy...
Do you like guns? Well, i like call of duty, but you don't see me shoting everyone in the street \`-´/
Just 'cuz someone likes loli characters doesn't mean he's gonna rape a fundamental student or something =/
If it's forbidden in the forum, because of some american law that can close the forum, ok, let's avoid that

I agree with you 100% and Loli is one of the many thousands of reasons why I'm moving to Japan and getting out of the United States as soon as I have enough money to.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

So we call them "well-endowed midgets?"

Yes. Yes. This will serve. I demand this tag. If only to stem the tide of incorrect fetish assignment.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Sorry for the random question but in Sankegi no Gear is there any way to have sex with the kids?, i've had sex with the shopkeeper in front of them but all Ellen does now is think about it to herself.

From what I gathered, it seems that, no, you cannot have sex with the kids.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well... if there's so many games about loli, there's nothing wrong about that as it's just fantasy...
Do you like guns? Well, i like call of duty, but you don't see me shoting everyone in the street \`-´/
Just 'cuz someone likes loli characters doesn't mean he's gonna rape a fundamental student or something =/
If it's forbidden in the forum, because of some american law that can close the forum, ok, let's avoid that

Well, its like that incident with Rapelay. Even if the game wouldn't increase rape incidents, the feminists got into a hissy fit and blew everything out of proportion.

I can only imagine the response loli would get. Even if the character was reverted to a younger age in Impulse Plus, it would still be considered loli. Its like in manga where authors try to make an excuse that even if she looks young, she's actually XX years old. Even that doesn't fly more. If the character looks underage and has childish body proportions, its considered loli.

Its forbidden in the forum because it would bring this site under fire from people who have nothing better to do but complain.

PS: They actually did bring up shooting video games as an issue lol
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