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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:

(Use Magic to Sneak Away, Spirit = 23, Combat = x1)
(Fabris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 3. = 15. Fabris fails by 8)
(Fabris suffers 8 MP Loss and 8 HP Loss)

Fabris ran as quickly as she could towards the guard but as the magic flashed to her mind and the final word uttered, she saw the mana's visual effect cue wrong and she realized quickly that something was tampering with her magic. However it was too late as the flash of light got the guard but also got her and her hand covers her eyes. She only saw the haze of white light imprinting into her brain unable to see a damn thing in front of her. moving blindly at the same time made her trip and fall forward through the door. Crawling through the trophy room she stumbled over the low table when she finally regained her feet taking another tumble causing a small bruise on her right shoulder. Her mind however was trying tp piece together what went wrong. The last thing she saw before the light hit her was the man with the long serpent tail and long horns mouthing something from the steps looking at her. It was the incubus! he had tampered with her magics and was strong enough to make them back fire.

Her vision was finally coming back to her as she reached a set of stairs leading up and away from the orgy and the trophy room. Fortunately for her the magic had indeed blinded the guards so she still had some degree of success but it wasn't impressive. She needed to run and run fast and she did just that. Moving up the steps now over the balcony of the great hall she noticed a horrifying twist to the orgy down below. She saw some of the males and females start to change into nightmarish demons. Some horrible masses of genitals, breasts and beautiful faces. Other with elongated jaws filled with teeth as thick and as long as stiletto daggers covered in sickly bone white fur with tails similar to scorpions. Others were succubi and tentacle demons. It was like some kind of nightmarish wet dream.

Her breath quickened in adrenaline and terror hearing footfalls coming up the stairs. She needed a place to hide or she might be caught and made into the main attractions. Running quickly with the lower part of her dress hiked up she began to run towards one of the large oak doors shutting it behind her and looked about quickly knowing she needed to make due with what she had. She saw that she was in some kind of guest bedroom, currently unused thankfully but she saw some of the lewd toys that even she didn't know about and frankly didn't want to know about. Swiftly she ran underneath the bed and muttered quickly an invisibility spell praying to high hopes that it would work. The guards within a few minutes burst into the room looking about for her and she pressed her hands to her mouth to prevent her from being heard. She shuddered slightly her eyes glancing over the six sets of boots that had come to find her and then one by one they began to leave. She took ten more minutes to calm herself down and slowly climb out from her hiding place. She needed to move on and quickly.

A short time later she was in the inner sanctums of the palace and she was careful not to be spotted by the guards as she didn't wish to draw unwanted attention to herself. After a moment she heard a slight commotion from a corridor with a pair doors. One was an black iron door with steel hinges but peeking through the keyhole she saw an incredible find as this was the castles treasury so she could perhaps get a considerably find here if she was capable of figuring out how to open the door.

However the sudden sharp sounds of moaning could be heard as a mans voice was happily speaking up "Oh gods thank you for this moment of heaven!!!" Peering through the opposing and ajar oak door she could see that there was a private party going on. It was some kind of knight how had been shackled down to a large bed with a pair of nearly soulless eyes and she saw three succubi. One with blonde hair who was now started to straddle his mouth to silence him. A raven haired beauty who was currently riding a large erection which from the mess at the hips of the man had been torturously used many many times over. The third succubus, a short haired redhead, was grinding her ripe peach over the manse curved muscles putting on a show for him by kneading and massaging the blonde girls ample bosom and pulling on her nipples. The tail was currently plunging into the perfect blonds rear end as their choir of moans filled the room. As they had their way with the knight Fabris would note that the man's mana was being drained and so was his physique as he was progressively becoming more and more withered and then suddenly after an intense climax the females finished off their meal as they had literally drained him of his life force. All that was left of the knight was a mummified corpse. "Pity. I was starting to like him. Ah well... our master will no doubt bring more healthy specimens for us to indulge in"

Fabris couldn't waste anymore time here. She had to make a path and quickly. And hopefully she would be able to not wind up like that poor knight.

(Break into the Treasury (Explore/Combat); Deal with the Succubi (Combat/Naughty)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 22/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 50/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 49/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris watched the woman 'work' on the man entranced. When she snapped out of it, she found her breasts bare one hand teasing her own nipples and the other busy inside her panties. She shook her head and re-hiked up her top, hopefully it would stay up this time. <This... this castle is getting to me.> Slapping her cheeks Fabris looked back into the room. "That poor man." She glared into the room readying another spell.

