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Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Mîrchells Stats: HP = 65, PP = 55, EP = 60

She had finally arrived. It had taken her a month of travel across hostile country, but her hooved feet now stood upon the bridge leading into the town that had been taken by her traitorous "family." The area around her was empty and lifeless, indicating that her people still hadn't fully taken over the town even in the month that it had taken her to return here. She had traveled mostly at night, and she still had several hours before dawn, not that it mattered anymore. The humans obviously hadn't retaken the town either, so she likely had little to fear that she wasn't familiar with.

From here, she could go either left to skirt along the river, right toward the docks, or forward toward the center of the town and remain along the main road.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchell came to a halt on the bridge. Surveying the area, she rolled her shoulders around, causing the joints to crack like the now familiar gunfire. At the very least, these mortals had some... Interesting weapons. Loosening her sword in its sheath, she strode forward, tail whipping around, her hooves clacking loudly against the bridge. Whatever with going down the river. She'd simply go down the main road, straight to the village centre. She grinned widely as she saw the abandoned landscape. A kind of no-mans land. "It would seem all your plotting has yet to come to fruition, father. No matter. I'll see to it that you needn't worry about it any more." she muttered, before breaking into laughter. The laugh was booming and seemingly deranged, yet still retained its femininity somehow. Probably one of the perks of having a Succubus mother, oh how she'd suffer...

The laugh eventually faded into a giggle, and eventually silence, as she continued to stride down the road, not a fear in either world.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 65, PP = 55, EP = 60

Mîrchell found no opposition as she walked calmly across the bridge, her loud laughter carrying across the empty streets. Just as her laughter faded to a giggle, she spotted a great deal of motion up ahead, and hurried her pace to see what it might be. She found that she was approaching a small battle. A half dozen lesser demons were battling a group of almost twice as many of the Fey. Four demon soldiers, men of low birth and wielding low quality weapons with little skill, were being pushed back toward a pair of stalker wizards by six gruffs and two trolls. The wizards were trading spells with a trio of Fey sorceresses, the practically naked green haired women smiling as their peasant magics foiled even the stalkers most powerful sorceries thanks to their greater numbers. Another gruff, this one standing back and clenching a heavy warhammer in both hands, stood back and watched as the others fought, occasionally shouting encouragement.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchell cocked her head to one side, gazing inquisitively at the battle. She wandered over nonchalantly, drawing her sword, and stood just behind what she presumed was a sergeant or captain or something. She cared little. Pushing the point of the blade into the floor, leaning on it as she placed a soft hand on his shoulder, and said, only loud enough for him to hear over the battle "Nice little fight you have going here. Don't fret, I'm not with those... Disgusting creatures...", waving a hand in the direction of the losing demons. "I don't suppose you want any help with things? I have some... Business to attend to, and have to get back to the portal. I believe it may be to the advantage of you, and may well the entirety of your race, should I succeed in my task."

Before waiting for a reply, she yanked the blade out the floor, and unfurled her wings, taking off quickly, pummelling the Fey with the downdraft, and soared over the heads of the footsoldier demons, landing in front of the Stalker wizards. "Give my regards to my father." She said coldly, quickly raising the blade, and slamming it down on one of the two, hoping for a quick end to its inferior life, cackling gleefully.

((I feel like I could've written so much more than this, and it's annoying me...))
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Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 65, PP = 55, EP = 60

(Lol, it's okay. Plenty for me to go on.)

As she approaches the battle, Mîrchell is spotted by the Fey commander as he turns to ensure that nothing is coming up from behind him. The demoness can't help but smile at the expression on the gruffs face as he mouths words that anyone could understand regardless of the language; "Oh shit!" He takes up his hammer and moves to block her way as she draws near, the Fey still holding off the demons admirably, and even killing one of the soldiers. When she speaks, however, he only glares at her confusedly, not trusting what was clearly a demon, but not outright attacking either. He steps back as she takes to the air, shielding his eyes from the dust storm caused by her wings.

