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Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The pair looked up from their hubcaps, and the woman smiled, going over to her. "Hey there. Sorry about the whole being-rude thing, we were just in a little bit of a hurry. Hold still a second..." She says, carefully reaching up and wrenching Rosary's nose back into line.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary winced and let out a restrained squeak of pain. "R- rude? Running up to someone and punching them, then kidnapping them is a BIT beyond rude!!"

She pulled at her bonds again.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Hey, whoa whoa whoa whoa. I jogged up, okay?" She said, sounding like it made all the difference.

The man spoke up from the hubcaps, holding one of them in the air. "Think one should work." He said, his tone dull, but confident. The woman held a finger to Rosary's lips and turned. "Yeah, that should do great! Give it a wash out, we need it clean." She says, smiling.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

What were they planning with that hubcap? Though it seemed like it shouldn't have anything to do with Rosary, she wasn't a car, these people were insane! What, were they going to wash it out then whack of over the head with it?

The captive took a bite at the woman's finger. "What are you doing?!"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary took a bite of the woman's finger, and said woman tore it out of her mouth. "Well I was trying to keep you quiet for a minute so I could talk to my brother, but that doesn't seem to work, does it?" She says in an annoyed tone of voice, examining her finger while the man got a bottle of water from the truck cab and started washing the hubcap off.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Well sorry for being so impolite! It might have something to do with me being... I don't know... captured and tied up! I was asking about why you captured me in the first place!" Rosary glared.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The brother pipes up. "I liked it better when she was knocked out, can we do that again?" He says seriously. The woman just smirks, waiting a minute before answering. "Nah, it would take to long for her to wake up again, and it's no fun if she's passed out. How's the hubcap?"
"Pretty much clean."
"Alright, good enough." She says, and addresses Rosary directly. "Now, where were we? Right, we are doing all this to give you a gift! We are going to make you better than human, and gift you enough time to do everything you ever wanted, and more. How's that sound?" She says, grinning.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Better than human? What are you talking about? What, make me an angel?" Rosary asked.

Oddly, the brother's complaint about her, despite the fact they were crazy and the situation was strange to say the least, still did rather hurt Rosary's feelings. It was her depression that made her so sensitive.

"You two must be crazy...."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The woman laughed joyfully, raising her arms and spinning around. "Aww, that's sweet. She thinks I'm an angel. Well, it's because of God that we exist, even if it is a curse. Does that make us angels?" She asks, but doesn't wait for an answer.

"Probably not, no... No, I didn't mean 'more good' than a human, I meant better. Stronger, tougher, smarter. As a matter of fact, I think we're the only things left on the planet that actually hunt humans." She says with an evil grin, and Rosary clearly spots the half-inch fangs where her canines used to be.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"I... wasn't exactly thinking you were an angel.... I was rather thinking... you would kill me so I died and became an angel..." Rosary said, rather distracted by the fangs. It took that whole time before it clicked. "You're... VAMPIRES?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The woman shivered in excitement, her grin widening as she turned to her brother. "I do so love getting that reaction!" She says giddily, and turns back to Rosary. "Yep, you got it. Cursed-by-god, beautifully undead, bloodsucking creatures of the night. Any questions?" She asks, her grin still right there, maybe a foot from Rosary's face.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

"Why? And why me?" Rosary asked, still a bit in shock. "Because I watched Dracula?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The woman looks to be considering the question. "I guess in a roundbout way, yes. I mean, it's not like we went in there thinking to ourselves, 'That's it, we're going to eat anyone that watches this movie!', but since you were the only one in there, I guess you did seem like rather easy prey, didn't you?"
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary winced. Great, she was easy prey. "So now you're just going to change me into a vampire, just because I was there?... I hope you don't sparkle in the sunlight. If you sparkle, I think I'd rather just die and stay dead."
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The woman scowled at her, and turned to her brother again. "You're right, I liked her better when she was knocked out too. Right then!" She says, and spends the next five minutes changing the way Rosary hung, finally ending up with her upside-down in the air. "I was going to just bite you, and you would have actually enjoyed this, but now you've gone and pissed me off. I don't really need to drink your blood to turn you into a vampire, you just can't have any in you." She said as she worked. She finished, and held her hand up in front of Rosary's face, flexing it a little and making wicked-looking claws appear. "Therefor, all we have to do is bleed you out, which I promise is an infinitely less pleasureable experience." She says, and moves her clawed hand towards Rosary's neck...
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary whimpered, staring at the menacing claws.. "So- sorry!" she squeaked out, pulling at her bonds that were in a different position now. "I... I was only kidding! I'm sorry!!!"

If she REALLY had to go and 'die' to become a vampire, she'd at least prefer the... 'pleasurable' way.

"Please don't.... I'll be good!" She hated herself for letting those words out of her mouth, but anything to make it hurt less.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

The woman didn't stop, but her brother spoke up right as Rosary felt the claw touch her neck, right on top of her vein there.

"I don't want to hear the screams." He says simply, walking over with the hubcap, which was now totally clean. She glares at him, her claw still on Rosary's skin. "You really are too soft for the Sabbat, you know that?"
"We're still in city limits. I know everyone around this side of town clocks out and goes home, but there must be night janitors around or something." He says with a shrug, eyes locked with hers. She doesn't do anything for a moment, then shrugs herself. "Fine." She says finally, removing the claw from Rosary's neck.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary still didn't relax. She was breathing quick and shallow, quite panicked. "Th- thank... you...." she squeaked out. That claw had been so close. Another second and she would be bleeding out, probably quite painfully. She was still hating herself for being so weak, but then she didn't have a choice in her predicament.

She kept arguing in her head as to what exactly was the right thing to do, and her more cowardly, self-preservation side kept winning.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Neither of her two captors responded to Rosary, or indeed seemed to notice she had spoken. The man held up the hubcap flat, making a kind of bowl, and her main tormentor bit open her own wrist with her teeth, then started dripping blood into it. She waited until the hubcap was about half full, then stopped and licked her wrist, which Rosary noted not only stopped the bleeding, but closed the wound as well. Then she took the bowl from her brother, who proceeded to do the same thing she had, dripping blood into the impromptu vessel.
Re: Prologue - Rosary Belmonte

Rosary grimaced at the sight of the blood. Well, great... she'd gotten her captors mad. She was so screwed, though at least she wasn't going to die painfully... maybe. And her option of screaming for help wouldn't help things at this point. So, she kept quiet, a bit afraid of what could happen should they get more mad.