Kicking the door in Fabris yelled at the demons. "You foul filthy creatures, this will stand no longer." She pointed at the nearest one and a bolt of lightning shot forth.

Deal with the succubi
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:

(Deal with the Succubi, Combat = 23, Combat = x1.5)
(Fabris' Combat is 10. Roll of 3. = 13. Fabris fails by 10)
(Fabris suffers 10 HP Loss and 15 Lewd Loss)

(Activating Almost Game Over for an additional 5 Lewd and 5 HP Loss)

Unfortunately magic was proving to be less and less effective against three magical demons. The blonde succubus placed her hands out catching the lightning bolt and slowly siphons the mana out of it rendering into nourishment before she smiled wickedly. She gave a soft giggle as she speaks seductively. "Well my dear aren't we hasty? I do love a fast woman especially one who knows what she likes." Fabris was now worried about things as the other succubi were approaching her. She suddenly tried to get back out the door however she found that now she was walled in and unable to flee. The blasted succubi must have transmuted the door into a wall. The black haired lady spoke up. "Aww she looked so eager at first. Maybe she could use a bit of stressful release. Shall we help her ladies?"

Fabris found herself quickly held by her arms by the red and black haired succubus and dragged to the bed before tossed down upon it as the blonde haired one grabbed at her flaying legs and began to hold her down. the three tails of the succubus began to undress the mage as effectively as they could. Whether that meant sliding her clothes off or tearing them off her to reveal her naked flesh was another matter entirely but one thing was obvious. Their tails were silky smooth to her skin and they were going for places she never wished to be touched by a triad of demons ever. Her nipples were being prodded at with her breasts kneaded and squeezed by one tail each. The third one was rubbing over her clitoris with the broad end running vertically over her sacred opening. Struggling against them seemed futile but she still tried but all it managed was to make her more worn out. Her body soon was aching with need and the pheromones and magic that was being inflicted onto her were taking their toll. The same thing that was being done to the knight was now being experienced first hand even if she wasn't there for the majority of it.

The familiar rush of pleasure began to overtake the young mage and suddenly she found her memories of every lustful encounter she had within her life start to crawl to the front of her mind no doubt coaxed by the combined magic of the three succubi. "My goodness look at how honest she is. I think we have a very sexually frustrated mage on our hands. Maybe one that doesn't let on just how lewd she really is." The red head would speak up before she leans down for a deep kiss her tongue rolling within Fabris' mouth. The mages hear was racing as she felt ont of the lovely girls rub their soft and overtly wet cunt's over her right thigh grinding slowly with her clit making a lewd moan for the delight of her ears. "Mmmm.. Don't fight it little peach. You'll learn to love it." She said very slowly taking an opportunity to stare at Fabris' quivering folds. These three looked so familiar for some odd reason however that though was quickly pushed aside now.

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 50/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 29/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris tried to fight of their assault, but the mage could never have been called strong. She found her clothing ripped and her body exposed in mere seconds. Her nipples still hard and pussy wet from her own fingers only a few moments ago Fabris blushed beat red as the demon's tails caressed her body. She stifled a moan when someone began to rub her clit.

As the memories rushed back, Fabris nearly lost it. All of the embarrassment caused by the other students at her school, and the few tender caresses of her best friends. She couldn't help, but begin to see their faces on the demons. When the red haired one stated to kiss her Fabris surprised her by kissing back with far more skill than one would expect from someone so innocent. She couldn't help, but begin moving her leg along with the other one as she ground into her. The succubi looking between the mage's legs would see that she was already drenched, her little hole eagerly awaiting something.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

As she quickly began to give into the sensations, Fabris felt her folds become pressed into by a pair of fingers from the blonde who was moaning gently against her clitoris as her pointed tongue flickered over it. The tail would run along her rear end threatening to go somewhere where it might be completely alien to her. Suddenly her senses are assaulted once more as the black haired succubus would start to nibble upon her perky nipples pulling on them with her teeth as her right hand reached down to rub at Fabris' abdomen slowly stroking it. The red haired whispered into her ears. "Use your fingers my dear. Don't be shy. We're really not all that different." She licked the lobes of the mage's ears afterwards soon straddling her so she had a full view of that ripe demon peach.