When the demons spot her, they raise a cheer, thinking that with her arrival their victory is assured, despite their few numbers. When she lands in front of the more powerful of the two stalker wizards, however, a look of confusion crosses over the demons face just as her blade is about to descend.

To-hit: 13 + 40 = 53 vs 35 == Hit.
Damage: 5 + 13 + 4 = 22 damage.

The demon tries to dodge out of the way in the last second, moving just before the edge of Mîrchells blade would have struck him directly between the eyes. He is only partially successful, in that instead of cutting him in half, Mîrchells attack only takes off his left arm. The stalker screams in pain, unable to use any spell against her through the haze of agony, and the other demons are either too busy or too stunned to try to harm her, leaving her free to finish him off, or go for the other mage. The Fey, meanwhile, bring down another of the demon warriors, his head caved in in one blow from one of the mighty trolls, and the other two don't even try to attack, instead merely trying to hold off the relentless attacks of their numerous foes.

(Unspecific, so I assumed you were just going to slash. Also, rather than roll for every attack by the Fey, I'll just say that they kill one soldier per round.)
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Giving a subtle giggle at the fear she incited in the Fey, not even looking slightly fazed by his massive war hammer, Mîrchell knew that when this was finished, they would at the very least hesitate to attack her, saving her the bother of cutting them down while she talked.

Hearing the demons joyous shouts as she descended gave her a pleasant feeling, knowing that soon their shouts would be of fear and pain. Such sweet revenge, if only in small doses. A strange look crossed her face as she took the arm off of the Stalker. Annoyance that her blow had been dodged enough to stop it being fatal, but a sadistic smile mixing in there as the sweet screams of agony passed through her ears. Kicking the wounded Stalker to the ground, smiling as the blood splattered across her face and arm, she spat on him, to be finished later, before rounding on the other Stalker, a vicious smirk on her face as she swept her sword round in an arc, going straight at the casters midsection as he looked stunned at what he likely considered a betrayal from his own kind. The Fey seemed to be doing well against the smaller party of demons, and now that the demonic casters were both likely out of action, the Fey sorceresses could turn their attention to the soldiers, and Mîrchell could bathe in their blood soon. It was laughable. The Fey only slightly beating the demons, until she had shown up. The thought caused her to laugh maniacally again as the blade came through in its deadly slash.

((Sounds cool, and yeah I was going for a slash anyway, my bad.))
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Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60, Stunned

To-hit: 3 + 40 = 43 vs 29 == Hit.
Damage: 6 + 13 + 4 = 23 damage.

The injured stalker crumbled away form her as she spat on it and swept past it, heading for the other demon. It knew she was coming, however, and turned its magic on her. Mîrchells sword found him first, however, and he was forced to pull back as her blade went right for his belly. He pulled back just enough to avoid an instantaneous death, but not enough to avoid injury, as her powerful swing cut out a line of blood in his stomach. Her stumbled backwards, agony on his face, as he clenched his torn belly, trying to keep his innards from flowing out.

Casting: 11 + 24 - 4 = 31 vs 22 == Success.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 2 - 2 = 12 damage.

Mîrchell shuts her eyes tightly as a beam of searing light flares forth from the nearly gutted demons outstretched hand. It sears her pale flesh where it isn't covered by her armor, and she recoils instinctively from it as it burns her. It only lasts for a second, after which she recovers, and prepares to murder the stalker for the pain he'd caused her.

Casting: 16 + 30 = 46 vs 30 == Success.
Damage: 4 x 2 = 8 + 18 = 2 = 24 damage.
Mind vs Body: 9 + 20 + 10 = 39 vs 17 + 36 == Enemy wins. Mîrchell is stunned.
(The dice don't like you.)

Unfortunately, Mîrchell knows her folly in allowing the first demon to survive, as a wave of searing agony spreads form a point on her back. The pain causes her muscles to spasm uncontrollably, and she barely keeps a hold on her blade as she collapses to the ground, writhing in agony.

