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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki followed behind patiently, alternating between watching Przemek examine the door from a safe distance, and casually glancing around at the area.

(bleh post, but just to let you guys know i'm watching. Assume Mikki follows for as long as needed, she's happy just following and waiting)
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek glanced at Miranda before nodding in response, quietly making his way to the door. He took point, seeing as he was very capable at both tracking and combat, plus he still had Henry's gun with him. Altough using it with claws could be a little problematic - anyone who bothered to look would notice his hands were in "talon mode", and twitched occasionally. He really, really wanted to cut someone up.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As they made their way into the facility, Przemek got the strange sensation that for whatever reason, the Cabal had almost completely bailed out of this place. They were yet to actually run into any people other than themselves.

Time seemed to jumble together, and since they knew they were probably on a clock anyway, they didn't bother to keep track and waste time worrying about it. They were about to pass what seemed like a containment room when suddenly they could hear metal squealing, as if something were being opened. A few moments later as that ended, the sudden whine of what had to be a chopper engine fired up from inside the 'room' they were about to pass.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek moved in front of the group, on the edge and ready to act in case of danger. Danger, however, did not show up - in fact, he had that eerie feeling that the place has been deserted almost completely. It would appear that they had been preparing to leave it for quite a while. The ghoul was starting to get frustrated as he tried to find a trail before his ears picked up a noise in one of the rooms. Machinery? But what could it be, and why was it running if Cabal was planning to bail? This had to be investigating. Pulling out the weapon he got from Henry, Przemek crept up to the door, nodding at the rest of the group to follow him. He took position near the door, preparing himself to open it and storm in, waiting for others to get ready as well.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As the ghoul got near the door, if flew open even as blast of air slammed into him and his eyes spotted a mid sized helicopter beginning to lift off through an opening in the roof of the building. It seemed the sheer gale caused by it had forced the door open.

He could hear Miranda curse even as it dawned on him that Stallers and the remaining Cabal personnel were getting away. A face peered out at them with an amused smirk, and he could see movement inside. The medusa raised her weapon, seeming to be intent on shooting the chopper down by fucking up it's rotor blades. A half decent idea considering they had already been spotted, except the movement inside seemed to lead right to ...

Before he could react, over the sound of the chopper a single sharp gunshot could be heard, likely from a high powered weapon. A muffled screech of pain came from the general area that Miranda had been standing in as a sniper from the chopper got his shot off first, and she sagged into him, spoiling any chance he had at a shot. By the time he had looked up again, the chopper had somehow taken off far faster than one should be able to, and was out of range for any kind of shot.

And that's when the scent of blood hit him hard. Not just any blood though, it had Miranda's scent all over it. As he turned, he could see her on the floor, green colored blood pumping out from a bullet wound. The bullet seemed to have torn through her left side, the round perfectly placed to take her down without outright killing her, for the blood was coming from the area between her chest and left shoulder. She was losing blood quickly though and the ghoul could tell if something wasn't done quickly to stem the flow, she would bleed out in mere minutes. It was impossible to tell if the bullet had gone all the way through, or if it was still inside of her shoulder somewhere.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki followed along quietly from the back of the group, looking around idly as the walkeð but being careful not to touch anything. She had been in a group going around one time before, and she had touched something, and an alarm had gone off, and she had gotten in trouble after, because-

The door flying off it's hinges brought Mikki's wandering mind back to the present. The sudden gust of wind brushing by her without any noticable shove to the large creature. She peeked through the rest of the group to see what was going on, and had just opened her mouth to ask when Miranda took the shot. "Rranda!" She cried out as the medusa fell into the ghoul. She stepped past the two of them immediately, and stepped into the doorway, looking for something to grab and throw at the offending chopper as it lifted off. There waing usable ín reach, however, so she simply stood there and watched it go with a frown, blocking it from hitting any of the others behind her if it took another shot. Once it was far enough away, she turned around again. "Rranda, you okay?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The medusa twitched several times, wincing as pain tore through her. She struggled for a moment to speak, and when she did it was in broken bits, some of it seeming to be cut off choppy sentences as she fought to stay conscious.

"Been .. Better. Gotta stop ... blood. Bullet ... feel it still ... Watch ... snakes ... poison ... bite. Body ... shoulder's going numb ... sleepy."

She let loose a hiss of pain as another wave tore through her, seeming to over-ride the shock she was going into. When it passed, she had a moment of clarity to add something, through chattering teeth that was clear as day.

"There's only ... one other life sense near us .... gotta be Ashley ... Think she's ... a level under ... us. Sorry guys. God this hurts. Getting cold."