The memories were becoming clearer and clearer before long and soon these were becoming replaced by her forbidden fantasies as her eyes glanced around seeing her friends and loved ones all around her naked like her indulging in one another like a private harem of her own personal wet dreams.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

As the demon straddled her head Fabris couldn't help, but stick out her tongue. She just barely tasted the sweet secretions of the demon, but that was enough. Her next stroke took her around the entity of her womanhood. Even as this happened her right hand reached for something nice and supple. Taking the black haired succubi's breast in hand Fabris softly caressed it, fingers brushing against her nipple on occasion.

Not entirely alien, Fabris leaned into the tail pressing against her rear entrance. she moaned softly asking for it even though she knew that it would hurt. The memories flashing through, three names almost came to her lips, but Fabris couldn't quite piece together who was with her.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

The blonde made good on that basic need as it thrusts hard into Fabris' rear end and began twisting and turning with the point rubbing over her inner walls in an attempt to overload her senses as she began to whisper hotly "Do you really want to leave us? Be ours forever... little peach. We can make you experience happiness you have never even dreamed about." She then places an exclamation point on this as her fingers rapidly slide in and out of the mage's incredibly moist honeycomb. She makes a come hither gesture upon the roof of her passage trying to coax an answer out of her as she kisses and nibbles over her clitoris.

The redhead smiled at her sister moaning loudly feeling Fabris lick at her waiting entrance as she pressed her nether regions down against her mouth wanting her to go deeper. Her body would deprive Fabris of air every so often before allowing her to take a breath before going right back to the well of lusts. As she injested more and more of her honey Fabris could feel her libido rise as well as the sense of pleasure she felt. She didn't realize it yet but her body was going through a dramatic change that wouldn't be evident for some time afterwards. Her breasts felt more fuller and ample but that could have been caused by the attentions given to her.

The black haired one smiled softly before climbing onto the mage's stomach straddling her with her tail tickling her nipples in a bit of fore play as she cooed softly at Fabris squeezing and massaging her breasts. Her tail eventually leaves to snake around and rub at the read heads clitoris to release more of her love juices down the young mage's mouth. Her cunt oozes its own honey onto Fabris and she whispered softly "Mmmm.. Don't forget about me here.. I could use some attentions as well."
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris began to rock her hips in rhythm with the blond's thrusting. It felt strange, she never used to like this, but now Fabris was nearing her climax before her pussy had even been touched. The blond's whisper nearly broke the mage out of her trace though, "Good, but... I need to save..."

She was cut off by the red head pushing herself further in. Fabris began to move her tongue much more, also using a trickle of magic to run some electricity through the woman's nerves, further exciting her. The young girl sucked as much honey as she could from the voluptuous woman.

Her face feel flush as the black haired one spoke. It isn't good to leave your pets feeling left out. "Come here." Fabris muttered grasping the woman's tail in her left hand. She began to softly rub the length, letting her fingers dance over the rounder end, guessing that was the most sensitive spot. As shes was doing this her other hand traced a pattern down the demon's abdomen and came to rest just above her pussy. Taking a finger Fabris began to slowly trace a circle around her lips.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

The blonde haired woman gave a soft smile pumping faster with her tail as she wraps her legs around the pelvis of Fabris her clit touching the mages own. She began to grind herself against the mage moaning loudly along with her as the two ladies use their bodies to rub pussy against pussy. The tail inside Fabris was pumping rapidly trying its best to bring her to a sudden climax.

The black haired demoness gave a deep moan feeling the mage rub at her tail and she was right. It was a sensitive part of her but not more to her overly sensitive folds as she whispers.. "Y-Yes... Like that." Her hips twitched in delight feeling her folds quiver from the anticipation of being penetrated by her finger.

The red head grinds hard against Fabris' mouth before she gave a squeal of delight from the sudden use of magic. She began squeezing the mages ample bosom hard. A gusher of juice flowed into the young woman's mouth and whilst she savored it she felt her mana slightly swell a bit before turning back to normal. "Be our pet... be our sister.." She cooed softly.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris pushed back against each of the blonds thrusts. The tail has a strange ease of access that wasn't there before. As she thrust in Fabris pushed against her pussy, rubbing their clits together, and focusing a current through the woman as well. Through both the moaning coming form the mage grew ever stronger.

