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Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

True, but it does sorta invalidate the other ranks for the most part. Just encourages me to ensure I stay at rank 1 minimum. Rank 4 is scary sure but you can play around it. rank 2 is way more dangerous than any rank than 6.

I dunno just seems like either the other ranks need to be made more impressive or rank 2 needs to be swapped with one of the less severe ones. Otherwise it sort of stands as the entrance to the death spiral gate.

Just remember than all the debuff remain in the character, so lvl3 and next dont need to be all worst in what they put on the character. It just than from lvl2 you will have to pray to RNG gods to dont buff foes.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Hmm, what about making the current level 2 for level 4, bumping the current level 3 up to 2, and the current level 4 up to level 3? The 4 and beyond become the most dangerous. How's that sound?

Actually, could make that a % chance rather than all the time too. Say maybe 50% chance, hit or miss?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Maybe lower the chance, but make each subsequent level increase it? 50% is a lot.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

50% is pretty high odds. I;d go maybe 10% if you wanna leave it where it is. Swapping it around and doing 50% works as well.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

you mean slowly increase the chance as the lvl increase, sure. But really who has reached level one at corruption or is close to get there? Im sure than my character is pretty close 0 corruption points
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Level 3 definately seems like it should be the level 2 debuff. Possibly making it progressively worse as the levels increase as well? Like 10% at level 4?

I am not a fan at all of the level 2 debuff, though I would find it interesting to see how it played out in a turn where everything went twice? Though wouldnt the mantra of speed be cancelled (for everyone?) when the chantress got penetrated? I guess it does not entirely make sense to me. And for that reason is the most of why I do not like that particular debuff.

Looking at it some more, I think the level 5 debuff could very easily be the level 3 debuff. I would eliminate the level 2 debuff idea entirely were it up to me. I would have the level 3 debuff be level 2 instead, the level 5 debuff be the level 3 debuff, level 4 would stay the same along with increase the % chance of not resisting to 10 or 15%, and I have no real idea what to put into the level 5 slot except to maybe increase the other debuffs again, so the % chance to not resist would double and the extra pleasure would double again. If you get to level 5 you are pretty much already screwed anyway.
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Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Maybe lower the chance, but make each subsequent level increase it? 50% is a lot.

25% might work then, 1 in 4 chance capped.

I'm thinking I will swap them around, and make the chance your buff spells affect an enemy 25%.

@ freeko: Yes, that particular spell would cancel out when she got penetrated. Basically it's another way to make things a little more even footed later into the games (yes, I do have sequels in mind).

@ plmnko: No one has reached KL 1 yet, in fact I think the CLOSEST one to it isn't even 25% of the way yet.

@ Zilrax: Thinking 25% works, kind of a happy medium. I'm wanting to keep it a base chance I think, rather than scaling, in large part because it is easier to keep tabs on it that way. So the updated tables ...

Level 1: Slightly increased chance of taking critical pleasure (up to 15% from 10%).

Level 2: 5% Chance you will no longer resist sex each turn.

Level 3: Enemies will solely focus on her at the start of a fight, double teaming her constantly to try and finish her off as long as there are at least 3 of them alive. In addition, enemies now know what sex attacks you are weak against, and will ONLY use those attacks on you!

Level 4: Your buff spells have a 25% chance to accidentally affect your enemies as well!

Level 5: Anything you were weak to before, you are now DOUBLY weak against. IE: Very Weak vs. Pussy Rides (+10) now becomes +20 Pleasure.

Level 6: You're a sex slave now, game over!
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Skills Affected by the Corruption Table:

Amazon: None.


Clear Focus (use of this allows enemies to auto crit pleasure your ally for the same number of turns Clear Focus would last.)


Mantra of Persistence (enemies have 25% more HP, and deal 30% more pleasure to your ally while this is active.)

Mantra of Speed (enemies have 2 turns per round while the Chantress isn't being raped).

Mantra of Power (enemies have 25% more HP, deal 30% more pleasure and have 2 turns per round while the Chantress isn't being raped.)


Magical Armor (enemies take 25% less damage from your attacks while the armor is in effect for them. Works the same way as the Necromancer's does, but won't get re-cast unless the Necromancer's does.)


Spirit Shield (enemies can block 50% of their damage while this is active. Behaves the same way the Ritualist one would, and follows the same rules as the enemy version of the Necromancer's Magical Armor Skill.)


Deflection Shield (enemies block 75% of their damage while it is active. Behaves the same way as the Sorceress one, and follows the same rules as the enemy versions of the Necromancer's Magical Armor and the Ritualist's Spirit Shield Skills.)


Summon Spirit Barrier (enemies can't be hit until the barrier has been taken down, it acts the same way the Spiritmaster one does.)

Warrior: None.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

I really keep thinking the first level is 5k KP instead of 50k. Did that get changed at some point that the earlier levels were harder to obtain?

I had a kinda sorta plan for how my character would react when being grabbed/raped depending on what level she was at, but I guess it will just have to wait a bit.

The KP gain goes up the further into the game you get I would assume?
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Yeah KP increases as the game goes on with enemies dealing more pleasure per attack, and KP is directly related to that, as well as other factors.

As far as if it got changed, I don't think it was ever THAT low. I think the only change made was to make each level independent gains, rather than cumulative.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So I was just reading some of the skills earlier, and I realized that pre-buff spells and curses SHOULD act the same in that they don't use your turn to use them. So from this point out, all pre-buff spells like Clear Focus and Mantras, and all Necromancer Curse Spells WON'T use a turn to cast them. Obviously curse spells can fail, but it won't use your turn to try casting them, allowing you to have an attack as well. However, like the Spiritmaster Spirits, you can only use one spell per turn, and also have an attack.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Updates coming tomorrow, or MAYBE late tonight when I get back from Madison Square Garden.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Thanks to Zilrax giving me ideas, there is now a SMALL chance each normal, or shrine boss fight encounter that a normal enemy MIGHT be 'convinced' just by fighting them or with words to turn against their masters. In reality, this sets up something planned for later games/areas.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

You may thank Lorelai for being a stubborn sort who refuses to be cowed by demon lords.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

So just cus I have no idea now that levelings automated, what's Lorelai's level right now and her hp and mana totals? Trying to recall all her tricks :p
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

In the forseeable future I will be adding in a system that will allow characters to attack certain bosses magical chair constructs to help free their victims. I'm just working on a balancing system to make it difficult, but not frustratingly so. Basically, the chair constructs of SOME creatures (usually ones too big or powerful for you to just shoulder block away) will be able to be damaged, and eventually destroyed, freeing the victim. So you'll have the option of just lashing out into the boss hoping to kill it, or 'wasting' some time to attack the chair device and hopefully free your friend faster. A note will be made which creatures this will affect.

Also, from this point on since there seems to be confusion on stats, and skills and the like, with each new page in your threads, the first or second post will contain updates for your current skills and stats, as well as those of your companion. It should make things easier to keep in mind that way.
Re: Planet of Pleasure (SIGN-UPS)

Also, in case anyone is wondering, the latest rounds of posts all include adrenaline boosts (if applicable), I just simply didn't bother placing the +10 into the equation, but rather added it on top of the dice roll for less typing.