The medusa gave a frown and a sad face as she apologized, and then after her mentioning she was cold, her features relaxed suddenly, and she stopped moving and shuddering. A quick check confirmed she was still breathing and alive, but at the rate blood was being pumped out of her with each breath, that might not remain the case if they couldn't find a way of stopping it.
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"SHIT!" Przemek roared as he heard the shot. Aiming at the chopper, he tried to return fire, hopefully puncturing the armor and hitting someone inside, maybe the pilot? However, before he managed to shoot, he felt Miranda leaning on him awkwardly, and he let out a string of curses, already anticipating what was going on. He put her on the ground, ignoring the dialogue in favor of examining the wound. What he found was not pretty. By that point, he was visibly struggling with an urge to go absolutely berserk, to seek out someone, ANYONE, and kill without mercy. "Don't talk." He growled out, his voice sounding like a primal snarl. Tending to wounds was not his specialty, but something had to be done. He could use his claws to remove the bullet, but that would increase the rate at which the medusa was losing blood. Gritting his teeth, the ghoul removed his jacket and began to tear it up into a long stripe in order to form a makeshift bandage, silently adding ruined clothes to the long list of Cabal's offences. He had to tie it tightly to keep the pressure on blood vessels. "She needs to be taken to a medic, fast. You will get her out of here. I will track down Ashley. Take Henry's gun in case you run into trouble."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Abby quickly returned to her human form and ran to Miranda. As the ghoul bandaged her wound, she felt infuriatingly useless - she didn't have too much experience with first aid. Seeing an opportunity for something she could do to help, she jumped at the chance.

"I'll get her out of here. I remember the way back. Keep the gun, I can handle any trouble."

Abby shifts into her dalu form and picks up Miranda, glancing at Przemek as she does.

"I'm Abby, by the way. Nice meeting you."

Abby takes off at a run, back the way they'd come.

Alec looks horrified as Henry explains.

"And the rest of the world has no idea about any of this? That almost entire species are being WIPED OUT right under their noses?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry shook his head.

"Nah, most of the world doesn't know. For now, probably better that way. I mean, mer-folk are one thing, but seriously, without education how do you think a typical human would react if they found out for example that their next door neighbor was a vampire or a werewolf for example? Quite a few of them would panic and lash out sadly. Our job here is to try and minimize that from happening as much as possible. World governments know we exist, they're part of the funding that goes into these places. There are a handful of people out there who know about abnormals, even a few that live along side with them. On the whole though, the general population doesn't know, and may never know."

Przemek was able to tie off the wound with relative ease, although it might have been easier if Miranda's snakes hadn't been constantly moving about, hissing in aggitation. Clearly it seemed with her out cold, the snakes became more hostile, most likely a survival mechanism should the 'host' become unable to defend themselves. As he 'patched' her up, he did note that the bullet hadn't gone all the way through. That could be both a good and a bad thing though. On the one hand, she wouldn't lose blood as fast as she could have been, but on the other that meant the bullet would HAVE to be removed back at the Sanctuary or else whatever passed as infections for a medusa could settle in. When he was done, and Abby took off, his senses suddenly detected Ashley's scent below them. Why they hadn't picked up on her earlier he couldn't tell, but he could also hear a faint sound that almost sounded like banging on a wall from the same place Ashley's scent was at.

((Waiting to reply to Abby making it back in case Mikki or Przemek wants to add something before Abby actually leaves.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((OK long enough, Abby gets her reply.))

Abby managed to get back to the Sanctuary with very little in the way of problems, save for the fact she had to keep adjusting to prevent getting bitten by Miranda's snakes.

She entered the Sanctuary through the underground door, and before she took two steps inside she came face to face with a gigantic yeti, and Will, weapon drawn. Arms outstretched the yeti was about to roar when he recognized Miranda, and he took a more wary stance. Will however stood there for a second, mind churning before he put two and two together.

"Shit, stand down big guy. Abby wasn't it?"

Back at the Cabal facility, Mikki and Przemek could hear the banging start to get louder, and the ghoul could swear he could hear Ashley cursing ...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek acknowledged Abby's introduction with an almost neutral growl - probably the best thing he could manage under these circumstances. With her departure, nothing stopped him from continuing the mission. The ghoul set out, no longer bothering to conceal himself, instead opting to move as quickly as possible. Though there was a chance that the gunshot wasn't audible over the noise made by the chopper, he no longer cared. And if he met someone on his way there, even better. It was about damn time he got his hands on some stress relief.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek didn't run into any people on his way down to the next floor, which was probably a bad thing for him since it likely only added to his increasing anger.

So further down he went, passing by several rooms that appeared to have been cleaned out in a major hurry, and except for the banging noise, there were no signs of life at all, despite every light on the floor being on still. Then suddenly, the banging noise stopped, and it was silent. Then without warning, the lights suddenly dimmed, and the ghoul could hear the sounds of an electric charge coursing in the air somewhere. A second after the sound started, a female scream of pain assaulted his ears, and judging from the tone of it, and the distance, it could only be coming from Ashley. His senses quickly pinpointed the source of it as coming from down the long hall, seemingly behind a massive steel door that was currently closed.