"uhh, hu." she moaned as she rubbed the black haired one's little rub. Feeling the woman shiver in excitement Fabris started to slowly insert a finger into her wet hole. she would run it as far in as she could, before drawing the finger out pressing again the woman's G-spot. As they both grew more excited Fabris began to move faster, then she inserted a second finger.

To the red head, Fabris began to penetrate her further with her tongue, little jolts coming faster and faster as she felt the woman's reaction. She briefly pulled off and teased her clit with the tip of her tongue before returning to where she was.

What she said shocked some small part of the mage though. A voice in her head was screaming <Don't you see what they're doing to you?!> for the time Fabris ignored the voice, focusing her energies on pleasuring her pets. <You won't be able to save anyone this way!> Somewhere deep in the mage she knew the voice was correct. But what could she do? <Use the climax, when all of them are distracted give them the shock of a lifetime.> It sounded so simple. That would never work, would it? <Well they like the electricity so far, what's the harm?> It made sense. As she continued pleasuring the women Fabris began to build up a larger charge. It would only be released when they all climaxed, though that couldn't be very far away now.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

It didn't take long for the ladies to hit a simultaneous orgasm as they were attuned to one another's mana and to Fabris' energy as well and when she had it her big O it managed tot rigger their own and thats when the mage knew she had her chance. She triggered the spell and blue lightning began to crackle about sending all three ladies into an insanely powerful multi orgasm. She smiled at her ingenuity and blushed that she had gone through that and survived it. Fabris looked around feeling a slight gush from the fireplace and knew a secret entrance was there. She smiled as she approached eventually finding the trigger which made the fireplace's flame snuff out and the back of it open up to reveal a set of stairs leading up. She gave an inward smile to herself realizing the end was in sight.

Heading up the steps she came out from behind a sliding wall now in some kind of modified throne room. It looked ravishing and beautiful to say the least as there was gold and silver decor riddled about with four large cushy chairs fit for royalty to relax upon. She soon realized why as the large chair was occupied by the incubus himself who had a coy smile upon his face knowing he was going to fully enjoy this situation as he loved seeing heroines with such fire before it was snuffed out. And this beastly pervert had a good collection so to speak as Fabris recognized the queen and her two daughters shackled together atop a bunch of pillows utterly lost in lust as they were so intoxicated with magic and enslavement they passed the time by indulging in one another with strap ons, fingers lips and tongue. On the right hand side she saw several pillars with none of them currently occupied within the shackles. "Well my dear, do you enjoy what I have done to such a glorious bastion of hope? I must say that it was my greatest achievement yet. But Im sure you didn't come her for socializing. You're here for my head. Shall we begin?"

(Defeat the Incubus)

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 50/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 29/60
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris rubbed her muscles after releasing that burst. They ached incredibly after channeling that much mana. Looking around she realized that she'd burnt the sheets of the bed up. Fabris quickly made herself a short dress out of the remaining fabric before moving through the secret entrance. <It's going to be OK Fabris. You just defeated three other demons. How much harder could one be.> She stepped through the passage, trying to prepare herself for what awaited. <All it takes is one good spell and he'll be done, Krisalis will be saved.> As she walked up the stairs Fabris found herself shivering for excitement again, the silky material of her outfit had made her overly sensitive nipples hard as rocks. <This feels so good, why it never did that before?> She thought, softly touching her chest and realising that she'd grown nearly a full cup size. <What they were never this big... or sensitive...> Seeing the end in sight the mage tried to prepare herself. She'd seen the incubus once already and just dealt with several succubi, she was no longer surprised by the lust they could inspire. She accepted it, at least a little, but wanted to keep her mind.

Upon entering the throne room her face grew red again, though not form embarrassment, from anger. As the Incubus spoke Fabris cursed ihm under her breath. She tried desperately to not be over powered by his aura, rather she started ot amass more mana. He must be more resilient than the succubi, so it would take a lot. "Let's just finish this." She spoke calmly, sending several bolts of lightning at the usurper.
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 23, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 28)
(Fabris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 11. = 23. Fabris succeeds by 0)
(Fabris' Naughty is 6. Roll of 2. = 8. Fabris fails by 20)
(Fabris suffers 20 Lewd Loss)

The first intense blast of lightning smashes the incubus back into the throne with a thunderous clap of magical force as he struggles back to his feet. She tries for another spell however this time the incubus is ready for Fabris and as she lets loose another powerful blast of lightning the incubus would summon a barrier around him to shield himself as he redirects the lightning back at her and she manages to avoid the attack however her gown catches on fire and she has to discard it in order to save herself from burning alive. Nearly nude the incubus licked his lips as he watched her become all flustered by this and readies another spell.

