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The White Void (Asmodean)

Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 31/38, Battle Aura 4

The demon roars again as her aura begins to flow around her, strengthening her. Still, it chooses to wait for her to attack.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

At first she winched at the roar of the beast. The world had become... sharper and more noticeable both in sight and sound. The roar had been far louder then before be she had expected it this time and she had been able to block out mighty roar. She watched the animal carefully wonder still why it was not attacking.

Knowing she had a limit on how long she could hold this power in her body she rushes the beast, weapon held in a way so the sharp tip was aimed for the beast face.

(( Yes she is trying to run the thing through. I wan a doggy on a stick damn it! :p))
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 27/38, Battle Aura 4

To-hit: 9 + 42 + 12 + 3 = 66 vs 38 + 18 = 56 == Hit.
Damage: 12 + 10 + 4 + 12 = 38 - 4 - 18 = 16 damage.

Arinas blade stabs hard into the demon, striking just under the demons neck, but doesn't penetrate far due to the creatures strange armor. It responds with a swipe of a single massive armored paw.

To-hit: 4 + 40 = 44 vs 28 + 18 = 46 == Miss.

Arina narrowly avoids the swing of the creature, her enhanced speed and senses being the only thing that allowed her to avoid the surprisingly powerful creature.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As the armored paw barely passed her unprotected lower face, Arinas realized this beast might be able to hurt her. She couldn't be as reckless as she had been with the last batch. Dashing back, she pulls her weapon free of the beast's armor leaving a hole that was quickly fulled back up.

As the armor repaired it self it seemed to move like rushing water. It was as if the beast had an aura about it keeping the armor in place. She rises her weapon over head and being it back down quickly causing a slight boom as the blade cuts through the air searching for it's target.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 27/38, Battle Aura 4, Grappled

To-hit: 10 + 42 + 12 + 3 = 67 vs 38 + 18 = 56 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 10 + 4 + 12 = 32 - 4 - 18 = 10 damage.

Her second attack scrapes against it, the beast quickly avoiding the brunt of it. Her attack does take off a little piece of it, however, and the beast suddenly lunges at her, trying to bowl her over with its weight.

To-hit: 13 + 40 = 53 vs 28 + 18 = 46 == hit.

She is unable to avoid the massive beast, and it forces her onto her back. It stands over her, its forelegs around her head and its slobbering maw hovering over Arinas head.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

(EP should be lower 23 not 27)

As she sword only grazes the beast she knew this would be far harder then she thought. The sudden lung of the beast knocked her weapon free of her hands as it pinned her to the ground. As it brought it's large slobber cover maw close ot her face she grabs it and trys to shove the beast off of her.

"Get off me monster!" She screamed as she tried with her all might to get the beast off of her.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 19/38, Battle Aura 4, Grappled

Grapple: 5 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 50 vs 9 + 42 + 18 = 69 == Enemy wins.

Arina is unable to force the demon off of her, the creatures massive weight and great strength keeping it looming over her, menacingly. The beast responds by using a series of short tentacles on its armor to try and hold her down more securely.

Grapple: 1 + 42 + 18 = 61 vs 18 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 63 == Arina wins.

Arina manages to keep from being immobilized completely.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As the tentacles from out of the demon's armor, Arina began to panic. She knew the beast had something in mind she didn't want to let happen and it had the strength to possible to do it. Lucky for her she had kept from being held down as the beast wanted... but how long could she hold out. She felt her energy starting to hit the half way point.

She thought to call out of help but who would hear her. What if it only brought more demons... No she would not call out. She tried to forced herself to calm her breathing and tried to do the same with her mind. She again tried to force the beast off of her. Part of her still fearing what the beast might have been trying to do to her.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 15/38, Battle Aura 4, Grappled

Grapple: 1 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 46 vs 15 + 42 + 18 = 75 == Enemy wins. (Shitty luck.)

Arina doesn't manage to free herself, and the demons small tentacles go for the straps of her armor, trying to remove her plate armor.

Grapple: 3 + 42 + 18 - 8 = 55 vs 11 + 30 + 3 + 12 = 56 == Arina wins.

Arinas struggles just barely prevent the demon from pulling her armor off.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

(It's sad battle aura is the only thing saving me right now....))

Arina felt the tentacles touch her skin as they tried to loosen the straps of the armor. Her mind snapped and cause her to anything to free her self. Clawing as it's eyes, kneeing in the stomach, anything to cause the massive beast just to get off of her.

She no longer cared if it would bring other demons. IF the beast did get her armor of she was ready to scream so loud the souls lost in the void of death could hear her.
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Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 11/38, Battle Aura 4

(Too bad is right. For the hellhound. You rolled a rescue. At least against you it stood a chance.)