The scream stopped, as did the sound of the surging current for a few seconds, only to start up again. The zapping noise started again, and the scream did as well. There was no doubt this time who was screaming, and it might unsettle the ghoul just a bit that Ashley wasn't the type to scream from pain. She had a stupidly high tolerance for it, so whatever was happening it was beyond what she could take. It might occur to the ghoul that if someone were jolting her with electrical currents on and off, they might be trying to kill her slowly, torturing her before doing so.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek was far from unsettled or worried, but that would have been much better than what he felt the moment he heard the noise. The screams and evidence of electrical torture were the last straw that broke the camel's back. Letting out an unholy, blood-curdling, primal, furious howl he broke into a sprint, homing in on the source of the sounds. All rational thought was focused on a single task - find enemy, kill enemy. The rest was nothing but a rage that would overwhelm even the toughest berserkers, an animalistic instinct stoked beyond all bounds by unrestrained emotion, tempered and guided by all the malevolence and cruelty an intelligent being could muster. Whoever was torturing Ashley would die a painful, gory death, slaughtered by the frenzied ghoul.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As the ghoul charged, his mind might barely register that the door seemed to be solid steel, thin, but solid. Nevertheless, it stood no chance against his fury enhanced strength, and said door went flying, slamming into the back wall of the room.

There, in the room, was a single male. He had been sitting down, one hand on a control box that obviously was controlling the electrical surges, and the other hand was quite literally down the front of his pants. Even in his current state, it would be pretty obvious the guy was getting off from torturing Ashley. He had just finished unloading another charge into the girl, who by now was weakened enough that her scream, while still very much audible to the ghoul, was definitely weaker and more hoarse sounding.

When the door went flying, the man jumped, hand coming out of his pants and the other tossing down the control box. He fumbled for a gun strapped to his left side, possibly not realizing what he was staring down.

((I get the impression this guy is not going to last more than a half second.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

With a roar unlike anything a normal human could produce, the ghoul lunger forward, eyes locked on his prey. The sight of disgusting perversion merely served to increase his blood pressure further, and the abnormal wished to do nothing but tear limb from limb. Darting at the bastard with speed surpassing anything a human could achieve, clawed hands reaching out, he felt a sense of gleeful anticipation of the slaughter he was about to commit. Przemek did not bother going for a clean, fast kill. Instead, he aimed for the lower torso, intending to slash his stomach open and maim the guts. It would be painful, it would be bloody, and it would be fatal - but not immediately. The Cabal minion would die an agonizing death, cut and hacked to pieces while he still drew breath, experiencing all of it in full. No plea would stay the ghoul's hand.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki instinctively pulled back when her companion went into a frenzy, the ghoul instantly becoming several times scarier in her eyes. She followed behind as quietly as she was able, unwilling to draw his attention to herself.

That was instantly forgotten when the door came down and she saw Ashley strapped to the torture machine. She saw the man as well, and while he smelt... Wrong, he didn't smell Scary. So when ((I'm assuming here)) the frenzied ghoul went straight for him, Mikki instead ran for ashley, trying toget the tortured woman out of the machine and into the abnormal"s protective grasp. "S'okay Ashlee, s-okay..." She said slowly as she worked, trying to comfort the woman.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul's aim was dead on, and in a sudden slash, the man was on the floor, blood and guts spilling out. A look of realization crossed the face, even as shock started to kick in.

Strangely enough, the man didn't beg for his life, but rather he started to laugh, his laughter mixing in with coughing fits as he slowly bled out. The laughter was borderline manic, and it might give either the ghoul or Mikki pause to wonder what the hell he found so funny.

As Mikki made her way towards Ashley, she realized two things. First, the device holding her down was behind a nearly invisible glass barrier, one that would have to be taken out before she could be freed. Secondly, it suddenly dawned upon her, and Przemek that Ashley was completely, one hundred percent nude, not a strip of clothing on her.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nearly walked into the pane of glass before a reflection caught her glance. She slowly felt around it to find where it ended, and found herself completely cut off from Ashley by the offending partition. She found it unusual that Ashley didn't have any clothes on her, but as she never wore any herself, Mikki didn't clue in to the ramifications entirely.

There didn't seem to be any buttons or levers or doorknobs for the glass that she could see, so Mikki moved to a spot as far as she could from Ashley's nude for and started beating on the glass, starting softly and slowly increasing in strength until she got it cracking, or until she figured she couldn't hurt it at all. She couldn't risk just throwing her whole weight at it, the glass might hurt Ashley on the other side.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Abby shifts back into her human form as she approaches Will and the big guy.

"It was. Miranda's been shot. Mikki and uh... the snarling guy are going after Ashley, but I think Stallers got away. Oh, this is all assuming that you know about what we were doing, and I'll explain if you don't but right now she really needs help."

"Well yeah, I guess that's for the best. It just feels kinda... hopeless."
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