The Fey mages, meanwhile, find themselves uncontested in their use of magic, and the two remaining soldiers are both wrapped in vines, held firm by the writhing plants as the trolls move in and quickly knock them unconscious. The rest move in on the now badly outnumbered stalkers.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

((They never do... :mad: I also feel as if I could have written this better. Shows off how twisted she is at least.))

Mîrchell obviously got too cocky, grinning at her apparent victory over the two casters, lapping a little of the sweet blood from her face, growling "I'll make all of you pay for what you did to me..." and was completely unprepared for the force of the spell which hit her.

Her back arched as the fiery pain slammed into her, growling in increased frustration as her muscles refused to react to her commands, the searing pain causing even her strong body to suffer. When it receded, Mîrchell straightened again, a look in her glowing eyes that signalled death for the witness, and she raised her sword, a wide, and slightly manic grin spreading across her face as the blade came slamming down on the gutted stalker, before it stopped inches from the demons head, and he can see her face contorting in mindless fury as her arms shake in the attempt to butcher him, the other casters spell seemingly so much more powerful than the first.

Her growls turning very nearly to howls of pain and anger, Mîrchell collapsed to her knees, the blade coming down safely to her side as spasms shook her body, teeth clenching together. Her eye twitching, Mîrchell managed to say "You think... Your magics... Can harm me!? I'll show you what true power is... You'll beg for mercy before the end... she growled menacingly, likely causing the demons a good deal of fright as she refused to roll about on the floor, despite the intense pain in both her chest and back. Out of the corner of her eye, Mîrchell saw the Fey beat down the remaining few demons, quickly advancing on the stalkers, yet still her body refused to listen to her, searing pain coursing through her body, yet she remained still, a blood-curdling growl escaping her lips as she fought it. Falling forward onto her hands and knees, she plunged her sword into the ground, trying to push herself up on it, and it wouldn't work.

Finally, her back started to arch and twist as the pain beat down on her will, almost causing her to lose her grip on herself. She could only hope that the Fey would crush them before anything else happened, though she refused to admit such to herself, preferring to think that she would overcome this to kill the demons themselves, entertaining dark thoughts to ease her mind, of how she would tear bits off of the demons one by one, the sweet cries of agony soothing her, before finally ending their miserable lives, their blood paying for her own pain.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

(Short post, but I'm rushed. Sorry.)

The demons don't even stop to watch Mîrchells struggle against the agony coursing through her, as both slowly try to flee before the Fey close in on them. They aren't fast enough, however, and the one that had hit her with a flash of light had its throat cut by a gruff as it turned to run away, and the other was crushed flat by the club of a troll. The Fey then turn on her and the other two captured demons as she recovers from her wounds, and by the time the pain fades from her senses enough for her to stand, she finds herself surrounded by creatures that look just as hostile as the demons she'd just help them kill. The other two demons don't move in the grasp of the vines holding them, remaining still as the Fey mages and leader draw closer. The leader looks down at her through his circle of minions and says; "Why should we not kill you, demon? Your help was not needed, and your kind knows nothing but treachery and violence."
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

((No worries. It's plenty big enough. You have a lot to do ^_^))

Mîrchell, upon finding herself released from the spell, straightened up, and dusted herself down, looking with nothing but disdain for the Fey surrounding her. She glared at each individual one in turn, drawing herself to her full, imposing height. Suddenly she laughed, a deep, short bark of mirth, signalling her disgust at their attempts to make her back down. "Hah! The words you speak hurt me! I am a woman of my word, Fey! At least you are partly correct. I have yet to run into one of my kind who behaves as I do. I am betrayed by my father, and seek to deliver vengeance. Surely this is a concept you can understand? And yes, of course. Violence. I love violence. I will bring it upon my despicable family until they are mess on the floor. And as a result, you and all you know will benefit! My father is among those dread tacticians who organise this little adventure into your world! With him gone, you shall be safer. Now lower your weapons. If you will not aid me in getting to the portal, I will go alone. If you raise weapons against me again, I will kill you all. So move. Kill those pathetic bastards, or let me. Either is good. she snarled after her laugh had died down, indicating the tied up demons at the end, and making to walk through them, fully expecting them to not shift out of her way.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

(Nah, I was actually getting rushed out the door at the time.)