Arina struggles desperately, yet the foul creature on top of her doesn't budge, its strange tendrils slowly slipping deeper into the seems of her ancestral armor. It seems about to rend her armor off of her, and panic and horror well in her heart as she emits a loud scream. The beast above her growls, almost like a laugh, as it prepares to tear her protective armor off and do she didn't even know what to her.

Then it literally flies off of her. Torn in half. Its armor, and the tendrils attached to it, disappear, and Arina is immediately covered in a massive wave of the creatures foul smelling and even fouler feeling blood.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

The tendrils seemed not to worry about the straps keep her armor in place and seemed content we searching her little covered body under armored shell she wore. She tried to fight her want to cry out as the strange...things washed over her body. But as they stop and started to wrap around her armor she could help her self anymore.

She let loose a ear splitting scream out trying to let any one close by she needed help. She heard the massive beast's growl but heard more of a laugh as her weakness then anything. She turned her face away from the beast, as not to look at it. Her ability to hold her aura breaking entirely as she felt a single tendril work it's way under her helm.

Suddenly the things about her body wore gone. She didn't react at first thinking the beast wanted her to regain some hope just to break her down again. However the foul smell burned she nose and she started to feel soemthing wet but thicker then water sweep into her armor. She opened one eye and saw the beast gone.

She couldn't move or stop her body from shaking. Nothing held her down.... but the terror in her heart still. IF whatever saved her could see her eyes through her helm it would only see eyes wide in fear.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 11/38

"Get up." A hoarse, raspy voice says from of to her right. A figure enters her field of vision, blotting out the sun and making it difficult to distinguish more than the vague shape of a wide brimmed hat and a mask with two glowing red dots in it. Everything else is just a black corona.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

As she heard the voice, Arinas witched at first thinking something new to attack her. Once she realized whoever the voice belonged to was not going to attack her, she sat up still trying to control herself. She looked at her hand and saw them still shaking uncontrollably. She could tell if it was from the fear still in the back of her mind of losing her aura as she did.

"Who... are you?" She questioned the person as she tried to stand. Once she had her footing she grabbed her weapon and tried to place it back in it's sheath but missed it entirely a few and nearly tried to sheath it in her shoulder blade. Finally she found the sword's cover she lets it go, letting the weapon's weight drop the sword in place.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 11/38

Whoever had rescued her merely stands there as she sits up and eventually regains her feet, remaining silent while she awkwardly tries to sheath her sword. He tilts his head, assuming whoevber this was was, in fact, a he, at her question. A moment later, he says; "I am Matthias. Where did you get that armor, human?"
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

"My father pass it on to me. Like his mother had before him and her father before her." She answered with a slightly puzzled tone wondering why this man would as about her armor. No one before had every ask anything of the type before.

"It's been pass on for.... at least five hundred year if not more." She quickly added. The demon's blood started to reach her skin by pass through the same gaps the monster had tried to pull her armor off. She would need to find somewhere to clear off soon.

"Why do you ask?" She asked wondering if he knew something about the armor. She finally gained some of her composure back but being covered in blood really didn't help much.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 11/38

"Interesting. I ask because that armor is older, even than you or your family knows. It once belonged to a demon I killed, you see. Or, I saw her killed, at least. One of your ancestors must have pulled it from its previous owners corpse, or at least purchased it from one who did." The man replies.
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Looks down at the gauntlets of the armor. Her mind couldn't wrap around the idea that her family's armor was that of a demon's. It felt so normal to wear to her.

"Dose that mean.... there are demon that look as normal as humans?" She question still look at her gauntlets. It wasn't til then she remembered she hadn't give the... man any type of thanks.

"I'm sorry... I didn't thank you for saving you as you did." She said as she dropped to her knees and balled up fists as she dropped her body into a bow. With the open back of the helm, Matthias would easily see how her long her powder blue hair really was. It easily reached her the back of her knees as she entered this bowing stance.
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Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Arinas Status: HP = 43, P = 31, EP = 11/38

"Yes. Most of the bestial ones are used as fodder, while the humanoid ones tend to run things, as a matter of fact." The man replies. He only stares for a moment as she kneels in front of him, but then says; "You are welcome."
Re: The White Void (Asmodean)

Once Matthias finished speaking, Arinas rose back to her feet.

"So I should be careful of other I meet here then...?" She said in a questioning tone. She started to wonder why he was here. She shook her head causing her hair to sway a bit.

I need to be careful of this one as well. He may have killed that beast just to get a little closer. She thought to her self as she watched him for any odd movement that might seem like a threat to her own safety.