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Drowning... (Mirella)

Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Uh, kinda... but given that you're naked and have swimming 1, it'd be a normal roll....which you just failed by the way.)

Unable to escape from the tentacles, Mirella soon finds herself penetrated in one swift movement, opening her mouth to gasp reflexively as this happens. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately for her, a large tentacle forces itself into her mouth before she can take in too much water, seeming to be feeding her air through it. Either way, things were not looking up for the girl...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Fucking Dices. WORK WITH ME HERE!)
Mirella was never much of a sex manic, she truely belived in doing something like this with someone she loves(or kinda loves.) and this 'thing' wasn't on the list, so fighting to try and not fall too deep into the raising pleasure, she fought hard once again, only this time she would have some help as she bit on the tentacle in her mouth keeping it from removing itself completely but also giving her the air she needed.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Critical hit from the creature... Wow...)

Unable to find the strength in order to struggle against the creature as it began to pump in and out of her pussy, Mirella found herself barely able to keep her 'hold' on the tentacle supplying her air much less breaking away from her captor. Jolts of pleasure beginning to flow throughout her body, the girl found herself beginning to feel flushed and aroused in spite of the cold water, her will to resist beginning to slip away with each passing second as she drew closer and closer to her climax...

(Mirella Orgasm Status: Orange
Mirella Mental Status: Yellow)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Gah! Keylo, are you sure you are not doing anything >_>?)
Mirella IS still human after all, so despite the unwilling mindset, her body is beginning to fall victim to the burden of pleasure. The in and out thrusts of the tentacle makes it hard to concentrate, but Mirella tries anyways, giving up isn't really much of an option anyways.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(I'm not. Otherwise I definitely wouldn't have given Tassadar that bloody 19 he rolled for sneaking up behind the NPC. Rolls: Mirella 4, Tendrils: 8 ...)

Alas, try as she might, the pleasure was simply too much for the poor girl to handle. Her feeble attempts at struggling weakened even more by the intense pleasure she felt, Mirella found herself unable to escape once again. Helpless and bound, the girl was continuously pleasured by the tendril thrusting within her until she came to a blissful climax, her juices flooding out of her pussy to coat the tendril and mingle with the water around her. And if that wasn't enough, the tendril within her began to pump a thick substance into her womb in response to the girl's orgasm, soon filling it and causing her belly to swell. Energy beginning to leave her along with the will to resist, things began to look more and more hopeless for the girl with each passing second...

(Mirella is stunned from orgasm.
Mirella mental status: Yellow
Mirella stamina status: Green)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

She jerked, as her body betrayed her and she came to a powerful orgasm. She wanted to gasp and open her mouth wide to scream, or moan, something to relief her and calm her down, to get it out of her system. But she couldn't, which made her blank out for a second, unable to think clearly as a dizzing feeling rushed into her... along with something else.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Not long after the tendril in Mirella finishes filling her womb with some unknown substance, the tendril is quickly removed and replaced with a far larger one. This one seeming to stretch her a bit and fill her to the very brim. As if that wasn't bad enough however, it is then, just as she begins to recover from her orgasm that she feels another tendril beginning to prod at her rear hole, apparently intent on penetrating her from there as well.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Pressured by the tentacles, Mirella tries her best once again to struggle against her bonds, hoping to escape before another tendril penetrates her. She feels that the longer she stays the worst it will get...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(The good news? You rolled a 7. The bad news? Enemy tendrils rolled a 10, followed by a 9. So 7 vs 14.)

Struggle as she might, Mirella finds herself not only unable to escape, but also incapable of preventing the tendril from penetrating her behind, causing her to moan in pleasure as the tentacles in her pussy and ass begin thrusting in an alternating fashion. Waves of pleasure washing over her being, the girl finds her mind and will to resist beginning to slip away from her as she begins to feel a draining sensation over take her while the beginnings of another orgasm begin to manifest within her...

(Mirella Orgasm Status: Yellow
Mirella Mental Status: Critical Red!)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(I just LOVE pbps!)
Down right panic....
It's about time she does that.
It feels good, very good in fact since she had never been so worked up for a long time. But it breaks her. Her mind, who she is, her philosophy... her life. She woke up and already looked at death in the face, got away, tire herself out, and now she's being raped. What a lovely day this is turning out to be and she just woke up. She don't even know where she is, or why did all this happen. She's just gonna be fogotten... if she isn't already. There'd be no trace of her existance at all. She felt like crying, but even the rare tears human shed over the years of their life, is nothing compared the to water that surrounded her, she couldn't even make a sound in this dark blue abyss... It might her feel little, and that her life is meaningless, and nothing will even pity her... and all her actions was a insignificant waste of time. While such thoughts fill her mind however, everything else that makes up her as a whole is resisting. Arms flailing, legs kicking, twisting, shifting, yanking, everything. She is not calm. No, despite her thoughts, she's in a panic, because Humans are the most calm, when they are the most frantic, this is the time where they think, where they review their life and say- I have a reason to live. But she doesn't even remember her life. Thats her drive to fight even harder. Because... she has nothing to review, and nothing to live for, which is all the more reason for her to live, her dying struggle, where she has everything to gain, but nothing to lose.
(Ok Dicies, I typed up a whole bunch of nonsense shit that's ideal for RP, now come on, lemme win this!)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Reroll failed to save you...even after I tried to get you out of the 1/1 critical fail roll from earlier...NPC rescue ftw? >_>;; On that note, this post is crappier than I would like due to some bloody monkeys hassling me. )