The gruffs face twists into a scowl as the demoness bowers over all but the trolls, and begins to laugh. He waits for her to finish speaking, not responding with anything more than a scowl as she begins walking forward, until she is about to press against the troll directly in her path. Then, he says; "Let the demon pass. Whether it's lying, or simply mad, it matters not. It aided us against its own kind, and it's not worth any of our lives to fight her to the death anyway." The words come out in a snarl, but the Fey break ranks around her, and Mîrchell finds herself standing in front of the two visibly frightened demons who are held by the two Fey sorceresses.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)


Mîrchell was quite surprised, and disappointed, that the Fey let her through, though she whirled to the Gruff, snarling "I'll thank you to refer to me by gender rather than as it, Fey. Have you no respect for others? Believe it or not, I'm on your side at the moment... As for lying, I am not, and mad? Certainly not. I'll be seeing you in time, I am sure, Fey.". Sure, the damned stalkers had injured her a bit, but she was looking forward to the group of Fey trying to stop her. If only she'd bothered with her fathers lessons in magic then the sorceress' would be less of an annoyance, and she could feed on their deaths later.

Following this train of thought, she blinked when confronted by the two remaining demons. A smirk spread across her face as she sheathed her sword. Speaking of feeding... The demoness walked straight up to the sorceress' holding the demons, enjoying the sensation of fear they gave off, and knelt next to one, a blank expression on her face as she grabbed it by the chin and shook it around a bit, staring intently into it's eyes. She glanced up at the sorceress', and said in a lighter voice "Have you need for these... Things? If not, I do. Either one will suffice, I'm sure they can guess what's coming..."

To reinforce the demons fears, Mîrchell grinned down at them, and licked some of the blood off of her face. She was sure she could arrange a nice, painful way for them to go, and give herself a small meal at the same time. Ah, the perks of feeding on death, far greater than sinking to the level of mating with a lesser being for her sustenance. Regardless of the Sorceress' responses, the tall demoness made to stand up, grasping one of the tiny demons by the throat, as if to drag it off as she continued down the path to the portal.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

The Fey doesn't respond to her with anything other than an annoyed growl and a muttered; "I look forward to it." Then, he steps aside to allow her to go toward the sorceress and their captives. The women both step back and away from Mîrchell as she draws near, but the one she grabs goes stiff as a board. The womans green eyes don't blink as the demoness issues her request, and she makes not a sound, while she feels the glares of the other Fey on her back, and the untouched sorceress looks on in terror as her companion is gripped by her. At the completion of her request, the sorceress calmly replies; "Take both, if you like. We will only kill them anyway, as we do with the rest of your wretched kind, demon."

Then, as she took the first of the demons, the vines holding him released him, and he suddenly shouted; "No! Please! Don't let her take me! Please! I have a family!" His tone was pleading, and Mîrchell didn't doubt that he was one of the poor idiots that often got forced into fighting in the invasion. If the Fey cared at all about his words, however, they didn't show it. In fact, they acted as if he hadn't even spoken, and she saw out of the corner of her eye as the other demon paled, his face gone white with terror.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchell was really, really enjoying this now. Two meals? This made it worth what she'd had to go through to get them. She growled a little as a twinge ran through her back. She'd be sure to draw out their suffering for as long as possible. The demoness grabbed the other by the throat, and hoisted them up, hands tightening, not to the point they couldn't breath, but enough to discourage them from saying anything, in case she changed her mind. Their terror was absolutely delicious... Mîrchell straightened up, and turned around to face the group of Fey after a few paces, so all of them were in front of her, and gave an over-exaggerated curtsey, to the point where it was hard to tell if she was being respectful, or mocking. "Then I am glad to be the first to... Survive encountering you all, hmm?" she said in a voice to match her curtsey.