Little did Fabris realize her avoidance had placed her nearby the nude Queen and her two daughters and under the direct influence of the incubus they were quick to move behind her and grab her arms to prevent her from finishing her magic. Their nude and supple forms pressed to her flesh and they began to give her a bath so to speak with their tongues as all three ladies assault the mage with their saliva coating her sensitive flesh. The incubus gave a chuckle at the dirty tactic knowing that the mage wouldn't harm them since that was the reason why she was there as the two princes went down upon Fabris their tongues upon her clit and folds with intense lusts. The Queen pressed her breasts to Fabris letting their nipples rub into one another as she deeply kissed her to silence any protest.

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 50/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 9/60
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

As her spell rebounded Fabris formed a shield of her own to block it. Unfortunately for her she didn't take her billowing dress into account. Feeling the heat of the burning skirt the mage stripped off the dress as quickly as she could, glaring at the demon again she brought one hand up, charging another bolt. The soft hand grabbing her wrist ruined the girl's concentration. Fabris turned to her left and found the Queens face in front of hers, lips touching. As the three began to run their tongues over the mage she found her concentration faltering again.<No, I can't give in... but it feels so good.> When her clit was first brushed this line of thought fell.

Fabris's body had gotten much more sensitive without her realizing. The first time her womanhood was touched it sent a shiver through the girl stronger than most others she'd ever felt. When the second princess joined in it was all the girl could do to remain standing. She closed her eyes and tried desperately to re-gain her focus. It seemed like a weight had pressed in on her chest, a rather soft and nice weight, but a weight none the less. The Queen's deeper kiss brought Fabris back to reality. <It's no good.> The mage started to give into the sensations. Her pussy, still wet from the succubi, started flooding. She leaned into the Queen pressing their breasts together and returning the kiss. The visions of herself, sitting in the incubus's place with her own harem, re-entered her mind. <That might not be so bad.> Fabris dropped her hands to the princesses. The queen was already getting something back, but these two had been left alone. Though she could only reach their chests it was enough, Fabris had learned something from her last encounter. She charged her fingers again, running them over the girl's breasts and softly pinching their nipples. <You can do this, if they're out of the way you can take him out.> <Hmm, that could work.> <Mmmh.> The new voice came from nowhere, but she made sense.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 21, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 26)
(Fabris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 3. = 15. Fabris fails by 6)
(Fabris' Naughty is 6. Roll of 14. = 20. Fabris fails by 8)
(Fabris suffers 6 MP Loss, 9 Lewd Loss and 8 Willpower Loss)

Fabris attempts to overwhelm the princesses and the queen with magic to make them hit the big O. However she find her magic being suppressed once again by that blasted incubus. The incubus would watch with mild interest as the princesses, one pink haired and one teal haired would slowly lick along Fabris' inner thighs fingers diving in and out of her folds with two thumbs over her clit making a small pool of love juice flow over the stone floor. The Queen whispered softly into her ear "I... I'm sorry. But you'll get used to this..." She said softly and as she looked into the Queens soft brown eyes she saw they were glazed over like she had been utterly broken by the incubus. As have the princesses.

Her attentions were quickly drawn back to the incubus as he walked over to the mage with a smile. "Surely those fingers cannot be all you can ever want. Look upon it..." She realized the incubus had stripped down. His male physique was perfect and clearly optimized to pleasure her in ways no man should ever be able to do. His erection was strange to look at as it had small bumps along the length similar to a dildo, with a more pointed crown atop that firm stalk of his similar to a felines erection for ease of filling the womb. It stood at eight inches long and two inches thick and smelled faintly of fresh soap, particularly of jasmine and spice.