As if by some cruel mandate of fate, Mirella found herself unable to escape, no matter how hard she struggled. Lust beginning to cloud and consume her mind, she found herself giving into the tendrils and the sensations, her will to resist as well as sanity completely sapped away upon orgasming a second time. No longer trying to escape, she allowed herself to be fucked continuously to the point of exhaustion after that, no longer aware of anything except for the overwhelming pleasure than constantly filled her body as her vision began to blur. Including the machete wielding woman swimming towards her, and her eventual rescuer.


When Mirella's vision returned, she found herself laying naked on the shore, having been carried and left there. A short distance off, a woman appeared to be kicking a large rock and swearing uproariously, apparently enraged by something...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Feeling tired, scared, and alive. She laid there, just taking in the beautiful sky and how nice it was to see it. Away from that misty lake, and out of the dark abyss. Even if there was a swearing woman right over there. It's just a part of her 'being alive'. Not wanting to get up, she starts try to pay attention to the swearing woman's words and maybe look for the reason why she's so worked up.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"That fucking bitch! Somewhere in the water, I'll give her somewhere in the fucking water! Damned fucking midget from hell, who the fuck does she think she is anyway?! Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Next time she gives me something as fucking roundabout as this, I'll fucking stuff her pile of shit back up her ass!"

It was obvious that the woman didn't have the most courteous tongue...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"Somewhere in the water..."?
Was she looking for her? But how did she even know she's here? Maybe the witch told her? So she's allied with the witch? But then why would she help her? Whats going on? Questions fill Mirella's head as she tries to distract herself from her sore bottom, maybe she wasn't trying to find her? Maybe she was looking for something else or someONE else. But in any case, the cussing probably means that this person isn't quite happy at the moment, and getting a bit scared, Mirella tries to pretend that she's asleep.
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Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

This action backfired on the black-haired girl, as the vile tounged woman apparently decided to turn her anger on a living object after the rock was sufficiently pulverized.

"And you, just how fucking long are you going to fucking sleep? Get your fucking ass up! I didn't swim around for two fucking hours so that you could sleep your fucking self into a coma after I dragged you onto the shore!"

Fiery temper getting the best of her, it was then that the machete-wielding woman kicked Mirella none too gently in her side to "wake her up".
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Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella grunted as the kick hit her, seems like this lady is really pissed.
Ah, well, she wanted her up right? So unless she was ready for another kick or something else this time, she had better do it.
Ignoring the pain, Mirella pushed herself up, before looking at the woman to examine her more closely.
"I am sorry?" Mirella spoke to the woman, a bit of confusion in her voice
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

The woman, a girl of average height dressed in a wet t-shirt and cargo pants wielding a machete, did not appear pleased in the slightest at Mirella's reaction.

"Sorry? I save your whore ass from being fucked silly, and the first thing you say is that you're 'sorry'? FUCKING SORRY?"

Taking many deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down, the woman then pointed her machete at what appeared to be a path leading away from the short.

"Just. Fucking. Move. Your. Ass. Now. Before I start hacking chunks off of it to prevent myself from throttling it."
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Thinking that this lady is armed, and already threatened her, wanting to run away would be logical. But running away from a armed lady that already saved you once from monsters in a area with possibly MORE monsters is not so logical. And even if she did run, she really feels kinda tired so if the lady catches her which she probably will since she WASN'T the one that almost got fucked silly after wondering around in the middle of a damn lake then got kicked in the ribs, Mirella wouldn't be surprised if she gets killed. So faced with only a few choices, Mirella followed the lady's instructions without saying a word.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(And moving things along...)

Following the path, the two eventually came to a parked jeep, in which Mirella was made to get in on the passenger's side before the machete wielding woman slipped in on the driver's side. Then, after starting the engine and driving for a bit, it was then that the woman finally spoke up again, apparently having calmed down from her rage as a result of having time to clear her thoughts.

"So, what's your name? Gotta remember that much at least, right?"

(Oh and before I forget...

Mirella is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.)
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Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

"My name's Mirella,"She answered with a smile. She was never the one to hold grudges, and she did save her. As long as theres not gonna be more kicks from her, lets try to friends for now. "And yours? Whats your name?"