Mîrchell set off down the street, leaving the Fey to their own business, and held the demons up to her bloodied face. "We're going to have so much fun, you and I, little demons..." she murmured to them in honeyed tones, grinning widely, and releasing some of the pressure on their necks, in case they wanted to plead for their lives, it was fun to listen to them. Throwing a glance around, Mîrchell looked for a house which had a locked front door, and some windows in a second or higher floor that she could fly through. Of course, she could just kick down a door, but she didn't want to be disturbed while it was feeding time, and most sentient beings couldn't fly to her knowledge, other than a few demons such as Succubi. She grimaced at the thought of her mother, fucking her way through life like a common whore, but remedied it with a fantasy of pulling her guts out with her bare hands, a happy smile replacing the scowl.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

The first man she'd grabbed struggled awkwardly in her unbreakable grasp, repeatedly trying to choke out something as Mîrchell walked away form the Fey, right up until her hand squeezed around his throat, and he was silenced. The other merely remains limp, his face resigned. The only one of the Fey that watches her demonstration is the sorceress whom she'd gotten close to, and her expression remains blank, leaving Mîrchell somewhat unsatisfied. The Fey police the demons bodies as she walks away, leaving the group behind.

Mîrchell keeps her eyes open as she proceeds along, the one demon struggling pathetically while the other lay limp in her grasp, looking for a building suitable to her needs. Most of them had windows that were far too small for her needs, or had the door torn from its hinges, or had no lock, or were too small, or presented any number of other things that made them unsuitable. Then, she found herself in front of a large stone structure, and smiled grimly, the perfect place found. It had a large door made of the strange, hard substance that the humans did so many things with (wood,) which seemed sturdy enough to hold against most foes, if she braced it properly. It also had numerous windows, covered in colored glass with strange pictures drawn into them.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Disappointed, both with the response of the Fey, and of her captives, Mîrchell stalked off, getting angrier as she went at the lack of suitable buildings. When she came upon one that finally looked like it would work, she cackled with glee, and spread her wings, flying quickly up, and smashing her way through one of the odd windows. Landing inside, she would look around quickly for some way to secure her prisoners, throwing them to the ground. When this was done, she headed down to the doorway, looking for large objects to barricade it with. If there was no way of securing her dinner, then she'd just drag them along, and they'd get some nasty scrapes and bumps for it. Her grip on them loosened to allow them to speak, and she said lightly "Do you wish to beg for your lives? It... Sometimes helps, but not often.", the malice plainly visible, and a lick of her licks as she surveyed each in turn only furthering her impression.

((Uh, I think I confused myself a little there, she'll be saying that regardless of finding anything to tie them up with, if she can tie them up, it'll be after she has done such. Also, short post is too short...))
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

(Not really, what I posted kind of called for a short post.)

The demoness finds plenty of chain in a small closet right next to the doorway, and since the building was otherwise unoccupied, she made herself at home, shoving a bench against the door to keep it closed after she dragged her captives in and secured them. Of the two demons, the first looked up at her pleadingly, and said; "Please! I have done nothing to you, mistress! I only wish to return home! Please! I beg of you! Just release me!" While the other merely remained silent, staring up at her blankly.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Satisfied with the fortifications to her dining ground, Mîrchell seated herself next to her captives, listening to the sweet cries for mercy, a broad grin spreading across her face, long, sharp canines displayed clearly. She reached forward, and grabbed the begging demon, drawing him closer and holding him before her face. "Awww, you think that matters? By that logic, none of you should be in this world at all, the mortals did nothing to you, my little pet, hahaha!" she cooed softly, failing due to the malicious joy underlying her voice, and the sinister laugh that followed.

