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Where in the world is LM?

Re: Where in the world is LM?

She fucks with peoples heads.
Really? I thought she just fucked people...
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Sexism in my forum? It's more likely than you think.

Also, she'd not have a problem with sexism if she'd just stay in the kitchen :p
Re: Where in the world is LM?



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Re: Where in the world is LM?

Sorry, just stepped out of the kitchen where I was making my latest batch of pipe bombs to shove up the neighbour's asshole. Sometimes though I fuck up with biology and the bombs go up the other hole.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

See, thats why you should just stick to making sandwiches and other edible delights. Theres only one orifice that needs to be stuffed down and men can do that themselves.
Re: Where in the world is LM?


... Fuck you.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Oh you know I'm kidding :p

Though my dinner WONT cook itself.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Here we go!
*Dives for cover in the Everything else board.*
Re: Where in the world is LM?

See, thats why you should just stick to making sandwiches and other edible delights. Theres only one orifice that needs to be stuffed down and men can do that themselves.

But what if she get's the components for the sandwich and pipe bomb mixed up?

Exploding mustard bombs, edible bombs, a large mess, etc?
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Then as a woman it'll be her duty to clean it up :D
Re: Where in the world is LM?

dig up stupid
Re: Where in the world is LM?

And as a single man I suppose you'll starve to death or go broke buying pizza while getting fat?
Re: Where in the world is LM?

the malnutrition keeps them thin.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Actually I'm still living with my parents at the moment, so there's no chance of me going hungry. And I'm pretty financially safe for when I do move out in the new year so that I wont go hungry for quite some time. Besides, if I eat something over and over everyday I get sick of it. Thats why I only have pizza like once a month, kind of a treat.

Anyway, shouldn't there be like a cake you should be baking? Isn't that what women do? :rolleyes:
Re: Where in the world is LM?

oni, that joke didn't work the first five times you tried it, what makes you think its gonna start working now?
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Oni's joke is like most men, it will never get off it's ass to start working

Re: Where in the world is LM?

... it will never get off it's ass to start working

Actually, there's a large number of jobs these days where you don't have to get off of your ass to work. There are even some where you can work at home so you never have to leave your bed.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Actually, there's a large number of jobs these days where you don't have to get off of your ass to work. There are even some where you can work at home so you never have to leave your bed.

Hell, you can sit at home and play the Stock Market and never have to 'work' in your life >.<

Now, to KNOW what you're doing so you can do that, yeah, there's learning involved, but nothing in this world's for free.
Re: Where in the world is LM?

Actually I'm still living with my parents at the moment, so there's no chance of me going hungry. And I'm pretty financially safe for when I do move out in the new year so that I wont go hungry for quite some time. Besides, if I eat something over and over everyday I get sick of it. Thats why I only have pizza like once a month, kind of a treat.

Anyway, shouldn't there be like a cake you should be baking? Isn't that what women do? :rolleyes:

Despite the obvious trolling, you completely missed my point. Because you only expect women to cook, you don't have the necessary skills to make anything save to order in and have other folks make yer food for you. Hence, starving to death or getting fat.

As to the joke... like Nunu said, its got old after the first time you said it. I've seen 13 year olds come up with better slander at this point. And I've done enough with my life that I don't have to put up with any ignorant sexist bullshit from some guy who still lives with his parents.

Also, in my life time I've seen plenty of men who stay at home and raise kids and cook dinners whilst the mother is working. I've also seen plenty of male and female cooks and chefs, in and out of the military. So... joke again is just a display of ignorance of how the world operates outside the walls of bigotry that make up the internet.

Speaking of internet... I've come to quite enjoy these forums as well because of the nearly equal female/male ratio. Not to mention to lack of retarded 13 year old children who think they can beat up whomever they talk to. It makes it quite comfortable for me to talk and be myself, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one here who thinks that way. This place is unique on the internet and to see comments of such poor taste, joking or not, is simply a poison that should be cut away with a sharp red hot knife.

So, please, please, for the love of fuck, stop making a jack ass of yourself and sinking to looking like some fucktarded troll kid from Newgrounds or something and stop making these "jokes". They are not only quite insulting, but just getting on my nerves, and I have too much real life bullshit to deal with to want to come to this place where I am usually able to escape the real world, to come head first with more assholery.

As for all those jobs where people sit on their ass and expect the money to come pouring in to them, and whine when something slips in the stock market or something. Fuck you, you white collar mother fucker. Why don't you go out and get your hands a little dirty and do something that you can be proud of.
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