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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

my friend was telling me about how origin launched battlefield 3.

first it passed an error, then it opened internet explorer and navigated to a page which loaded battlefield for it. essentialy origin was superfluous and broken.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, you could buy it and then wait the week it will take pirates to crack the sucker and use their crack. It's perfectly legal to do so.

Though I'm just going to get it for the console, my ME2 savedata is on the 360, and at this point there's no reason not to, seeing as the controlls actually work well on the gamepad (and I really love my keyboard for FPS, but then again ME isn't really fps anymore is it?).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

ME was never an FPS. But yeah, I'll be getting it for the 360 because that's what I've been playing the others on.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

speaking of ME, did anyone outside of EA's idiot squad actually think "this would be so much better with multiplayer!" ?

I mean, fuck EA's matchmaking system is horrible, putting all the high-rank players on one team and all the "noobs" on the other.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It sounds like a good idea, and it's doing missions with each other rather than PvP. You also don't play with Shepard though the stuff you earn in multiplayer carries over to the single player game so to me it sounds like a good idea and another way to add countless hours to the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, that doesn't sound so bad, but I'd rather the choice to go it alone. Randoms on live are awful.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm assuming you can play with your friends if you so choose to do so.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, no one I know has a 360 (gotta love fanboys) and finding good people is a hassle online, I usually have to pick and choose from players I've met in that particular game. It'll be ok if I'm able to carry the team though (I mean hide behind cover and shoot off abilities like a bitch).

I wonder how they'll handle world exploration in the main game. That scanner has got to go. I liked the original much better, even though the planets were pretty empty it was still alot more fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played some Brawl with a friend.

I'm awesome against slow characters (dat Lucario and Sonic) but I need to work on fighting fast enemies and get down more advanced moves.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Seriously, he's a beast.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


I prefer using Lucario (dat shadow ball), Sonic and Meta Knight.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meta Knight is awesome but getting ring-outs with him is quite hard unless you spend alot of time working on it. One cheap way I know is once they're off the platform, jump on their head and they won't be able to recover.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meta Knight is awesome but getting ring-outs with him is quite hard unless you spend alot of time working on it. One cheap way I know is once they're off the platform, jump on their head and they won't be able to recover.

Oh, that never gets old.

Thing is he has way more smash that it seems. His regular B special finishes with a smash if you catch the enemy for the whole thing and air moves actually have a lot of push.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My friends underestimate Mario in Brawl. Bitches don't know 'bout my uppercut.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

zelda, her lightning kick is deadly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fuck Arma II. I've seen my friends play it, and it seems fun, but it'll be a cold fucking day in the hottest ring of hell before the game doesn't freeze up every 5 seconds on my craptop.
Worst part is, it looks shittier than Planetside, yet Planetside ran a fuck-ton better than it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When I got my PS3 last year, it came with this game called heavenly sword, has anyone played it, and if so is it any good? I'm not lying, I was about to play it the first day I got my PS3, then I opened the case, and noticed that inside, there was a Mortal Kombat Armageddon disc, so I got sidetracked big time haha.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i heard it was pretty meh.