Clearing her throat, the albino demoness turned back to the demon, grinning all the wider for a thought for a game that occurred to her. "Hmm... Points for calling me 'mistress', penalties for trying to make demands of me, and for not wanting to fight! What self-respecting demon doesn't want to rape and murder in either plane!?" she said happily, her tail sliding up to jab into the demons leg, blood running down the little heart shape and onto the whip-like appendage. "Come on, now, try again! If you have nothing better to say, I might get bored..." she said a little softer, with dangerous undertones. Her spare hand reached down, and pushed a couple of fingers into the wound, widening it, and twisting around inside, savouring his delicious pain. After a few seconds, she withdrew both her tail and fingers, sucking on the latter with obvious pleasure. "Mmmm, delicious! Makes me want more, little pet..." she said, flashing another toothy grin at her captive, bloodied tongue sliding along her teeth to get the last drops of blood.

The other demon was not going to get that chance, and Mîrchell's tail whipped around to plunge into his guy, writhing around inside in an attempt to make him scream, carefully avoiding puncturing anything vital to the best of her (not too shabby) knowledge of anatomy. It would do no good to have either die before she had had some fun at their expense.
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchells Stats: HP = 29/65, PP = 55, EP = 60

The demon whimpers in her grasp, appearing utterly pathetic in her clutches as he coughs out; "I never wished to come here...... The Queen would have had me and my family killed had I not joined the crusade...." Then, as Mîrchell laughs maliciously in his face, he stops trying to break free, and begins to sob pathetically on the ground before her. He screams in pain as her tail jabs into his flesh, and the volume of his voice only rises as her fingers begin to explore the wound. He begins to writhe in pain as Mîrchell tortures him, and goes limp once more as she pulls her fingers free. The demon once more begins to sob pathetically as his blood begin to flow down his leg. He doesn't speak now, either too weak and frightened or in too much pain.

The other demon, the one who had remained limp and silent, lets out nothing more than a pained grunt as Mîrchells tail tears into his abdomen. He stares at her with blank eyes as her tail writhes within the wound it had made for several moments before saying; "You're wasting your time, dreadling. I will not give you the satisfaction you desire."
Re: Runaway Devil (hero-in-the-dark)

Mîrchell was getting rather furious at the other demon's lack of cooperation, and so after cleaning herself from the blood, she set the crying one aside, his noises made a pleasant background noise, and instead got her hands on the other, her tail ripping out of his gut viciously, not much caring what she tore into on the way. She picked him up, and brought him close. "I am sure you will, even if you won't scream, I'll still get what I want, little minion."

With that, she slammed him viciously onto the floor, hoping to break a few ribs, and then stood up, raised a hoof, and stamped on his face. As she was doing this, a furious flush flooded her face, and she screamed at the sobbing demon suddenly. "Look! Look at me! Look at him! You see! This is what happens to people that don't submit! He won't beg, so he dies!"

As she said this, she reached for her sword, yanked it out, and without pausing, slammed it into the demon below her, ramming the sharp blade straight through his gut, laughing as the blood spilled out, and leaning down to lap at the wound, drinking the blood, before twisting the sword around, and then levering it to the side, slicing through his internals, before twisting it the other way, and slamming back down, tearing a decent sized chunk from his guts, and sending it to splat messily against the wall.

The albino demoness looked down at her bleeding and dying captive, and leant down again, snapping his head back, and biting onto his neck, before twisting, and tearing upwards, her sharp fangs tearing a good chunk from his neck, and turning, spat that chunk, along with the blood that came with it, onto the crying demon, just to demoralise him even further.

Before the dying demon could finally gain bliss, Mîrchell wanted one last go, and placed him against the floor, before raising a fist again, and driving it down, smashing through his skull, and covering her fist in the gloop that had used to be the demons brains.

Standing up again, the sudden fury dissipating as she shook the mess from her hand, the demoness rounded on the remaining prisoner, and said sweetly "Now, you were a bad boy, you didn't call me Mistress last time, so I wonder what I should do about that, hmm? I care little for the excuses of that bitch forcing you here, I'm the one in control of your life now. So, what say you?" she finished, reaching down to wipe the last of the goo onto the living demons front. If he didn't want to beg any more and just wanted to cry, then she probably wouldn't want to bother with him any more, what dull conversation.