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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Great." Robert whispers back, and looks up at where the movement was, trying to discern what it was.

Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Despite Chase's words to Robert, the man is still unable to see where the woman is referring to. Meanwhile, although Chase can't catch a glimpse of what it is, she does notice it moving closer.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*releasing the shopping cart and backup a bit Chase would remove a hammer from the toolbelt that Chase was still wearing from working on the truck earlier.*

"okay its still getting closer you wanna step up and get a look"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert does as Chase said, looking up. He keeps his gun aimed at the floor, clenched in both hands.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Now that it's getting closer, both adults get a clear view of the figure. It seems to be a child, probably only twelve or so. The child seems to be somewhat injured and is pulling itself along the top of the racks.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Crap. HEY, HEY YOU, UP THERE! WE CA TAKE YOU SOMEPLACE SAFE!" Robert says, only muttering the first word to himself. He knew he shouldn't be shouting, it gave away their position, but he didn't plan on leaving what appeared to be a child here on their own.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*frowning Chase stepped back out of robert's way while looking for two things. one to make sure no one was in the front of the store behind them and secondly to see if a step ladder or something was nearby*

"lets find a boost up.."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


The child continues to pull itself closer to the two adults as they start moving. At the same time, Chase spots a ladder near the front wall. Strangely, despite being hurt and over ten, the child doesn't reply to Robert's comments.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

After the child doesn't respond, Robert begins to get a little worried. He glances around, making sure nothing else is coming toward them, before keeping a close eye on the moving thing.

(It's a zombie.)
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*chase moves for the ladder intent on retreiving it and cmoing back to robert with it.*

(even if it is a zombie the ladder will still help for those hard to reach places)
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


Wary of the mute child, Robert jumps to the side as the child lunges of the shelves and towards him. Now fully visible, the child can be seen to have had one leg crudely amputated, likely to try and stop an infection. However, the amputation seems to have been ineffective as the child pulls itself around trying to bite people.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert jumps back and away from the zombie, scowling calmly. It wasn't much of a surprise really, but that didn't mean he liked it. He pointed his handgun at the zombies head and squeezed off a round at the poor creature, hoping to end its misery.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


With a single shot, Robert manages to down the small zombie. However, immediately after firing, the pair begins to hear a truck revving outside. Likely the rookie was preparing the truck for a hot exit.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*giving a sigh Chase goes to take a look outside and make sure nothing was gathering outside if the coast was clear Chase would wave tot he truck to signal things were okay*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

After putting down the zombie, Robert looks around, leaving Chase to go tell the truck member that there was no emergency. Robert keeps his distance from the corpse, not wanting to risk infection, and once he's sure there is no danger he shouts; "Clear!"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


When she looks outside, Chase can tell the Verath had just been preparing so that the others could leave quickly. Reassured that there was no longer a problem, he turns the truck back off. Meanwhile, Robert can't see any more movement, so it seems to be safe to go back to the task at hand.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

The threat taken care of, Robert says to Chase; "Alright, lets get back to work. Hmmmm..... We need tools, nails, and wood....."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*chase brings the ladder over and leans it against an endcap on the first aisle and moves back to the cart starting to move down the aisle while being careful of the downed zombie. Eyes alert looking along shelves for any useful item to their cause right now*

"Dead Zed shot in the head...too bad it was a kid."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

There is a variety of items on the first isle, although none of them can be used for carpentry. This isle is mainly occupied by bricks, mortar, and paving stones along with a few types of concrete. Looking through to the next isle over, that isle looks to be composed mostly of light fixtures as well as a few appliances.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Useless. Useless. Hmmm.... Maybe we should grab a bag of concrete? Might come in handy if we want to make a better wall. Then again, we can always come back for it if we need it. Let's keep going." Robert says.
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