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In today's news...

Reminder, sarcasm doesn't transfer over text
If you're complaining about 'toxicity' with a big red bar next to your name we can assume sarcasm from the circumstances, but that doesn't mean we can be sure

Also, anti-EU sentiment is incredibly strong all over the EU. Because of the way the EU is organised. It's fundamentally fucked, and because the EU establishment only doubles down and refuses to address any concerns it's only getting worse
To be fair, I got most of those for telling someone who had just uploaded a game in the post after to go fuck themselves, apparently that's like kicking a bear in the balls. I better say something about the topic so I don't have the wrath of god brought down upon me.

I agree, the EU sucks.
Bah. At least Brexit sounds neatish. Itaxit sounds like something apple comes up with to avoid taxes.
I hope all the heart EU has rape my country too much, now enough, they can threaten what they want but when a people has been taken for a long time, it is natural that populism, sovereignism and nationalism grow.

Sooner or later my country will come out of Europe now they see us more as enemies than founding members.

Staying or leaving a lot always ends badly, but the second option you can get up. the first will not be subject to the European dictatorship that you will never leave!
I hope all the heart EU has rape my country too much, now enough, they can threaten what they want but when a people has been taken for a long time, it is natural that populism, sovereignism and nationalism grow.

Sooner or later my country will come out of Europe now they see us more as enemies than founding members.

Staying or leaving a lot always ends badly, but the second option you can get up. the first will not be subject to the European dictatorship that you will never leave!

Y'know, I feel like there's something deeply ironic about you starting this.. rant going on about nationalism and ending in talking about a European dictatorship.

Something to do with not so distant Italian history.
The EU aimed to bring the European countries closer to never ever have a war happening again there.
It didn't come as a surprise that big companies, being the only entities than naturally cross borders, took advantage of it and added a first touch of corruption.
It also didn't come as a surprise that some politics took advantage of the budget that came as a miraculous European gift because their own citizen can be very careful about how they spend the national budget.

What's sad is that EU is not failing because of its own corruption but because politics use it as a mean to access/secure power (by spouting what is mainly lies). The main reason they are taken seriously is because EU is a continent-wide target, attacked by many different populists who use their number to justify their ideas. People have registered the EU is bad and fail to notice when politics add some bullshit in between. Of course, there are serious EU opponents besides populists, but they are way less efficient at getting the people's support and fail themselves to access/secure power.

EU is not a dictatorship but a large diplomatic entity. It has as much power and is as good as its members will it to be. Unfortunately, the current populist trend makes it so that the corrupted/opposition part has more and more power and is about to outweigh the not rotten/constructive part of the EU. Once they are done rooting out the good, there will be only them and the rotten. Putting an end to the EU will then be the only reasonable choice.

The future is not certain and I don't know how long the EU will last. But no matter what, people have experienced what "being European" is. A few generation will then be enough to see history objectively.
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Y'know, I feel like there's something deeply ironic about you starting this.. rant going on about nationalism and ending in talking about a European dictatorship.

Something to do with not so distant Italian history.
So, on this I give you reason, but there is one thing that you really knew.
Nationalism and an ideology not a party, which unfortunately exists in fascism, there are also in today's democratic parties both left and right, in short, nationalism does not mean only fascism, moreover the nationalist ideology is It was before the Fascist era.
We can really use a 'confused' reaction emote thing, I think it would come in handy a lot

But as usual, the way any political organization works is that complex issues have complex solutions, but not all complex solutions translate well into simple language to use for political advertisements. After all, if they don't keep it simple, they'll miss out on votes that go to their opponent that has overly simplified the situation
Politics is about being popular, not about having good solutions. Simple solutions are popular, but they aren't always good solutions
WTF Brazil? o_O
Candidate for president is currently held in prison for corruption.
His party doesn't want to give up on his candidature.
Lots of people actually support him while other are very worried about it.
Brazil decides to ban him from running for president.
UN disagree with the ban because the appeal against his conviction is still ongoing.

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Really do need a confused react lol

That's a pretty unique situation they have there, can't even be completely sure who is guilty of corruption... The PT party should've nominated a different candidate from the get-go, instead of planning it for the last possible moment, only going to hurt their chances in the election. o_O
Hurt? It looks like he actually had a good chance of winning this election.
I don't know what they are actually thinking (I'm not Brazilian).

Gonna guess this is one of those situations that don't make sense anywhere except for where it's happening.

And +1 on the confused reaction. Really helpful to have. :D
Saying hurt more from what the NY times wrote, with 30% in favour and 36% strongly against Lulu (partly from corruption charges), and several supporters having said they'd support whoever Lulu endorsed could mean an uncorrupted candidate for the party. But that poll you posted is interesting, actually going up in popularity...

So confusing lol, we'd have to be there like Cyriel said
I bring thee news!

News of a particularly low impact and high amusement value, but news still
Well that pretty much means some parents will actually have to be responsible and make the effort to look out for their kids instead of hoping new laws and regulations will do it for them.
Well that pretty much means some parents will actually have to be responsible and make the effort to look out for their kids instead of hoping new laws and regulations will do it for them.

Nah, because personal responsibility is a myth. Nothing bad that happens to you can possibly be your own fault.
ARE they JOKING????

IS this the COMPROMISE???

IS worse than before!!!

BUT what they have in their HEADS!!!

Now we're more fucked than before!!!

Actually, I do not know what to say.
It's written by a german, that means you need to read the exact text to know if its good or bad.
ARE they JOKING????

IS this the COMPROMISE???

IS worse than before!!!

BUT what they have in their HEADS!!!

Now we're more fucked than before!!!

Actually, I do not know what to say.
I will refer you to my earlier post:
1 million out of 500 million living in EU. Spread on this is shit, not enough people care.
Now, since it's bothering you so much. Spreading awareness on this forum reached it's limit anyway. So at this point it's just whining because you need to let steam out. Other than main social media, there isn't too many places to spread this.
And for every 1000 people reached, around 20-50 will actually talk about it... and 5-8 will start doing something.
Welcome to the grim reality, where until boiling point is reached, people don't care. And no, this is nowhere near boiling point, not even close.