The core of her womanhood felt intensely hot needing that length inside of her. One of the princesses climbs over to replace the Queen suckling hungrily upon Fabris' nipples and her breasts rubbed firmly by her hands. Her ass shook slightly trying to coax the incubus into penetrating her. However the Queen was replaced for a reason as she walked over to the incubus stroking his erection slowly before kneeling down licking it over with her tongue. Her mouth swiftly swallowed it up and Fabris felt slightly jealous... She knew that was for her and yet the Queen was greedily nursing on that scepter for herself. "You have no idea how long it took for me to tame the Queen... the Princess' hearts were easy to woo but not her... she had to witness much to be broken. I wonder how long you'll last"

Her body was screaming for release but the incubus was somehow ordering the princesses to only keep her at the verge of climax to drive Fabris mad with wanton lust.. Lust to be fucked by the incubus and yearning to be given her orgasm. The queen moaned intimately as her hands fondled his firm balls pumping her head vigorously over his erection trying to greedily milk his erection for that heated seed. Fabris was made to watch this act as royalty was reduced to a sex slave. Her tongue licked heartily over his tip as she begged for his seed like a wanton harlot. The Queen went back to deep throating and suddenly her wish was granted however the incubus was much more cold hearted then she realized. He took the skull chalice and began to ejaculate into it filling it up with an abundant amount of seed. "Share it with your daughters as well." The Queen nods with a deep blush thanking the incubus for such generous blessings as she walked back to the princesses and knelt beside them gently tipping the cup to their lips one by one letting them drink a third of the portions before drinking the last few gulps herself before Fabris' eyes. The incubus chuckles softly still hard as a rock and declares to her "Mage... do you want this? Say you want my cock... hard and deep within your wet warm slit..."

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 28/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 44/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 0/60
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris store at the Queen as she said that. <She just changed, there's.> "Eep." She gave a yelp of pleasure as the two girls began to finger her. As the Queen left and worked on the Incubus she tried to send a flash of lightning their way, but couldn't overwhelm the demon's powers. <That should be mine, you've had it enough.> As they continued the mage started moaning louder, trying to call his attention to her. Her attempt was strengthened by the amount of pleasure the princesses were granting her.

When the queen came back Fabris dropped to the ground. The princesses were now drinking something else. The mage tried desperately to finger herself to climax even though she knew it was impossible. She needed the demon for this. She turned, making her dripping wet pussy completely visible to him, spreading it with her fingers she begged. "Please, give it to me. Please, I want no need it hard." <No! This isn't right, this isn't you! He's controlling you.> The voice in her head fell on deaf ears.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 19, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 24)
(Fabris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 8. = 20. Fabris passes by 1)
(Fabris' Naughty is 6. Roll of 11. = 17. Fabris fails by 7)
(Fabris suffers 7 Willpower Loss)

The young mage panted hotly her nether lips quivering in braced anticipation as he would kneel behind her petting her cheek as her need went more deeply then she could have grasped for the moment. Her body trickled with want even as she felt the spell over her breaking she knew it was still there and as much as she didn't want to admit it she wanted even more. The pointed tip of his erection rubbed over her body teasing her further as the princeses wait in anticipation. Both sisters atop the other rubbing each others folds directly in view of the mage and the incubus so as to keep them nice and aroused.

He would chuckle as he took hold of her hips with one hand and his erection in the other and at long last she felt him slowly begin to breach her womanhood. His erection fitting her well like how a sheath fits a sword. Her body arched up her breasts bouncing in the motions as she began to feel him slowly rock back and forth within her. Her hips gyrate with every motion. The heat within her was intense and she could feel the intense warmth of his erection pounding deep inside of her tight body. Her breasts were firmly squeezed as he ravaged her with careless abandonment with nipples pulled taut. Honey dripped from between her legs as she could feel every bump of his erection run along her squeezing inner walls. She felt sweat trickle down her body due to the sexual exertion as his manhoods tip presses into her back walls like an arrow.

Even though she had been molested by three succubi it seemed to pale in comparison to an actual male length pushing inside of her without mercy. She screamed and panted with incredible desires. Her cheeks had a full blush and she soon found the Queen before her masturbating to the passionate lovemaking that went on. Her body arched with every motion. She became very vocal with such actions and she felt the incubus push harder into her as he whispers "I'll come soon mage..." And she was nearly there to greet him as the magic upon her would not let her come despite her efforts. The finale was intense as she lied on her back looking up at the Queen with a blissful smile before she felt the spell break at long last and she screamed out in a mind blowing orgasm feeling her womb suddenly become filled with demonic sperm that coated her inner thighs from it shooting out of her. He gave a light chuckle pulling every slowly out of her as it began to slowly ooze out of her cunt.

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 21/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 41/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 0/60
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris shook with excitement as the Incubus first entered her. Though larger than anything she'd ever taken in before there as no problem. To her credit the demon found the young mage's pussy to be nearly as tight as when she was a virgin.Shivers of pleasure ran up Fabris's whole body as his first slow thrust was taken. She felt the heat given off my his body as she ass touched it and pushed further in, though the magic was fading her lust was as strong as ever. His next strokes nearly put her over the edge, due the demon knew what he was doing and he only pushed just enough. His teasing of her nipples, rough, but imensly enjoyable caused Fabris to yell out. "More, ohhh, more, harder..." As if he read her mind the demon pulled her nipples taunt and started to ravage her pussy, yet all it did was further excite her.

As Fabris drew nearer and nearer to orgasm it seemed like the demon's dick grew longer. He took much fuller strokes, the head pushing as far into the mage as it could go. Fabris pushed back with all her might, she knew it would come soon. One, two ,three, and one more stroke. Finally released form his effects of his spell she exploded. Her walls contracted trying to milk as much cum out of his massive tool as possible. It filled her to the brim and then some. Fabris felt her stomach expanding from the amount in it even as it over flowed into her thighs. <Now, you can do it!> The voice in her head called out again. <Just like before he must be weaker.> Fabris tried to channel more mana, in her current state she was incredibly suggestible, but found his barriers already coming back up. <Oh, no.. You need to make him cum again.>

This idea wasn't lost ot the girl. It had been the first time she'd experienced such pleasure, it shouldn't be the last. Fabris leaned into him as the demon tried to pull out, leaving a dick that was still quite stiff inside of her. "More... I need more." She turned around, still on him, and place her arms around the large man's neck. "More, please...." Having reached a better position Fabris began to bounce up and down, pressing her breasts against the demon's chest and squeezing as much as she could with her pussy. <You're only going to get one shot at this, make it count.>
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 17, Naughty = x1.5, Naughty = 22)
(Fabris' Spirit is 12. Roll of 14. = 30. Fabris succeeds by 13)
(Fabris' Naughty is 6. Roll of 7. = 13. Fabris fails by 9)
(Fabris suffers 9 Willpower Loss)

Her mind now felt it could easily break the magic that held her in such enchantments however her body seemed to not care about that though now her want to have intense sex with this demon was for a much different reason. Her hips gyrate over his more sensitive dick now as her folds whilst slightly sore still tingled with intense pleasure. The lewd sounds her cunt made caused her to blush without end as seed began to pool on the floor as she held herself against the incubus being supported by strong legs. Her heart raced from the exertion and savored every moment of it. It was hard to wonder why she could keep going after all this but she didn't question it. Nor did she question why her magic which had felt so drained by the moments of resistance suddenly began to flourish and thrive with each thrust she took against him.

The princesses gathered the skull chalice underneath Fabris as their mingled love juices pours slowly into it with each motions. "Ohhh such vigor. I love how you act in the throes of passion mage. Much like the one who freed me twenty years ago." She silenced his mind games with a deep kiss letting him believe she had fallen completely into his spell waiting for the moment to where she could spring her trap. She was panting within the next few minutes and so was he with a large grin upon his face as he was attempting to outlast her this time. Suddenly she felt him tag her back walls in just the right way and a large gusher of seed and love juices flowed from her as he screams in pleasure the cup filled almost to the top. Both were slightly spent from the exertion and Fabris was blushing intensely sweat tingling over her skin and nipples hard as diamonds. The incubus had gone semi limp from the efforts to entrap her and for the moment she was safe from his lethal sexual assaults upon her mindset.

Fabris' Stats

Level - 3
Willpower - 12/36
Combat and HP - 10 7/40
Explore and Stamina - 7 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 12 41/60
Naughty and Lewd - 6 0/60
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Darkwyn)

Fabris grinned at his comment before kissing him. <Uhhh, I'm almost there... but I'm almost spent, will I have enough to do this.> The mage needed a plan and fast, she was nearly worn out, in fact her legs already felt like jelly and she was nearing another climax. <No good, I can't easily shoot a spell... unless.> glancing down Fabris noticed the goblet, though the top was a skull, it was held together with metal. <That could work... it'll hurt, but.>

She reached down and snatched the goblet away from the princesses and began charging another spell. Fabris took a sip of the sweet nectar, and rolled it around in her mouth. She followed with another deep kiss to the Incubus. "Mmmh, your turn." Raising the goblet to his face, ensuring he would contract one of the metal sections, Fabris poured all that she had left into this next assault.